• By -


If there's an agreed right of way then she doesn't really have a leg to stand on in that regard. Your house's title plan would tell you. You can also sometimes see it on the land register - when I look at my house, I can see a small part of my neighbour's property (well, technically the council's) which is designated as a right of way for me. The only way to get to my front door from the pavement is to go up some steps that are on my neighbour's land, but the title explicitly says that that is allowed and we have shared responsibility for that specific bit of land. As to "Clyde Valley Council" - no such thing.


I think they probably mean Clyde Valley Housing Association. OP, if this is correct and you're a tenant then you should be able to contact them to find out about your access rights.


Yes thats the proper title, thank you! and we will contact them.


Start a paper trail by telling them every time she goes for you, these things can escalate and she might try and turn it on you


Okay, I will try and have a look at the title plan. And I may be mixing things up with councils and whatnot, apologies. But thanks for your help! :)


Even if there is nothing on the deeds, you can have a right of access called an ‘implied servitude’ if it is ‘The servitude right must be necessary for the convenient and comfortable enjoyment of the benefited property’


It costs £3.60 to download the title sheet and plan from the registers of Scotland website (assuming the property is land registered). I’d suggest you purchase a digital copy of the titles which like others have said will clarify if you have access rights and will also come in handy if your neighbour causes another issue down the line.


Some modern housing association estates don't have each house listed as an individual entry, sometimes just a big strip on each side of a street which may each contain 4 blocks of 4 flats.


That’s true but for £3.60 it’s worth a look.


You can buy any title plan for £3 from the Land Registry online: https://scotlis.ros.gov.uk/ It'll mention access and give you the layout (in case your neighbour has made alternations).


Shite in her letterbox at 455am when the weather is due to be hot. Hopefully she gets the sun on the front of her house in the morning and it will stink. Eat lots of eggs and drink 17 cans of beer the night before. Maybe drink some listerine too so your shite comes out like projective hot pish and it will then potentially reach the bottom of her stairs in the hallway.


Knock her front door, wait a second or two and then run round the back into yours, that would be a good laugh😄


Tittering and tee-heeing as you go!


Make sure to rattle the bins to cause a proper distraction


Chap door run away 😀


Shite in her letterbox at 455am when the weather is due to be hot. Hopefully she gets the sun on the front of her house in the morning and it will stink. Eat lots of eggs and drink 17 cans of beer the night before. Maybe drink some listerine too so your shite comes out like projective hot pish and it will then potentially reach the bottom of her stairs in the hallway.




Helping my mother-in-law move to her new place the other week I had a shitty encounter with her upstairs neighbour over a parking space. Nothing to indicate whose space is whose, no one else parked there as it was during the day and she chooses to be a territorial arsehole.


I know of some dickheads who actually moved their cars into their “favourite” spaces in a shared car park. It’s hilarious to watch and they’ll use one car to block a space while the other is out!


I do like 'my' space in front of my flat, and I do get slightly annoyed if someone else has taken it when I get home on a Friday (I work away during the week) but then I park in an open space and forget about it lol


These past couple years post covid have really done a number on some folk, it's like everyone is on a hair trigger ready to argue over the daftest shit.


Yep, sounds like a complete psychopath. Of all the shit going on in the world this is not the thing they should be screaming about. If this all they do have to scream about they should count themselves fucking lucky.


Omg i know its ridiculous, must be bored


Report her to her housing provider and ask them to clarify the position with access etc. you could pay a few pounds and look at your property title too which should detail access rights etc.


I'd be really keen to check the land registry to see if they haven't overstepped their bounds and put fencing up beyond their boundary. It may be possible that you should have a portion of land up the side that would give you access. If that's the case you can force them to move their fence, or just straight up tear down the bit that's on your land.


Was going to say the same. Often the access path gets absorbed into the garden and gets forgotten about. A quick check of the plan attached to the title will clear it up.


And please, update us if that happens.


I had a similar issue recently and was told by a solicitor that the online deed plans are legally only rough guidelines on boundaries. You have to get much deeper in order to get anything legally enforceable.


If you’re a housing association tenant it will take them 2 minutes to check the title deeds for the property That will tell you what path is common for everyone and what isn’t


I had a similar situation with a neighbour of mine a couple of years ago. I had just moved in to my own gaff, living by myself and introduced myself to the neighbours. Everyone was nice and three of them are elderly. I’m a quiet person and keep to myself, so the only time there was a bit of noise was when my friends were over. I believed I was on good terms with everyone, then everything started bothering the elderly woman of the couple along from me. I wasn’t keeping my bit of the garden nice enough, my dogs weren’t friendly enough for her etc. After a few months of her getting her wee snidey remarks in and me allowing it (cos she’s old and I’m respectful), I was out front speaking with another neighbour across the way that I’ve known for years. All of a sudden there she was, screaming at the top of her lungs at me that my dogs were outside ”unsupervised” and that she was going to call the police to come and take them away. I’ll brush off your disrespectful remarks, they don’t hurt me, but fuck about with my dugs? I excused myself from my conversation with the other neighbour and proceeded to match her volume, telling her I knew she had been trying to lure my dogs over to her bit of the garden (when I’d be out with them I’d be standing behind my stairs where she obviously didn’t see me), that she’d been gossiping about me on our street asking what I did for a living + why I was always at home. I was aware of her spying on me when I was outside (from her kitchen window) and peering in to my windows like a creep. I told her to phone the police because I had some things to get off my chest about her as well. Not once did she bother me after that. If she comes at you like that again take a moment, listen to what she’s saying and then match her intensity. Don’t swear, don’t call her derogatory names just stick to the problem. Chances are she is just bored and wanting a fight so she chose you that day so make her regret it next time. Shout loud enough for some neighbours to hear it. BTW: My mum is like yours and the worst thing you could do is speak to any of her children like that.


I live in a four in a block, I personally have absolutely no issue with my downstairs neighbour using side entrance. My deeds do show our path is shared, i presume yours would too? I always thought they were all communal as it’s typically used for taking the bins out.


She sounds like an arse hole. If it's the only access then you've got every right to walk that way. Ignore her.


Pish disk


Shite bomb situation, surely?


There's no advice to be had. Get her plugged


I'd obtain a copy of the title deeds for your property and hers (can be purchased online) to see what rights of way you have. You can then use it as evidence if she confronts you again.


Honestly, i'd just ignore it. It's a one off and you did what you needed to, to get home. If she wants to make a scene and kick it up to the authorities (unlikely) then let her, again, it's a one off.


If you are both still council property it may well be that the fence she has erected isn’t official , even if all are owned flats this may not be official - 4 in a blocks have shared gardens (usually divided into 2, left&right) and splitting the gardens further requires quite an irritating legal process, iirc involving all four flat inhabitants agreeing (even if the garden being split isn’t on their side) - a relative recently went through this dividing gardens process and it took about 2 years to get it sorted. Regardless, even when the gardens are split the one furthest from the path needs right of access. That was a legal imperative in the agreement my relative had to sign.


Batter her husband


'**gets off phone**' it's our mum, she's had her head kicked in!


Shes turned the weans against us


Ask yourself what the Big Man would do


I agree with what other people mentioned, it’s a right of way access point and you should be allowed to use it if it’s the only way to access your garden. Either way trespass is not actually a crime in Scotland and your neighbour can’t do anything about it unless you or your mum are acting in a way that would cause a reasonable person to suffer fear or alarm, eg acting like you’re going to nick something or shouting abuse at your neighbour. I would recommend that you get a camera installed with audio overlooking your back garden, in case of your neighbour acting up again, and then tell your mum not to get into any more screaming matches with your neighbour cause that’s only going to get her into trouble.


'It is an oft-repeated myth that there are no trespassing laws in Scotland. This is simply not true. Trespass is a civil wrong, called a delict in Scots legal terminology.' It might not be a crime but if you breach trespass laws you could be charged with a crime. This is to protect places like people's gardens and school playing fields and stuff.


You can't be charged for trespass unless you have been warned by the police before hand, trespass only becomes a crime when a lawful order to remove yourself from a place has been ignored


Honestly, take no notice. It's shit that she shouted at you, but at the end of the day, not that big of a deal and some people are just unwell. Legal or not, it doesn't fucking matter. If she continues to give you grief, don't engage with her at all. She will find something else to chew her hair about.


Shite in her gairden.


Did you mistakenly type gairden when in fact you meant door step?


How do you take your bins out if there's not another way to access your back door? I'd be contacting Clyde Valley and asking them how you're expected to get access to your back door.


Shit on her bonnett


Like her hat ?


I had a similar issue once. The Scottish Land Registry give a colour coded access map for free if you look your address up. If it's a 4 in a block the shared access is for your use, she's chatting shite and shouldn't live in a 4 in a block if she doesn't like it.


Stuff like this is what drives my dream to have a detatched house in a remote location. Sorry you’ve got such a crackpot for a neighbour. Hope she gets put in her place.


Tell her to fuck off


Hi, Two strands one civil and one criminal. If these are council properties raise this with the council they should be able to answer your queries. If they are privately owned you'll want to check the title deeds ( or you could take it up with a conveyancing solicitor, I wouldn't think it would be terribly expensive) Its almost certain these properties will now be on land register (ros.gov.uk). There is a small fee but you can search for free without getting full title sheet. You will want to check both your own and the other party's title sheet, if there is a servitude it may only show on the burdened property ( ie the one that is burdened with the servitude - them) Assuming all goes in your favour your have to put this to neighbour who may or may not accept what you say. If you used a solicitor could always get them to send neighbour a letter outlining the position which may be enough. As far as criminal law goes, it sounds very much like neighbour will have committed a breach of the peace. Given this occurred in front of you and mother there is enough there to prove the case (a sufficiency). If you complained to police scotland, neighbour would be charged and given a court date and released on police bail. That bail would almost certainly be to have no contact with you at all, even waving at you. If she then in turn breaches this (police bail), she would appear from custody at court the next day or a Monday if it was the weekend. At this stage it is likely the bail conditions would not only prohibit her not only not to have contact with you but to stay away from the property in question. Court would also have to look at her, if she is elderly, disabled when considering that. Hope this helps


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Bit harsh


Decapitate them then


Are people still angry about the football or something? XD


I think I’m in the minority here from looking at the other comments but I’d be a bit pissed off too if my neighbour thought they could use my garden without asking any time they like.


If you setup a wall the way she did that renders the only option being walking through the garden to the back then suck it up and don’t complain end of the day it’s your next door neighbour why are you gonna moan at someone trying to enter their property


Seems like a quick chat while you were walking through her garden could've de-escalated this before it started? Costs nothing to be civil with neighbours, a friendly "hey, I forgot my keys, hope it's alright to nip through here to my back door" will usually be enough. If someone walked through my garden while I was sitting in it, without explaining what they were up to, I'd think it was really fucking weird.


Except they shouldn't have to ask permission from the neighbour or explain themselves if they have a right to access. If the side door is only accessible from the outside by going onto that land, it's almost definitely confirmed in title deeds to the property.


My deeds say that I can cross my neighbours' land "to perform maintenance" and various other reasons but I'd absolutely still let them know that's what I was doing, especially if they were sitting right there. Being stubborn about being right and letting that affect civility is a great way for everyone to have a shite time.


Agree. I have a similar situation with my downstairs neighbour accessing my garden occasionally but she just knocks and asked if it’s OK and I say yes, of course. Just standard human politeness and consideration for others.


You could say the same about the neighbour who felt justified in screaming at the person simply accessing their own property. All it would've taken was for the neighbour to ask if everything was OK. OP could've responded saying they didn't have their front door key and needed to go in the side. So I'd say it's the verbally abusive neighbour who is lacking in civility, not the OP.


>If someone walked through my garden while I was sitting in it, without explaining what they were up to, I'd think it was really fucking weird. Even if it was the person who lived next door to you accessing their door where there is no other means of access?


The front door is their means of access no?


Accessing their *back* door and crossing land that on the deeds is mine? I'd expect at least a cursory word as they did it. OP was going to do it anyway, so why not at least be friendly while they did it? Might turn out that there's a right of access in the deeds and the neighbour is a miserable arsehole, but either way this sounds like another situation that happens on Reddit all the fucking time where a brief conversation could have avoided a whole load of nonsense.


Disagree — if you have right of access then there's no need to ask for permission. This is a well understood fact of life in terraced housing. Perhaps a nod and a wave hello would be polite instead of breezing past them.


Are you doing it all the time?  Maybe she's been getting quietly pissed off that you're cutting through her drive and garden to use your back door all the time instead of remembering your keys.




What was your plan of action last time? (So we know what not to do)


Sure may be completely correct in asking you not to cross her property, or she may be completely overreaching - it is impossible to say for sure without more information. In reality you don't necessarily have any right to access your back garden from outside of your property - there are plenty of completely enclosed gardens out there that you can only reach by going through the house it is attached to. So just because it is possible to walk around the back of her house and hop the wall (or go through a gate), that doesn't mean you are allowed to. The places to check would be the title deeds and records for your home, which will often note in them if you are granted a right of access through another person's property. If your home is part of a council or other private scheme, or is overseen by a specific management company, it may also be worth asking then to see if they have any additional information. The fact that there is a gate between the properties might imply a right of access, but that could easily be a relic from a previous informal agreement between the prior owner of your house and the neighbour.


Yea perhaps you are correct


You should absolutely 100% call your council and document anything like this, but be prepared for dissapointment. I had to put up with over a year of death threats every time I saw my neighbour as well as other minor malicious vandalism (messing with my bins, egged my door once) and I reported every single instance and kept a record and nothing got done. Then one day I heard he got kicked out and I have never been happier. Also do not respond in an escalatory fashion at any point. You will never, ever win by behaving similarly or worse than the other participant, it will only cause you more problems.


Were in a house like this now back garden access through next door to take bins out . And for coming going sounds like the woman is on a right power trip . Set up a camera so you can record her kicking off


I know what it’s like to be super aware of a close neighbour for stressful reasons, and to worry about when you might next encounter their nonsense, so I’m sorry you’re having to deal with their poor attitude. Just have to watch the news to know that they’ve lost their mind over a minor thing when they could have been kind instead, honestly


I think if youre comfortable with the possibility of them actually showing up, "go ahead and call the police" is a pretty good response for this petty nonsense. People like this often are just looking to feel like they have the law on their side. When the cops faff her around rightfully for wasting her time she will lose confidence. You *know* she went and looked up the council website so she could feel in the right before going off at you. She just wants to feel like she can push people around.


Tell her to f%^k off


You don’t have automatic right of access to your back garden through someone else’s property. As others have said you should check the title of the house, or if you’re a tenant, ask the landlord to check. Some titles specify shared access. For example my neighbour has the right to walk on my driveway to access their front door. To be honest though I doubt you will have right of access if you already have a way to get to your back garden (ie through your house)


Why are you on here asking questions about this when you should be making saddlebags out of her arse cheeks. Get the law laid down or have the piss ripped out you forever more.


When she does it again, pace yourself and then straight face, tell her to get her nose out yer arse and go about your business, what she gonna do, be full Karen and phone the popo for ypu going into your garden 🙄🙄


Try and reason with her otherwise hoy the nut on her, chin her and send her to sassanach country


Let the Housing Office know regarding the behaviour and the access issue. They will have the plans (might take a bit to locate them) and will be able to explain access to you and your neighbour. I guarantee you’ll have access rights if it’s the only way to get to your back door. This sort of stuff happens more than you’d believe… there are a lot of people with nothing better to do than make life difficult for their neighbours, such weird people.


Shite in her letterbox at 455am when the weather is due to be hot. Hopefully she gets the sun on the front of her house in the morning and it will stink. Eat lots of eggs and drink 17 cans of beer the night before. Maybe drink some listerine too so your shite comes out like projective hot pish and it will then potentially reach the bottom of her stairs in the hallway.


Dug shit on her door handle


Take a shite on her doormat.


Take your front door key when you leave and stop cutting through her garden.


If it's her land then you don't have the right to walk on it. If you can't get in your front door then do what everyone who lives in a terraced house does. Either ask nicely if you can go through her home and hope she says 'yes' or get a locksmith out to drill out your lock. (Actually my neighbours have copies of my keys and vice versa)


"fuck off Karen"


Ignore her


If she had the gate up for long enough with no disputes the land may be hers now. My mum had an annoying situation like that. I’m not sure if that affects the right of way though.


Make sure to deliver a fuck you next time you use it so you qualify 😉


Ask if you can pop through as you're locked out?


You could’ve just knocked on the door and asked. Would’ve avoided this


i hope you have a loud speaker system


Sounds like a Karen. However I don't see what her problem is. It's not like you are taking liberty's. I had a neighbour like that where l lived she was a pain so after many confrontations l went out in the middle of the night and put weedkiller all over her grass. Hope this helps


Make her life as miserable as possible. These bastards need taught a harsh lesson.


I'd report her to the police for the verbal assault. If she wants to be petty, play her at her own game. Buy a plastic police helmet and if she complains say you do have legal access. Like everyone else says, get the land register details, deeds for the property and get the truth. I'll do a poop on her driveway for £30 or breakfast at Sandyholm! Seriously, hope you are OK. Don't tolerate that nonsense and get her telt!


It’s your access not hers. She shouldn’t be staying there if she doesn’t like it.




Grow a pair man!! Honestly man glesgas too soft these days


She would have received a kiss from me. The glasgow variant.


You'd have received at the very least handcuffs and a court date. Or if she has any sons you'd find yourself in hospital.


Sounds like this was more about the beef with your Mum than anything else. I'd try to de-escalate it (you are the one who has to stay there) by taking her flowers, cake or something and telling her your sorry, you don't want a fight about it and you only did it because you were locked out and you don't know how else to access the back of your house. If she calms down fine, you're bought some peace. In the meantime investigate your title deeds and see what access is, I'd guess you have to have access for emergency services at the very least.


We found the neighbour right here, she was hangry!


Needs a snickers clearly


Let's reward bad behaviour. 


I have lived with a shit neighbour and the stress is unbelievable. I'm suggesting she try to buy herself some time till she find out what the actual position is. I bought myself enough time to move. You think this woman is going to appreciate that she has behaved badly whatever happens? I very much doubt it.


Fucking terrible advice. Get back to the Eden festival, hippie. If OP bends over like that when they're not at all in the wrong this despicable neighbour will walk all over them. Escalate. Let them know you're not going to take this kind of shite and that the only cake they'd get would be smashed in their face.


Eden festival going hippy here. We don’t tolerate aggressive bullshit like from that neighbour and we don’t get walked all over. OP should just ignore her and continue to excercise right of way


No offence intended. I've played at Eden and enjoyed it. Great atmosphere, and you're right. Sorry. Have to disagree about just ignoring the neighbour though because in my experience they only get worse unless you put them in their place, especially if they're this unreasonable about a thing like this. Ideally escalation shouldn't be the best option, but if OP just ignored it I think the neighbour will take that as a sign to walk all over them.


Don’t worry I was being a little tongue in cheek. XD Yeah, I guess it’s case by case but generally I go to ignoring as first response when you know they don’t have any valid reason for anger. If it escalates then the response should escalate. Zero tolerance for the trampling of anyone’s rights, no matter how small.


Perhaps ask the neighbour next time, I would be livid as well.


Look on the deeds it will tell you the right of way.


Sounds like a council house so no deeds, but it is on the council website.


Yes we are in a council house, so I will have a look on our council website later. Thanks :)


Good luck.


Please let us know what they say.


You’d be livid to see someone using something they’re allowed to legally ? Weird


Best way to handle this. "I'm sorry ye feel that way" and then just keep doing it. What's she gonny do about it?


I am always astonished at the lengths so called neighbours go to in order to be absolute arseholes. Most of it is totally unnecessary petty nonsense that seems to occupy their warped minds. Get the Housing Association to give you in writing what your access is and what’s deemed common close. It doesn’t even have to be confrontational, just print it in A1 size, and laminate the phucker to the gate. Good luck pal.


Ignore the cünt.


1, neighbours a cunt, don't let it get to you. 2, why is there a gate to your back garden if the access is only for her. 3, time, patience and karma will serve up a perfect opportunity for your vengeance mahahahaha. Seriously ignore the twat


Make her life hell.......


Not sure of her age but flaunt your youth, skip down the lane singing [twinkle, twinkle little boomer.](https://youtube.com/shorts/u-ZJbQDoKCY?si=-NSiUk8m4Wxbmmn_) Not down with boomer-booing for the sake of it (I’m Gen-X) but next time she’s reading a book outside [Baz Luhrmann’s classic hit *Everybody’s free to wear sunscreen*](https://youtu.be/sTJ7AzBIJoI?si=YoePZ28n3r23dfTr) playing on repeat could be a lovely afternoon vibe. 😇


I know could not help it sorry


In America she would have shot you and got away with it as it was stand on her ground


Okay but this is the Glasgow subreddit, not a helpful comment lol.


what a pile of pish


Who gives a fuck


you apparently