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Imho if you want to learn GP go grasp Trinity. It doesnt matter what's After. The First thing to learn Is how passive properly works, then spacing... not barrels combo. When you are comfortable with your builds try full crit, but Remember "a captain can't have any blind spots" Trinity was, Is and Always Will be the best item for GP


What I mean for It doesnt matter what's after... Go whatever you Need. For example if you are against a decent Riven, and you go Trinity into crit you can win lane... But she will oneshot you in a 1v1 when She has 3 items, but you can go bruiser and still fight on side. You are more flexible on your builds path with Trinity


In my opinion playing trinity to learn crit build doesnt make any sense. Your limits knowledge will be fucked. You will not get used to lower attack speed and you wont take fights that you could oneshot somebody in. Also trinity gives more survivability so you will propably die much more


Exactly, everyone telling him otherwise is actually trolling


I disagree, if you want to learn gp go the best build. It doesn’t matter that tinrity gives more survivability when the only viable strategy most games is full glass cannon


"Don't learn spacing and champion's limits, better go stat-check everyone with broken items"


Who said you can’t learn limits or spacing with essence. In fact, the two items give you different amount of spacing and limits, while triforce will underperform in more games. Incredibly bad take+ I’m have put this into action by probably being 2000 lp above you


Sure, he can learn spacing as well with crit build. But I consider the going for Classic Trinity Better for the learning process. I don't think LP matters as point here, the guy has to learn the Champion's mechanics and limits. The playstyle will grow as he gets better with the champ.


I started with Grasp Trinity GP but quickly swapped to Firststrike ER GP and found it way more satisfying to play and learn with


Same here, once I switched from Trinity to essentially full crit, it was way more satisfying. Especially when you are able to grab cull + sheen after first back, you just drown your enemy out in items and crit damage. You scale so much better and by endgame, you can win games by yourself if the enemy groups and you get a good barrel off.


go crit as a new gp, get used to winning 1v1s by throwing random barrels and autoattacking for 1kdmg 😎


True that’s exactly what I’m saying !!!


It was good before they gave Crit chance scaling on his e and passive and nerfed his bruiser playstyle. You need navori for the Crit chance, damage buff and CDR which means u can't buy Triforce and need the buy er for the sheen effect.


definitely not. OP, I personally play trinity > collector > ldr > bloodthirster > hydra or another crit item in tough matchupswith grasp as my rune and it works great


what item I can build in the place of collector?


Stormrazor works put good for me but i am also low elo


Stormrazor on GP is pretty useless though since its AA effect only, or am I wrong?


i like it if i play against a lot of dashes where i know that landing a barrel will be difficult. It gives you like 350bonus magic dmg on Q without even taking its stats into consideration and also huge movement speed


For learning GP Trinity is the best. The extra HP and the AS help in doing basic barrel combos and trading with passives. Also Tri force gives you more variety with the option of bruiser builds. However damage wise it will always be inferior to Essence Reaver. With ER you basically have infinite mana but you usually get locked into building crit. I usually play Trinity with GP because I don’t play him often anymore and I suck at spacing with some matchups. Here trinity gives me the extra layer of security.


i don't know your main language so i will talk with easy english for you. i like trinity gp. it is not bad. but essence reaver gp is just better. you have armor penetration in your e, so what your enemy is, is not important. only damage on gp is never bad. buy trinity can be bad if your enemy can kill you regardless of your Health. you don't need trinity for taking towers either. essence reaver is enough as you hit tower with passive burn, barrel for coming wave, proc sheen, hit the tower, explode barrel for coming wave, hit tower with passive and bomba. the tower is already gone. so, why is trinity good? because it is a better 1v1 item especially in the early game. with essence reaver people mostly kill and die 1v1 where high elo trinity players mostly don't die but also don't kill. it is about playstyle. But even though my GP was more fighter style, I also swapped to full crit after ALL those changes to the items and GP. if you like it, go for it. you can play half crit with trinity too (with LDR, collector as it is also buffed, BT, antiheal crit item and so on). some prefer full ad + hp, but I don't recommend it.


Haven't played in a while but here is my advice on trinity, go for trinity when you're not comfortable in your lane or you are up against though matchups (jax, trynda, irelia,... ) It makes it so you can sustain your lane longer while still being able to output some great dps, once get a better feel for matchups and gp as a whole you can start working on switching trinity, if switching doesn't feel good or you feel you lack the extra stats just keep using it till you feel more comfortable, hope this helped and if there's something you didn't understand just tell me and I'll try to explain


# collector GP be like


best item on GP again.


I’d say trinity is the best mythic on GP with best builds for the most part. It’s all rounded across the board ans you deal slightly less damage than the full crit build, you might lose some crit chance, but it’s really fine right now. Trinity force is also always better early mid game. So yes.. trinity force is the best mythic imo.. maybe that’s how I feel about it playing GP