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It's too much spam


And it's literally the exact same collage over and over. Shark, Aryan twinks, and scantily clad muscle wolves.


Don't forget generically attractive white guys


That was always the funniest part. Like really, this guy? Oh there's more?


It's just the same character over and over again with different flavors. (I'm also guilty of this)




>Western video game protagonists are all 30ish tall fit lightly stubbled brown-haired white men with a more on top haircut. Not since the mid-2010s imo


There are more characters in games than just Nathan Drake, Geralt of Rivia and Lara Croft. And it’s not like people post just protags on here anyways.


But guys, this one is a GINGER white guy!


Look if there were Indian hunks in videogames I'd be all over them.


Fair enough. Only one that comes to mind is Rain from Mortal Kombat (well he's not human, but you know what I mean)


Right lmao, like oh wow, you're into Chris Redfield and those twinks from FFXIV? Shocking. Thrilling. Tell me more. 😪


I’ll usually upvote them because I am. It hasn’t really reached a significant proportion of my front page yet.


You sure about that :/


Welcome to r/gaymers


Who are the muscle wolves?


There's two types of content on this subreddit: 1. People asking for people to play games with, for some reason they also treat it like a Grindr profile and put their age, body types and sometimes ask for a specific type of person to play with (The "looking for femboy gamers only" post i saw a while back still haunts me) and half of these posts either get no response or when they do, OP just kind of forgets 2. and "one guy made a post, so let's copy him and completely make everyone sick of seeing it" In this case it's the "Judge me for my generic taste in men" You might get the occasional good post (this one and the other one that makes fun of the current spam for example) but for the most part this is spam central, mama.


Lmbo 1 is so real. Like dude, we're playing a game. Why do you want to make sure I'm your type first 😂


Actually No. 1 made me take a pretty big break from this sub as a whole. I saw some guy who said he was into Pokemon and shiny hunting so I messaged him, we had a really fun conversation and then out of the blue he asked me if I'm white, which no I'm not, I'm Latino. Instantly ghosted. I guess we can't be friends if I'm not your type lmao.


I'm so sorry to hear that :( Sometimes the trash takes itself out to hang with the other garbage


There's also those posting nsfw mods and thirst posts. And the occasional fan art.


Part of the problem is there isn’t enough representation in games to talk about so the sub often reverts to those 2 topics ad nauseam.


I honestly hate how games without Gay content barely gets talked about on here and will only get brought up by a person thirsting over a male character. Lies of P got like one post from what i could see and it was literally an off putting and grainy photo of the main character and the poster going "am i the only one who thinks this guy's hot?" Like, i get that we're all Gay and we love to talk about Representation in games and hot characters, but the fact that that's ALL this sub does is really boring at times.


That and the "oMG I have such a crush on my Baldur's Gate 3 character". Like, who cares? Get some real human contact


For 1, it's always weird seeing the 39 year old men that wanna play games with the 14 year old who stumbled in the sub lol.


The 39 year old men are downvoting you for calling them out.


I mean from what I've seen from all the trying to hit up underage guys on this sub, they seem to be everywhere.


Don't worry we'll move on to the next new thing to spam next week


It's the top 3 "hot posts" rn, I know being attracted to men is literally what being gay means but it's sad how 90% of gay reddit communities eventually devolve into soft porn and thirst traps Gay_irl is specially egregious, I've lost count of how many times I saw some meme there that is literally just soft porn with some bottom text


Tbh I think it’s kinda fun seeing those posts.


i wish they would atleast not use the first picture they found on google. seeing the same picture was more annoying then seeing the same guys. haha


this sub would benefit greatly from weekly threads to prevent spamming of same threads. Like weekly husbando taste thread, meetup/find gamer thread, etc. I think moderation is non-existent here.


That's what I thought too. A pinned weekly or even monthly favourite vidoegame male characters/husbandos megathread would reduce the spam. Same for the finding new gamer friends too


Me too, especially comparing them. Like you see the same couple of characters a lot and then the rest of the sets they’re in are totally different. Taste can be interesting even when it’s just different variations of basic. Plus it’ll die down in a few days like any other theme post trend so there’s no real harm in it.


It's not even men half the time, just straight up animals on two legs


Get into the furry supremacy mama


Absolutely not, if you wanna get knotted I wish you the best of luck, but my man is only allowed to have 46 chromosomes


That's a strange way to say you're into male humans , olives, a species of Asian deer, 2 buffalo species and a species of shrimps.


Olives have them little holes for a reason 😜


Not the “what has 46 chromosomes” on google


Have you seen those shrimps tho? 👀👀👀


If it's sentient and can have gender it can be a man, whether it's my dear [Chief Tyrol](https://www.writeups.org/wp-content/uploads/Galen-Tyrol-Battlestar-Galactica-Aaron-Douglas.jpg) or Mufasa or whatever.


Man I miss Battlestar Galactica. Nothing has really risen to take its place.


I'm rewatching it right now. It's even better in terms of interpersonal drama than I remember, and even more garbage politically than I remember.


white men compilations


My list is: The narrator from the Stanley Parable The inner voices from Disco elysium That's it. I dont really care for video game characters because I'm more into chubby bears.


Tbh, I think those are funny. I just don't understand why someone should be criticized for liking some characters, when those are harmless posts. Anyway, I think a nice way to reduce the spam would be a pinned megathread where everyone comments with their own top 10-20 favourite videogame men


Love how not only is it just a bunch of white twinks, but some of them are cropped porn of white twinks. 😭😭😭😭 Me thinking I’d at least see Barrett from FFVII or Rodin from Bayonetta or Rashid from Street Fighter 6. 😩


>Me thinking I’d at least see Barrett from FFVII or Rodin from Bayonetta or Rashid from Street Fighter 6. 😩 you have great taste


On one hand I'm glad people are enjoying themselves but its taking over things a lot and also involving a lot of reposted art without credit which isn't great. At most its interesting seeing the overlap in shared character tastes even if its repetitive.


How did you post a video on here? 🤨


It’s just white dudes too lol


The worst part is, if you dare post anything furry and anthro, you get given shit about it.


and they're all tall white twinks or bara characters


It's actually so fucked. It's like watching people compare flavors of mayonnaise. "Oh this one has garlic in it and this one has a bit of lemon" Bitch, where's the siracha


Lmao ! Most legot comparison ive ever seen


Animals and white guys are apparently very popular in this sub


I've seen enough white twinks and furries on this trend than i needed to


Where the hell were you seeing twinks bc all I was seeing was generic abnormally buff white(or sometimes asian) men I had to post my conventionally unattractive twinks to diversify the damn subreddit


Just today someone posted that guy from Final Fantasy 12 lol


✋✋😭😭😭 ENOUGH


Stan Twitter? Also, I get it, but remember when people were posting the 1000th nsfw modded game?


At least those posts are helpful if you're looking for NSFW mods or games that can be modded like that.


Good point..


Let’s be real- people are just pressed because they’re not as hot as the characters are lmao.


Yes, they should be judged. If we would bring bulling back, none of that would happen.


Okay- let’s start with you then if you’re so keen


How's your gag reflex?


What? I’m confused what your goal here is now, are you trying to be funny or just a perv?




Just saw it, basic and bland


Seeing all the posts I made a list of all the guys I would potentially put in my own post if I made one. Literally all the guys had pretty much appeared in one of the other posts I'd seen except maybe two. Nothing remarkable at all.


What the fuck is this shit