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Before you conclude anything or form your own opinions you should read his books instead and get an understanding based on that. Youtube vidoes and other similar medias doesnt do anyone justice to what they think and believe. Personally i found his books very aligned with my own thinking of current geopolitical trends. You still have to take everything with some sceptisism as things can change in the future.


Thanks for the answer. I have his books in my Amazon cart and I plan to read one after my current read is over. Which one do you suggest me to start with ?


No matter what the issue is he always comes to the conclusion that it absolutely reinforces America’s superiority It’s good for high school kids but the guy knows his audience and targets it well


He’s right a lot of the time. But I do think he could be a bit too confident regarding some of his long view points like the collapse of China. He’s a great example of what an NGO looks like. The guy behind the scenes in government and corporate strategy meetings. He keeps me oddly at peace with some of his short current event clips. I dig him, at the very least, for his pragmatism and giving a glimpse into macro country strategy.


Virtually most of his "predictions" turned out to be incorrect. The only reason he is given any prominence whether online or think tank circles is to justify the "China Collapse" narrative


I just watched a clip from him again from about a year and a half ago saying that there won’t be any microchips in 6 months from then. He’s starting to feel way too overconfident to me.


You mean Mr. Superlative?

