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He didn't mean anything by it because the lyric is from Tony and Mike. The line is about Tiresias, who in Greek mythology "crossed between the poles" by turning female and turning back male again. Therefore he knew the experience of both masculinity and femininity. Once he was a man, and he raged like the sea. Once a woman, and he gave like the Earth (which are allusions of conquering, destroying, overpowering powers - masculinity - and the power of fertility - as in the fertile earth: femininity). The observation that there is more earth than sea is a little queerish, feminist commentary that the lyric makes, giving a little bit more power (in numbers) to the female side of things.


I agree but consider that I just wanted to make a funny image for genesis circlejerk


I’ve always interpreted the line as suggesting that, within romantic relationships, the woman in fact often “has the upper hand.”


no it means he's genderfluid and a girl most of the time


All this from what amounts to a love song. Amazing lyrical crafting.


“Once a man, like the sea I raged. Once a woman, like the Earth I gave. But there is in fact more earth than sea” Can be interpreted in a few ways but just sticking to the literal, it’s a well known fact that most of the planet’s surface is covered by water but that amount of water is dwarfed by the mass of actual Earth underneath. Men are violent weathering forces whilst women nurture and provide but both need each other. Some might say it’s a little trite but I’ve always liked it and the obvious poetry means that I see it quoted disproportionately often. My own favourite little lyric couplet is: “I know a farmer who looks after the farm, With water clear he cares for his harvest. I know a fireman who looks after the fire.”


This entirely. I’ve always loved this portion of the lyrics.


Does Earth plug a hole in Heaven, or Heaven plug a hole in Earth?


actually this pre-emptively references Mad Man Moon "Forever caught in desert lands One has to learn to disbelieve the sea" the Genesis lore timeline is really confusing but actually Cinema Show takes place before Mad Man Moon, at least in the Kelvin timeline


One has to learn to diss Believe the sea


For some reason this post reminds me of a classic copypasta from a *goddamn competitive pokemon community* of all places >The way I see it, Kyogre is surrounded. What's under the ocean? That's right, more earth.