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That’s fuckin minging.


Shoulda launched the tongs clean aff her dome man


Tongs ya bass


Get the rolls in the bag


Whats this from? I say it all the time and cannae remember


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tongland_(gang_area) Tongs, ya bass.


Aye this really was a thing, living in The Calton in the sixties and seventies that slogan was everywhere.


We're still a thing 👀😂


Small Faces


its a gang chant


Tongland gang. Or if your old a Rikki Fulton sketch where he was a surgeon.


100 % 😹😹🔥


I bet you guys have no issues eating at a buffet. What do you think happens there? Folk go to the toilet and don't wash their hands then finger the food


In that case, boof right in the davine mcalls!


Ngl I stopped going to buffets after seeing this firsthand lmao


Yet the people of Scotland love a good buffet restaurant. Absolutely disgusting. Food isn't fresh and been sitting there all day with some guys sweaty baws all over it


*Get yer baws off the samosas grandad!!*


I went into marks and Spencer and a man with a guide dog was at the bakery. The dog was licking and slobbering all over the stuff on the bottom shelf.


I mean an animal doing it I can get, and with the guy being blind you canny really blame him, shoulda took him to the barkery


Only for that wee voice to be heard " it was at that moment (OPs name) realised they had fucked up" as the tongs securely attached to the bakery shelf comes back and gives OP tongs to the heed or reproductive parts and the old woman and man walking away into the sunset and forgetting where they even are...


Get tonged


My pal in school had bad dandruff, and one day our other mate said his hair looked like “he’d had a crusty roll pinged aff his dome” hahaha.


A number of years ago Tesco Sauchiehall st (Old Iceland?) this prick goes to the loose rolls picks his way through them and bare handed almost fondles circa 30 rolls looking for some 'Gold Nugget roll' after faffing about puts 2 rolls in a bag and fuck's off. Fuck knows what he could have been handling beforehand!


I used to work in McColls in the west end and every morning I would watch in horror at the behaviour of people around the McGhee’s rolls. Every one of the silver haired brigade (it was a very pensioner friendly area) would molest each and every roll looking for some panacea roll that befitted the cheap square sausage they bought to put on it. The days where I’d forgotten to take my rolls before I put them out were the worst! No rolls for me that day! 😷 When I closed the shop I would often wonder if the crumbs at the bottom I tipped into the bin had a high dead skin cell content, most likely! 🤢


oh god please let me forget that analogy


That's why I always make sure I'm one of the first in my local to get a roll. If theres barely anh left you can guarantee they've been seen more hands than a party favour.


You and OP should get together for writing. I feel as if I’m there with you both. Fantastic


You know, that means a lot more to me than the average reply or compliment, as I value language and the written word very highly. So thank you for saying so, you’ve brightened up my grey Glasgow afternoon!


I was being sacrcastic


In that case I currently have rather a lot of egg on my face! Hats off to you, you “got” me a “peach.” In all seriousness, I’d feel a degree of shadenfreude if I saw it happening to someone else, so I’m not about to clap back at you when it happens to me. Ironically though: had I written a passage of flowery prose full of descriptive imagery and adjective, you would probably have replied “tldr” or something equally dismissive so I have to wonder, what would you have approved of me posting?


You shag dead tramps


You do realise you have made a bad story......worse FFS just imagine putting the crumbs into one of those cell culture dishes!


I actually have done exactly that in my days working there 😂 the thought experiment always ended when the wretching began!




Even harder at my old work. We weren’t overly busy so we only got two dozen rolls a day and the container we put them in was wide but not very deep so they all tended to spread out!


Swear to god this exact same thing happened in front of me a few months ago in what must be the same Lidl op was in. Later aged woman. Flinging aside rolls looking for the biggest one, I don't know. Fling, fling, fling, til she found The One at the back, all the while bare handed. I was so disgusted it triggered an inappropriate laugh response in me.


People make Glasgow eh?


Probably his junk


"Circa" 🤓


This is why I never buy the loose pastries and avoid the open salad bar in Morrisons. People are just yuck 🤮


You think the people in the packing factory are cleaner?


There are at least supposed to be some more regulations there. In the supermarket itself it's just the wild west


There are systems in place which are pretty well enforced and people who contact food which is eaten directly wear plastic gloves. Source - have worked at many food factories as a contractor.


Yeah, folk in the factory have to wear gloves


Aye, the same gloves. For hours, wiping their nose, howking their hoop. Extra flavour.


You worked in one like? Or you projecting your fears?


I get why it is gross, but the realty is it makes no real difference. They would need to have their hands lathered in crap for it to be an actual problem. Horrible though, it's not actually a risk.


Also, what fucking smell was she looking for? Maybe I'm not a connoisseur of rolls but I have never once thought to sniff a roll to check it before buying. Sure, fresh baked bread can smell great and I'll happily take a whiff, after I have fucking bought it and know I'm the one who's eating it though.


Absolute animal, shoulda farted right in her coupon when she went to take a whiff man


A well placed fart in the face will sort her for sure


Sniff and drop Whits your tomato ya numty??


Well they fuckin were clean mate, bloody jobs worth




I used to work in one and the number of people I saw feeling loaves of bread or just picking things up and putting them back with their hands. Some would even put a loaf straight into the trolly without putting it in a bag and put it on the belt at the till.


Just relayed this story to my brother and he reminded me that his sister and mother-in-law both put the whole neck of the bottle in their mouth when they take a drink. It's some horrifying genetic discrepancy his wife was spared but, it should stand as testament to the importance of continuing vigilance against the hoards of manky bastards we must live amongst.


It's weird seeing people do this, like they can't drink something without having to deep throat it. Worst is when someone asks for a sip and they do this.


Absolute boke if someone asks for a drink then does this. To be honest though, I normally provide a sip and know in my heart I have drunk my last drop from that bottle regardless of their etiquette. Sexual partners excluded. Unless they backwash their lunch in with the deep throat technique, then they can get fucked too.


Absolutely detest sharing drinks, get your own. Gies me the heaby jeabies so it does. I’m cringing even thinking about it.


What would even be wrong with a roll to make it smell off lol


No idea! I just commented that very thought myself.


Haw senga diz is plestic wrapper smell aff tae you?


The smell coming from her mouth


I once saw a moron take the cap off a barbeque sauce bottle, take the seal partly off, get some on their finger and taste it. Then close it and put it back on the shelf. I didn't confront him because the blood veil had fallen over my eyes and I was afraid I was going to lose it completely and go to prison over this.


Jeez 🤮


Welcome to life, a lot of people are ignorant, disgusting and ultimately disappointing


Amount of times I see folk leaning in to grab the fresh stuff at the back and their arms/tops brushing against everything at the front. Worse when they're proper reaching and their armpits are dangerously close to the food. Folk have absolutely no respect man, takes two seconds to pick up the tongs.


Jakey Bitch


I was next to a woman once who picked up a roll with her fingers and then put it back.. worst of all, she had a black/dead finger… it was a few months ago and still haunts me


Fuck that




Always get the ones on the bottom at the back if you can,,,


So do we need to campaign for some system that stops people being smelly bastards? I’m gonna think twice before buying things left in the open now.


We tried that at the start of the pandemic and it did not work, these people just pretended to be exempt


I worked in the bakery of another supermarket for two years, and saw stuff like this daily. People touching things then putting them back, coughing right onto things, getting overexcited and stuffing a bag full of chocolate croissants before realising they didn’t want them after all and leaving the bag on the shelf (which then has to be thrown out). Even someone I worked with (lady in her 60s) got fired for eating the cheese twists during her shifts, by tearing bits off and leaving the rest in the basket. It really made me wary of ever buying stuff from these bakery sections.




You have my sympathy, for free. Now I never want to be around other people.


I'm not saying you're lying, but I'm going to choose not to believe this


Maybe that's why I'm ill all the time since the Lidl opened up next to me and I get the demi baguettes frequently.


You should write a book


It reminds me of some Roal Dahl shit, when he's describing the manky old couple in that timeless classic, the Twits.


Roll da’ 😂


Nae Rolls




I concur. What should this fine reflection on the people of Glasgow be called?


Completely agree with you and the way you wrote this gave me a right good laugh in my hungover state.


Glad I could help, hope your head is better by now.


That is because I wiped ma sweaty baws on the roll before they came in


I once saw a guy test a spoon in ikea. He put it in his mouth to see how it felt then put it back.


He should have tested a bin - and fxxking stayed in it - x


I’m just out of hospital with gastroenteritis and I’m almost certain it’s from eating from the Lidl near central


There has been an E. coli recall for foods from Greencore that supply Lidl, Tesco, Morrisons etc.


I fucking love Lidls bakery, my method is to go fairly early in the morning after then open and even then always use the tongs to reach to the back pile that’s under other pieces so ano it’s not been mucked about by nastys.


Kinda in the same vein as this of people just not giving a fuck about who’s gonna eat food they’ve tainted…I was in greggs standing in the queue. Wee guy who worked there lifts the glass panel that covers the pastries and starts spraying window cleaner at it. The way the sun was shining, I witnessed a cloud of spray hit the glass and expand over all the fresh pastries and pies. I said to him “what the hell, you just covered all that food in your chemicals”. Instead of realising what he did and rectifying the fuck up he proceeded to argue with me that “no cloud of anything went anywhere! I sprayed it on the glass”. I put what I had in my hands on the counter and walked out. Fuck open counter food


I worked in a coop 'bakery' and honestly wouldn't touch any of it anywhere. The smell of cookies or pastries in the ovens would make me nauseous. Plus the mcghees roll crates always smelled like weed. If it was raining and night shift didn't get the delivery quick enough I guarantee a fair number of those rolls had some sweet scottish rain marinade. Packaging was crap. Back to your point, nothing surprises me. People would cough and sneeze. Refuse to use tongs (which were regularly washed during shift). Try and put pastries back after fingering them... I would waste them if I noticed. but yeah I also don't do buffets either .


Worked in a wee shop and several times the rolls would come delivered on a crate, completely unpackaged. Sitting in a lockbox covered in spider webs.


Awful behaviour. Once saw someone in O'Neils in the merchant city, half way through his meal open the glass bottle of ketchup, 'clean' the knife they'd been using by licking it, and then stick it in the bottle to get the ketchup out. Horrifying. I now only ever use condiments when they come in sealed sachets for the very reason that people are manky bastards. Gadz.


I'm sure its only the UK lidls that don't have the bakery stuff behind perspex and it's a manky free for all between snottery fingers, those tongs and flies. I just avoid it now.


Lidl was my supermarket of choice in the Czech Republic too. Same set up as here, same in Germany. Maybe folk there are less disgusting. Although to be fair, this is the most egregious transgression I have seen so it might be an isolated incident.


I dunno, there’s manky people all over. My pal is Spanish and she worked in Lidl back in Spain and over here. She once told me that back in Spain she had to clean up a used tampon on one of the shelves. Also human shit, more than once. Although I think it was a canned foods shelf, not the bakery, so I suppose that makes a difference. A regular (old man) tried to give her a dildo for a gift once too. She politely declined.


I've certainly seen in Lidls in parts of Europe that you have to use a long paddle thing to flip the pastries or rolls you want to the side to get them and you can't put them back. Always thought it was a much more hygienic solution.


Yeah fuck buying any pastries that are sitting out, folk are manky bastards.


Absolutely Ridl'd man




My uncle made himself pork chops with mash potato in my house and apparently opened a jar of sweet n sour sauce and poured it over the chops, i found this out a month later when I asked him why the fuck the uncle bens sauce (that was in the cupboard) now has a beard in it?


Fuckin wank, did you tell him to fuck off and never come back again?


He was completely unaware of his error despite literally EVERY jar in the world saying “once open REFRIGERATE and consume within 2 days or something similar


I don't buy unsealed fresh bread for this reason, the amount of unwashed hands and who-knows-what that have touched them before you 🤢🤢🤮🤮


Seen someone do the same at a buffet restaurant once. Spooned the butter chicken up for a big sniff then put it back in the dish and recovered it. 🤢


I do not touch any bakery stuff from lidl. I live down in stevenston in ayrshire now and the kids go into lidl at lunch time. U see them picking up the cookies with their hands then dropping them back down because they decide they dont want them anymore. U see elderly picking up rolls etc with their hands squeezing them and throwing them back in again. One day my daughter was in there and a guy picked up one of the icing sugar dusted donuts licked it and put it back in people are absolutely disgusting animals 🤮🤮


Only buy packaged bakery stuff, some folk are just truly manky.


This is why I NEVER buy anything from an open salad bar or bread and rolls that are on a display accessible by the public.


Hands clean or not, yer nasal passages have puffed Microsnot and no one wants extras on their morning roll. This is what tongs are for, so no one needs to handle anything, and rolls are made fresh in the morning, so why is there a need to sniff a roll. She's just a tramp with tramp mentality. I'd have put that roll in her basket after giving it a sniff myself. Just to make a point. Cheers for the banter.


Another reason not to buy loose food & I would of reported them to the manager I find lidl to be a dirty smelly store


I feel sick after reading this thread lmao


Tongs right in the coupon. Fuckin savages man


Manky bitch. My Mum and I happened to be in Lidl the other day just as the local high school was coming out for lunch, none of the little savages used the tongs. And the amount of times I've seen small children pawing at the lower level stuff with their dirty, grubby hands while their parents ignore them 🤮


That's extra flavour you've missed out on there.


This is exactly why I never buy food that's left out in the open like this. People are disgusting


That's exactly why I don't buy things that are easily accessible to manky people's paws.


Pretty sure loose rolls should be bagged and labelled with allergens due to Natasha’s law…


Lidl don’t do Morton’s rolls.


I'm actual so angry right now 😭 This is why we can't have nice things. I'm saying it 🤣


Woman in work put me off the Lidl at Jamaica st, citing all the low lifes. Opened my eyes, I can tell ya. Haven't bought a loaf from there since, which is a pity. Probably not just that shop, mind. It would be a good suggestion to tell them to bag their loaves at least.


And this is why I don't buy loose produce. I once picked up a cookie for my wee girl about 3 years ago in Lidl in town and there was loads of flies swarming allover all the cakes and fresh food. Told a member of staff who just shrugged


Clatty chunts


I've seen two children on different occasions from two different families take a bite from something in the finneston Lidl bakery and put it back. And their parents were present. I love the bakery stuff but I always buy frozen and make it myself since I witnessed this


The fact that she's protested that her hands were clean tells me she can't remember the last time she washed them.


Never ever buy any exposed food in a supermarket, trust me. Source - used to work in one, saw some things that put me off for life.


Few years back I saw a wee lassie in Tesco sticking her hands in the Krispy Kreme donut stand and patting the tops of the donuts..... Then licked her fingers.....then did it all over again.


This is why I always take from the very back...


I always pick stuff from the back for this exact reason. Dirty old cow, horrible.


I was in last week, there was a roll on the floor at the bakery. A women walked up and she said "fuck sake" and put the roll back on the shelf.... Put me off now 😆 Could have left it, could of kicked it to the side, could of put in a bag then left it somewhere


This is why I always reach right to the back when I pick a roll/croissant etc.


What a funny story 😊


It’s not about rolls, but I once witnessed someone at an open air greengrocers take a tangerine bite it to taste it, discover it was a bit dry, and then put it back in the box - utterly gross!


Bet the roll smelt significantly better than she did


I worked for a shop that sold fresh, baked goods. Eventually the wee pop up bits in tesco appeared. I had a job one day at tesco in silverburn. Got dropped off in the morn and put the product out. Within 10 mins I witnessed a woman lick her fingers to pick up a bit of paper to grab a product, a man cough into his hand and then reach in and a woman pick up and put down around 3 or 4 before choosing the one she wanted. Each time they left I chucked the contaminated products due to these manky bastards. I'd never in my life eat or buy anything that's been open for anyone to touch. The worst is kids, I saw so many snotty wains reaching in to the lower levels with their grubby, saliva covered hands and the parents would say nothing to stop them. In the shop itself, we picked up the products, no one wore gloves but hands were always clean. Worst that would happen would be wasps in the summer but we would just chuck anything they touched before we could get the out.


It's the same how I've no bought a chocolate banana since i was like 10 year old.... fuck knows who's been scratching and picking shit up


Shuda punched her fuckin mung in then strangled her other half wiv a middle aisle bungee cord. They could both have been dumped in the middle aisle bungee cord basket and no one would’ve noticed until the air fryers n plug in tyre pumps were gone.


Surprised you didn't chib the cunt wi a chocolate chip cookie


I’ve seen a guy with his hand down his backside dig around in the crack for a good scratch, take his hand out give his finger a sniff and then proceed down the grocery isle fondling vegetables and fruits that he didn’t even buy. So this is tame compared to that.


Feckin auld yins hink er aloud ta dae whitever


You should consider writing for a living. How captivating.


It doesn't bother me because I wouldn't buy food that's not in a packet in a million years.


Packaged baked goods pale in comparison to the baked in store ones. This is especially true for rolls which are inevitably lying loose on some plastic sheet on a bottom shelf or even a floor. That I can take, maybe even someone touching it, spit and snotters from a couple of total arseholes though? I draw the line firmly there.


So no fruit and veg except in a packet? What do you think packets are, magical? Imagine this - it could have been touched before it went in the packet...


No fruit and veg but not for that reason.


What reason?


I'm from Glasgow. I'm not allowed to eat fruit and veg.






Point taken I truly apologize if it upsets people to have to hear every second about a genocide and that people are starving and being murdered let's get ba k to burying our heads in the sand and complain that someone touched bread




We shouldn't take any shit in antisocial media Seriously as it's all shite


Fuck sake, grow up.


That never happened, I smell bullshit


It's lidl what did you expect? Say what you want but you won't find that kind of behavior in an M&S full of Tories. I welcome the down votes from the peasants. Like I give a fuck about you manky bastards


The guardian of lidl. Its an 8p roll bud head back to waitrose


IMO the cheaper prices (which aren't really that cheap anymore) aren't worth the shopping experience anymore


By the looks of them these two were having a sniff as they were lost on their way to Waitrose. Don't think it being a Lidl had anything to do with it.