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Reminds me of that Spanish proverb “Tell me what you brag about and I’ll tell you what you lack”




Sure, Jan.


You literally said in the comment above you were lol




Maybe we just don’t like liars 💁🏼‍♂️




I’m a top so I could personally not care less about your dick but go off sis!


Looking at your profile... You, ah, you like to play girl characters, don't you?


When I used to play a lot of MMOs almost all female characters were straight guys who just enjoyed looking at a woman’s ass while running around, lol.


I'm gay, but that's based. It's a great reason to play guy characters, the few times they have any ass at all


I’ve played an MMO where like 97 % of guy armor was some extremely weird trenchcoat/skirt-like shit that was deliberately designed to cover any semblance of an ass. The same armor would conveniently lack those features on women, lol. That’s some breeder™️ agenda shit.


there's that and then also when they DO show the male butts, they're as flat as the top of arizona mesas. Just the back going straight down into the legs, wtf is that? you're going out of your way to not include human physiology because something on a guy that is attractive is uncomfortable or something?


That’s another absurd trope 😅 Game designers will create these unnatural Adonises with bodies that are basically mountains of pure muscle, with every muscle super defined and basically actively fighting to escape the containment of whatever clothes they’re wearing, except they’ll drain their ass completely of muscle and [completely erase their glutes](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaymers/comments/jcvsqk/i_find_it_incredibly_amusing_that_there_are_these/) - like why? What’s the fucking deal lmao? Is a normal man with existing glutes really too much to ask?


It's pretty funny when they design a jacked guy but there's no glutes... You literally gain ASS when you weightlift, you can't gain mass every where else and somehow not gain mass on your glutes 😂


Nightwing in Gotham Knights does have a very shapely butt (at least with one of the skins from the deluxe version) 😋


Growing up, I played all female characters. Chun-Li, Princess Peach, Kitana.... But yeah, as I got older, I played female characters less (when given a choice). Now it is all men. I want to see beefcake Ryu. Get over here, Scorpion. Etc. etc.


Well, fighting games are a little different from MMOs. The skill sets and designs of female characters are usually twenty times more interesting/fun to play (at the very least visually) in those. Example: **Female character design:** Blue-skinned crazy bitch with electric hair that continuously zaps opponents, levitates around on some purple skies and crushes her opponents into a bloody pulp with multiple psionic heels hovering around her **Dude character design:** Buff guy in a karate gi. Kicks. Punches.


What fighting games are you playing? Or are these recent games? I grew up 90s-00s, and the outfit for women was, generally: leotard (or adjacent). Done. Call it a day, boys. We have another winner. There was some variation... but minimal. Cammy - Green leotard. Morrigan - Black leotard. Nina - Purple leotard, tights. Kitana/Jade/Mileena - Blue/Green/purple leotard Sofia - White or Black leotard. Ivy - Purple leotard. Vertigo - Blue and green... leather. ;) But the guys. Oh, even then the guys could be slutty. Bare-chested, mask-wearing, bronze god King? Si, papi. Tight A-shirt camo pants Guile? Sir, yes, sir. Short-short tall tree of a man Sagat? I'll take a knee. Tight spandex suit wearing Demitri? Start-of-furry-ideas Jon Talbain? Shape of water prototype Rikuo? Slutty leg trying to hitch a car ride home Donovan? Sub-zeo? Scorpion? Johnny Cage? Fuck-when-did-he-get-hot Kano? Weird blonde ninja Galford? I can't go on. If I was in an anime and had to list more, I would have a bloody nose.


I was born in ‘95, but the example I made (which admittedly is hyperbolic) is more based on the modern games. I’d say that for example Street Fighter designs are quite uneccentric across the board for the genre these days though. My biggest gripe with male characters in fighting games in general is that they tend to have such a reoccuring core concept - a very similar unnaturally strong body, but with a different palette and theme. Most fight by punching and kicking with the occasional spice added to that basic skillset. I’ll have to hand it to you that Demitri renewed my vampire kink though, lol. I personally value creative and conceptually interesting design quite a bit more than whether I’d bang the characters, but the latter is definitely a factor for me too. :P Shame they didn’t add Demitri in Marvel v Capcom 3 alongside Morrigan & co. Darkstalkers in general has some excellent designs that are quite a bit more creative than much of Capcom’s other stuff IMO. Especially characters like Hsien-Ko are really interesting to me.


All good. I think as a child, I identified with female characters because I didn't know *sexuality* yet, but knew I wasn't like other boys and my non-conforming (sports, etc) interests helped me identify with them more. As I typed a whole other series of paragraphs though, I think games of the 90s had the problem you still *sometimes* see today, but less so: fast and weak is feminine (hence women), but slow and strong is masculine (hence men). There are more variety of characters which break that rule from early gaming, so if I didn't want a slow character, I don't have to be a female anymore. There are a lot more fast male characters. And the expression of characters in media in general has expanded a lot. If a man doesn't care for sports, its okay. It was always okay, but when I grew up, I was weird if a man didn't like sports. And those men also liked the bulk and strength sports often require. Not liking those, it was easier to identify with a woman character who wasn't going to be doing those things (at that time). I am so glad it isn't as rigid now as it was then. Age and maturity also allowed me to see that men of all sizes can participate in any interest. Zangief looking dudes can sew, for example. And looking at the Darkstalker cast... man, those artists knew how to do monsters sexy. Almost every monster is just oozing sex.


I don't think you play many fighting games if you think the guys are boring. Hell, in terms of sexualization, they tend to be more equal across genders.


when i was at teen, i thought it was weird to see why people play something not their gender. but now since i understand my orientation and had been horny since, i wouldnt play MMO unless the men are hot.


Well I’m gay but I’ve been looking too bc I wish that was me and I was that beautiful


I don’t know how to respond to this; is this a non-humble-humble brag?


...I don't get it.


[guys who like to play as girl characters in video games have massive uncut cocks, a high iq and are sexy]


Damn... I just got annihilated then...




Cause I don't play female characters if given the option. Makes it harder to immerse myself in the world should that be a focus of the game. Like MMOs!


Why's it weighing then down from doing so? As the weights imply


they want to be girly but irl they are massively manly and masculine


Wouldn't that make the high iq part have really fucked up implications?


high iq mean you cant be a himbo, everyone love a himbo


But being a himbo doesn't have to do with being or playing as a girl. This meme seems either fucked up, confused in its message, or I've missed something that hasn't been explained yet


it’s just using the meme format of a weighing chain because it’s a popular meme format but it doesn’t mean it’s an actual handicap. it’s just a joke like guys who play as girls are sexy.


i am just bad at explaining


I have 2 out of four, yay me lol


Well hello there




Im neither of that unfortunately 🫤


the girls that play only girl characters are also jacked and sexy with a high iq and a massive uncut cock 😔




This is oddly specific, dumb, and hardly true. Besides, everyone knows female avatars are played by straight men until proven otherwise. 😪




True for me, it's just that their reason for playing is different than our reason from playing and us being a minority in the gaming community is the reason female char's player base tend to be more straight men than us(unless the female char is has very low player base, so thier can be chance that a lot gays play her). What female characters do you main?




As a gay guy, I also enjoyed playing as Peach in SSB. I think straight men want a character like Zero Suit Samus or Pyra/Mythra though, not Peach. The difference is in the focus on the hips, ass, bosom, and skintight clothing.


As a bi guy, I often play power suit Samus.


TBH I think maybe SSB isn't the best example for this but it was relevant here hahaha. There are games basically made FOR the whole phenomena though - obviously gachas are the most predatory of them.


Well shit no wonder I’m hideous


Lisa Lisa main here🕶️👠(JoJo Asbr)


Stomp them mommy 👠


I would If my "Snake muffler" starting frames were quicker 😢


In single-player games with fixed characters with fixed "personalities", a lot of the male characters just seem designed to repel me. I really wish Big Strong Dumb wasn't a thing.


Interesting 😏




Wish i had your problems... like somewhere


I appreciate the assumption lmao


I am none of those things and I still play girl characters. Your psyops wont work on me


update : i was not expecting this many people to slide in my dms asking to see my dick lol


You do kinda brought this upon yourself lol. Think of it as free advertisement for your dick eh?




I'm hapy for you man, we're all horny thirsty birches in here lol.




Nah I'll pass. I'm at a meeting right now and popping a wood near your supervisor feels impolite lol. Thanks for the offer tho ;)




I'll keep that in mind ;)


where can i see pics and vids


(Kof) King and Chun li are my mains. I believe this statement to be true. Don't challenge me lol




Do you believe me now?


I need proof as well


I need the the proof too






i want proof too


And here I was making male characters with my tiny dick and below retarded iq.


you can just contact me if you need IRL version of that.


I feel this in my massive uncut cock


If the game has pre-made designs for characters, I usually main female characters. It has also something to do with them usually the ones using magic. If its customizable, and job classes aren't gender-locked, then I turn it into a character I can look all day long. I'm the awkward one. Lol.


Lmao I feel like these comments are kinda missing the point. A lot of gay guys love playing as girls in games. Myself included. Peach/Daisy are one of my mains in smash bros. Sure, a lot of straight guys play female characters, but it’s kinda gay culture for gay men to feel represented in women lolol just look at how many gay dudes love Taylor Swift or Arianna Grande


you get it


Everyone jumpin in OP’s DM’s right now


Are there male characters? I’ve only played female ones all my life


This is not true. I’m not jacked or sexy (as experienced on the gay dating apps).


I prefer a female character mainly because the female VA always sounds like they have a better reading as opposed to the male one.


Ooh totally agree! Some of the male characters I played sounded so.. flat. Compared to the women's.


We need the proof sir


Tru bestie


jade and mileena on top 🤷‍♂️


I play girl character only if i can’t make my own character tbh




Sounds European


cause of « uncut » ?




LOL true 💅🏻


Ok well where is the proof?






I only play females tbh, unless the guy characters are gay or funny, I’m sick of boring and serious straight men tbh


i love playing as androgynous characters tbh


There was a friend I had who played female characters in video games, and Imma admit now that I would've smashed him anytime for these reasons...


Til i have small pp, small iq, am fat and ugly


I'm literally only good at female characters in overwatch no matter the role lol


Pics or it didn't happen


May need photo proof on this one.