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I think on average you should budget 20 pounds a day so total 2700 pounds … some days will be WAY LESS some days more (especially if you are ubering, buying petrol to move around or plan on visiting high end restaurants with company. That said if anyone ask you brought only 1k pounds (roughly 17k cedis) for the 3 months so that’s about 5k a month in expenses which should be fine if you are not doing anything expensive… but also keep another 1k pounds as contingent funds. When you change money it vanishes very fast here. Especially if you keep it in the envelope the bank gives you. Next thing you know it will be empty 😁


thank u




Ei random shopping spree and eating for 3 months all in the 10,000 cedis ? Keep playing 😂




Or... you may be someone who earns a lot more than 10k cedis. This sub attracts all sorts. 10k cedis is just 700 USD. There are people who will refuse to get out of bed for less than 1000 USD. But for everyone who thinks 10k is okay for 3 months, there are also some people who make 10k in 12 months and feel happy to earn a stable income.


The person will be mainly based in Kumasi so I thinks it’s okay


5000 cedis for a whole 3 months? It doesn’t even keep me for one month when I visit.




Of course, I’m a Ghanaian so I have family and home there but even transportation and internet alone can take half of that. Flight from Accra to Kumasi alone is about 800 cedis or more. He/she can go by road though, I don’t recommend that. Talk about if OP goes out to eat it costly, he/she will need to drink bottled water and other personal needs. 5000 cedes won’t take long to finish.




I stated 5000 cedis. There’s no where in my comment I mentioned 10,000. Have a good day.




Well, maybe you should read your own comment.


thank u sm


This guuyyyy.. Dey play


If you are taking cabs around then I’d say aim for 5k per month. It’s is Kumasi so prices may be comparable to Accra.


5k cedis or pounds?


Cedis, you don’t need £15,000 for 3 months in Ghana unless you’re doing some SERIOUS luxury living 🤣


Everybody’s budget and lifestyle is different. Asking strangers on Reddit for this information won’t really help. First do some research, and take what you think will be enough.


i cant ask for a rough estimate?


You can do whatever you want


no need to be difficult


You can hire a personal chef and cook for yourself


I tried this last summer! I needed someone to cook twice a week for my parents. A woman (recommended to me!) came to my house, sat down and told me she wanted 800 cedis a week plus travel to cook 4 meals. Banku and okra stew for two people- twice a week- for 800 cedis. I paid a local events centre to deliver food with drinks and it was less than 100.


Well if you're in Accra I can recommend someone who'll do that perfectly for you at a moderate price


Thank you. You are very kind. I'll save this and may take you up on it should I have problems this summer.


Have you used Mobile Money / MoMo to make or receive payments before? It's linked to your local SIM and you can safely use the app to pay for almost everything here and it means you don't have to carry so much cash about or pay ATM fees. We've linked a European account to our MoMo and we can smoothly move small amounts of money and receive it in local currency. The exchange rate right now is great for tourists, that said EVERYTHING is expensive here right now. From Pizza to shoes, Ghana is very spendy right now. Budget more than folks are suggesting because rent aside, you'll want to travel and go out to eat. Have a lovely summer!


hi i am not planning to buy shoes, i would eat out when often. how much to budget please


Tbh, your budget may depend on the situation of your family and their attitudes to hospitality. In my extended family there is an unspoken expectation that I will pay for everything. There is a massive income imbalance, everyone is aware of it and so I put up with it. My partner's family is very different, they've never allowed me to spend a penny on _anything_ while staying with them. So speak candidly to your family in the UK before you leave so you have some idea about the Ghana family. It is different in friendship groups. You can discuss money. Split the bill or pay for your own food. Dating- the male usually pays for the first dates, maybe you can offer , but please don't insist, he may get offended


thank u, very helpful


Take care and if people ask for money and you feel uncomfortable, smile and say no. No explanations, no negotiations. A simple no and change the subject.


God bless


Just spent a week in Accra, spent 600 usd going to restaurants everyday, a couple high scale ones at that, buying street food, went to a resort for 2 days and also paid for the extra excursions doing tourist things like aburi, road trip to the castles (el Mina and the other castle in the same town forgot the name), I also stayed with family like you, if you’d like more in detail things about the prices of things send me a message, have fun


thank u, God bless


You will need about 2-3K per month. You are staying with a family but you will be expected to pay for groceries, water and or the occasional “requests” of friends, family members and friends you meet. Kumasi is not as cheap as it used to be and if you go to Kumasi Mall or SG mall you will be paying close to 100-150 for food, not including drinks. You are going to want to travel around the country. And if you want to go for a nice place to eat it is not so cheap unless you are with locals who know where to go. But you can get some good rice at Picco near SG Mall/Tech and great banku and Tilapia ( for less than 100 cedis) at Adom near Ahodwo.


hi 2-3k a month in cedis or pounds?


Pounds. 6k pounds for 3 months, up to 9k pounds. Realistically since you are visiting. 


The usual rule is "twice the money/ half the clothes". For Ghana, bring 4x the money you think you need and pack as little as possible. You definitely will want to buy kente cloth when you get here and see how much you are being charged for it in your country. I usually packed a smaller suitcase inside my larger suitcase since my sisters would confiscate my cloth. My MIL would confiscate my clothes since we were the same size. Please remember that we are struggling here. I don't usually advocate for generosity, but things are really tough here right now. Finally, ask your family members if they need a computer or new phone. If you buy one for someone, take it out of the box and use it before boarding to avoid the insane import fees. Be wise and collect your money upfront.


thank you for ur advice


hi everyone is struggling everywhere. that is not my responsibility


I agree. The children might steal your heart though. You might quickly fall into the *'what's a farthing to me'* mentality.


Right talking about new laptop or phone you can’t be serious


for real ! 😭i am not a rich person


**Avoid exchanging currency at the airport!**


I exchange currency all the time at Kotoka, and never have a problem.


I didn't say it would be problematic. I prefer getting the highest exchange rate possible over convenience. To each his own.


Personally, I think people should check their bank rate. For me, my bank rate is the daily market rate minus 3 to 5% which is usually reasonable. You get the bank rate whenever you withdraw with a foreign ATM.


Agreed. I am unusually unreasonable when it comes to my money.


Dude wants to be eating out often and you’re saying Gh10k will be ok for 3 months??? Y’all think Kumasi is that cheap? Or will you be eating in chop bars?


Obviously chop bars! Lol!


6-8k a month in case of emergencies. I feel like asking us for advice won’t really be useful, but may this rough estimation should help 🤷🏾‍♀️


bring as much money as you can afford to buy kente cloth.


hi i am not planning to buy kente


3000pounds will be cool, because 1000pounds is 17,396.89cedis here and that's more than the salary of a doctor for 3 months


Please be objective. A dr’s 3 months salary is more than £1k. Which kinda dr are you talking about? Lol


Currently staying in Accra for 2 months, my fiancé and I brought $5000 usd which is about 70,000 ghc. We’re staying in our family home we built, mainly spending on petrol, food, gifts to bring back to Canada, & transportation. On average, we’ve been spending about 300-800 cedis/day depending on where we’re going/what we’re doing. I’d advise for you to bring at least 4000 pounds, especially if you’re looking to do some shopping. Things have definitely gotten a bit more expensive since our last trip here in 2022. Hope you have a good holiday! 🤗


thanks so much!! God bless


Inasmuch as you said you’re staying with family I’ll assume only your living expenses (rent, utilities) are taken care of. I would say about £10-£15 per day for food, £20-£30 per day for transport, specifically Uber or bolt (for how many ever days you will be moving around town) and £10-£20 for anything extra (shopping, souvenirs, etc) So that’s about £40-£60 per day, £1,200-£1,800 per month. And about £3,600-£5,400 for the three months. This is WAAY more than enough to get you the basic necessities and about enough to get the highest end of stuff, maybe with some extra left over at the end of the day. You could definitely spend less, but provided you have the funds this should be about enough.


Average prices of things you may be doing. This is just based off of memory, but it’s how I bugdet. Might help. Just sum up the number of times you’ll be doing any of these things and you’ll have an idea Meal at roadside joint 20-30gh Meal at fast-food chain 60-100gh Meal at regular restaurant 90-150gh could be more Meal at higher end restaurant 500- (upper limit could be anything) Meal at local chop bar 50 - (upper limit really depends on how much you want on your food) Hiring a car for a day 700- 2000gh. You’d have to buy fuel to replace what you used as well. If you ask for a driver there’s extra costs as well Uber per trip 80- 150 , but could be anything depending on where you are taking the vehicle from, the traffic situation, the journey etc Flight to other regions averagely cost about 1500gh. Buses cost 100-300gh These are prices as I’ve lived them in Accra. Haven’t been in Kumasi for maybe 6 years. I imagine the prices will be same or maybe just a little less. Beware of bolt/uber drivers in Kumasi as well. Prices might be very different from what you see on the app. If anybody sees anything that could be wrong, prompt me please. But have a nice time in Ghana.


Currently doing some work in Kumasi. A decent meal should cost about 120 cedis.


120 cedis for where??? Don't over exaggerate.


Ridge Condos


hi how much for average me




What's an average meal for you?


Pretty much 👍🏼


kumasi? lol,i heard in kumasi if you have 100 cedis you can eat for a whole week...its a joke


It depends on where you want to eat. Food poisoning is no joke so I am careful of where and what I eat.


Food poisoning in Ghana? Yes it is serious, but I've never had it. Everything is made fresh, that why it takes 40 minutes to get yam chips let alone fufu and soup!


is food poisoning that much of a thing in ghana??


You have to be careful because of the water. You can get a running stomach (diarrhea) depending on the hygiene of where you are eating from.


of course but that’s only happening if you’re getting your water from a terrible source, not sachet or bottled water


I am speaking of the food. Not necessarily the water.. but you are right that one must drink bottled or sachet. But I know 3 people who got typhoid and were told not to drink sachet water anymore.. you even have to be careful with those brands of sachet water. But yes, sometimes local food at chop bars can make you start running. Especially if you are not used to it. 


Not really. You should be fine most of the time especially if you avoid eating uncooked vegetables.


Have you traveled to Kumasi lately?


Yes last month. Which is why I suggest about 2-3K pounded per month for living.  After a while the OP is going to want to eat at a nice place, and possibly even go to ShopRite to purchase food. Rather than going through the market. 


Please budget for the occasional begging. Ghanaians just enjoy begging. It's like a game to them.


i dont have enough money to give out


That does not mean anything. Your family /friends will expect it because you are the obruni / boga that is coming from the UK, which means that you must be rich! Lol!