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>> Yeh I freeball at times generally, but never in white Oh GuRl Ur RiGhT. IF hE wEaRs WhItE iT mEaNs HeS rEaDy tO MaRrY


Am I reading the post wrong or does this gurl straight up admit bro’s avoiding eye contact with her and she still thinks he wants to get sucked off in the locker room? I’ll take some of whatever she’s on, thanks


He LeFt ThE sTaLl DoOr OpEn WhEn He PeEd!!!!!!


>>What does this mean at the gym? >>A quiet massive muscular guy comes to my gym. Last week he wore white mesh shorts with no undies and came to curl dumbbells next to me. He never looks up, so I couldn't compliment him. Socially atypical in his communication when others have asked how many sets left in the past. His cock and ass are a sight to behold. Today he wore grey trackies and I found him in the toilet urinating suppsedly with the door of the cubicle open. Does this mean something? If he is interested in attention, I'd shower him with it. What are your thoughts? Does someone go to the gym in such shorts without an ulterior motive?


Uj/ str8 guys have started wearing short shorts as of recent I’ve noticed. Sometimes they’re so short I can see their boxer briefs sticking out.


They’re obviously inviting you.


I need to just take the bait and grab it by the head one of these days!!