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I don’t know specifically, but search for “Tiny Yellow Land Snail”. There are garden snails with a shell like that. Edit: Yes. These are in Queens NY: https://hydrangeasblue.com/2018/07/28/the-tiny-yellow-land-snail-and-shell/


That snail is flipping adorable!


I have those snails all over my front garden they're so adorable. Might as well have them for pets!


Mini unicorns drop their horns each the Winter. Just kidding- I agree with the others, looks aquatic... maybe from a compost mix you used?


🦄 You should stick with the unicorn explanation, it's an adorable thought.


snail shells https://hydrangeasblue.com/2018/07/28/the-tiny-yellow-land-snail-and-shell/


Aww, land snails are just as magical as unicorns! Very cool!


I don't have an answer. I just came here to show my respect that you were able to find this tiny thing in ur dog's poop... 🧐


I’m dead 😵 😂😂😂


I think it's high time you finally change your name and set up that stand down by the sea shore


See shells she sells by the she shell.


Aw, Cindy Brady look at you go!


My first thought was to start making ornaments!


Or earrings!


From the ones from the dog poo ideally 😆


She /he /they/them sells sea shells by the sea shore.


Crushed seashells are used to amend garden soil sometimes. Adds calcium and reduces soil compaction. I've seen similar shells in garden soil before. Could be that?


You need 100 to get the master sword Lv.II and be sure to get the blacksmiths extra bottle in the back room using bombs.


Surprised no one has mentioned the zip tie holding your watch strap together. You've levelled up from duct tape.


I was waiting & wondering that myself?


Idk a lot about that specific shell, but i do get snails with cone shaped shell once a while whenever I get a new plant from the nursery, along with the spiral shelled ones. Soo maybe that's where it came from?. But i do agree it could be from the sand you got because I have shells like that in the box of shells i picked up from the beach


When I lived in Singapore (very humid and hot) we had TONS of these in our garden and I was told they were just tiny snails. But you’re in NY.. 🤔


same! i’m from singapore and these looked so familiar, i’ve definitely seen them somewhere in the soil before


Those snails can tear through a lot of plants if there’s enough moisture around.


Looks like a sea shell


Maybe he lives in the ocean


I’m pretty experienced in identifying snail shells, and I have to tell you that you will likely have a near impossible time identifying this one without an idea of where it came from. If you can figure that out you need a dichotomous key for snail shells in that area and a dissecting microscope so you can see the details up close. There are probably a hundred snail species whose shells look just like this to the naked eye. Edit: if you can manage to take a high quality picture of all sides of the shell under a magnifying glass as well as measure length/width in mm I can make an ID attempt for you.


They are little snails. I took a Timelapse vid of them and ants eating a junebug or something. Idk how to attach even a pic or is show you. I’m in MO, if that matters. Not sure if the little crusty’s live everywhere.


It looks like an aquatic snail shell. Odd to be finding outside unless you live near a body of water


Just saw another response. Must be land snails that look like that too! Makes more sense.


The odd thing is I live in NYC and all I can find on it is that it’s tropical lol.


So strange! I have seen similar snails in aquariums. Never in the wild though. In a city none the less!


Sky snails. They drop em everywhere…


I discovered a lotta snails with similar looking shells along with yellow bodies in the soil of my potted plants. Also, I'm from a South Asian country.


I have just found one of these in my garden (UK) and was really confused as we don't really have conical land snails here. I looked inside and it looked hollow so I thought it was probably just a shell but I put it in our snail tank anyway and its been moving round in there ever since! Must have just been really far back inside, don't know the species though, I'm trying (and failing) to find out


Malaysian trumpet snail. Common aquarium pest.


In my yard in NYC?


I mean, NYC IS on the ocean…


No idea how they got there. I have them in my aquarium. If you walk through most fish shops you will see them in the tanks, primary in planted tanks as they stir the substrate.


Maybe someone dumped their old tank water in the yard and a bunch of snails went with it?


I get these in my lawn whenever I clean my aquarium filter. Maybe the previous person had a fishtank?


North American Paleogeography: Fossil evidence tells us that Laurentia was centered on the Equator and rotated so that in present-day terms, Canada was east, instead of north, of the United States. As with most of the continents, the majority of North America was underwater throughout the Cambrian Period.


It’s called a cerith and it is a seashell. Science. Google it.


Where you live was once a ocean. Look up historical maps of the America continent. Once the whole Earth was covered by oceans. Science.


Do you only see the shells in your yard, or are you seeing living snails ?


Arlene the plant lady on CW 31 and send her a picture of it she can tell you what it is


Those look just like the shells I picked up at Fiesta island...


Central Florida has them as well


Me too, literally thousands of them. I can never decide if they are snails or seashells.


Take it you don't live in SWFL? My yard is full of little snails


I used to wonder about the cone shaped shells I would find in the yard of my home when we moved in. Mine are larger than yours, usually about a full inch or more. At one point I lifted a paving stone and found like 20 snails with the conical shells underneath. Poke around in some dark shady areas, or go out at night with a flashlight, and I bet you'll find some.


It belongs to a snail ofc


Looks like an aquarium trumpet snail shell. Maybe your neighbor was doing a water change or discarding some plant trimmings. Know any neighbors with an aquarium? (freshwater)


Looks like a melania snail shell to me


Maybe the dog pooped on the shell.


I find them in my yard,and a lot more on the banks of the creek. Don’t know much about them. (The earth is old🙂) have a good day


Idk where you are but this resembles turret snails?? I’ve found a lot on Florida coasts.


Something in this genus https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allopeas


I found a snail with no shell called entognathA, they can get in humans. Crazy looking things..


Looks more like pond snails, do you have water bodies nearby?


Looks like eccentric grass snails to me, I just collected some shells from my backyard!


They're tiny garden, yard, lawn, or land snails. Or you can just search up micromullusk {sorry if I spelled that wrong} In general they eat things in your garden like fruits, leaves, anything plant related really. I think they like lettuce a lot tho!! They're nothing to worry about just put them under something save like a leave or sum. Also instead of land snails they might be aquatic snails but I since they're on the ground I think they're land snails.