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Last of us 2 won it right? In that case yeah its a massive robbery




Yep I’m a huge fan of the last of us games but GOT was easily game of the year imo.


Same here, whilst TLOU 2 is good, it certainly is not GOTY.


Damn, it's pretty indicative of Playstations dominance in the exclusive realm though that they had two powerhouses competing for GOTY in the same year. I am an Xbox main but picked up a PS5 just to play a few of the PS4 era backlog I missed. And also loved the hell out of GoT (just jumped back in last weekend to play through Iki Island).


lol your replays should be colorful.


Lmao take your time and read comments,its actually amusing


Nah I loved Ghost and got the platinum on ps4 but Last of Us Part 2 is better


GoT is a fantastic game but it's really not on the same league as TLOU Part 2. That's not an insult to GoT, it's just that TLOU2 is that good. (Although the repetitiveness of GoT doesn't really help)


Nah. Ghost is better in almost every way. Last of us 2 is just pure misery porn. Nothing more


Here is why it didn't won GOTY. I saw this feedbacks a few months ago. "I thought this game was over hyped. It's good but not amazing. Repetitive and although the world is beautiful, it's predictable, empty, & lifeless. I couldn't finish it and I would urge anyone interested to put the hype aside and look into it a little more critically before purchase. Otherwise, around ~$30 is a safe price imo." https://www.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/s/nh6JCc4oWX


I'm on the last "boss" now (the khan I guess) and while I liked the game what you posted is exactly right... nothing makes 8t really stand out... it IS repetitive and the world is boring... like I said over all its a good game but not one of tue greats


lol you are bugging. Ghost is literally a perfect open world game that did absolutely nothing to reinvent or add to the genre. It’s a reskin of assassins creed 2. I love Ghost too but call a spade a spade.


It was a daylight robbery. Pure criminal


Ghost and RDR2 are probably the biggest robberies i've seen


Wait red dead 2 didn’t get it either. Lesson is here to not listen to what game of the year is but decide for yourself.


2018 had many great games


True, but no game still holds up like rdr2, the story, the handcrafted world, the NPCs, the graphics is one of the best of the decade


RDR2 is amazing in terms of story and immersion factor (outside of missions) but the game design is outdated. Start mission, ride to place, kill people, repeat. Also the fact you kill like droves of NPCs in missions that would make the Alamo look like a small scuffle kinda ruins it.


Oh, he INSISTS we get with the times! You need to have. Some GOD. DAMNED. FAITH!!!


It's beautiful and the story is great but gameplay wise its janky as fuck combat and a lot of riding around on a horse.


How is it janky? Dont think houve ever played janky games....


Exactly, I don’t hang my hat any GOTY honors except that I know it’s well loved by others. I also do not base my decisions on official reviewers and even regular users (since gamers like to revenge bandwagon over drama i rarely care about) I just do my homework from multiple sources, then judge if I’m buying a game. Then I play the game and I know I’m enjoying myself or not. Reviews and accolades are a jumping off point only, I’ve bought hated games before and loved them. In the end, I do not need validation to convince me If having a good time or not.


GOTY is like the Oscars. Someone has to get it but some of the best games get snubbed


Tbf, 2018 had some bangers. I didn't mind if either RDR2 or GOW4 won


Eh, RDR2 had a rough launch due to how poor the controls were (are). It's a marvel of technical achievement but it also revealed how outdated Rockstar's design philosophy was (is).


Rockstars character control is stuck in 2007


I want to like the game, but I still can't get over how bad the controls are. Haven't played more than an hour.


is it that the controls are bad or is it that the creators intent of making the movements of the character according to his weight not your cup of tea? for my part i loved it, especially the horse riding is still the best i've come across in any game.


Sam here tbh. This always bugs the shit out of me when people complain about RDR2's controls being "bad". They're not bad at all they're perfectly fine and working fine, they're just designed in a way that you don't like and thats okay. I am the same fwiw, I love the weight and heft of RDR2. you feel like a real person when you run and dive to cover, or swing your fist to crack someone in the jaw. And the horse riding is literally the best that's ever been made imo.


For me it’s not really about the character movement. More about the button mapping being very unintuitive and almost random. Keep tapping “X” to sprint, hold R1 to slow down. If only I got a penny anytime I tried to use L2 to bring up a menu and aimed my weapon instead


but that’s funny bc i feel like around the time RDR2 came out, FPS games were kind of very hot and popular (im thinking COD, Halo, Battlefield, CS:GO…) and having their ~moment~ so L2 being the aim button felt actually pretty natural to a fair amount of players


L2 has been the aim button in games as far back as GTA 4. The issue in RDR2 is that L2 is mapped to both aiming and talking to people so sometimes you'll find yourself accidentally aiming at an innocent and getting a Wanted level.


My only problem was I played these two games at the same time roughly and either kept slashing my horse in GOT or shooting my horse in RDR2


One button to loot a corpse, another button to pick a flower, one button to open a drawer, but another button to pick up the tin of beans. The forced weapon choices for missions, the lack of storage for weapons so you were carrying everything all the time on your horse (until they patched it). The railroading of missions, but open world. It's not just the movement, it's the actual game design that sucks. I'm not talking about the story, I'm talking about the mechanical gameplay and about how the controller is mapped. It's a shitshow by committee without clear direction. But I still love it, and I have played 4 or 500 hours and will happily play it again for the 4th time in a year or two.


I have tried so many times and yeah I really can’t get past the first hour or two.


It's easier to accept god war winning over rdr2 than it is for tlou2 over got


It's not a bad game but kinda repetitive.. every quest so far (12h in) is just : talk to someone - they tell you to go somewhere - you go there and kill few bandits/Mongols - go back to the person who gave you the quest - done. Maybe some follow along or investigation if they feel spicy. It's literally mmo type fetch quest which is a shame because the game could be so much more than that


Yeah I was gonna say I really love the combat but there are many repetitive elements... I gotta admit not having a way to skip cutscenes is very grating when 80% of the conversations with generic NPCs is a very slow variation of "the Mongols were mean to me :(" and maybe a "you should go kick their ass in their camp located at X"


You can skip them on new game +


True but the combat is so freaking good. You can come in as Ghost or being a honourable Samurai. I don't mind of being repetitive when you can kill Mongols in different way. If it's other games, I will complain like you. Don't like repetitive, but GoT is my only exception


I know the game is “GHOST of Tsushima” but I really do wish some of the dialogue reflected the fact I’m actively choosing to play as an honorable samurai.


Playing the story means it's impossible to do that. There's at least 2-3 missions before you attack castle kanaeda where you have to actively stealth or use surprise tactics.


One’s perspective of honor in its common interpretation differs from that of a samurai. This is why Jin becomes the Ghost, a transformation that becomes more apparent on Iki Island, where he finally overcomes the shadow of his father and his inner guilt. Essentially, the samurais’ actions there were no better than the Mongol tactics. Moreover, the shogun denounces Jin from the samurai not because of honor, but because he teaches common peasants how to fend for themselves, making them less dependent on the samurai.


I always chuckle when someone calls a game repetitive. Every game is repetitive. Every single game you can name is repetitive, since its inception. You think tetris got better after the 100th match? In mario you just run right and jump, how lame! It doesn't matter how repetitive a game is, it's just a matter if the gameplay loop hooks you or not. Looks like it didn't for you, and that's fine, no game is for everyone.


Some games can be more repetitive than others.


Every game is repetitive but some games hide it better than others. Here it shows really quickly how you always have the same objective in the same environment in the same sequence: talk to peasant - walk/ride to a point on the map - kill Mongols/bandits which have very little variety - go back and cash in the reward. We could have more interesting missions like the ones on a ship, or something like holding a position for X time with infinite enemies spawning before support arrives, stealing items/getting intel where you can't kill and can't be seen.. yet most of the missions take action in similar places and we do the same activitiy - killing the same enemies we were killing before and will be killing after.


Yeah... After they stop introducing new mechanics, it gets boring reaaal fast The story was also meh, paint by numbers The voice acting, and cinematics also leave a lot to be desired


It shifts gears on the second island. Stealth becomes much more important.




I think this is just due to the premises of the game, some game premises really don't feel like we can get anything other than the basic ubisoft formula (which gets repetitive really soon) Although there are some games that stray away from this formula such as Witcher 3 , Elden Ring, GTA , RDR2. I'll agree that the game could be more than the current state, maybe GOT 2 will fix that


Yeah, I've been playing it a lot since release and I got a little burnt out when playing through all the side missions and exploring the world. Really good game, but it is repetitive in many cases. The most fun missions are fortunately the main missions, since that's where most of the big fights are, and that's what I like.


is the DLC worth it ? i just done with the game finishing the main story and completely enjoyed it !! that was a huge impact!! idk am confused to touch the dlc part !!


i really enjoyed the DLC, but the DLC doens't have that "wow that's a good ending" feel. better than a lot of DLC's out there, but not better than the Tsushima base game's ending. that said, it's still a lot of fun, well designed, and has great story. also legends is fun, and is in game, just Jin listening to the storytellers, so you can touch either with no fear.


lemme check it , thanks!!


i actaully did the DLC just befor i progressed into act 3, but i did it after doing literally everything you could do in acts 1 and 2 otherwise. i honestly think i made the right call. the DLC is clearly designed to be played after the base game, but i think that emotionally playing it right after i'd revisited Jin's family estate but befor the events that happen at the end of act 2. there were a few small hiccups. i didn't have teh ghost armor set yet, or ghost stance either, but other than that it was fine, and i got to have that perfect completion feeling at the end of the game.


Quite frankly, I bum rush the first part of Iki Island as soon as possible. The new toys on the Island are some of the most fun to play with in the game, and I want them for as long as possible.


i played though so much of the game with the black dyed ghost armor, and the eagle's helm was a great look for me. i'm rocking the red dye, the white sword, white mask, and and the red woven hat from iki island right now, as i progress through my first NG+ looking at all thoes vanity items in the store, it's a real shame i'm gonna only ever be wearing one or two armor sets on this difficulty. no need to wear the super good looking traveler set.


It has added armor and an added horse skill and they change up the some of the questions marks with archery challenges etc. There’s also an added use for the sling hook thing


The DLC is absolutely worth it. Without giving away too much, I like that it didn’t go the usual ‘epilogue’ route and instead explores Jin’s own past and the ghosts from his upbringing. The difficulty spike you’ll face in combat is significantly higher in the DLC, even if you’ve maxed out your gear/skills. The side content is also well-thought out, especially the two additional mythic tales in the DLC. Word of warning, though, once you go to the DLC island and start that quest line, you can’t go back to Tsushima until you’ve finished a fair chunk of the DLC story (about a third of the main storyline). Good luck on Iki’s shores!


The DLC is solid and comes with the Directors Cut which I would really recommend. Just make sure you don’t do performance mode because the other mode is already 60 fps on PS5. If you’ve already got the game and beaten it, I wouldn’t say the DLC is like a must buy unless you are itching for more GoT gameplay. It’s not much different than the base island.


Yes iki island is amazing


Honestly yea dude the DLC is beautiful


It added some cool new stuff with armor and sword sets, and the additional Kazumasa story stuff was very cool, but in general I didn't think the story was that impressive. It's worth it just to have more content and to get the bad ass monke armor.


I chase the game to collect all the outfits but never even wear them, i just stick with Ronin or Ghost armour 😅


TLDR, yes I'd say its worth it. And if you're comfortable doing so, I'd go play the DLC pretty much as soon as its available. It's tough for sure, but it's also very rewarding For me personally I'd recommend the dlc for the gear more than anything. The Sarugami armour is god tier imo. Perfect deflects and dodges basically give you a free dance of wrath or a low level sticky bomb effect when that armour is fully upgraded, fighting with it makes you feel godly. And then there's the DLC charms. Ghost of Tsushima IS a really good game but it had one, for me personally, massive flaw It leaned waaaaaay harder into the samurai aspect than it probably meant to because of the design behind Ghost weapons having a very low recovery rate. When I first played it, I basically never used Ghost tools because you had a very limited amount of them and they were very rare drops. The DLC however added a couple charms that changed that completely Fleet foraging and Versatile skills. They never leave my loadout. FF is a minor charm that grants a 15% chance for a melee kill to return a quickfire ghost weapon (Specifically the one you have equipped when you make the melee kill) so, assassinations, chain kills, Dance of wrath or normal melee kills would all give you a good chance to get back tools. You could throw three kunai into three throats, cut them all down and bam, You got that Kunai back. Or if you wanted to you could throw the kunai out and swap to smoke bombs and it would give you a smoke bomb back, and vice versa. And versatile skills makes it so that Minor charm effects have double the effect, so long as its the only minor charm of that type equipped. So, fleet foraging becomes a 30% chance to recover a quickfire weapon, charm of advantage boosts quickfire damage to 40% with one charm etc Basically gave you 8 minor charms instead of 4. And fleet foraging was now Basically activating constantly. Infinite ghost weapons, so you could, yenno, actually be the ghost. And not "The samurai with a part time ninja job on weekends" Personally I'm hoping any sequel to ghost makes fleet foraging into a perk or just a basic gameplay mechanic Because holy fuck, the base game ghost weapons had me back and forth between tye shops so much in the first area that I basically never used my tools for 80% of the first playthrough unless I was in a reeeeeally desperate situation. Having constant access to the ninja tools made the game infinitely better.


The dlc is 100% worth it! Super beautiful environment and some innovations on combat and exploration that I enjoyed a lot, really diverse and gorgeous area with a solid story to boot.


As someone that put off buying the dlc when it came out, it’s definitely worth it


DLC is good in the sense that it’s essentially more of the same. And by more I mean pretty much an entire extra third of the game as it’s about the size of one Act from the base game, so a pretty chunky expansion. The new rewards and stuff you get are good too, like horse armor for example. I don’t think the self-contained single act narrative is as good as the story of the base game but it doesn’t really have to be either. And it actually fills in a lot of gaps from the story of the base game as well. Definitely worth it imo but again it is largely just more of the same with some fun new unlocks.


The DLC for the most part adds in more content that you experienced in the base game, with some slight variation. If you like the game, you'll like the DLC. It's basically just a new mini region you gotta clear, with a new main quest.


Everyone has their own goty from every year it's not just one game for everyone, why are people like this 🤣


I'm laughing at this type of post resurfacing following the PC release. Posting this in this sub is karma bait. Visit r/thelastofus, and you'll get the polar opposite opinions. Visit r/thelastofus2, which is a hate sub, and you'll find the folks who review bombed TLOU2 and championed GoT purely because it was the other option. Many never even played it. I personally loved both games immensely, and lost myself in Ghost + Legends, but to this day think TLOU2 sits in a different tier to just about anything ever delivered. I have a massive TLOU2 calf tattoo, and I'm getting a massive Ghost tattoo shortly. And I guess because Reddit is Reddit, bring on the downvotes because I dared disagree with this post.


I’m exactly the same as you. I loved GoT and still play Legends to this day (I have every class over rank 200). In any other year it would’ve been a lock for GOTY. But TLOU2 is in a different league. It has stayed with me in a way that no other game, or book, or movie ever has. I rate it as the best game ever made.


Yup both amazing games 😎💎


Exactly. TLOU2 hate is pathetic. I jave 3x platinum’d GoT and bought the game 3 times. But its a solid 8/10 slightly better Assassin’s Creed at the very best. TLOU2 is a 10/10 GOTG/GOTD contender. Its leagues ahead


I’ll get downvoted to hell for this so let me say first that I absolutely love Ghost Of Tsushima, but TLOU2 rightfully took that trophy home


Yea tlou2 made me actually feel emotion from more than just beautiful landscapes, if the last of us didn’t look amazing it would still stand on its own, GoT not so much


TLOU2 gets way too much unwarranted hate. The game is incredible


I’m surprised you didn’t get mad downvoted like some other people sharing the same opinion Maybe the r/tlou2 mob didn’t see your comment.


GoT had amazing visuals but it's not carefully hand-crafted as TLOU2. the battering ram used in the siege on the castle doesn't even have animations. the door literally shakes and then opens up. When jin 'destroys' the trebuchets on Yarikawa, the screen goes to black and you see it on fire. no animations to set it on fire. Yeah, I agree, the trees are pretty, the flowers are pretty, hell even the pampas grass is pretty. But they're all just environment at the end of the day.


Yeah to each their own but I agree 100%. GoT was beautiful to look at, but it really just felt like Assassin’s Creed Japan or something. The story was kinda boring and the combat and side quests got repetitive. A great game for sure, but I personally never finished it. TLoU2 I’ve played through start to finish 3 times. I’ve never started it up and not finished it. Gameplay, graphics, story, etc are all a 10/10 for me. They’re very very different games. Some people will prefer one over the other and there’s nothing wrong with that. I think it’d be a stretch to say TLoU2 got robbed if GoT won, and vice versa is also true.


I love GoT but TLOU2 is an amazing game. I'm glad both were nominated and I could enjoy both of them.


Ghost is a very fun game, but to say it deserved GOTY when it came out the same year as TLOU 2 and Hades is absurd.


Hades is the most overrated game in recent memory... yes its a good game and fun but the praise its getting is out of hand..


I'm not saying it is one way or another, I'm just saying GOTY 2020 was a two-horse race from a critical standpoint, and Ghost was not one of them.


I disagree. Ghost is a great game but it wasn’t GOTY worthy.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who has this opinion. GoT was ABSOLUTELY robbed, not that awards mean anything but at least it won Players’ Choice.


As for other similar type of games, the obvious ones like Sekiro, Nioh 2 and Wo Long Fallen Dynasty are all great.


I wouldn't really call those similar in terms of gameplay. Just similar themes.


I agree besides Wo Long, I think that was a bit of a miss.


Last of Us Part 2 is really good but I did enjoy this one more


Is incredible isn't it? And it gets even more emphasized by the fact the port is exceptional. I've waited for the game since its release and was extremely excited, yet, I also was wondering if it would pay off; I've just started the third act, but the game has surpassed my expectations, it's an incredible masterpiece and one of its kind, for everything it borrows from AC games or even Red Dead, it does so much with its feudal samurai-honor, concept. I'm really happy it's doing as well as it did on PC.


It’s a great game, probably my third favourite of the entire generation (ahead of RDR2, but behind The Witcher 3 and TLOU2). It just had the extreme misfortune of releasing in the same year as TLOU2. I’ve put an insane number of hours into Ghost, and still regularly play Legends to this day, but the story of TLOU2 just makes everything else in the gaming realm seem primitive in comparison. It has stayed with me in a way that even some of the best movies and books have failed to.


This was one of my COVID games. The only thing that got me to stop playing was when I had an insatiable urge to watch a couple of Kirasowa movies


It’d be easier to find them if you knew how to spell his name.


Only similar games to GoT are Assassin creed games


Best game I have played on playstation 4 or playstation 5.


I couldn't believe it didn't win GOTY either. I remember being almost certain it would be.


GoT's gameplay became repetitive fairly early. By the time you left the first island, it was pretty much the same thing. The world is beautiful but extremely empty. The story was good though. After looking back, I'd give GoT an 8.5 / 10. People like it, but it's far from GOTY--- especially since TLOU2 won it.


I think the "checklist" nature of the game kinda ruined its chance to be the greatest. If they ever make a sequel, I hope they put more focused on more meaningful and unique side quest and less about clearing camps and such. I still love the game, its a lot better than any Ubisoft open world game but still not on RDR2 or The Witcher 3 level of immersion to me


In my gaming group I always say that Ghost of Tsushima was my game of the year. Gameplay, story, graphics, and oh boy, the multiplayer was a chefs kiss. If I had a better gaming PC, I would buy it again.


Nah, not really.


idek why this subreddit is on my page bc i think this game is boring as hell. to also say the graphics and gameplay is better than tlou2 is laughable. it didn't win for a reason


GoT is great for the first chapter but it got repetitive quick.


look, i love this game and even if TLOU 2 didn't exist it still wouldn't be game of the year imo, that year we got HADES and FFVII Remake as well


personally i think hades shoulda won it that year


I don't give any shit about what game journalist say. They're all on the take and they're reviews are sold to the highest bidder. Loving the game but what is a weeb?


Game journalists are idiots. They can’t even play the game right and then let their mistakes reflect on the review


Not sure there's a right or wrong but any review that longer then 100-200 words is garbage.


How dare you say that?. The Game Awards: Give everything to TLOU 2 ft some other games edition,is a totally reputable source!


You spent 30% of all the total time since PC release playing the game? Don’t forget to take care of yourself..


I mean, not to invalidate your opinion or anything since I love this game more than TloU2 myself, but if you never had a PS4/5, how can you be sure that it they didn't deserve the award?


Anyone trying to get a fix of feudal Japan after finishing the game should look for FromSoftware's Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, or even FX's TV series' Shogun. Can't recommend them enough.


Random question as I just got this game for pc Is the dlc built into the directors cut or is it separate? Like do I have to download something else ?




Tlou2 is just a cliche zombie story though. Adopted dad, people doing anything to survive in the apocalypse, "the humans are the real monsters" , yadda yadda all seen before. No clue why it's so popular. Lack of enemy variety? You've got dual blade fighters, fire guys with shields, swinging axe guy, fire arrows guy, spear guy, black powder throwing guys....how many more types you want? And the different stances keep the combat fresh. It's way more than what assassins creed usually offers.


Well it should win the steamy award this year! Got my vote so far


Not sure why you had to throw a spoiler in there ??


Seikero: shadows die twice comes to mind as a similar, yet different feel. Like a Dragon: Ishin also has similar vibes but In a yakuza type style.


I can't even play it for 10 minutes without it crashing, it's not even giving me a message or anything it just straight up dies, it has even rebooted my whole computer twice. First time in my life this has happened to me lol.


58 hours? Wtf. I'm at 95 hours and am about to finish Iki, just wrapping stuff up. Did you never RP walk or just chill?


Like many games, it didn't win that particular award by that particular body because other games also released that year that were really good in different ways. It was in the mix with Hades and TLOU2, both of which very polished and very popular games. All three won plenty of other awards across the industry. That's fine though. Infrequently my goty matches *the* goty, it's not a slight on other games existing.


Nah this game sucked


What dlc are we taking about? Because I only see 1 option of purchasing. The director cut? I heard good things about the game but Im currently on 5$3 fourth play through of the witcher 3. Would give this one a try.


Rise of the Ronin, Sekiro, Nioh!


Does this game have an option to turn off camera shake?


Generic Ubisoft-like open world samurai game, vs generic cinematic horror revenge story? Honestly neither of them deserved GOTY


Just make it your goty, problem solved


Since no one else is answering your question, Like a Dragon: Isshin is a decent one later in the Japanese history, and Rise of the Ronin recently came out. The old Way of the Samurai games are great, Nioh 1 & 2 are good, and then there's Sekiro: shadows Die Twice. Enjoy :) If you like anime at all, I suggest Samurai Champloo, Yasuke on Netflix as well as Blue Eye Samurai on Netflix, and Seven Samurai.


Not a game recommendation, but if you have Max, all the Kurosawa films are in the TCM channel section. 7 Samurai is not to be missed, and Yojimbo is great too. I’ve seen them all multiple times. For fun watch the lone Wolf and Cub series of films also, not Kurosawa and a little cheesy but a fun watch if you don’t take it seriously.


Either this game or FF7 Remake should have won. Best games I've ever played


Game awards are mostly political. Just like the Granny's and Oscars. BLATANT ROBBERY that year to say a fu to the fans who didn't like TLOU2.


It's a seriously beautiful game, and was thoughtfully written. As always with a good story the whole time you go "don't do that" or "it should have been this way." The only thing I can say is wrong with it is that it should have been longer. Not that it was short, but I just wanted way more.


Half Life Alyx was the one which truly deserved it, after that it was Hades.


See, this is why I can't stand TLOU fans. I loved part 1, was really underwhelmed by part 2. And yet here people are, getting argued with and downvoted because they disagree that TLOU2 isn't the greatest game ever or has the best story. It's honestly kinda sad. Ghost genuinely was robbed that year, but then I tend to ignore GOTY because I swear that's been rigged some years. Not calling TLOU2 a bad game, but a game that divides the fan base on such a level should not be GOTY.


Totally agree. Ghost of Tsushima much better than TLOU2.


Ain’t no chance against TLOU2 lol. But even Hades received more awards than Ghost if I recall


Yeah i think the same i love it it will be instantní vote on steam awards from me and from japanese settin games i like ghostwire tokyo totaly different but actually good in my opinion its completly different game but i like it. Ghost of tsushima is better and they are completly different games but its good and sekiro is another game i Would recomend but its not for every one its souls game with japanese style


guys the game goes for compiling shader everytime i load one , any fix for that ?


>This game made me a Weeb and do you guys have any other recommendation for Samurai or Japan settings games? For japan setting: Yakuza series and Persona series. For Samurai setting: like a dragon Ishin (yakuza spin off), Nioh and Sekiro.


I'm at 65 hours , and I JUST got to the beginning of act 3 , you said you did every side mission aswell , so like how? And on top of that you completed the DLC too . I mean I have a looting and completing everything addiction(a scar left on me thanks to playing far cry games ) , so I try to go to every question mark on the map , and completely liberate regions along with shrines , haiku , charms etc. But even then the difference can't be that huge right?


10 days? Aint u a little late.


Have you played its competition?


Taking my time with it. I’m surprised this didn’t get raved about more. Probably the most fun I’ve had since Witcher 3 👌🏼


Playing it on steam now and will be my third completion. It really is amazing. The story, relationships, music, world(better than most) and combat is really top tier. I must say act 1 bored me a little this time around but act 2 has rejuvinated the game again for me. I also remember the real island of Tsushima had a damaged shrine arch from a storm and because pf the game they had a flood of gamers who donated


I too just completed it on the PS4 today, literally a few mins before writing this, I don't know why the post came up on my phone as the credits rolled. Brilliant game thou, it was such an emotional rollercoaster.


play sekiro next


I've been saying this for past 4 years


I wasn’t robbed and calling that ridiculous story “perfect” is deranged


And my friends called me a no life because I 100% the base game haah. I’m at 46.1 hours and just started the DLC. Have all the trophies except the legends and the pillars of honor and lighthouses which for some reason you have to get on iki island


I didn’t finish the game due to it not respecting the players time, (unskippable cut scenes), so I wouldn’t give it GOTY, but for the 20 or so hours I played I enjoyed the graphics.


Man, I loved GoT, but there was absolutely no shot that anything was beating out TLOU2 that year. That game made me feel things that nothing has ever done to me, across any medium of entertainment.


Been shouting this for years. Ghost of Tsushima is easily my personal favorite single player experience. Definitely my favorite "Sony Exclusive".


Exclusive games should never be GotY in my opinion. If you’re going to try to win Game of the Year, you need to make a game that everyone can enjoy. I say this as a PlayStation/PC player. I get access to PlayStation exclusives, but I still think it’s the scummiest thing in the game industry.


Do you recommend I finish the dlc? Is the plot good?


1000% it was robbed


I bought the game on PS5 about midway through watching Shōgun. Just such a beautiful game.


I think the metacritic score is an 84 as well.. I’ve played a lot of games over the past 24 years and ghost is hands down my favorite and 1A best choice


Which is only due to the fact that TLOU2 came out the same year. GoT is a masterpiece in its own right, and deserves GOTY for sure! Let's see if TLOU2 will get the same attention when it gets ported to PC. I am currently playing GoT and won't care about any other games, since this title alone has set the standard for high quality very high, which can't be said about most of the games coming out for the past year.


For me, one thing that I actually noticed, was how the game handled sidequests... It didn't overwhelm me with sidequests like many other rpgs do to fill the content, but a sidequest is exactly what it's called. A sideQUEST. I don't feel annoyed, having to do sidequest grinding to get 100%, but I actually want to do them, because they feel really entertaining and unique.


Couldn’t agree more. Can’t wait to get this on my steam deck!


Same here and the DLC was amazing, just too bad a sequel will probably also be exclusive and PC players will get it in 2030


Totally. TLOU2 win is for ESG agenda and profits


Cuz we ain't play it till 2024.. now it finna win... vote that.. they can either give it to us or we'll take it..


GOTY is like the orcars until u fulfill certain arbitrary requirements u ain’t winning shit


Damm already, Are you speed running or something? But Yeah I agree that it got robbed of Game of the year.


It's a decent game but definitely far from being goty


Probably BECAUSE of the fact it was a PS exclusive not many know or even played it. Like me I was excited about the game but didn't have the console. I refused to be spoiled of the games contents because I heard from a leaker it was coming to PC this year so I just waited. And boy it does not disappoint. Most gorgeous, artistic and immersive games I've played. It really felt like I'm in a movie.


100% ghost of Tsushima is one out of the three games I have a standing ovation!


Feel bad for the people playing the game just now, finished it 4 times and now playing on PC, but still the game is better on PS5 imo


Sadly here is why it didn't won GOTY. I saw this feedbacks a few months ago. "I thought this game was over hyped. It's good but not amazing. Repetitive and although the world is beautiful, it's predictable, empty, & lifeless. I couldn't finish it and I would urge anyone interested to put the hype aside and look into it a little more critically before purchase. Otherwise, around ~$30 is a safe price imo." https://www.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/s/nh6JCc4oWX


Dude facts. The game is insane! I have 43 hours so far and have a ton ledt


The more I play it the more it feels like an assassins creed game


GoT is a very good game but at the end of the day it's just a solid Ubisoft-esque Assassin's Creed-like open-world game with repetitive side activities. People who think it deserved to win GOTY 2020 over The Last Of Us 2 have no idea what they're talking about. If you honestly compare both games and start analyzing them, you'll see that TLOU2 is more polished and more impressive in pretty much every aspect: the story, characters, emotional impact, world design, combat, stealth, enemy AI, gore, physics, character animations, facial animations, sound design and quality, optional content, variety, cinematics, controls, UI etc. Saying that GoT "was robbed of GOTY" is insane. You may disagree with the direction the story of TLOU2 took. You may not like some of the characters. Fine. But overall TLOU2 is a much more impressive and much higher quality game. Naughty Dog is (next to Rockstar Games) one of very few studios that polish their games to near perfection. Even the smallest details are treated with care and passion. Ghost of Tsushima, even though a great game, is nowhere near this level of polish and quality. In my assesment, there are a few different reasons why people say Ghost deserved GOTY more than TLOU2: 1. Some of you are just biased against TLOU2 and your dislike/hatred for that game clouds your judgment. You don't like Abby, you hate that Joel died so early or whatever. You decided that TLOU2 is bad and now you're not thinking clearly. 2. Some of you got sucked into this BS reactionary narrative that "TLOU2 is woke" or some shit like that and you just can't live with the fact that TLOU2 is a better game cuz "woke bad". 3. Some of you never even played TLOU2 and you just repeat harsh critique countless YouTubers levied against the game when it was popular to shit on it. 4. And some of you are just incapable of honest game review. As I said, no matter which aspect of the game you pick, TLOU2 wins in pretty much every category. If you disagree, I challenge you to prove me wrong and say what exactly you think Ghost does better to deserve GOTY.