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As others have said, it's a new EU rule to cut down on waste. I'm old enough to remember the time drink cans had [ring-pulls that completely separated from the cans](https://live.staticflickr.com/2550/4140032045_b925f32831_b.jpg) until, for a similar reason, they were replaced by the style we have now. I don't think it solves the problem exactly -- the problem being just way too much reliance on plastic packaging -- but I suppose it helps a bit. Or would, if the idea wasn't so badly executed. It can work, though, if done right. There's one no-name brand that gets it right -- I want to say it's Flirt, which is Aldi's soft drinks brand, unless it's Freeway from Lidl (it's one of those). The lid unscrews easily, it folds away a full 180° and snaps so it stays that way while you drink, folds back and screws back on just as easily. I actually think it's an improvement: I was constantly dropping the damn things (not great if you're planning to screw them back on and you have two cats in the house), now they just stay right where I need them. Unfortunately, most others are, as you say, a real pain, and like (I suspect) so many others, I end up tearing them off, thus defeating the whole purpose. It can be done properly, clearly, but I've only found this one discount brand that's figured it out.


Caps carelessly thrown away for single use bottles seem to be an issue in countries that don‘t have a deposit system in place. But since it is a EU wide regulation, German companies also have to implement it although 99,x% of the bottles are returned with the cap on. I just rip it off knowing I will return it with the cap on nevertheless.


Richt?! Carelessly throwing the caps away is only an issue for crown caps. They aren't made to be re-attached by design, which gives no incentive to keep them.


Until there is a nuclear fallout, then you better keep all of your caps!


While the deposit scheme reduces this, it still makes sense to do this as they could still be separeted in the recycling process and get lost.


Seems like I’m the minority here but I don’t really care about that.


It doesnt bother me at all. You can pull them back enough that they stay out of the way.


Yes and I have a feeling that most people complaining about the new lids aren’t aware of this.


Same here. I honestly don't understand why people are bothered. One guy from my homeland told me he hurt his nose drinking soda. I guess that speaks more about his IQ.


Doesn't bother me at all either. I actually like it, I don't drop the caps anymore.


I’m with you. Can’t say it changed anything noticeable in my life. It’s more a thing of people getting used to it, which should happen in a year or two.


The only time it **really** bothers me is when I try to pour mild in my coffee and the spikes in the cap (which break the seal) lead to weird splashing


Same issue here with the milk; some recipients have large caps that fall back sometimes when pouring because the lid is too heavy, making a mess...


Yeah me either. Slightly annoyed but tolerable …


They are easy enough to rip off.


It's a EU thing to reduce waste. I guess the plan is to make it easier to recycle the whole bottles if the cap is still there. Otherwise the cap would be get lost and then not recycled. No clue if it works, but it surely make using the bottles more annoying.


I’m curious of recycle rates for plastics in EU? From my understanding low density plastics don’t have a high return yield with recycling whereas aluminum can basically be recycled indefinitely. I’m not talking about how much plastics are thrown in the recycle bin but what percentage of recycled plastics are actually successfully recycled.


It not only the direct recycling (making new plastic out of old plastic), but the general usage of old plastic. Most of the old plastic is used to heat power plants, so getting electricity out of it. If you have pure plastic and not mixed together different waste types, it's far easier and effective to use it in a power plant. In Germany 99.4% (2021) of the collected plastic is recycled or burned. So only a small part of it get into landfill. Of course there is a huge part of old plastic which is not collected, but laws such this, are made exactly for this reason.


Pssssst, don’t tell anyone, but it’s to fluff up statistics. You are basically going from two pieces of plastics to one. Surprise: plastic waste significantly reduced.


Isn't plastic waste measured in weight in the statistics? It's the same as with the cans in the 90s. Sooner or later nobody will care


>Isn't plastic waste measured in weight in the statistics? Shh, never let facts get in the way of a good conspiracy theory.


Actually it's way easier to recycle if the cap and bottle are separated, because both are different kinds of plastic. That's the rule behind most recycle processes. The separation of the material is a big part. The EU-rule is just another example of blind "let's do something about it"...


I would assume it still gets recycled seperately? Coca cola said that the issue was that apparently alot of people just threw the caps away. I don't really believe that but well that's what they said if I am not mistaken.


The small plastic ring under the lid would also need to be removed though, so doesnt really make a difference


It’s done to reduce littering (and the resulting environmental plastic pollution) and makes perfect sense. The important point is that both cap and bottle make it to a bin. Allowing easier recycling of the bottle and caps is not a priority as plastic recycling is economically difficult anyway (when’s the last time you saw something made out of fully recycled plastic? Exactly).


It would make sense if I would have ever seen just caps lying around in the forest. without the bottle.


How can you lose a bottle cap?


You remove the cap from the bottle and trow it in the next bush. Now you have lost the cap. It's far more difficult if the cap is attached to the bottle.


But why would you do this? I literally can’t comprehend this behaviour.


Me neither, but sadly not all people are decent human beings


I literally saw people doing this on the street. Since I've seen it with my own eyes, I'm pro attached-cap.


I think if people did it before, they will continue to do it. I mean u can just rip em off lol.


If someone is going to do that much, what's stopping them from just throwing the entire bottle after they're done with it?


Pfand! The cap has no deposit, the bottle has one. Before this change, there was no motivation for people to keep the the cap at the bottle, now it is work to remove the cap, so it's more likely that the cap is returned together with the bottle.


Pfand, and littered bottles are easier to collect than small lids lying around


It made opening the bottle and drinking from it more annoying


If [this press release](https://www.corvaglia.com/tethered-caps/) is credible, it sounds like it'll eventually get fixed.


Maybe you're like me and OP, you didn't realize you can push orne cap more far away than what is seen here on the picture? Then, there's no difference for drinking


Doesn't work because now I just angrily rip the cap off




Well making it more annoying is already a win by itself. Incentive to pick a glass bottle over a plastic one, if prices are similar 


Maybe use some reusable bottle which you fill up with tap water. I any way, this law will reduce the amount of unrecycled waste.


It’s too stop sea wildlife from dying


OP this is literally the worst thing to ever happen in Germany.




Ich präferiere "PFAS-Giftröhre"


I wouldn’t be to sure about that


Nope, this is the worst thing that’s ever happened in Germany. The suffering of people like OP will be considered in the war tribunals in The Hague that are sure to follow.


True. When they removed these chocolate frufo pralines from supermarket it was even worse.


The worst thing to have happened in the Federal Republic of Germany. There, I saved it.


It’s already rolling out across the EU.


literally the worst to ever happen in the whole history of the EU. This one little thing makes the whole of EU literally unlivable. OP is right. People should go to the streets to protest this great injustice to out freedom


I for one am surprised anyone is talking about anything else.


Whole europe my guy.


I never in my life threw away a cap without the bottle apart from the time where you could collect coca cola caps and trade them for prices. Since they started this super annoying environmental innovation, I regularly just tear them off as a small act of activism. Know it makes no sense but drinking and closing the bottle were made more difficult for no real reason apart from the fact that producing these types of caps are way cheaper for the companies and washes green at the same time.


I developed bottle cap OCD bcz of this.


Same here, but not because of those. H Milch Tetrapak for me.


Rip one of them off and you have a perfect bottle cap holder...


Incredibly annoying. Much harder to drink out of and also harder to get the bottle cap back on correctly. There are more important things in the world, but this change in terms of direct effect on me is pretty high up there. I'm pretty sure I have never failed to put a bottle cap back on in the past too.


I am more annyoed by people still buying plastic bottled water from a mega company which fucks up the planet for profit while drinking tap water is free .. and having a reusable bottle for it wouldn´t have cap issue either.


But this cap issue is for *all* bottles now. I can't make Coke Zero in my kitchen. I wish we would just use glass for everything and call it a day.


I've been to way too many houses where the water tastes like chalk. Which is just about the last thing I want in my mouth when thirsty.


Agreed... we use a filter for that. Easy solution.


My tap water tastes like forest moss...


We don't have a choice here, the water is extremely hard and even with a Brita filter, it was making me sick. We now have to rely on bottled water for drinking and I have to drink a lot as I have stomach issues.


Had to give the cat Volvic because she was a spoilt litte creature from a soft water area and refused to drink the local water. Fortunately it took her 10 days to go through one bottle.


Good point. And this little thing shows how inconvenient this whole concept is, once you try to tackle it from a waste perspective. It only works well when all waste considerations are ignored.


you can pull the cap all the way back and it will stay there (180 degrees flat)… try fixing it before whining…


Seriously this. The cap in OP's picture is only 80% opened. Open it the rest of the way, it still won't fall off and will work just fine.


Rip one of the holding strings off, it makes drinking more easy and the cap doesn't fall to the ground.


I've tried doing that, but it's either one or neither, with a high chance of getting water everywhere for my efforts.


Yes, I rip it off every time-it’s a new eu policy so you don’t loose the cap to cut pollution. Beforehand, I was able to open a bottle with one hand in the car while driving- which is absolutely impossible now.


Skill issue


Opening with one hand still possible. Good thing you don't need to put the cap anywhere. E. G. I car you can drink and close the bottle after it easier and don't loose the cap under the seat and crashing while searching it.


closing the cap with one hand became significantly harder because in most cases the cap will always be angled becayse of the way it is connected to the bottle that sucks


Just did it in the same speed as before. Skill issue.


it's greenwashing


I am constantly enraged by these new lids I rip them off out of spite 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


I rip them off. I have never in my life lost a cap and always recycle them along with the bottles. Who are the dumbasses that were just losing the caps?


I even cut off the remaining ring around the bottleneck. Fuck's sharp as shit and cuts my psoriasis-suffering hands every. single. time.


Yeah same.


No, I hate it, too. It just makes it nearly impossible to pour something without spilling, and I've cut both my hand and the side of my mouth on the pointy bits.


Man vs bottle cap. 0 - 1


You're asking people in Germany if they're annoyed? With a thing that has changed?


I hate it so much!


I'm all for eviromental protection and recycling. But this rule is absurd and feels kinda like virtue signaling(?) of sorts. Now everybody has to suffer just because 1% psychopaths for some reason throw ONLY the cap into a different type of trash or the enviroment?? (Not to mention its 2 different kinds of plastic anyway, so they would have to be sorted out afterwards)


This looks like my grandmother came up with it to finally stop people drinking from the bottle because it's so *unhygienic*. Also, it needs three hands to pour it without spilling if the bottle is large and full. Made for aliens? Give the lid some worth on the return, problem solved without spillage or alien weirdness. I have a cutter to remove the connection and then put the lid on the bottle anyway because that's less work than putting it somewhere else. Though I remember from the early days of yellow bag bottle/tetrapack recyling that you were supposed to put in bottle and lid seperately.


It feels extremely patronizing. I feel like being treated like a toddler than can't keep a lid on a bottle.


I hate this too


I just rip it off anyways. It's not THE worst thing, but certainly one of them.


I hate it


I rip them straight of. Its very annoying.


I hate it. And while big companies waste the world, the individual person is terrorised in the name of saving the oceans.


Worst thing, shit happens because of this


I personally hate it, as it "solves" a problem that never existed. But I do know people who love it so IDK.


no every is annoyed by it


these make me aggressive. It's the equivalent of »I'm not a robot. Check.«


YES what a fuck


I always cut them off as I slit my lips twice. Now there is always this small peace of plastic going in the trash. Well played....not


I hate it!


Use a glass or turn your bottle by 90°.


I guess everyone is annoyed, but we habe to live with this change. It ist what it is.


You need to open it properly. Just bend it back. It's really not that difficult, complicated or bad.


Apparently its better for recycling or whatever, but yeah, can be annoying


It's a EU law. The Netherlands has the same and it's the most annoying thing on the planet. There are so many ways to fix this, and this wasn't one of them for sure.


And than they say „We do something for the clima!“


I couldn’t care less


I actually like it tbh


Annoying green washing shit. Non removable bottlecaps won't safe any environment if the whole thing lands in the ocean anyways.


Does it annoy everone? Yes. Does it have an absolutely ridiculously minimal impact on environmental protection, but just enough that nobody can oppose it? Also yes. Then you bet your ass it's gonna be mandatory in Germany.


I'm incredibly annoyed by this. Not only because it's hindering when drinking, but also because it's implying the average citizen is too stupid to keep the lid of his plastic bottle. I'm allergic to this kind of policy.


I can't believe people are actually bothered by this. This is about the least inconvenient think in the history of inconveniences. And slightly helps to cut down on waste. New bottles are good.


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Use the force


Depending on my mood I might rip them off.


Yeah I just yank them off and throw them in the bushes out of protest.


As someone who is tired of running behind rolling bottle cups I simply love this!!!!


Yes. Don't be triggered.


Most I've seen, with a twist you can get it off easily. Most annoying thing for me now is when I open a bottle that doesn't have it, but assume it does, and the cap drops. Feel like an idiot.


These kind of ideas probably wouldn't be brought up if people taught their children that it's not cool to litter. No, it's not only children that litter, but those children grow up as well. 🤷🏼‍♂️


If it's useful or not, I don't know, but I am really stumped by the amount of people who say it makes drinking or pouring harder. You just open it like normal, press on the lid until it makes a sound and it won't pop back on top so easily. Never had problems with that. Drink and pour like normal, just turn the bottle a little so it's not in the way.


Couldn't care less


just tear it off


I tear it off an give a shit. Same with milk cases. German Politicians and the EU are full of shit. The whole nature safe thing is a big money maker, the green cycle a big lie. We separate paper, plastics and bio just that the waste incineration porcess needs to be supported by extra "burners" to keep the flames going. In essence, we sort out the paper at home, create a second transportation cycle with additonal trucks (high maintenance cost), and in the waste incinerary they need to add paper and other burning materials to the home waste because it does not burn on its own anymore.... What a bunch of idiots...


I really hate it on milk and juice containers because if there is any liquid in the lid, it all ends up pooling on one side of the cap and then getting on the bottle when I close it. I hate it.


Everyone and their mother is annoyed by this.


Yes. Only you.


Just rip it off 🤷‍♂️


It's always a pain to close this one


Just EU things.


Yea! Absolutely! I absolutely wish they would ban this nestle monstrosity No srsly I have no problems with cap staying on, that’s something I tried to archive every time I’m happy it’s now permanent. But I also don’t use plastic bottles, glass with metal caps so no problem here


LOL all along I was thinking I did not know how to unscrew them properly


no bro idk what u talking bout


Cant really see the down side of it because the worst thing thats going to happen is plastic touching your mouth and the best is that you cant drop your bottle cap in the dirt again And the little nice is that your cap doesn’t end up in the ocean even if you recycle bottle


Top of the Evolution.


Recently found out the same thing in Eastern Europe. Totally agree with OP that this is annoying. Need to have some power to break it off now. The funniest thing about this all is that on bottles deposit machines in my country is written: "Please deposit bottles without caps". 😁


I tell you a secret you take it and turn it until it separates 🤷‍♂️…


yesterday i decided yo accept it because i can't bare it anymore


First world problems.


I do not mind. At the beginning they were cutting my fingers but now they have designed it properly. No reason to be aggrevated


In Spain recently, I had some water in a bottle with a flip-back lid that stayed out of the way when open.


I don't know if it works for Volvic bottles, but with some other bottles, there are two "clicks." Push it all the way back, and it should stay there and out of the way when you drink or pour.


I always hated it until I realised that if you bend it far enough it locks in place and dosent bother anymore.


No, I didn't mean the way of holding is the problem. THE problem is holding the bottle.


I don’t care about it ngl Even tho it could’ve been solved a way smarter way.


Tried twisting it?


Were you in coma?


I still remove the caps so it works like a normal cap, which leads to an extra bit of Plastic I actually have to throw away. This law has lead to the opposite at least for me.


It’s like Hell!


[Not **all** bottles!](https://pixabay.com/de/photos/clean-kanteen-metallflasche-flasche-4423681/)


No. I hate it too


I actually kind of like it like that. But I’m one of those who puts the cap back on between sips so it’s useful for me.




I have a blind friend who loves them. Makes his life easier as he doesn't lose the cap. Used to hate them until I heard this, sometimes privilege doesn't let us see other people's struggles.


Considering the amount of bottle caps I found floating in the Caribbean I would say that they should introduce these kind of bottles in these regions of the earth as well. I don't particularly like these new bottle caps either but I see what they're going for. Very often it's small (sometimes mildly annoying) things that can have a big impact on a large scale and I'd be ready to put up with them if they're helping in reducing plastic waste or improving recycling capabilities.


I actually like it. It keeps it from being lost or falling and remains clean


Dont tell anyone but you can just rip it


Same throw up with straws, bigger one when they changed from tearable to non tearable closures on the cans. And so on, and so on. After two to five years no one can remember when the change happened and 50% of the people think it has always been like that.


I hate it, I'm trying to cut it of every time


Everyone is annoyed by this. But it's one of a long list of EU decisions which will surely save the planet.


A small discomfort for the humans. A big improvement for the planet ;-)


Nope. Me also. But I think that's the new meta 😂


You are using it Wrong bro. Stop spreading nonsense and use your brain 🧠


Love it


I separate it by cutting it with a scalpel. If I tear it apart, there will be sharp edges.


You have no idea how many thousands of small things like this we are all subject to everyday. A drop of rain is one thing. Wading through an ocean is another.


I am sick of clowns crying SAVE THE PLANET but when they have a lid that is attached to the bottle, they act like its impossible to use. Turn it to the side and drink. I am annoyed by posts like this acting its the end of the fucking world -.- fuck no.


Some bottles are fine, like volvic cause the cap is big enough. But Coke and Pepsi bottles are horrible. Not I need 2 hand to open and close them instead of just using my fingers on one of them.


Today i learned that this is actually on purpose lol


While driving this thing is the goat.


You are right. Volvic is awful.


Such a minor inconvenience. Deosn't really matter or bother me.


This is an IQ test and you failed


You know what on my mouthwash bottle is written on? Throw bottle and cap seperately into the recycling bin.


Nah, this sucks hard and propably has zero positive impact. Fuck em bottlecapholders.


It was annoying when it was new but now I'm used to it


And you are not annoyed by them when you find them in the park or in the woods?


I really like it. Lost/dropped them too often 😂


Tip: with most of these you can fold the cap like 180° and it will click in place and stay there. If you want to close it, just click it back and close the cap. I've seen this on most, but not all plastic water bottles and milk cartons.


Not just you. It's super annoying, sometimes it even makes you spill some. Or it drips down the side of your lips when you take a sip.


I just twist them off usually


I was but you get used to. Last time I went to Brazil (there are no caps like that there), I was missing them this way as it is here in DE. 😅


It’s a godsend for me because toddler cannot try to put the damn cap inside his mouth, so one less worry about the million things that can go in🙈


welcome i'm from poland and i live in poland and no you are not alone


Stop crying.


Uhh it annoys me so bad. And it's the milk cartons too now!


Yesss, Happens to me too but , it's advantageous for a bottle water cover to be tight so that when you open it, the cover remains intact. This ensures that the water remains sealed and fresh, preventing any potential contamination or spillage.


I cut em off every time.


Needs a little design improvement...If only the part attaching the cap to the bottle would be a little longer...it would be perfect.


I am just curious about how many costs produced the changing of the production principles of this bottle caps? Like, you have to descuss this new concept at first on CEO level, than, globally introduce and implement new technological concept. I work in IT and know, how expensive such minor changes can be.


What are they doing about all the cigarettes thrown I to the streets and drains which contaminate hundreds of liters of water with chemical pollutants. At least correct drainage infrastructure can capture bottle caps, nothing is going to stop the the pollutants carried by the water. Good idea, but this isn't really looking at the real issues, which is production of plastic in the first place


Hate it. Unscrewing it is okay. But it shouldn’t take a person 30 seconds to screw the mother fucking cap on correctly.


Imagine they are trying to reduce waste by this strategy, while the 0.2 L bottles are produced and cost 4-5€ on Restaurants. If i were to decide i would ban 0.2L bottles of water, like who even can cease the thirst with so little water, babies bottles hold more than that!




No. I am annoyed, too. I use tgem aß Podest for my small figurenes thou.




I fucking hate it. Some Brussels politician decide this shit for 500mio Europeans in different countries. It’s a joke.


I tear the cap off completely its crap....and it's annoying at its finest...