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The hands on hips just looking at the mess has me in stitches šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


We couldnā€™t even tell the dogs off, they were just so happy and excited lol The hands on the hips was him trying to decide where to start lol. Feathers are incredibly hard to clean, they flutter around everywhere lol


i feel like all of us have hit that pose with these dogs šŸ¤£. it was most certainly me when my dog had EXPLOSIVE diarrhea all over my laundry room. i donā€™t think ill ever forget the smell šŸ˜­


My Leo once had explosive diarrhea... Over the mop and bucket! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ™ˆšŸ˜‚


One of ours has GI issues and also lovesssssss to eat things she shouldnā€™t. Sheā€™s a 90 pound big girl. We had a honeysuckle bush in the back yard, and one day she decided to eat the flowers without us realizing. Apparently, those cause explosive diarrhea in dogs, but thankfully no true risk of death or permanent damage if itā€™s a one off occurrence. When we woke up, we found liquid poop with flowers in it sprayed across the large dog bed, our large sofa, two different area rugs, up the carpeted stairs to the second story, and numerous other spots throughout the downstairs. Basically our entire first floor and stairs to the second floor were covered in poopā€¦ā€¦ needless to say that bush is now gone.


My poor baby had explosive diarrhea too. It lasted a few days and it was awful because he couldn't make it to the door. We believe it was a reaction to a medication the vet used to sedate him.




Haha to be fair to him, I left the mop and bucket by the back door in the kitchen so he was at least trying to go outside before he exploded. šŸ˜…


Omg explosive diarrhoea, that would suck


Thatā€™s hilariousšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ also love them username by the way




Username checks out...


Exactly what I pictured in my head šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£




Their most expensive achievements: Our boy: our $400 robovac. Wasnā€™t really his fault but we still give him the credit. He had diarrhea in the middle of the night (he has EPI) and instead of waking us up, he decided to go to the living room and go in a corner and our vac was scheduled to run at 6:30am every morning. Long story short, woke up to our vacuum pushing a mound of diarrhea around the apartment. The vacuum was never the same again and honestly neither were we. Our girl: chewed up 2 window stools in a way that the whole windows (brand new btw) needed to be removed to replace the stool and trim and completely reinstalled. $1,100. The perpetrators: https://preview.redd.it/qikq671cph2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69d9915257f2a9384341be570168e0fe1cec0669


They are adorable šŸ„°


"And neither were we" has me crying


Me too! Came to say this.


I'm sorry but they look completely innocent to me. LOL


Long story shart. FTFY. They are precious!


Omg- love the head tilts!!


I havenā€™t read the other comments but Iā€™m pretty sure you won! šŸ†


Or did did the same to ours. We stopped scheduling them after that lol


https://preview.redd.it/s1r2c5cumk2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b908dcb30528f976801130d4863e45c6b7856856 The culprit, who does believe herself a parrot and perches on her dad's shoulders as much as she can.


Oh gawd, that reminded me of Alaric as a6 month old, finally allowed to roam the downstairs living/kitchen area.... He had runny poop, didn't make it to the doggy door and the prev robovac found it... We tried cleaning it as well as possible, but when it finally died a few months later and we cannibalised it for parts, there were still bits of dried poop in there šŸ¤£


My best friend's sister came home from school to find their Roomba had run over a pile of crap. She panicked, but remembered to get rid of the machine. She set it outside and forgot about it. Rains came, her mama asked where it was, and of course it didnt work anymore. Dumb part of the story: her mom sent the stupid thing back as it was to Amazon! AND got her money back for it!! I feel sorry for the person who opened the box up.


The robovac story is a thing of nightmares šŸ˜­


ā€œWhaaaat?? Us?? Nope, wasnā€™t us.ā€ Absolutely adorable and gorgeous dogs. Same happened here, robo vacc running in the middle of the night, puppy, tummy issues, destroyed robo vacc. It wasnā€™t all over the room thankfully. It was thick enough that it just had the bot spinning in it, trying to get out and move on. Thankfully it couldnā€™t.šŸ„“šŸ˜‚


Are you SURE? Their faces look totally innocent! ps That ā€œneither were weā€ was [chefā€™s kiss].


The most tragic robovac story ever. Itā€™s a good thing theyā€™re cute. šŸ„°


Roxanne committed a similar infraction by having liquid diarrhea in the middle of the night. There wasnā€™t a mound to push around, so it was a thin but pungent layer of poo all over the first floor. Special bonus: tire tracks through the mess! I think Roxanne was more horrified than I was.


my bank account






Worth it though hahahahaha


oh 100%. i would do anything for my gsd (and she knows it. lol the manipulator!)


Lol I tense about my money going away but I will always add a toy to the cart when I am buying something from Amazon. Absolutely one of the best part of my day when he starts playing with his new toy.


Rescued my guy for about 300 bucks. Was the cheapest thing about him.


https://preview.redd.it/fpwebe2wni2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecf1793fa81e764f6193f6b65bf708e003cd649e His entire bed, WHILE I WAS IN THE SHOWER. Not even out of the house.


So much damage in the time it took to have a shower lol, he looks sorry lol


He wasn't even confined to the kennel. He's always either in the kennel or on the bed when I get out of the shower, free roaming. He wanted to jump in the shower with me, stuck his head in, I said no, and when I got out this was what he had done in ~15 minutes. It was pure spite. Nothing can change my mind.


Ooo naughty boy, sounds like spite doesnā€™t it lol


I would frame that picture


Omg, this is hilarious. Completely buried in their own destruction.


A travel pillow filled with at least 10 million of these tiny balls that weigh nothing and stick to EVERYTHING. I was finding those for months afterwards. https://preview.redd.it/ur4cmhuj3i2d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b401c8a3acd2b440334464791b81bdb725a134f5




Oh theyā€™d be as hard as feathers to clean up, itā€™s lucky they are so cute lol


NOOOO hahah my friend broke one of those cause they just wanted to bite it to feel the texture and it exploded all in their mouth, face hair EVERYWHERE. Those things are brutal!!!


My first Shepherd ate A First Edition of Mark Twains Innocents Abroad. Chewed through a wall. Ate the knobs off a friends washing machine. Pulled the door of our car. Destroyed a couch. My other Shepherds werenā€™t so destructive, but one of them, who had never even looked at a shoe, destroyed one of my favorite, comfortable, expensive dress shoes right after we moved. He also broke an iron pipe set in concrete off at the base. His run was attached to it I love German Shepherds


Iā€™ve had them chew random spots in the plaster on walls but never chew right through one! I love them too, they are the best ā¤ļø


Numerous dog beds and one leather couch


Weā€™ve lost couches too, they can be destructive when bored. We are out of the puppy stage now so safe to have nice things again lol


Yeah it was only during his puppy stage, he's almost 4 now and the only thing he destroys in his toys....


Yeah same, actually my boy is really gentle with his toys. He carries his favourites around - itā€™s very sweet. My girl is the destroyer lol


Multiple dog beds, my mattress, A pillow, 5 laundry hampers, 4 headsets, more trash bags then Iā€™d like to admit, a whole rotisserie chicken, my cat tree, a chair, and a lot of cords


The cat tree is a new one, none of my pups have ever eaten one of those.


Mine nibbled on the bottom on one of the corners after she escaped her crate and got locked into my bedroom.


They can cause some damage


Oh believe me I know, after I moved her crate upstairs I have lost 2 hair straighteners, a hair dryer, multiple video games, my sound bar remote that I still need to replace. A plastic container. A dog leash that was her brothers, multiple dog beds in the crate. She became houdini and started escaping her crate after moving it. I kept it downstairs because when I adopted her at 9 months she was not potty or house trained at all, then she went into her first heat. I wasn't allowed to spay her until a year due to the breeder. And then I had to wait for her to recover from her spay to get her in daycare with her brother. I also had to spend a lot of money on an escape proof crate. My golden has destroyed toys, balls and only nibbled on a bedframe in 1 corner as a puppy.Most of the stuff she destroyed were in boxes in a different room. I didn't even have them laying out.


Omg Iā€™d be devo about the hair straightener (a very necessary tool). How old is she now? My boy is 6 and my girl is 9 now, they donā€™t chew anymore and havenā€™t for a while. Unless itā€™s a toy, they enjoy their toys still.


She is now 14 months old. And the ironic part was I didn't even really use those 2 hair straightners. They were given to me by my step mom because she had some extra and was cleaning out a drawer. The straighteners were supposed to be really nice from what I was told. But the little miss decided let's eat the cord before I got the chance to use them. As I had just moved a few months prior and was still unpacking/going through boxes.


Youā€™ve still got a ways to go. They are mostly good by about 2 but will surprise you every now and then up to about 3 in my experiences.


Wonderful.... thank you for the warning. She has caught on to everything very quickly so I'm hoping it's not until 3.


They are very clever and learn really fast.


My Shep in all her wisdom decided that if her best friend, the cat enjoys this thing, then she must find out what is so great about the thing (the cat tree). So she wedges herself in the middle section of the cat tree, getting herself stuck in the process. I get home from work to find my Shep in the middle of the cat tree, the cat licking her and my rat terrier barking up a storm. I did my best to extricate her from the cat tree, but she really wedged herself in there, so I had to get the reciprocating saw and cut the tree in pieces to get her out. Then it was a Vet visit to make sure she was ok, she was fine and then to Costco to buy another cat tree.


Oh my gosh


My corgi loved rotisserie chickens! He ate 2 and had horrible GI issues both requiring very expensive vet bills. He would tip over garbage cans to get them! The heart wants what it wants


https://preview.redd.it/7bcisr9jgi2d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68a0f369d3854fc54b0d5d671c340ecbacee73e8 The first month we had her she shewed through the vacuum cleaner cord, quite expensive to buy a new cord :/


Love the way she sits lol


The real question is what haven't they destroyed.


Haha you win the best comment - cos this is so true!


https://preview.redd.it/s9weblltai2d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b2c7352c359aa63767ae53f221a7de4360fc1f2 This little girl would tear the carpet off from the floor base when she was a baby. She would chew the carpet off and spit it out again. Sheā€™s 5 and only steals our shoes now really which is hilarious.


Sheā€™s gorgeous šŸ„°


I got so happy when mine made the transition from destroying shoes to just stealing and cuddling them.


https://preview.redd.it/kc8qg8xcci2d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d0cf16f0af61cd1f39fa1e598f8274b2737e2c4 Let it snowā€¦


Matches the Christmas tree mum lol Beautiful dog šŸ„°


We went through four sofas


Iā€™ve lost 4 couches, different pups and over the years. The couch in the background of this picture didnā€™t last long after this night lol




My shepherd is just mean. When we do something that annoys him (eg. leaving him alone for more than he decided to accept that day) he absolutely destroys our trash bin with organic waste. He doesn't eat anything. He just makes a mess.


They are smart enough that he could be doing it just to punish you lol


We think so. He has his expectations. Me and my husband are not allowed to sit next to each other on the couch frequently because he just HAS to be between us for optimal distribution of cuddles.


Haha my boy likes to lay across my lap. We call him our imposter poodle cos he wants to be a lap dog.


Some $300 headphones, some $200 headphones, countless food storage container lids, scratches in solid wood doors and hardwood floors that will cost me a dear sum if I ever have them properly repaired, two sets of fine linen sheets, and nearly every single pair of very expensive Ex Officcio underwear I owned. The container lids have been the most interesting, not because they're terribly expensive or hard to replace, but because of the rainbow shits the next day.


Such naughty pups, thank god they grow out of it.


She has definitely slowed down a bit, but I adopted her at 3 years old and she's 5 now. She's the best reason to keep my house tidy I've ever had.


Yeah I love my two, they keep me fit and active too.


Nothing of major significance because when I leave the house, I pop my boy outside. He has shelter from all elements.


My bank account. šŸ«£ Food, gear, training, competitions...šŸ’ø


The family GSD surprisingly never destroyed anything, but there was always people in the house so it kept him busy hahaha the husky I had almost 20 years ago though, woooo buddy. If she was alone for 2 seconds, there goes the sofa, or the pillow, or the cables.


https://preview.redd.it/k9xonp8w7n2d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f070b0659ea3ff1575235ad8ea1bf4603ebbe5d0 My cousin's couch while he was watching him for me. He was gone all of 45 mins


Oh no, was your cousin pissed?


He was but he was aware of how skittish and fearful my guy is with people so he just got him in the backyard until my uncle came to get him until I got home. Filled the back of his truck with feathers. Luckily it was a cheap Wayfair couch so it didn't cost me much to replace and they upgraded to something nicer


The first time time our two were at home for longer than we planned (stuck on the freeway) they dismantled a couch. Tore the arms off, each head rest, somehow got the mattress out of the pull out, and moved it across the floor. All because it was blocking the blinds, and they couldn't see out of the window. The moose used to get on their couch, and it would push into the blinds. Then they'd get sad they couldn't see out. They thought it was magic when we fixed it.


So much damage in so little time.


Not much today!


here is a funny one for yā€™all. sooo..is there any such thing as tmi on reddit? no? okay, great šŸ˜‚ so my shep has this REALLY strange talent..its called..i can find moms extra curricular activity toys. no matter the place, if she is left alone and its in a dresser drawer or literally anywhereā€¦she finds it somehow..and destroys it. a menace to a womanā€™s lifestyle. šŸ˜…


https://preview.redd.it/kk3udhv1hk2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e74cc455411d11d0897026d4254dd4ef21b545ac This and about 5 surface chargers as a puppy. Other than frisbees and soft toys, he doesn't destroy anything nowadays!


https://preview.redd.it/b8rv0rd2ik2d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d4ed5e69296b35f397f96a3e9375301d629f8e1 They found the bag of flower in the pantry




Heels. My Zelda chewed up all of my wife's high heels. Idk why I bought her more at the time (guilty conscience since I really really want a GSD) to replace just so they can all get chewed up again. https://preview.redd.it/gm9pdhgjmk2d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=623b8eac0d1105cccb4a807afbbbbc9ba4b7d764


Sheā€™s gorgeous šŸ„°




https://preview.redd.it/i5x26ac5rm2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3233751c394577f51f5f99b6690c7c9a63c12baa Yes. **THE CARPET IS HIDEOUS-I KNOW**


I love how all the dog toys are never touched and are neatly in their respective baskets.


Exploding pillows are much more fun than dog toys lol


My quality of sleep šŸ’€12 week old puppy oh my lord. Not to mention my skin


My rat terrier did this twice. She had a ball.


Yeah ours were so happy and excited by the feathers. They were doing zoomies and having a ball lol


Mine doesnā€™t destroy anything. He wonā€™t even jump on a couch without asking. He wonā€™t grab a slice of bread off the counter without my approval. Good boi


Mine are allowed on the furniture but wonā€™t touch food without permission either. Very intelligent breed - easy to train.


My girl only gnawed one of my window sills in her bedroom aka the guest bedroom. It will remain ā€œfixedā€ by having a curtain over it forever. I feel rather fortunate after reading these comments.


https://preview.redd.it/z63du7dybo2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f96c99cf246ad249b002a3a4b4cc05f16a3ba55 My heartā€¦ every time I want to cuddle her and she basically tells me to piss off šŸ˜‚


She is beautiful šŸ˜


Thank you! Sheā€™s a distinguished psychopath lol


Hahaha great description. My girl is a princessā€¦ she even walks very dainty - Iā€™ll have to record her one day lol


She ate her way through our back door. Luckily the replacement survivedĀ 


Weā€™ve lost a lot of fly wire security screen type doors. We also learnt that pet quality screening isnā€™t strong enough for a Shepherd lol We have the shark security mesh with a 300mm x 600mm doggy door now lol


Uggs, pillow from my couch, slippers, 3 possums šŸ˜©


I raise you three bunnies and a hedgehog.


Omg not a hedgehog


Were they stuffed possums or real possums?


10+ pairs of glasses, several pairs of shoes, 3 umbrellas, a couple DVDs, countless charging cables, a lamp, a spotlight, a dog bed. So many things I don't even remember.


I only lost one pair of glasses and it was just the frames - luckily the lenses were okay and I was able to purchase the same frames.


My brand new head phones


The freaking drywall!!


Mine chewed holes in a plaster wall and bottom of the wooden door when she was about 8 months. Furniture and pillows go without saying. From 12 months she was good as gold - no destructive behaviour at all.


he shitted on a rug once from getting into hot dog buns. threw the whole rug away(it was very big) but that was all, heā€™s about to turn 2 and hasnā€™t destroyed anything since


Nothing more than a tube of pawpaw ointment and his toys. Heā€™s an Angel.


Lots of my socks and underwear! But nothing too expensive, luckily. My GSD isn't super destructive


One of my guys when he was about 2 years old, ruined a couch that was 6 months old. In the dogs defense, his ball got stuck between the couch and a corner of the wall. He moved the coffee table, and dragged the couch away from the wall ripping the couch in the process. I was more mad at my teenaged son who was in the next room and didnā€™t check to see what the noise was. The furniture was dragged across a wood floor and not by inches, dragged in the middle of the room. I was kinda impressed to be honest.


They are pretty strong and you have to admire his problem solving abilities for a 6 month old pup lol


His reaction is what mine wouldā€™ve looked like šŸ˜­


One of my kidā€™s toy had flour in it I am not sure why.. a big toy with a lot of flour! Flour everywhere.


Omg that would have been hard to clean too.


It was but he was a puppy and he seemed to have enjoyed tearing it apart. He was such a sweet boy .


And letā€™s be fair itā€™s hard to expect a pup to differentiate between a dog toy and a childā€™s toy. Mine tear up the toy to find the squeakers, I try and buy toys without squeakers now lol


Lid of a moisturiser bottle and a makeup highlighter pen. I think Iā€™m pretty lucky considering everyone elseā€™s commentsā€¦


I forgot to make sure her kennel was locked one day when we left and came back to seeing that she ate a huge hole down the middle of my kids mattress. It was a surprise because she has never really been much of a destroyer or even a chewer.


My middle girl Freya got a second bought of teething and literally destroyed 6 leather dining chairs, a wood coffee table, a leather arm chair and ripped an arm rest off a leather sofa all in one sitting. My husband was like ā€œ sheā€™s going!ā€ and of course we didnā€™t, sheā€™s a dream dog.


Carpets, chesterfield sofa, cushions, headphones, ornaments, leads, collars, socks, countless dog beds, dog toys, pulled my curtain down, made a hole in a door


What have mine destroyed? Any chance of peace!


I wish I still had a picture, but it was either my gsd or his terrier brother, but my USCIS paperwork! I had to tape it back together csi style!


As a puppy she destroyed a tiny corner of a cupboard and one of my slippers. Shes 3 now and never destroyed anything else! (Although she lowkey destroyed a rug with some violent diarrhea lol)


This is the reason why I spend a ridiculous amount of money for dog sitters. Our main door - metal enforced 4 inch thick door was destroyed because both of them have crippling separation anxiety


They got out of their cage, put a hole next to the dog room door to open it, and then made a German shepherd sized hole in the basement door.


https://preview.redd.it/vv1rmvtaqk2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6bcf03d7b3bdc8e8dc572dab7de05bca83afb9a He decided he wasnā€™t getting enough attention and acted out by eating my wallet.


Two beds, multiple blankets, and the handles to my electrical pliers. She's lucky she's cute lol


4 pairs of AirPods!


This very much reminds me of that ancient meme of the guy standing in his flooded basement captioned 'my basement got no business looking like this'


So lucky mine has never destroyed stuff- she has a ton of toys and before I leave the house for any legit time I take her out to the yard and let her have a go at the herding ball which wears her out. Also, sheā€™ll take one of my shoes and bring it to front door to lay on while I am out but never chews on it


I was painting and got up to get more water and she pulled down my paint pallet that I was using and got it all over herself and the floor.


I'm incredibly lucky, nothing destroyed YET


Couch, window sill, corners of baseboards (he really hates baseboard corners apparently), and carpet.


Nothing. I got the dog during the pandemic and we were all home with him 24/7 to raise him and be by him at all times. Now my wife and I both work from home and heā€™s as relaxed and calm as a shepherd can be. If we go on trips he has a wonderful outdoor area he can hang out in if itā€™s just a day or one overnight (we live on a farm so long as he has food and water he knows his territory and will wait for us in his doghouse) and if we go for more than one overnight we either kennel him or he goes to my sister in law.


My boy chewed through many Ethernet cords (back in the day when we needed them) much to my sonsā€™ dismay!! That is all he ever chewed though! https://preview.redd.it/wmqyh9n93l2d1.jpeg?width=1883&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42ffe018372345395a00ac93c78e0bdc69bdc7b9


Omg, my boy Brutus used to do that and my gamer son would freak out when he lost the internet.


Same!! All of a sudden I would hear ā€œMom, he did it again!ā€! At a very loud volume! Haha


My woobie, the kitchen wall in our new house (trying to tunnel to a secret other-dimension treat stash?), one of their big orthopedic beds, my rain gutters, & my socks (but only my nice low workout ones).


I have had 7 GS and none of them ever destroyed anything. This is lack of exercise. The dogs get bored. ā˜¹ļø


What have they NOT?!? Honestly it will get better the older they get


Holy smokes! After seeing all these photos, now I feel bad for scolding my boy when he destroys all his plushies šŸ˜­ like it can definitely be so much worse!


Our lavender bushes in the backyard. She loved to jumped into them and roll around. One day, she just ripped them out. She also destroyed the backyard lights.


Used my phone as a chew toy at 7am, that was not a good day.


Just the lawn.


I have a 2 way talk security camera in my living room and it also can catch the trash can in the kitchen. I finally caught my doggo, Sarge, in the trash so I spoke to him over the camera and told him to ā€œget out of that trashā€ he stopped walked to the living room looking around. Then went and laid down. He was so confused looking lol.


A couch, dog beds, wallets including the cards, only the most expensive shoes I own and friends own (they never go for the cheap ones!) crate liner, a metal crate, more blankets and towels than I can count. Soā€¦ everything and anything? I canā€™t keep track anymore but I love them


One of ours got 2 pairs of Apple AirPods and an Apple TV remote.


My entire flock of chickensā€¦buried those he couldnā€™t eat for later so it looked like a graveyard of chicken feet in the air. We told the kids the chickens flew awayā€¦.oooffff


Iā€™ve always said weā€™ve been very lucky with our dogs, because theyā€™ve been great about not chewing things that donā€™t belong to them. That said, our GSD/lab girl annihilated multiple dog beds, and committed what could only be considered a toy genocide. We ended up getting her Super Chewer boxes from BarkBox, because sheā€™d wreck most any other toys in minutes. We had to spend a couple hundred or so on a bed she couldnā€™t chew through. Sheā€™s past that now, and hasnā€™t shredded anything in a couple of years. The only thing now is that she does occasionally chew pieces off stuffed toys, and then throw them upā€¦usually on the stairs.


our living room and pantry floor.


1 shoe 1 time. He was quite young and we left him alone for longer than ever before. That's genuinely the only thing he's ever destroyed. He's an angel. https://preview.redd.it/e589hwil3m2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1693433bd1e822263431af7cbf5c08e8bda305a


Mine destroyed the arms of my brand new sectional when she was a teenager. Then she ate a good section of my wall. Sheā€™s perfect now though lol.


My puppies just destroyed a pair of Oakleyā€™s Iā€™ve had since I was 18. Iā€™m 30 now. Theyā€™ve gotten other things. But that one really sucked.


Not the Oakleyā€™s, I had my glasses chewed - luckily the lenses were still ok and I managed to get them put into new frames.


Our trust


You *will* be finding feathers everywhere for years šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Haha we did for ages!


Our good boy Tin Tin was dropped back off at the shelter due to separation anxiety 4 times and has been abandoned 3 times. We were probably the last chance of adoption before the shelter deemed him a lost cause to the point that they gave us a trial adoption and didnā€™t charge us for adopting him. Currently he has done the following: (Just after adoption 2 years ago) - torn the curtains off the walls in the living room twice - bled all over the floor from breaking out of the steel and plastic kennel twice - ripped the back door window curtain off - eaten a part of our couch -scratched at the door frame (A couple months later - loading some stuff to travel out for the day - span of 7 min) - ate a seatbelt - nommed the turn signal in our car (Last December - we had a baby and no one could watch him and we werenā€™t able to board him) - ate the headrest of the back seat of our car - ate another seatbelt (Donā€™t worry itā€™s a Tesla with dog mode. Had adequate climate control so he was ok in there with the back seat down. Loads of space. Regularly checked on him and took him for walks/food/water and the family helped periodically when they came in during the couple days we were there. Definitely not ideal and we would have rather boarded him but circumstances didnā€™t align so he was understandably antsy and we arenā€™t surprised he ate the headrest and seatbelt. Tin Tin is an amazing boy and we love him so much. Heā€™s gotten far better about his anxiety and we are working with him every day to manage it. Heā€™s super protective of my wife and two kids and loves us as deeply as we love him. Not sure what would have happened to him if we didnā€™t adopt him but we canā€™t imagine not having him. If interested in the whole adoption I posted one a while back. He wasnā€™t actually the first pick we had. But we are glad we have him.


So glad he found your family - would love to see a photo.


Heā€™s an absolute goofball. Check out my profile. I have a post with like 20 photos. None as of the last couple of months but he still is as smiley as he is in them. I have some photos in there from where he cut his foot escaping the kennel also. He was originally REALLY shy and still to this day is not fond of men but heā€™s definitely opened up a lot and has the zoomies all the time. We absolutely adore his goof butt.


mine hasn't ruined anything because i keep him occupied with bones and toys


My girl chewed on the baseboard over night when she was 3 months old. As we got her during Covid while people were home she never caused any damage except for chewing a hole in her dog bed. She now is left home alone at certain times and no issues, she has the run of the house. I think the secret was constant training and companionship.


Idk if my dog is just weird or what but she has never, not once, destroyed anything other than her own toys. I mean yea sheā€™s had some poop accidents but other than that never chewed shoes, tore things up, or anything like that when leaving her out of the crate and alone. Maybe Iā€™m just lucky lol




Nothing to see here lol - gorgeous dog šŸ„°


2 couches, 1 futon, and an ottoman


Nothing physically, but has made me contemplate who's actually in charge... Am I the servant or the master.....


Literally nothing ever. I donā€™t know if I got lucky, or if itā€™s because she gets a ton of exercise; but I havenā€™t had that problem with mine


mine prefers flat screen HD television. kitty cats, and cardboard


One of my neighbours ducks


Oh no


2 couches, an expensive recliner (the kind with heat/massage/2 USB ports and electric recline), floors in 2 rooms, a screen foor, a patio door and my entire back yard. I gave up on trying to save it and just covered it in 15 tons of washed and tumbled river rock. So many bedspreads....I'm sure I'm forgetting something. Oh and the roomba, not poop but they trampled it to death.


2 couches, an expensive recliner (the kind with heat/massage/2 USB ports and electric recline), floors in 2 rooms, a screen foor, a patio door and my entire back yard. I gave up on trying to save it and just covered it in 15 tons of washed and tumbled river rock. So many bedspreads....I'm sure I'm forgetting something. Oh and the roomba, not poop but they trampled it to death.


2 couches, an expensive recliner (the kind with heat/massage/2 USB ports and electric recline), floors in 2 rooms, a screen foor, a patio door and my entire back yard. I gave up on trying to save it and just covered it in 15 tons of washed and tumbled river rock. So many bedspreads....I'm sure I'm forgetting something. Oh and the roomba, not poop but they trampled it to death.


Also if your dogs are being destructive they need more exercise/stimulation and probably more training. Dogs chew because it's highly stimulating.


They were just bored