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Wonder why the video creepily distorts and rips apart in the end? It's a bad omen to OP's heavily downvoted comment.


Crossposts to r/infuriatingasfuck


That looks like an encoding error. Happens. I also doubt this is original content and a real person posting it. 7 year old accounts with little to no activity don't just "wake up" to post a deep fried gif with data corruption. But apparently there's more context from OP which has been mod-removed and details they actually did see this animal and handled the situation entirely wrong. Could be a troll account. Might not be :\


Fun fact: baby swans are called cygnets.


That has a nice ring to it.


I see what you did there


I don't get it, so I'm assuming you two enjoy the angry Honk of swans.


It’s a play on words — cygnet/signet — because a signet is a type of ring. Signet rings were originally worn to mark and seal wax stamps for letters, back in ye olden times :)


"A honk of swans" should be the collective noun. It isn't, but it should be.


Fun fact: When mommy swan comes back she's gonna fuck you up big time


There were two swans in a park lake growing up. Not a fancy park or anything, not sure how the swans got there. It was always entertaining seeing other Highschools show up for football or whatever. They'd always approach the majestic swans. These big tough popular jocks would scadattle away from these massive ivory birds schWonking at them.


They probably flew


Fun fact: OP u/OkToby took this cygnet for the day and then dumped it on the beach alone in the evening when his fun was over. Claiming wildlife conservation told him to leave a lake bird chick on an ocean beach.


Lake. Not ocean. They're not a native English speaker.


Omg! That’s fucking awful! Why u/OkToby, **WHY?!**


Fun car fact: Aston Martin rebranded a Smart Car as the Cygnet to raise overall vehicle range MPG.


Was waiting for this comment. In the interest of pedantry (this is Reddit after all), it was a small Toyota/Scion but very similar to a Smart Car, except it actually had a back seat!


Enough, you might get down with the Cygnets


But "we found a cygnet this weekend" makes it sound as though OP got transported to ancient Greece and fought a monster.


What the actual fuck dude. This poor baby. This is disturbing. Context: go read what OP did. It is the very downvoted comment…


Comment deleted, what did OP do?


Basically they said that the played with the cygnet as shown in the video. Then alleged that they called animal control and were advised to just drop it off on the beach. So basically they just dumped the baby off after having fun with it. I doubt it survived. I didn’t screenshot the comment or anything but that is what I remember seeing. Truly disturbing.


So OP called animal control, and asked what was the best thing to do, then they followed animal control's instructions and THEY'RE the bad guy somehow? If OP took the bird home, this post would be full of comments saying "OMG I cant believe OP took the bird home. He should've called animal control, and left this poor bird where he found it. He's a monster." Reddit is full of morons.


No animal control would tell you to leave an animal in a habitat it’s not supposed to be in. Unless swans live in oceans, that’s a poor excuse to not use your common sense. Read the full story and use your brain before you call others morons.


Not to defend op at all but freshwater lakes have beaches as well which would be more in line with where swans live. Not that it's the right thing to do just adding context. Edit: saw lower that op admitted to dropping them by the ocean, very fucked up.


Yes that’s why people were so angry about it. The thing was abandoned twice. It was so comfortable with OP that it slept next to them after being fed. I don’t think anything deserves that treatment. So don’t play devil’s advocate. Also this just immediately reminds me of baby turtles upon hatch, having to travel back to the beach. That is often seen as reversed D-day for those babies. So the comments aren’t overreacting when they say that baby sawn is dead.


I'm also like how tf does this moron not know swans live near lakes, not oceans? Animal controls directions might have been more like put the swan back at the beach you found it at, and op is to dumb to realize that lakes have beaches too. So beach = ocean. I guess it's the same kind of person that is selfish enough to want to play with a swan for a day but not actually be responsible for its well being


Everyone’s guess rn is OP didn’t wanna take it home, so instead of saying “Oh I left him there cuz I got bored” they tried to shift the blame onto animal control and said animal control told them to leave him by the beach. Little did they know people are more knowledgeable about animal control than they thought. It makes sense considering they deleted their initial comment and replied with another, trying to salvage the situation.


Your comment checks out on that last part. You are assuming that OP actually did what they said. It sounds to me like the whole story is fake. However, based on what I saw. They allegedly removed the cygnet from where it was originally at. Didn’t indicate that they even looked for the mother. They also didn’t indicate that is where they found the cygnet. So yes, it is pretty bad.


For real. If a baby is by itself in the wild it has usually been abandoned by its mother for a reason, if the mother is alive. Animal control basically telling them to let that bird find its Mom or feed a predator is the circle of life. Most baby animals don't make it to adulthood. I bet most of the people down voting and calling it vile eat meat but would consider a butcher to be inhuman.


That is fucking vile, how does anybody have the heart to do that shit


As soon as I saw them leading it down a road I knew it was a story that ends in tragedy. Kind of distressing that the mods removed the comment in which OP explains their misdeed, but left up the post that kind of glorifies this act.


Yeah the whole post should honestly come down. This is messed up.


That is one ugly duckling


But don't tell him yet.


Not as ugly as OP’s actions


Yeah that swan baby is for sure dead now. Poor thing.


Please go back and find it 🙏 😫


Did you not watch the whole video? All 7 seconds of it?


Scroll down the comments to see OPs comment. They said they took care of it for the whole day then just left it by the ocean at the end of the day.


I stand corrected.


Damn wtf. At the least take it to Avian.


Yes I did!! I was replying to OPs comment that they took it back and left it for it's parent to return..... Many comments stated this would not happen, hence my comment!!


Poor little guy. I hope it didn't suffer too long.


My wife, kids, and I are very heavily involved in a community summer theater program in our town. It's on a community college campus with great resources and rehearsal spaces. For the first time this year, the theater is presenting a show with a cast in the 8-18 age range only. My kids are in the show, my wife is an assistant director, and I am the rigging and running crew lead. Earlier this summer our rehearsals were 8-3 on Saturdays in one of the rehearsal spaces away from the theater on campus. Because everyone is underage, no was is allowed to leave for lunch breaks, so most would just sit on the nearby picnic benches along a little creek and fountain area. The campus is known for two things: the nesting pair of swans that enjoys the waterways, and geese. One Saturday, the baby geese had hatched and were following their mommas around the creek area at lunch time. Kids are out enjoying the weather for lunch, when I see a streak of bright white rushing across the surface of the water. I've never seen a swan move so fast. It was kinda flapping it's wings while still kicking in the water like a motor boat, heading straight for a family of geese. The next ten seconds were chaotic hell. The swan grabbed a baby goose with its beak and tossed it into the air, followed by slamming it back down into the water with its wing then rapidly beating the living hell out of it before picking it up with its beak again and swallowing it nearly whole. The children on the shore were too stunned and shocked to respond and just stared at the scene contemplating what they had witnessed. The screaming started as the swan headed for another baby. I can confirm scientifically that birds evolved from dinosaurs after the carnage I observed as a blood-covered swan fought off a momma goose while eating her young.


Is everyone here a bot? Am I going crazy?


Everyone on Reddit is a bot but you


OP is coward and deleted their post describing how they abandoned this little guy (and I bet he was sleeping when they did it.. or they had to run from him as he chased behind) Awful


That was the mods... and OP did exactly what animal control told them to. The fault here lies with animal control for giving bad advice rather than recommending them to a proper wildlife rehab facility. Leaving the cygnet at the beach was not good, but the little guy was more likely to find an adult swan or similar enough animal that might adopt it while there. It makes sense that a non-expert would see the threads of logic behind that and trust the person whose job it is to handle these things.


No, it found you!


Unfortunately for the baby swan it did indeed find u/OkToby




Needs peas


Plot twist: it grows up and murders you and your family. That’s what swans do!


This weekend? It sure grew fast in a few days...


I always like when people feed animals with their natural food like a water melon in this case. But you know that they like McDonalds more, right?


So vulnerable and sweet!


You should call it Hans Christian! (- Andersen... Old Danish fairytale author)


Thought I was watching an analog horror at the end, there.


It's the electromagnetic waves causing errors in textures while recording them


adorable! live on a lake and always love when the babies come around


Congrats on being a new parent.


lol nope apparently OP drew it away from mama hung out with it and then abandoned it by the ocean at the end of the day That little baby is dead


Then deleted their comment Sad stuff


Shoulda listened to his mama when she said: ketchup




A rectangle? What...


No, that's just an ugly duckling


Fun fact: OP Killed this cygnet.


This is fuckin sad to watch, this sucks


Dang, that is one ugly duck.


You found a future sociopath! Swans are bigger jerks than Geese!


3 different birds


The swan kid randomly found us and just started following us around so we decided to take care of it for the day. We left it by the ocean in the evening so hopefully it's parents came and picked up their baby EDIT: English is not my first language so sorry for the confusion we left it where we found it as advised by the local wildlife center. The place is a lake and not the ocean. Sorry for that mistake as well Apologies, for the sad outcome this probably caused :(




What did they say?


They abandoned it at the ocean Swan are lake birds.


OH… oh no




Fuck man....


I’m just downvoting you so nobody else has to read this


Why not leave it by a volcano?


You did… WHAT?




English is not my first language, so sorry for the confusion. The place we left it at is a lake. Same place as where it started following us from.


God, I hope this is an old video you just reposted with a fake story, because if not, that was a monstrous thing to do and no wildlife place told you to.


Wow man this is messed up


You are awful. I hope this is fake.


THey did not, and they will not pick it up. The baby will be abandoned by its mother now if she was alive. Depressingly, the baby decided you were it's mother, likely after it's old mother had died, and now the baby is going to die. Please contact a wildlife center in the future, swans are endangered.


What species of swan are endangered? Edit: it's also a myth that birds abandon their babies after human interaction. I don't disagree with calling a wildlife center or rehab for help though.


It's a myth but it's a good myth. People should leave wildlife alone.


> swans are endangered Huh? AFAIK there are no endangered swans these days.


> swans are endangered Oh no, you're so categorically wrong it's funny. You're also wrong about other things, but it really grinds my gears that you couldn't take two seconds to realize that no species of swan is under any sort of threat or species level protection. They are protected by MBTA, but pretty much everything is, and that's for a different reason


The fuck? Swans are not endangered by any means. They are ratchet creatures at that.


We actually did contact our local wildlife center and they advised us to leave it out by the ocean. Since they did not have the capacity to take in a swan. They atleast made it sound like the swan should be able to take care of itself.


RIP lil swan …


After the little guy was so tired of being lost and felt comfortable enough to sleep by them


What swan do you know hangs by the ocean? They are lake birds.


Why even bother taking care of it for a bit? For the 'gram? For a brief dopamine hit? It feels crueller than just leaving it, the poor thing got abandoned twice then it died. Shame.


Yeah no, that is a baby baby, not a juvenile. It will keep trying to find something to mother it. It might be okay food-wise, but it has no protection from predators. I don't know if swans need parents to teach them what to eat.


There’s no way a wildlife center said ocean so either: you’re lying, you misunderstood what they said, or you’re misusing the word ocean right now (could be English isn’t your first language?) and actually mean “lake”


I did indeed mean lake, English is not my first language. Sorry for the confusion


Hey it’s ok. I know what it’s like and try to give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to translation stuff. I feel bad for how Reddit can be so harsh to people who don’t speak English first. Sorry everyone was so mean not realizing it was a misunderstanding. I do think if the swan was put back in the same lake it came from then it does have a fighting chance. Let’s hope! 😊🤞 You did what you could.


Some worker was very happy you fell for that “it’ll be fine” line. He was too busy playing Zelda.


Or they are overworked and treating animals that have a higher chance for survival and relocation


So you looked at this baby and determined it would be able to fend and take care of itself? While also coming to the conclusion that it's mother would find and take it back miraculously even after to latching to you? Tell me that makes sense


Sounds like they trusted what they were told by an expert, wrong place to put your anger


I have no anger, I am simply confounded by their gullibility and lack of sound judgement


Sounds like they're lying on the internet. No rehab facility would ever tell someone to leave a baby swan by the ocean. Hopefully the little guy died quickly and didn't suffer.


Honestly, I don't know what else we could have done. We trusted the advice of an expert. We don't have the capacity either to take care of a swan since we live in a city. Nature is cruel, unfortunetly :(


Brah what the fuck? You just killed it fam


Was this before or after you fed it? Feeding a baby bird the wrong thing can be really damaging. 


No they didn't tell you to "leave it by the ocean". Seriously, fuck human garbage like you. Killing birds for internet clicks. Someone should find this asshole's channel and get them banned.


All this outrage from people who know nothing about wildlife. OP, you didn't do anything wrong. You didn't go and disturb a mother with her train of young. If a baby swan was by itself, the chances are very high it was abandoned by its mother, who would usually have a reason to do so. And calling a wildlife service over an abandoned baby is wasting their time.


That does make it better. But maybe don’t take animals from their habitat just to have a fun day. Still really messed up.


How do you know it's not an ugly duckling? 🤔


It had the neck of a swan so we assumed it to be one


Aw, I was just kidding.


That's one Ugly Duckling....See what I did there?


Looked at two other comments and combined them?


Actually I just responded and forgot how sensitive people are these days..