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The endoscopy is very common and super easy. Because you’re down for such a short amount of time, the anesthesia is applied through an IV that’s placed in your hand and you are out instantly. I showed up to the clinic. Got weighed and changed into a gown. Met my nurses who took some vitals and the anesthesiologist. They put my IV in, rolled me back to the room where I met the gastroenterologist. The anesthesiologist pushed the anesthesia, and I was out. What felt like the next second I was being woken up by the nurse in the recovery area. I waited for a few minutes as I woke up, the gastroenterologist came and talked to me. The IV was removed, and 30 minutes after I had been called back I was walking out to the car where my husband was waiting. My throat wasn’t even sore. Mostly, afterwards I was hungry (because you have to be fasted) and a little sleepy, but that wore off after I had some food. I was at a plant nursery buying plants less than 2 hours after arriving at the clinic for my procedure.


That makes me feel better!!!


I had it done before pre-op under general anaesthesia and I’m glad they did it coz I found out I had inflammation in my stomach and H Pylori. It was the easiest thing I’ve done… I told the anaesthetist that I have anxiety and need something to calm me before the procedure and that helped a lot. The procedure was done in 20 mins so it wasn’t that long… woke up feeling like I had a good nap. What kind of reaction did your family members have?


I still havent told them. I'm worried they'll interfere and try to change my mind. I only want people who I KNOW will support me at this point, which is basically my husband and a few close friends.


Endoscopy was the easiest walk in the park. I hate anesthesia too for different reasons, it triggered a depressive episode on my last one but other than that I did just fine. I was terrified going into it and feel silly about that now lol I’m still pre-op but from what I understand.. these procedures can sometimes cause nausea in recovery, I’ve read several people say they threw up also if they went too far and maybe ate too much. Just so you’re prepared


I just got mine done today actually. It was IV sedation not general anesthesia, but I was still completely OUT. I woke up looking at the stomach pictures and laughing at how one of them looked like a butthole. No nausea or anything just high af from the anesthesia/sedation. 😂


I just had mine today and my biggest medical fear is being aware of any sort of tube in my throat. I was honest with the team who assured me I would be fast asleep before that point. I got there at 6 am. Answered some basic questions, met the team, and by 7 am they were wheeling me back. They had me turn on my left side, a nurse put an extra pillow behind my back, they put in a bite block (a plastic mouth guard to protect your teeth with a hole in it they use for the scope), the anesthesiologist told me he was going to start the medicine, my iv site felt warm, and then before 8 am, I was in the recovery room talking to my wife. When they put the bite block in I could feel my heart rate pick up so I closed my eyes and focused on slow breathing through my nose. My throat was a little sore for about an hour but I was on my way home before 8:30 am. And I've napped most of the day (partially because of the early appointment, partially because I'm day 3 of pre op and a little extra tired) You got this!


Thank you!! It REALLY helps to hear how others have handled it!!


I’m the same way. I think I've dug through every post about every step of the process. Just knowing what to expect helps me feel more prepared.


Yes, I did.


My insurance required it. It was like paisleyrose described above - the hospital staff was very kind and everything went smoothly. Getting the IV put in was the worst part, because I hate them. Then a nice nap. I didn't even have a sore throat. I believe you'll be fine.


The endoscopy isn't done under general anesthesia (at least mine wasn't). They used propofol on me, and it's like the best nap ever - you go to sleep pretty much immediately, and you wake up pretty much immediately after. No brain fog or anything afterward. It's lovely.


GREAT news! :) thanks everyone!!


I had one years ago and was put in what they called twilight, not general but not fully awake either. Easiest thing I’ve ever done


I worried about my endoscopy too, but it was a breeze. They laid me on my side, and once the fentanyl hit my brain I had a vague recollection of something in my mouth and being asked to swallow, and the next thing I knew I was in a recovery room feeling miiiiiighty fine. Throat wasn’t sore, and life returned to normal about an hour later.


are you sure you are getting general anaesthesia for the endoscopy? it’s generally done with local. i also needed an endoscopy and i received local anaesthetic, however, whenever i get local i don’t remember anything at all and just feel like i fell asleep (when apparently I was not asleep). I would question whether you are getting general or local. i think lots of people have to get an endoscopy before surgery. they did mine to make sure i didn’t have any damage from acid reflux to make sure the sleeve was right for me. if there is evidence of severe GERD they might have to change to bypass instead, which is why they need to see inside before surgery. they might also want to see if you have a hernia, or a number of other conditions. it might just be procedure or routine for your surgeons clinic too


Do you mean twilight/IV sedation? Because “local anesthetic” would just be numbing of the area in question and would not put you to sleep.


yep! in combo with local anaesthetic, definitely without general


He specifically mentioned 'general' but its possible it's IV sedation (this wasn't the surgeon, just the psychologist). I'd be awake for a local, so I'm guessing its not that! haha!!


well, nausea from general doesn’t always get passed down through the family. but if they know your family history of it they will probably give you an antiemetic. you should have the chance to talk to the anaesthetist before the day


They used a spinal of me, along with some sedatives. It was a painless and routine procedure.