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Pro tip: use the appointment service of your health insurance company.


Oh I found this one through my health insurance company's app!


That's not exactly what I meant. My insurer (TK) has an "appointment service". You call their hotline, tell them what you need, and they will find the respective resources and make appointments for you. Saves you the time and nerves to contact noumerous doctors one after another until you find one with an open slot.


Oh I didn't know that. Whenever I was looking for a doctor and asked AOK, I just got a list to call myself 😕 I'll try that again


Yeah, AOK is unfortunately known for weak service performance. Remember, you can always change your insurance company within the Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung. Alternatively, you can also use the appointment service of the Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung: [KBV - Terminvermittlung](https://www.kbv.de/html/terminvermittlung.php)


Yeah AOK used to give me the list from KVS 😂 (isn't like the same thing?) besides that I am very happy with them, they have a lot of services for young families 😊


This is a seriously good tip. AOK (at least in our area) has even psychiatrists in their building and they always have fast termins. My boyfriend has been seeing a therapist and a psychiatrist from AOK, which AOK organized for him, and gave him a termin in 2 days. Both professionals are incredibly good, I'm still actually in shock cause I've never seen a good doctor in germany like they are.


Damn, not bad. I talked to someone from my AOK and she was like "we can't help at all but good luck it's almost impossible to find therapy here unless you're willing to drive quite far"


Unfortunately I guess you need to be lucky with whoever talks to you. If they're nice, it's a jackpot. Otherwise they will do the less they can. I would try to make a termin and go in person to talk to them. I'm really not kidding, they gave my boyfriend a termin with a therapist within 2 days, and now he sees her every week. This happened in Munich, so big city with huge problems with access to mental health.


I was there in person, even 2 of her colleagues sitting nearby agreed and mentioned how AOK can't do anything, unless I "want them to Google names for me" which they threw in as a joke. My city has 30K people but the Landkreis is big-ish when it comes to population and all. It's just that there isn't too many therapists but a shit ton of people who need one. Also, not all therapists are for everyone/everything so... yeah, I still haven't found anyone after almost a year, and everyone I know who wants or even is in therapy says the same, Germany is a shitshow for that cause your choices are being in immediate danger and go to a clinic or wait 1-3 years to find someone.


They're lying tho, they're just lazy and don't wanna do their jobs. My boyfriend literally sees his therapist inside the AOK building! I'm not sure why they act like that sometimes. It's infuriating.


That may be a regional difference though or a specific case? My AOK does not have any medical professionals nor therapists nor anything in their building, it's an office complex for their employees and an archive of sorts still, lol. My GP also confirmed that usually nobody can help much, and only a Dringlichkeitscode (whatever tf that's called in English lol) gets people to have to accept you quicker as a patient.


Munich. Big city with huge problems with mental health... Thanks, I'll see myself out.


Does not work for finding a Psychiatrist.


Ever tried?


Yes. They just send me back a list of Psychiatrists in my area.


On ther search page it clearly states "medical doctor or psychologist" and one of the search options is also "psychotherapists" and "clinical psycologists": https://www.tk-aerztefuehrer.de/TK/englische-suche.htm


Psychologist != Psychiatrist Same for Psychotherapists.


I tried and wrote pretty desperate statement about my mental state and they responded that they cannot help me because all of the psychiatrists they have do not take new people.


Even for psychiatrists? TK told me explicitly that the appointment finder is not for psychiatry or psychotherapy


On ther search page it clearly states "medical doctor or psychologist" and one of the search options is also "psychotherapists" and "clinical psycologists": https://www.tk-aerztefuehrer.de/TK/englische-suche.htm


There is a difference between the DoctorGuide (a search engine to find doctors in your area) and the AppointmentService (the TK arranges your appointment). For the AppointmentService that handles everything for you it is clearly stated on the website that they do not arrange appointments for the treatment of psychiatric disorders. So in this case they couldn’t help as well.


If I remember correctly they are not able to set any appointments related to "mental illness". I don't know if this case counts.


Hello, is this service by TK applicable for any type of doctors, including Hausarzt ? And can you ask them to find English speaking ones ?


I guess so: [TK-Ärzteführer - EN Suche (tk-aerztefuehrer.de](https://www.tk-aerztefuehrer.de/TK/englische-suche.htm)


>Wir können keine Termine für die Behandlung von psychischen Erkrankungen (zum Beispiel bei Psychotherapeut:innen und Psychiaterinnen oder Psychiatern) vereinbaren. In English: > We cannot arrange appointments for the treatment of mental illnesses (e.g. with psychotherapists and psychiatrists). https://www.tk.de/techniker/leistungen-und-mitgliedschaft/online-services-versicherte/aerzte-kliniken/tk-terminservice-2009696


Yes, and when I asked TK to book for me an appointment with a psychologist/ therapist, they sent me back a list to do it myself as for this particular field they don't do that...


Could you please tell me how this service is called




Thank you!


That page literally says: > We may not arrange appointments for the treatment of psychiatric disorders, such as those with a psychotherapist or neurologist.


I used it even for urgent issues. Got an appointment within a week for my kid. Very helpful and great to schedule appointments. TK is good.


Doesn't work for every insurance. Mine (hkk) is explicitly excluding mental health problems: "Keine Termine vermitteln wir bei Psychologen und Psychiatern, da hier die Suche und Vereinbarung eines Termins oft schon als erster Therapieschritt gilt." https://legolas.md-medicus.net/Medicus/Demand/hkkdemanf.nsf/LandingPage


> da hier die Suche und Vereinbarung eines Termins oft schon als erster Therapieschritt gilt WHAT THE FUCK That is actually fucking evil. Is it a therapy step to call 150 therapists, only to be told to fuck off every single time? What kind of therapy is that? I would love to know. Is that called 'go fuck yourself' therapy?


Yes. I wonder how many people are dead because they were not able to go through this anymore.


That is called: admitting you need Help and Go looking for it by your own will will strenghten your resolve to pull through.


Does it really strengthen your resolve to experience rejection over and over and over again? Calling ONE HUNDRED times and being ignored or told no, there's no help for you. Does that really make you stronger? Think about it, if you were depressed, and you reached out for help, and you were told no, no, no, we don't care, no, go away, no space for you here, no... would that make you feel stronger?


Maybe it’s an appeal to the German resilience to just get a grip and deal with your shit yourself because you’re just exhausted from calling through lists like a call center employee with phone hours from 12:49-12:53 on Tuesdays, 7:25-7:35 on Fridays, etc, and after 3 weeks and a gazillion of „sorry, I’m not taking new patients“ you’re so sick of it that you wanna do it alone. I’m at that point! It’s such a waste of time, seriously.


depends on the insurance company, Allianz does absolutely NOTHING of that sort


I feel bad for laughing at this.


This is funny, and tragic. And also German. I'm wishing you luck on your quest, OP.


Nein! You're in Germany so you must speak in German!


Germans are not gonna understand that this was humour 😭


I did, I just don't like humour.


Good one hahaha. His comment was at -4 when I replied.


Deutsche Sprache ist Amtssprache! (I'm joking, btw)


This is both hilarious and sad... Good luck with the search for an appointment!


Put this screenshot as a review on Google to show other people how shitty this practice is.


And get sued by the practice.


For what exactly?




He's involved in the conversation as well, so he has the right to share from his point of view


oh and he's right


Why are they shitty ?


It's bad service and disrespectful to answer like that. It's ok if they don't have anyone that can speak english, as you need quite a high level to practice psychiatry in a foreign language, but at the very least they could answer in the same tone the question was written in: formal and respectful. It doesn't take a lot of work, just have a written draft that says "sorry blabla our proffesionals don't work in english blabla". This is just mean.


Oh that’s why I’m paying almost €409 euros out of my own pocket on top of health insurance. I needed a German speaking therapist or to be admitted and no one would take me seriously. So, I was lucky enough to get private help. But… why are we paying for the health insurance if we are not getting any help.


I also had to pay privately for a dermatologist appointment recently because I just couldn’t get any appointment that wasn’t in like half a year. Makes me so angry because I don’t really earn a lot of money and already pay quite a large amount of my income to healthcare and now I gotta pay shit on top of that just to get a basic healthcare service


For real. I had a flare up 2 months ago and trying to get an appointment with a dermatologist is hell. I'd already be dead before seeing one. Not to mention we pay insurance for this kind of service??


You can get it paid by your insurance company, even though it's a private one. Google "Kostenerstattung bei Psychotherapie"




Can double down on this. I've had better experiences with doctors of non-German origins (usually Turkish or Arab) than with German-origin ones. I think it's cultural difference, because all of them are German nationals and have gone through the same training to become doctors.




I've never had "issues" per se, and they're always patient with my semi-fluent German. My concern is that they have a very avoidant approach to my health issues. It took me a very long time to convince my Hausärztin to take my issues seriously, she kept prescribing basic digestives and herbal tea. Same experience with my dentist. On 2 occasions I wanted a different opinion (after getting tired of herbal tea that didn't help) and went coincidentally to Arab-origin doctors and they were both SO proactive at asking for my health history, details of the pain I was experiencing, reassuring me that it was nothing serious, etc. that I came out of there feeling mentally so much better. And for a different problem, I had an appointment with a Turkish-origin neurologist, who too was the same as the above.


Bulls. Your aim with These Comments is pretty obvious. Nice try, try again.


The fact that you think this is racist goes to show you've never had an actual racist experience. Hope things stay that way!


I don’t think this. You proofed it by making the comment you did, by framing one Group as soft skill competent in your view while the Others arent. With The per-se bs you just try to protect yourself from criticism. A non rcst would not even get into the mindset claiming one Group of doctors of specific Origin is Behaving in the one way, while the other is behaving the other way. You are Full of bias.


I shared my experience, yes. That doesn't in any way or form affect the power dynamics of any of those doctors in society. I'm not the one who holds any power here, nor am I putting anybody down. If you believe that's racism, I have bad news for you.


No, you just put them into nice little corners of your neatLittle World, were ethnics have to be a certain way, because you had „experiences“. I know „turks“ with German last names and Passports here in third Generation, which are so tired of you lot.


Good for you man. I've grown up and lived across 6 countries and speak 7 languages. I'll stick to my experiences over whatever it is that you're peddling here.


Yes, because These treat Germans like sh. Vice versa. In Germany we have a saying: if you shout into The Valley so the echo is coming back to you. The Echo Are the Germans. ‚Its a „Cultural“ thing‘ what a rcst


Habe dich nicht verstanden. Ohnehin, habe meine echte Erfahrungen hier erklärt. Kultureller Unterschied ist nichts schlecht. https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/s/a7JjoJTPwK


Of course calling would have been easier but the clinic was closed when I first contacted them, so I wrote them an email...This email is great to show how difficult it is to get an appointment in Germany and how rude some people can be...They definitely have no clue about customer service and customer appreciation...


I don't know why people are downvoting you and defending this, the "nein" is both hilarious and sad. If you were the one skipping the niceties you'd be berated, not excused as direct. Even randoms on kleinanzeigen buying some 2€ piece of trash from you can slap on a guten Tag & LG but a doctor or secretary representing their psych practice can't?? Even if you're not a customer this is rude af


Yesterday, there was a post on how this guy had a stomach ache, and he fainted. So he was sacred what if I faint and I never wake up so he calls emergency service ambulance and all, goes to ER they put him on ECG and leave. He waits for about 1-1.5 hours without any communication and then rings the bell or something to call and asks when he will be treated. People in the comment section were absolute dumbwits and justifying it by "ER is for more critical case there are people dying with brain annerurism and accidents and what not so this rudeness is acceptable" plus this is common knowledge. I said maybe it's not an ER case but the guy probably doesn't know how ER works in germany he was middle eastern, if someone lacks common knowledge that doesn't give the other person the pass to be rude. They could have just said yours is not an ER case, so we can not attend you so quickly. End of story. You are a medical professional for fucks sake not some cashier at supermarkt to be annoyed and people were donwvoting me and calling OP entitled and egoist. Dude deleted his post due to everyone bashing him left and right. What if something similar happens to him in the future, and instead of calling for help, he thinks of this post and all the negativity he got and then decides to just wing it without help and dies?? Even the hippocratic oath that doctors take, although it doesn't explicitly mention treating patients with respect or being rude to them, the principles embodies attitudes and behaviors that implicitly require respectful treatment of patients. Adding this just in case, because germans love to go by rule! https://www.reddit.com?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


Exactly. People see the "Dr House" type character as being "tough but fair", but the reality is that a rude doctor will not gain the trust of their patients and thus will not get the information from the patient that they need to provide the best possible care. Rudeness in the medical profession leads to avoidable deaths.


Most of the German subreddits are like this, especially if there's an immigrant involved. Everything is always the fault of the person posting and there's little sympathy for the special circumstances and challenges faced by foreigners in Germany.




Regardless, the moment you decide to become a doctor it's all about service! Dedicating your life for the sake of others. In today's world its all about which profession will fetch me a lavish lifestyle. But didn't know it's not a thing in germany or it's voluntary. But I still believe majority of people still do it all over the world ?


Thank you! It is so nice to read this, and so true!


Yeah np. The comments have normalized now but when I first saw this you were at -3 and all the others saying it's not rude were upvoted. This sub can be kinda mean in general but you weren't even wrong. Thought I was taking crazy pills




I am not even in a village but in a German state capital 😓




Oh I haven't seen that. I tried one who politely said they can't accept new patient. This is only the beginning of my search


That's true. Getting an appointment for psychotherapy or psychiatry are an different animal though. Normal doctors you usually can get an appointment , with psychiatrists you get more rejections than with online dating. They're often pretty rude, because there is so much demand they can afford to be rude. Yours takes the cake though. Sorry for this bad experiences, I thought I had it hard to get an psychiatrist but they're even more rude if you don't speak german. Yeah customer service is an fremdwort in Germany. Some doctors are very good at it though, but they're super hard to find and you've to get really lucky.


In my experience, Germans do not understand nor appreciate good service. Some of my experiences in restaurants make me wonder if the servers are under the impression that they have to pay me for their work.




It's missing the 'being a normal human being to your fellow human beings' part.


"Hallo" "mit freundlichen Grüßen" and a full sentence...


















Why should they show customer appreciation to somebody who isn't a customer.


I am sorry you are being downvoted. People here have normalised rude behaviour and direct and there should be absolutely no shame in calling out these rude folks for what they are.


This sub logic in nutshell Germans showing rude behavior: "just accept it! You are just too sensitive!" "Thats our culture" Foreigner show slight criticsm, not even with curse words: "go back to your country!"


Why are people here so rude I don’t get it


Their mommy never loved them


Some people have the mentality of "Germany is the best country in the world to live in". So when they see something like this, all hell breaks loose.


Honestly dont even hide their praxis name, let people see how they treat potential patients.. absolutelly disgusting


Why do people in Germany get so offended as soon as they hear/read "in Englisch" ?


Even if you get it, they may change it. Just got an email today; my appointment in April has been moved to July :/


Honestly dont even hide their praxis name, let people see how they treat potential patients.. absolutelly disgusting


Finding a doctor that can communicate in English is one thing, but running a therapy session almost requires a native speaker or someone with significant experience. To expect easy availability of specialists with that level of foreign language proficiency is pretty presumptuous. The short lipped answer on the other hand is a different topic though... Edit: Ok, it isn't a full blown therapy session, "just" a psychiatrist consultation. But ask yourself: Would you feel comfortable as a doctor to treat a patient in this field, where nuances of language make a huge difference, if you are not native or at least fluent in that language?


A psychiatrist is not a therapist. A Psychotherapeut is a therapist. My current one barely talks actually even though he has a good English level


It is still a field where nuances of language matter far more than other fields and I wouldn't feel comfortable as a doctor in that field taking on patients in a foreign language. Nope.


If you are not paying private and need a therapist you need to call the 116117 it is the best way in Germany to get an appointment without searching and calling yourself. If you try every resource at your disposal and document it, like write up when you tried to make an appointment with a statutory health insurance doctor with the name, date and so on. you can then contact your health insurance and ask for reimbursement of private sessions if the private therapist you maybe found available agreed to charge the public health insurance contribution rates. Then it's possible to see a therapist who only takes private insurance. For more information ask your health insurance customer service for "Kostenerstattungsverfahren Psychotherapie".


You could try the app called "Doctolib", I've made all my doctors appointments through this. You can see what languages they speak when you're choosing a specialist. Pretty straightforward and easy to use


True I have it already. I just checked and there are no psychiatrists using their app. So far only my gynecologist is using it.


Damn that sucks. Maybe it depends on where you are situated. I live in NRW and was able to find some options


I am East, that must explain 😂


Think positively. If you send that email in English, you’d probably receive nothing at all.


Ah ah so true


Call 116117. This is number where they help find doctors. It's a service for getting a doctor fast but not ambulance fast. You will have an appointment within a week. But prepare, the line is in german and it takes a while to reach a real person and not auto-response.


Yeah I know that one too ;-)






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Commenting to find this later


Short and sharp.




A sad proof of German efficiency. No frills, straight to the point