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What an intimidating plant! I'm torn between fascinated and kinda grossed out somehow.


The corpse flower? I’ve only seen them at botanical gardens. Smells something awful.


Different flower, same smell! I think the actual corpse flower is massive compared to these.


Watched the blooming of one of these recently (St. Louis Botanical Gardens iirc) and they had to get a 12 ft. ladder out to look into the bloom.


There was one blooming at the DC botanical gardens a week or two ago. It was impressive but I didn't notice a smell at the time /:


OMG 😳😳😳 your neighbors upwind?


Thankfully it only smells for a day! A couple of years ago we heard them say “do you smell something… like something’s died” and just quietly crept inside.


does it attract flies to the area, or does it pull them away from your house instead?


What’s the plant called?


Dragon Arum *Dracunculus vulgaris* Often sold as voodoo lily but that’s something different.


Well I think your rancid rotting flesh is absolutely stunning!


Well thanks, that’s the nicest thing I’ve heard all day. I recognised your username because you give really good plant advice; that’s probably the nicest thing I’ll tell anyone today!


Thanks for saying that. You made my morning!♥️


Awesome! If you really do appreciate the stink - do you have any starfish cactus in your collection? They're a soft fleshed, no prickles plant that makes a nice (non-walkable) ground cover, and they put out tons of huge hairy balloon-flowers. They stink the most when freshly bloomed and in the morning-er hours. I wish my amorph plant would flower. It's been over ten years but the corm stays so small and puts out leaf spikes pretty regularly. Maybe it just needs to go in a plain gigantic pot that looks empty for most of the year instead of the beautiful around-a-gallon sized one I keep it in...? I put it in there 'cuz if I have to look at an "empty" pot, it might as well be a pretty one.


Same but I don't have a garden 👀


My brother sent me a picture of his yesterday. I told him it was pretty. He asked if I wanted a bulb. I said yeah. Then he said "cool it smells like a rotting corpse, so don't plant it at your front door like I did" hahaha


very cool, very impressive.


I saw those and another variant in the wild on rhodos a lot. I really love the velvet color and look


Damn Triffids smell so bad!


Got 2 of these in our garden and the smell was shocking


How long did it take to flower? My MIL gave us one and it just started growing.


There was a woman trying to give these away for free that were growing in her yard. My sister in law was trying to convince us to go get them 😂😂 There was a disclaimer on the ad saying it attracts flies and smells like rotten flesh. Haha.


You grew a demogorgon.