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upvc Run up riser blocks


Thanks! Do you know who supplies them? I usually order from richilieu or CRL, but can't find them there.


I know where to get them in Ireland but I suspect that’s no use to you. I think this glass probably needs to be toe and heeled correctly instead of adding these but If there is wedge rubber in the window take it out and move the sash into the correct position and rubber it back up again. It’ll often do the trick.


I've been a glazier for 10 years and never heard it referred to as "toe and heel" before haha, we've always called it corner blocking. But that's not the issue here. It's an awning, not a casement. Frame has gone out of square so the window is pulling to one side. Deglazing the window and blocking it again would be a nightmare when these run up blocks will solve the issue. I appreciate your response though, thanks!


Look on Windoware


They are profile specific so your profile supplier will need to supply them but as mentioned you just need to toe and heal correctly. If you don’t and the weight of the sash is bearing on the runners they can snap and get stuck in the euro groove and will be a nightmare to get back open without fully deglazing