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As someone who has been through relocating for a relationship, rewatching as an adult (first watched in my teens) was weirdly emotional for me because of this element and although Stacey objectively sucks for many reasons, I did find myself feeling quite sorry for her at times because I so related to how she was feeling. Gavin is extremely inconsiderate of what a big thing it is to move away from home and family, particularly for someone like Stacey who is clearly very family oriented. But yeah their relationship is insane and they should go to couples therapy lmao


yeah same here, stacey isn’t likeable at all but to be honest, neither is gavin in my opinion. they’re like those parents you know who should have been divorced years ago


Pete and Dawn?


it’s funny how pete and dawn are cast as the “crazy couple who fall out over nothing!!!” when gavin and stacey are definitely their parallels


See, I don't see them as like Pete and Dawn at all. Gavin and Stacey are supposed to be polar opposites who fall in love. Dawn and Pete are just a bitter, been together too long, always want what someone else has rather than what they've got, bickering, bored old couple. I'm not sure they had the vastly different upbringings/values/life experiences/opportunities that G&S had. They're just incompatible and bored/cross with eachother. G&S are supposed to be an 'against all odds' couple, whereas Pete and Dawn are just your stereotypical eggy married couple


i get you, i think i mean more the WAY the two couples get into arguments. like you’re meant to be laughing at pete and dawn falling out over nothing but then the next scene is gavin and stacey bickering bc stacey said she was homesick. it just feels equally as ridiculous, and them continuously falling out and then somehow getting back together after all sorts of horrific stuff tbh but sealing it with some big scene where they just announce their undying love for eachother, only to continue the cycle once more after feels VERY pete and dawn to me, just in a different way


i’m pretty much in her shoes right now, with no support, i don’t think i could re watch it, i’ll cry 😂


Sending you hugs 💖 I hope you are able to find peace for yourself. My ex partner was emotionally abusive and I know how hard it can be to leave, I’m ashamed that it took him leaving me for me to realise how poorly I was being treated. Whatever you decide to do, I hope things improve for you 😔


I don't know about the other persons reply with it being abusive. If it is, then you'll have to leave asap. If you are just homesick and feeling lonely, then just give it some time. It is normal to feel lonely and bored because you are in a new environment now. I grew up with sisters, dogs, and cats lol. My sisters would bug me (they're all older than me, lol) they were always there for me, and when I moved out, it felt like I had nobody. Basically, the people around you make noise (sisters talking to me, dogs barking, cats purring when I stroke her, conversations with people), and when you change environments, those sounds aren't there anymore, and you miss it. Even though the sounds are still there, you just can't hear them. Dno if that makes sense to you, lol.


S2 is such a hard watch as both of them are just childish and do not communicate or consider the other's feelings on anything. Although I find Gavin more the problem in this series than Stacey for the exact reasons you state.


a lot of people, when you bring up their relationship and the issues with gavin specifically, always bring up stacey lying to him about birth control, which is TERRIBLE but i also think gavin seemingly isolating her from her entire life without even discussing it properly bc he thinks her family is annoying (etc how he acts around bryn or jason) is horrible too. it’s just agonising to watch


Exactly, that deflection to Staceys actions in s3 is just awful. It really is terrible hos he does it and honestly it is very red flag behaviour for me, plus her being left alone in the house when he's in work and mick and Pam is out doing her activities is just so sad to watch.


I do get frustrated with Gavin in those episodes. They have family members they can stay with in both Barry and Essex, yet Barry's houses are a lot cheaper so to me, it makes more sense to move to the place where you get more for your money


the one that gets me the most is the episodes where stacey says she’s fine to rent because she feels they should move out of pam and micks and gavin is like “no it’s just throwing money away”, his whole character just seems like a spoilt mummy’s boy who refuses to hear anyone else’s perspective or learn how the real world works


I also think (this might be an unpopular take) when Pam and Mick give Gavin and Stacey the money for a house, I can kind of understand why Stacey shuts off like as it very much feels as if she was being cornered into moving to Essex, even Pam and Mick were being very generous.


yeah when the focus was the idea of “wow they’ve offered all this to you and you don’t take it? ungrateful!” when her whole problem was living in essex and gavin then, presumably, wheedled the two of them into gving them money to live specifically in a house in essex? it just feels like an incredibly horrid situation where stacey was left with no choice but to be a good little housewife and follow her husband


Yeah, but the minimum wage in London will just be higher. Not as in law, but wages usually are just higher in cities. Otherwise, employers would struggle to have employees, as the house/rent prices are higher in cities.


That's a good point about the wages. I just remember Stacey sending Gavin a link for a 2 bed with a garden (I think) in Barry that was in their price range, whereas their price range in Essex was a studio flat.


regardless though, there could have been more of a conversation about where they could move that suited both of them but both of them sort of shat on eachothers parades the whole time by being either team essex or team barry with not even a mention of any compromise


Yes omg it will never not infuriate me when Gavin says ‘you’re the one who can’t go 5 minutes without seeing her family’ no YOU are that’s why you still live in your mum’s house you prick


Reasonable response.


every argument between the two annoys me because it’s always so menial, so avoidable, so straight up silly that it’s not even funny anymore it just feels like watching the life drain out of a relationship over and over again


Rewatching for the first time in like 10 years. Think I binged it when I was like 15, now 28, lol, so opinions have changed. I'm not a simp, but I did also notice how gavin is a bit of a dick tbh. I think stacey said she had never even left barry at one point? So she's obviously going to feel overwhelmed when it comes to moving to a different side of the country... With an entire new family, she doesn't really know. It is quite hard to fit yourself into a different "community." I remember my first girlfriend, and I would stay at her house for days at a time with her family. In the beginning, it was hard because I was quite introverted and shy, but I also wanted to fit in so I'd feel stressed when I wasn't fitting in. Eventually, her mother became like a 2nd mother to me, lol, but it did take some time. I do think Gavin could have been better about it, I personally don't see much wrong with Stacey tbh. She's just a bit sheltered, that's all, and it's all new to her. Anyway, I was just on here to look for bryn theories😂


i dislike both gavin and stacey because i think they’re both quite lifeless both in how they’re written and in how they’re acted (sorry i know haha but some of the line delivery just makes me keel over with how bad it is) but mainly gavin because if he’s not being the dullest one in the vicinity, he’s being a big whiny baby because either things aren’t going his way or his mrs is upset with him for usually quite justifiable reasons


I don't agree tbh. Not having a dig, but the show is one of the most successful tv series in the UK. If the acting was subpar, it would have never had made it. I think it is like the inbetweeners, with it actually being realistic, and it is how most families actually act lol. Well, it is how my family acts, and I'm sure that is how others feel too because it does add to the success. Gavin whining... I do know what you mean, but it's just to add emotion and depth to the characters. It's by no means lord of the rings level of emotion/acting, but the tactic does work. Oh, and I do know alot of guys that do act like Gavin irl lol


it’s one of the most successful shows yeah and the performances from alison steadman, larry lamb, ruth jones and julia davis are incredible, but a big chunk of people despise the performances of matthew horne and joanna page the more time passes. some examples of terrible line delivery “it’s a ring…. it’s just a ring!” or “we’re going to be okay, right baby?!”. it’s more the emotional side of things that just kills me because it feels so forced. and tbh it was never famous for the leading couple, people loved it because of smithy and nessa, pam and mick and pete and dawn


They’re both incredibly unlikable but for different reasons. Gavin barely considers Stacey and her homesickness at all. Does nothing to put himself in her shoes. Refuses to listen when she’s telling him how she feels (well. Screeching how she feels.) if the transfer to the Cardiff office hadn’t come up then would they still be together? I doubt it. She needs to calm down and talk things through properly and maturely without turning into a banshee


i mean tbh she is a welsh woman and that is what we do best as a nation really, screech