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Probably something in the gourd family


Looks like a quash of some kind, either winter or pumpkin. Could also be a gourd. Wrong leaf and flower of cucumber. Post if it set's on fuit.


Yes I agree, not cucumber. It is suspected to be pumpkin. My brother and his gf carved pumpkins last year and that’s the area the put the innards so it makes complete sense. I have 2 varieties of squash, and 1 cucumber and the leaves look more pumpkin than squash.


Pumpkin I believe


I think it’s pumpkin also, only because (this is a picture my brother sent me) he said they carved pumpkins last fall and put the innards in the area. They don’t garden so I am fairly certain now it’s pumpkin. I have 2 varieties of squash and one cucumber and the leaves do not look like either


Looks like a type of gourd or winter squash. I don't think it's a pumpkin.


I’ll be surprised if it is. I am convinced now pumpkin, my brother told me that’s where they put the innards of pumpkins they carved last fall so it makes sense. They don’t garden or anything so we shall see if it continues to grow I have 2 types of squash and 1 type cucumber and it looks closer to pumpkin. My squash turn to gourds though, I don’t harvest them enough. I planted wayyyyy too many haha. I am letting them die at this point Oh I forgot- I also have zucchini


The leaf stems looked pretty thin even on the big leaves which was what made me lean away from pumpkin but zooming in they might be thicker than I thought. If you know pumpkin seeds went there then it's probably a decent bet lol.


If I knew how to upload another picture I would, he sent me several. It’s vining, the rest of the plant is on the other side of the fence which is kind of funny. When he pulled it out and sent a picture there’s a lot more to it. Its maybe about as thick around as a nickle