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I wouldn’t have minded that but I did really appreciate them playing it at the end as the movie ended. I thought that was pretty epic


I also on a sidenote, thought that the red and green protons dreamwas dope as hell


Yes I agree that was pretty dope as well


It really gave me extreme ghostbusters vibes


Ya know and I was really surprised that there weren’t any EGB Easter eggs in it nor did they adapt any of the equipment from that show into the movie. When I heard that Janine would be suiting up, I thought for sure she would have a version of Kylie‘s proton pack.


I feel they figured that it would have more an impact if they saved it for the "epilogue" sequence.


Ya you’re probably right. It’s something I thought was missing from Afterlife too although they did play it at the very end, it wasn’t played the way it was with this new movie or the first two


I honestly appreciate that they used the OG logo etc. but it's a pity they didn't use the song in the introduction. 


Maybe to make the part where they used the lyrics as a way to encourage each other better, idk.


It's one of my very few issues with the movie. Along with there not being any pop music needle drops like we got for the first two films. I understand why they didn't do it for Afterlife, this one they should want back to conventional. All they needed was a couple of songs for montages. They didn't even need as many as the original two films got.


>Along with there not being any pop music needle drops like we got for the first two films This is my complaint. I feel a GB film needs to have a contemporary soundtrack and a new rendition of the theme song (as long as it starts and/or ends with the Ray Parker Jr one).


Like that one rendition in Ghostbusters two or the one by Fall Out Boy in Ghostbusters answer the car that everyone hates along with the movie excluding me. I have a bit of a soft spot for the movie and that rendition.


Pop music is in a very different place these days, it would be very easy to get it so wrong


As long as there’s no Cardi B or ice spice, I swear to God I freaking hate rap 90s rap what is the best


It would have been nice but at least the way it's used throughout the whole ending sequence makes up for it imo. I wanted some other songs, though. GB1 and GB2 really put those pop songs to great use.


The one song I would love to hear again in a Ghostbusters movie or the two songs I would love to hear again in future Ghostbusters sounds are. On our own from Ghostbusters II and saving the day from the first Ghostbusters.


If they ever do you make another Ghostbusters movie where Viggo is once again the main villain, I would be disappointed if they didn’t play the song on our own from Ghostbusters two. Also, in my opinion, I feel like Vigo is probably the most powerful villain because it wasn’t for the singing on New Year’s Eve. The Ghostbusters would’ve been toast, because Vigo literally had them magically stuck to the floor with his purple 1989 special effects. Which I mean in the most endearing way possible.


I think they’re trying to distance themselves a little bit from it. They acknowledge it and enjoy the cheesiness from it. Kinda like Ed Boon and the 90s Mortal Kombat theme. But then they use it anyway… It’s like they both want the nostalgia cake and then don’t want it too and do new stuff.


Lolwhat. The movie literally ends with the entire song.


I don't see how they're trying to distance themselves from it. It's in various clips and ads. Videogames. Grooberson is reciting lyrics to Phoebe's mom in the movie. And they play the song at the end to send us home happy.


Yeah, but they’re clearing doing it ironically and making fun of it. Like we all know it’s a bit silly. It’s done for a laugh. But they’re not ever gonna put in any serious part of the movie or do a montage.


The editors do weird things. Even at the end of Afterlife they just showed schematics and didn’t give us the cool credit sequence from the first 2 movies. https://youtu.be/yUHQUPSe5dI?si=4UOLvCfawA1n3t4Z This vid fixes it and looks so much better.


Oh I love the schematic credits! Well, until I saw this. This was much better, didn’t know I needed this


Cold opening


I think the song would have worked perfectly and was kinda sad they didn't do it for the opening logo title. As much as a depsite it, even the 2016 film used the song to good effect in the opening.


Would’ve been awesome.


I'm relieved they didn't. I saw the film at Alamo Drafthouse and sat through about 15 minutes of 1980s Ghostbusters commercials before the movie, and *every single one of them played the song.*


Yeah. The opening logos where that close to perfection🙂


All they need to do was this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZyk8BCBAiI


SPOILERS, people! SPOILERS!! I don't care if it was just about the theme song (or lack thereof). It can still take away from the enjoyment of the movie if something is known before seeing it. And some of us haven't yet!! Plus you added that small mention of another part of the movie. All you had to do is title your post "Why didn't they..." and put the rest in the post, tagged it as a Spoiler, and covered it with "SPOILER".


start down voteing?


Because they obviously don’t know how to hype the audience for the movie. Had it opened with the track I would’ve been more pumped for the movie right off the bat.


Same here especially if they played the theme throughout the entire duration of the sewer dragon chase sequence. Especially if the moment the drone trap is launched the play the part of the theme that goes like. Don Don did I did ida dadta da da da you know with the drums


Yep! Just another missed opportunity from Gil and the team over at Sony.


It cost too much money for them to have it at the beginning and the end .. ray Parker Jr isn't playing bout his money with that song ..


Because that would’ve been fun and actually energized the audience - why they just didn’t end the flashback with the Ghostbusters theme + animated logo/title rising up, and then cutting to reveal Grooberson blasting the theme song on the Ecto-1 as the Spenglers were tearing through Manhattan (while also setting up how Grooberson annoys Carrie Coon later in the film with his love for the song), I’ll never know. (Actually, I do know: the filmmakers couldn’t think of a way to end the flashback with a proper scare - which is ridiculous for a Ghostbusters movie - and so they probably realized that the limp way the flashback ends, with the random reveal of someone dressed in Firebender gear, wasn’t punchy enough of a moment to transition to the introduction of the song/title, so instead of trying to fix the flashback to have it end on a more interesting note, they just moved the animated title - sans music - to the very start of the film instead).


Now that would have worked really well! Grooberson is singing along with the theme. You cou even have it so calle says something along the lines of could you turn the music dawn. And he says something along the lines of what turn it up! And he happens to turn it up at the part of the song with the drum beat and have phoebe at the same time while she’s hanging out of the car in the gunners seat she turns on the pack and then groberson says alright now that’s cool and it could wo out really wel. All add that to my rewrite of the beginning.


Could possibly have something to do with the old plagiarism lawsuit maybe…


Nope. That's a settled issue and it doesn't affect GB at all.


Both frozen empire and afterlife kinda had disappointing soundtracks




But if that’s about money, and you can only play the theme ones in the entire movie don’t wait till the end at least play it in the intro. I’m sorry if this is coming off as me ranting but I’m just saying like they had the opportunity like why would you have the opportunity to do it and go through the effort of even making the title card resemble the original intro title from the first movie? But, then not take the opportunity to also play the theme song? It doesn’t make sense.


Or if this movie was trying to be like the real Ghostbusters what they could’ve also done is they could’ve had the real Ghostbusters style intro of the ghost walking through an alleyway before getting caught in the logo. Also, if they couldn’t afford the Ray Parker Junior version why not even also use the real Ghostbusters version. As a matter of fact, I’m going to work on a rewriting of that intro. I’m still gonna leave the scare part of the beginning the same however, I am going to make a few tweaks to the beginning using the real Ghostbusters version. However, right now I have something to do so please expect this rewrite later today.