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I don't think the condensed filming is a problem. It's how the original Gladiators did it as well. The only change I really wanted was to Gauntlet and a longer series so they didn't have invite back lucky losers.


I am praying they've scrapped the whole "fastest loser" thing. Just add an extra heat, it''s really not hard. And Gauntlet needs majorly overhauling or scrapped completely. Absolute joke of an event


I don't mind the fastest winner for the first heats. Gives the runner up something to aim for rather than giving up and flopping up the travelator. However, it should not be used as a pass into the quarters etc.


To make it a clear knock out would mean 15eps which would loads more money . Can’t see it happening . Also 15 weeks is a long time for the show to keep the audience .


I would be happy to have more episodes!


I’m just happy we have it and I’ll take 11 episodes as that’s clearly what affordable in an industry that is seeing declining figures.


Budget. It costs a lot of money to pay everyone, hire Sheffield Arena, catering, medical cover, etc. There’s probably a point where the production takes too long and doesn’t become cost effective. It’s mainly contact sports, people will get injured. The reason rugby players, etc are built like tanks is because muscle and subcutaneous fat protects them from harm. Lots of people went on about how Chung should have won if he didn’t get injured because he was so quick on the Eliminator, but part of fitness is being strong as well as fast. I would like them to make Gauntlet more like the original show. Either that or drop it completely


This is it. Filming is *really* fucking expensive. It’s cost me 25k to do a 3 days of event filming before. This was with a crew of only 6 people.


Filming back to back episodes is standard for TV shows for cost reasons, you don't want to be paying to hire out a space to keep your equipment for games out when not being used - nor to transport them in and out if you don't keep them at the venue. The keeping it at Sheffield I do think is more questionable. You can see from the original series the arena they used was big enough to get 2 games set up at the same time for some events. I dare say (at the risk of someone thinking this is some culture war dog whistle) that I think the decision to keep it in Sheffield is probably a political one for the BBC to say they're investing in the North. It doesn't seem like a production decision, after all the original was made by LWT (London Weekend Television) and they decided to film it in Birmingham despite their name sake and where presumably most of pre-production and post-production took place.


Money is king, and if they have to shorten the filming to save costs, that's what they'll be expected to do. With regards to the games/Barney and other criticisms this sub had, it's worth remembering that we are the minority of the fandom of the show, and they're not going to change things specifically because we didn't like it the first time around. What we get will be what they think works, and based on how successful Series 1 ended up being, I doubt they will see much of a need to change anything drastically.


I agree with the sentiments but would flag that Barney also got a lot of criticism for being a charisma vacuum in wider media and within the industry, not just our grumpy little sub. Bradley Walsh is considered 100% bankable though and I suspect he's in a strong enough negotiating position that he can effectively require Barney stay on and get his TV presenting work experience.


They did take into account some suggestions from fans. A producer has confirmed that some games - he singled out Gauntlet - will be made more difficult for the contenders. The same producer also said in another article that the 'flow of the games' will be improved. My interpretation is that they will set up 2 or even 3 games at one go. You can see here that [Hang Tough](https://imgur.com/a/zBLWj0e) and the [Edge](https://imgur.com/a/HcERGYr) takes up abt half of the arena, and they can set up duel or guantlet in the other half. The wall can be the third game that is set up. This means that filming can be capped off at 3-4 hours per day instead of 7-8 hours, as shared by some ppl on here who went to a recording last year. I wish they'd axe Collision - it takes the longest (after eliminator) to set up/take down, and it’s a silly game imo. Fastest loser approach should be binned. What they can do instead is film 2 episodes per day, like what they did for the semis in s1. Filming can conclude in 11-12 days, with rest days thrown in like so:- - 16 heats (8 male heats & 8 female heats) in 4 days - 1-2 days rest - 8 quarters (4 males quaters & 4 female quarters) in 2 days - 1 day rest - 4 semis (2 male semis & 2 female semis) in 1 day - 1 day rest - Finals in 1 day Shorter filming hours per day + more rest days can mitigate the ‘long hours lead to injuries’ issue that ppl on here have pointed out. The downside of this is that the permutation of games used in each episode will be less varied. With 15 episodes, they can also try to show 2 episodes per weekend - 1 on saturdays and another on sundays - so that the whole series will conclude in 2, instead of 4 months.


I don't know what you mean by did they learn nothing from S1 Series 1 was a massive success, so why would they change anything? Filming over a couple weeks is how it's always been. I like the fastest runner up. It gives contenders in 2nd place on the eliminator a reason to keep going. Granted, only from a heat. Other than that, I'm relatively happy with allowing it to hopefully evolve as the years go on.


I just hope they have got rid of Waggle Leg or whatever it’s called (when the gladiators swing at you on a bridge) and I hope they’ve made the wall more interesting than just a flat wall. Other than that we’re pretty much golden.


The schedule isn’t the issue it’s how previous series were filmed. Sure it will be a great series. The producers clearly know what they are doing as we saw with 1st series.


I get the impression that what the audience wants simply doesn't have as much influence as it used to.. ease, finance and politics trump viewers opinions


I imagine the cost and availability of the arena will be the main factors. Easier to put everyone in a hotel for two weeks and just get it done.


Well, knowing that it's remaining in Sheffield, I shall keep my expectations for improvements in check.


I think you will definitely see more variety in which gladiators take on the different events. By the end of that series we all knew which glad was going to do which event, but when you’ve followed them on social media, you can see the training they’re all putting in to get more experience in the other events.


Yea i think that as the first series was so good, i don't think changing the format too much for S2 would be ideal.  Some new events, perhaps re-introducing from the 90s, and one or two brand new ones would be great IMO! And Gauntlet's definitely being upgraded to make it slightly more difficult for the contenders, for sure. For Collision, i dont matter if it stays, but just leave it for lesser appearances, so that people dont bore to it!


>Some new events, perhaps re-introducing from the 90s, and one or two brand new ones would be great IMO! [It's happening.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gladiatorsuk/comments/1bumb9l/gladiators_maker_on_what_to_expect_for_season_2/)


Great. Atlaspheres would be a great addition from the nineties, but tbh I doubt that they have enough space in Sheffield for that. Pendulum, maybe, it is a big question for me in regards of the ceiling space. Swingshot or Rocketball would be a hell of a fun. What would Viper or/and Legend think of playing those XD!


Pendulum, swingshot/rocketball might be happening according to this [reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/gladiatorsuk/comments/1adw93w/comment/ku2ldja/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) a while back =\]


Honestly, with even those two old events, and that one "Battle Bridge" game which was meant to be in s1, I'm totally down for it. Just make better rotation, and diferent events each episode, so it doesn't feel boring. Other than that, yeah Im happy what the first series had and I hope all those features are returning!


This subreddit is very small, just because we hate Barney doesn’t mean the majority do


[Fury was asked about the public's backlash on Barney at BAFTA](https://www.express.co.uk/celebrity-news/1893717/Gladiators-backlash-Bradley-Walsh-son-Barney-BAFTA-Awards). I think that's not a fringe/minority pov.