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Into Darius try grasp , it's just better for that proc ,try to get out of his e range if he start with e


Alright pal look. In any matchup, if u cant beat em lvl 1 you just dont do anything lvl 1. You dont last hit, which means he will last hit. This in turn will mean he will push. So you will try anything lvl 1 to make him push. U could pull the wave from lvl 1 and just chill until it crashes into ur tower or u just play def. Thats how u do it


Gp isn’t really the champ to play if you want to beat Darius lvl 1, just take what you can get and then run him down lvl2. A couple of qs and barrel+passive combo reset will kill him easily


Prior to the early level nerfs, GP could fight Darius level one by Q'ing him on repeat with Grasp, and using Passive auto on him if he uses Q on the wave, or tries to walk you down too far. Even back then, if Darius was willing to commit ghost, GP had to proc passive on him and just walk to tower until Ghost runs out. With the nerfs to GP's early game, it's no longer feasible to play for prio against Darius - you're missing too much health from Cpot and base health nerfs, and too much damage from rank 1 Q nerfs. A better set up is probably First Strike with Biscuits and Dshield and not taking serious trades until level 4 or so, after Darius has crashed wave 3 and you have your wave shoving back. You can get replays of better GPs playing the matchup here: https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/replays/all/gangplank/vs-darius/grandmaster


This is why reddit is the best. I have always had no problem standing my ground if he walks me down too far. But then after the patch it happened again but I looked like a total newb dying before I got to turret and the darius at 70% hp. Thanks for explaining the numbers.


Thanks for the responses. Some additional info: He isn't starting his combo with E. He is basically running at me with autos while I am Q'ing him or last hitting. If I stop to auto him once, he will stack a few autos on me (he hits harder than I do), then land his E slow. He won't catch up to me if I stay out of range in the first place. But that means giving up prio on the wave and losing a few cs. I am fine with this. But I want to know how this plays out at a high level and imitate that. If a challenger GP stands his ground lv 1 then I will do that.


I feel like a Darius taking E level one is somewhat trolling, W goes hard in level 1 fights


yeah, you dont get stack with e start, which is important for darius to kill early


You need to stay out of his attack range so his only way to get to you is by using his Apprehend. If he lands it when you Q, then you're not spacing properly. If you're having trouble spacing you can run First Strike + Sorcery so you can take Time Warp Tonic and Celerity to be a fast boi level 1. But that means you can't go Grasp. But spacing is key against Darius, if you space correctly, you can shoot and he'll be just out of range for his Apprehend


You can either give up cs or just q poke and then all in level 2


if darius starts Q gp wins, if he starts w darius wins


Start barrels and give CS level 1 there isn’t a world where you win level 1 vs Darius with a brain. Sit on those barrels and only use them if he’s slow pushing the wave and you need to thin the wave or to run the fuck away.


You win the second you hit lvl 2. Four passive procs + 3 corrupting charges + all the other damage. It’s way easier if you don’t force this from 100-0 and trade first. Even if the trades are equal. You need to kill him before he five stacks you so any poke makes this easier. But I don’t recommend doing this ignite versus ghost because your margin for error is very small and it’s on you to out play him if he has ghost you can’t kite.


Honestly,if i play gp top(i almost never do) i ban darius always.


i personally only ban sett, do you know how to play against him?


Sett never ever beats gp cause he can never hit w,just poke with grasp and you are good


ok i will try


Just poke him down, put your ass on a barrel (Better barrel with Sheen proc in it) and don't fight him meele if you can... When he's low hp use passive+ignite or double passive+ignite... Right now i feel very much weaker early game tho


Ok, now try to read the post


U have to play really agro, use ur passive movement speed to keep distance, start e if u have to, try to bait his E as much as u can. Hit him with a barrel, run up and fake to bait e ( Youre fast af after useing barrel, if he turns to e but sees u turn away when he turns away turn back and auto. You should have a barrel back up again, if u fuck up u have W and flash lol


dont try to all in darius lvl 1.


Lv1 kinda weird unless you can get a Q and Passive off without him proccing passive on you. Look for lv2 instead with barrels and even better double AA passive resets


Just ban darius. You're welcome.


I don’t know why you don’t expect to win lvl 1 vs Darius ? That’s just not how the matchup works. To win the lane you slowly poke him down with Q and barrel combos( you do however always need to have barrel to protect you from getting all inned). When he is low enough, Barrel into ignite and passive will kill him before he can stack up and kill you.


Test his range and see if you can bait a Q If he started W respect him because he has a brain / knows the matchup If you ever see him secure a minion with W then plant a barrel and you can start a trade by slapping him with passive I like taking grasp with sorc secondary with celerity nimbus and ignite against Darius tbh