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Marantz. There is nothing wrong with giving gift cards to kids. Just leave it at that. Don’t start talking about the stock or start pushing people towards memberships and credit cards.


He fucking loved every second of that sermon he gave. The dramatic pauses. The righteous anger. The heart-felt story of the downtrodden family man. Marantz feels like he is giving an Oscar worthy performance. > I'M MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!


Pandering to his followers. "Defend me! Defend our movement!"


Yeah, this guy oozes self importance. Absolutely insufferable nobody.


Best. Movie. Ever.


Shit, he got my vote. He sold the shit out of that. If I hadn't been following him for this long, I would've bought his act lmao


Maybe if he stopped around the 4 minute mark. But you can tell he was just high on the adrenaline and enjoying lashing out, so he kept going.


I said before: if he put this talent towards a worthy cause rather than flogging a failing stock, he could possibly be quite successful.


I’ll never forget when he made a post on a main YouTube sub asking “Why did my channel stop growing, what can I do to get more subscribers again?!?  It was growing really fast a few years ago but then went completely stagnant!” Basically all of the comments were like “It’s because you made your entire channel around a temporary fad that ended years ago, you’ll have to mix your topics up” and he went all “then short it” basically, to random YouTube influencer wannabes.


Damn, hedgies are shorting YouTube channels now. crime


He has talent but uses it in the worst way.


First of all this is hypocritical as fuck when he talks about "please stop bullying and teasing me" give me a fucking break, he talks shit about other people ALL the time. But second of all, he keeps complaining about how this shit affects his real life while also bragging about how he's the only one who puts his real name and pictures of his family out there... maybe don't fucking do that, dumbass! Not even to mention... you ARE a grifter! You're desperately trying to get people to put their money in a terrible investment, not to mention being so insufferably smug for someone who is always, always wrong. Dude is constantly throwing self-righteous pity parties. Pretty funny that he mentions getting downvoted on ss. Clearly the reaction to his "live on the street" video was not what he wanted.


Hey now, I'm pretty sure a couple people went on CNBC and put their face and name out there on the other side of the argument at one point.😁 But yes, I am a dumbass. So you're not wrong!


LOL! Touche!


Marantz, I know you lurk here, so answer me this, if GameStop is such a great company, why don’t you apply there? You have retail experience, and you’d get discount to purchase shares in your beloved company.


Hannah here, to be clear I'm not nor was I going to actually contact his employer. He threatened to report me to youtube for "bullying" him by covering him on my channel and I responded by saying what if I contacted your boss? I was trying to express how shitty what he was saying to me was.


I was going to search the exact moment it happened myself but I didn't bother because I figured it was exactly this and you probably said it in a non-threating, non-serious matter. You're not the kind of person to stoop that low and you honestly don't give two shits what Marantz does or says, you just have fun watching these people make asses of themselves every day over a stock...at least that's what I do. It's quite ironic that Marantz claims to be this tough guy with an impenetrable skin yet the second someone challenges him he puts his tail between his legs and runs back to his YouTube and Discord groupies for a safe space and blocks and bans anyone that challenges him in there. Oh well, as long as he keeps saying dumb shit, I'll keep laughing.


I don't think I've ever watched any of your content, but thanks for what you do. Watching lying pieces of shit like morontz go on unhinged rants while on the verge of tears because you triggered him is fucking hilarious. Cringeworthy but hilarious.


I watched your stream and you were extremely cordial and civilised to him, the mockery was humorous and playful. He's a walking punchline. His 'street activism' was cringe and only slightly less weird than a beat up van with FREE CANDY down the side in house paint.


I left a comment on his walk-about-town vid and it had 3x as many likes as anyone supporting him and was the top comment on the whole vid. He's deleted it.  I'm taking credit for this meltdown.


What'd you say? You're a shoe-in for Shill of the Week if that's true.


Honest to god, the upvotes were 31, next closest was like 14, and only one or two of those.  I said, "If a 50(+?) y/o guy with a backwards hat walks up to me trying to sell me on a company I haven't thought about in 10 years, the first thing I think is "investment opportunity".


Lol that's almost exactly what I was thinking the whole time I was watching those clips that got posted here. I was like, if I was a total layperson with no clue about it, every cell in my body would still be screaming SCAM SCAM SCAM the second this guy would walk up to me.




Thank you for your support. Ill show it to Ken and maybe we'll get promotions!


Wait, creators can delete YouTube comments?  I’d imagine there must be more to it, or else every YouTuber would delete every critical comment.


Yeah, I looked it up and I guess they can if they can claim it breaks a community rule, etc.


Of course, and they can hold all comments for manual approval, and they can also create automatic filters that shadowban comments containing whatever words they don't like. But other than using the automatic filters, which are easy to bypass, big YouTubers generally don't bother policing their comments because it's like trying to sort all the dog shit out of the entire sewer system.


Optimelt Prime


Hedgies in disguise!


>3x as many likes Useless metric lmfao


>Useless metric lmfao So benign and useless that he deleted it. Ken's pizza party this week is going to be epiccccc.


If you care about the number next to your comment you have something fundamentally wrong with your brain


Like most things, apes misinterpret what's happening around them. I'll help though: The number isn't interesting, the implication is. A meltie got top comment, by far, in a channel dedicated to shilling GME.




Holy shit I think he was about to cry at least a couple times. 🤣 Nice meltdown. Morontz, we don't "attack" you, we laugh at you. Because you try to pump a shitco with bullshit and conspiratorial nonsense.


Are those literally gamestop bags on the wall?


He’s a literal and figurative GameStop bag holder


They’re a dollar, man. (I’m not sure why this matters. It wasn’t funny because they’re expensive, it’s funny because it’s cringe as fuck).


All apes' GameStop bags should be $1, unfortunately Cohen has now sold into enough miracle pumps that their bags will stop around $10.


Yes Marantz has literally no self awareness


I've always maintained 90% of this guy's audience is meltdown anyway.


https://preview.redd.it/dsccvn2ais8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3de9c4348a98146869a9cd8a71f28901be05639e Yes. Look how many melties watched my last post about Moon Man


I can’t imagine who the fuck would Tune into shit like this on the weekly


> My thumbnail is me, my son, and my daughter. My family. I don’t hide who I am. **Maybe you should…**


What a fucking loser. The dude lies about a stock & the “fundamentals” day in and out, does creepy shit around it, talks like a faux tough guy constantly, and then runs to YouTube to pretend to cry and play the victim until someone gives him a donation. He is the textbook example of a grifter. The dude had likely taken in more donations/monetization than he ever invested into this shit company & still he pretends to cry online for money. Fuck him.


I highly doubt it’s us who’s harassing him. That would most likely be apes who lost everything and are finally aimed in the right direction. If he disappeared we wouldn’t be able to laugh at his stupid ass anymore.


He’s the kind of guy who views someone disagreeing with him or refusing to say he’s right as harassment.


He came on to HannahReloaded's stream and accused her of being a bully for calling his "man on the town" video extremely weird.


1.  Marantz: "I'm a bitch."     Yeah, you are.  2. "This is your world, people have to abide to your rules, nobody can speak for themselves."     Marantz and his Mods have blocked and banned every single person who speak negatively of GameStop. Marantz is on record saying he does it now because it doesn't fit his channel's thesis narrative. That's a cult dude.  3. "I don't understand people on the internet trying to tear people down."     Marantz has hundreds of videos, thousands of hours, endless posts and tweets trying to tear down anyone who talks down GameStop. He uses racial, homophobic and gender slurs. He talks down on people's physical features to deflect from their bearish facts on GameStop.  4. "All the letters and talks with leadership I have to deal with about this stuff.'     That's on you Marantz. You're the sole reason why you're not getting those promotions. It's because you're an asshole who can't get away from your own narcissistic tendencies.  5. "I don't hide myself on the internet like the rest of you, I willingly put my family and personal information out there.'     Then you're a moron for not understanding the ramifications that could come from that. That's why logical people don't do that. You might as well just put out your banking and credit card info out there while you're at it.  6. "I'm not rich, I never claimed to be."     "See you around millionaires."  7. "I'm just walking around just trying to get the message out, that's it."     "Show me you bought GME shares or buy some right now and I'll give you this gift card."  8. "I don't think it's fair for people to use their platform to threaten people."     Exactly what you've been doing for 3.5 years.  9. Nobody is trying to shut down your channel down. Like you said, you don't even move the needle on GME. We're just exposing you for the liar you are. You talk about wanting to protect people, that's what we're doing. We're protecting them from you. Keep making those videos Marantz. We love it. You're free entertainment. And we don't even feel bad making fun of you and exposing you because your arrogance put you in this place. And no you can't eat our lunch because we're hungry and you can't sit at our table, punk! https://i.redd.it/hb6fb038er8d1.gif


I was banned from the discord after two years cause I made 3k on a put on GME. That’s when I left the cult and started making money. Funny how that works.


Btw, his wife doxxed him. They found her twitter account and she posted everything.


She posted what exactly?


Some shit that people found out where his kid went to school.


The Astronaut Ape has been a consistent source of meltdowns and comedy gold ever since I discovered the Game Stop Apes. Nobody here wants those taps to be closed!


At some point you'd think he would be smart enough to just stfu and not post his stupid videos anymore. If you value your job, which seems to regularly ask you wtf you are doing on youtube, you have to make a decision. What is more important, your family and the job that feeds them, or your stupid videos about a financial cargo-cult? Step down and STFU, Morontz. Then you'll be left in peace. But if you continue to spout your nonsense, you'll be continually torn down. Reap what you sow and such. Stop making a stupid stock your fucking personality


But he can't stop; he is a textbook narcissist and this is an outlet for that.


Can't stop, won't stop...


The thing is, it's not just his current job, it's his future prospects as well. Any decent hr manager is gonna Google people before bringing them in for an interview, and no one is gonna risk hiring an unhinged lunatic like him.


This man’s poor wife.


He’s a clown, don’t act like a clown and people won’t treat you like one.


I tried to listen but all I heard was "boo hoo hoo"


I gotta wonder, Marantz, if you're reading this, is it worth it? All the time, money, and energy you spend on this stupid fucking memestock, what good does it do you? Why are you sacrificing your relationship with your family and handicapping your professional life for a tiny little modicum of internet clout? How could that possibly be worth it?


I cant imagine my boss having to pull me aside about some video I posted online, I would feel like the biggest loser in the goddamn world lmao


damn marantz, ive been holding gamestop off and on now for a while. there are some meltdowners that know my full name, home address, my phone number, my parents names, they literally know my wife, what im growing in the garden this year, what my dad is growing in his garden this year, where i work, etc... all this info yet ive never gotten any kind of hate in return. your not doing something right, homie.


Just you wait. Your secret boat-cabal can't protect your real shares forever! We now know you have a garden, which narrows down your location to about 80% of the habitable surface of this planet! The net is tightening, Mr. Boat!


We are coming for your garden


We could never hate our pet monkey. You keep doing you, man.


Like he isn't tearing other people's lives apart.


I don't think anyone should threaten to fuck with Marantz in real life. I also think Marantz is a fucking moron for not expecting to get fucked with on real life. The internet has been around long enough. Welcome to reality.


As I said in my other comment, he is actively telling people to shop at a competitor for games instead of his EMPLOYER. As a COST investor, IMO he’s exactly who shouldn’t work there.


>And yet I'm the one who gets attacked... all because I support a company I'm invested with. Cause I go shopping there. Cause I put bags on the wall that I buy. Cause I've made a literal thousand videos on youtube trying to scam naive and uninformed people into throwing their life savings into a dogshit company in a desperate attempt to pump my own doomed financial position that I wasted my life savings on. Oh wait. Edit: also I love the little tidbit about how apparently Costco corporate has had to contact him multiple times about how he's getting reported for posting bullshit online. Lmfao.


Ironic coming from the guy who for months would talk shit about Hannah in his discord, calling her a man, encouraging hateful rhetoric towards LGBT people to his crowd of troglodytes. He was a spiteful, hateful little worm and he only course-corrected because he got a talking-to at work about his not-so-subtle anti-LGBT takes on YouTube.


Fuck off you self-righteous, hypocritical, whiny little bitch.


That hair situation is not getting any better. A couple more months of this and he will look like Tate.


He does shave very close though.


It's a tribute to Ryan Cohen and his receding hairline


Marantz loses any claims of being a private person when he very publicly tries to get people to join his financial cult. This is all extremely hypocritical of him.


You can't argue with the data. Whats your bear thesis? You forgot to put on your big boy panties before entering a big boy trade? If warren buffet didn't have patience you wouldn't know his name. PS: I've left three cults in my lifetime and this ain't one of em. And it's rude to call it one to anyone whose ever had to actually leave one ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hypocrite....he attacks everyone and anyone that disagrees or has a different view than him...


Poor Marantz. He's a victim of his own attention-seeking.


“I am doing really well” *live feed from garage*


Nice meltdown. Very close to MOAM


Dude said “little house on the prairie” lmfao im fucking dead bro 💀


Lol did he say he makes $300 every two weeks? Isn't he a manager at Costco?


Probably youtube money - though that seems high for his traffic.


Oh that makes more sense. He said "payslips" though, weird.


Why is the internet treating this family man poorly


Funny how posting all his info on the internet while hurling insults and shouting "Come at me, bro" now has him whining that he's getting so much direct hate in real life.




I’m curious what you’d get if you dumped the Costco employee handbook and transcripts of his YouTube videos into an LLM like ChatGPT and asked it to find violations. His employers might be interested.


ChatGPT can do that without producing confidently asserted nonsense?


It’d probably just say that he violated some policy about being polite to customers, not using foul language or insulting customers, or the like.


https://preview.redd.it/h0z6c9h6zw8d1.jpeg?width=1062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54132955793ecbfa382717bd04c1b07768b9e1e7 Here’s one


What you need is an example of him doing that which you can send to his management. They could fire him if they can justify it.


You mean telling people to go shop at Gamestop to buy games and consoles instead of shopping at Costco to get games and consoles? My #1 in my life is my family. Kids and wife, they come absolutely first. I don't care if I have to work 3 jobs, that's what I have to do. Marantz is putting some Youtubers and redditors into a circle jerk and prioritizing them over his family. He KNOWS he could lose his job is what is even worse. What a piece of shit. Could you imagine how much better of a relationship he would have with his wife and kids if he actually spent time with them instead of wasting dozens of hours a week doing "DD" and streaming?


Daily reminder that a "shill" is someone that wants you to buy his bags. The Helmet Ape literally went on the street to sell his bags :D


this goes from Hannah all the way to the President! (donate to Hannah if you like this content) --- later on he resolved to [hand out games from the bargain bin instead of gift cards](https://www.youtube.com/live/xm6zYKTfmhg?si=HDqoAKZg8HVV8wHd&t=5069) then he says [*he'd be fine if he lost the job, because he'd just immediately get a new job and cash out his 401(k) and go all in on GameStop*](https://www.youtube.com/live/xm6zYKTfmhg?si=on3t-ZT8WZArZd73&t=6863) (so what is all this crying about anyway?)


One of the biggest bigots and trolls in the meme stock world crying about being bullied and being treated unfairly.  Ha.  Next time try not being the biggest piece of shit human being you can be and maybe people won't contact your employer.


It’s funny listening to him talk about how hard he works for his money but the money he has he invests it in a scam company and will lose it all anyway lol 😆


[Marantaz' Mission Statement](https://packaged-media.redd.it/vokv91mczs8d1/pb/m2-res_720p.mp4?m=DASHPlaylist.mpd&v=1&e=1719374400&s=ce9815aa59e6a5b59f6a62ad58be5213f8cde9a8#t=0)


OK, I get that he's a delusional GME bagholder, but why the US flag?


2:37 - Maybe don't tell people to shop at a direct competitor to one of your employer's business segments and corporate won't call you. 5:55 - I don't feel bad for dunking on you. You know what isn't cool? Convincing people to spend money on a share of a stock when these people don't know what they're doing. I'm an investor in Costco, and you're sending people to a direct competitor. You SHOULDN'T be working there if it was my choice. You're a "family man" yet you're starting to put a meme stock ahead of your own family - what should be your number one priority.


apes sure hate women


Explains a lot mostly why he can’t make “upper management “ from what I gather he’s asst manager now…


Lol Marantz you say whatever you want and don't let anyone speak for themselves either. You put your name on your channel? Congrats, you're an idiot. Nobody is attacking your family. They are attacking you because you are a moron.


This may be controversial here, but yeah not cool to contact his place of work. I'd melt down too if I was doxed and people tried to come at me where I make my living. Yeah he's an idiot, but come on.


Shouldn’t be controversial at all. I’ve been here a long time and the “look but don’t touch” policy seems pretty well respected. I think this fool has pissed off fellow apes.


I'm not saying anyone here did it, who knows, not worth speculating. I just find it kind of hard to shit on him for reacting like this to something like that.


I read elsewhere the comments that got him in trouble were his openly anti-LGBT comments. In which case, I have no sympathy even if he loses his job. Nobody is forcing him to spew hate on the internet.


Not controversial at all. That’s small dick energy… unless they are doing fucked up shit like posting racist shit than sure, forward to their work.


> unless they are doing fucked up shit like posting racist shit than Which he has done numerous times, along with thinly veiled attempts at blaming (((them))) for shorting his stock, and using anti lgbtq slurs.




I think the whole video is sad and the people baiting him into stupid arguments are pathetic. He's a guy, maybe not a particularly smart guy, who cares about his investment and works hard in an unglamorous job. It's not even entertaining it's just sad. People should spend more time learning to trade and less time arguing with strangers. People really are pathetic. I also say that as someone who was banned from his discord, I was only there to gawk, I don't care.


I expect to get downvoted to hell but whatever. I really don't like him, I think he is wrong on literally everything finance related but he is right about the work stuff. Trying to get someone fired from their job just because you have online disagreements is absolutely pathetic and despicable behavior. Full stop. Insult him all you want, there is zero reason to try to get someone fired. People who do this try to hide behind some moral superiority and zero tolerance bullshit but the truth is that they just want to cause harm to someone they disagree with. I don't care if his discord is full of absolute ego maniac qanon type idiots, I don't care if he bans people who don't support gamestop, I don't care if he has a cult like online personality. Getting him fired or messing with his real life in any way is degenerate behavior which has its origins in old 4chan threads doxxing people and calling their job. Do better than the apes.


A hardcore crypto-enthusiast left a long rambling message for me at work about 10 years ago, because I consistently argued on reddit that blockchain was useless for anything other than gambling on crypto. I couldn't believe how unhinged someone would have to be to track down my place of work and call. He had a wife and a kid and a house — like he was a fully functional human being — and still could not deal with someone criticizing Bitcoin in a mature manner. People who have that short of a temper and anger issues often end up in terrible spots. I hope he got the help he obviously needed.


Some girl was arguing with me on Instagram and went to my profile, found a photo of my mother where she was tagged, and messaged my mother. Psycho.


Actually I think over 90% of people here wouldn't want Marantz to lose his job. At least I certainly hope so.


>Trying to get someone fired from their job just because you have online disagreements is absolutely pathetic and despicable behavior. Full stop. Insult him all you want, there is zero reason to try to get someone fired. Agreed, I was so annoyed by his whiny self pity that I forgot he made a legitimate point. I'd like to hear Hannah's side of this as to whether she really made that threat and I hope that she didn't.


100% where I'm at. "But he's a grifter!"... Bullshit. DFV himself doesn't believe in GameStop as much as this guy.


he gets what he gives. he's on youtube. everybody watches youtube. there is no distinguishing between "online" and "real life" here. he even implies he would be the one to initiate harassing Hannah at her work if he knew her employer (and he did *actually* threaten to "report" her to Twitch), all because she laughed at him he uses his real name specifically because it garners him some clout with people. he uses that little bit of power as a wedge to rope them into his little universe where he is the sole authority. he's just finding out that he's wrong about that.


I agree. Marantz hasn’t been one to harass anyone so there’s no reason to go after his work.


He doxxed PPs wife! He has consistently harassed anyone in his discord who isn't bullish and said and condoned *a lot* of homophobic, transphobic (including directed at Hannah), misogynistic and racist things. He is a piece of shit. I don't think people should be contacting his employer but the notion that he isn't a bad guy or harassing anyone is as delusional as the apes. And if you are going to spew vile shit on YouTube and discord and grift online, publicly, of your own accord, you should also be prepared to deal with the fallout when your employer comes across that, however it is that they find out.


> Marantz hasn’t been one to harass anyone Ehhhhh, no. Especially his feud with Hannah has been largely based on him being a transphobic PoS. He is not innocent at all in this. Actively going after someone's job is something else, though. That gets a nono from me. Your employer finding your stupid shit and kicking your ass for it? That's ok.




Seriously though, shouldn’t this video be reported to his employer???? He’s wearing a shirt he bought at WALMART!!!! WTF Marantz? Dressin like a boss tho , in head to toe Costco.  


You shouldn't harass people, their families or their workplace. Agreed. Now tell that to Kais and every other ape.


He’s balding pretty badly. I would melt down like that as well if my hair started falling out from all the stress of being a gameslop grifter.


fundamentally, this man is openly and vociferously promoting a competitor of his employer (there's not a lot of overlap, but it is there) - any normal person would expect to get in trouble at work for that!


Like I was watching a DSP stream.




Are you sure you are not confusing him with Kais? I'm pretty sure the pissing on a sign thing was Kais. Kais is a very different kind of lunatic and not at all comparable with Morontz.


The "meltdowner" content creators are just as cringe as the ape creators tbh. Pretty fucked to call Costco and try to get him fired


Bro the ape content creators are also the meltdown content creators, they just dont want to be lmao


Unpopular comment and yet completely true. I love a good meltdown, some AMC and GME content creators are pure unapologetic grifters in the truest sense of the word. Marantz is naive and delusional, and not particularly smart either, but he's not on the same level at all. "Hannah", whoever that is, if that is their real name, sounds psychotic. Trying to get people fired and lose their income over GameStop is spiteful and evil and not what Meltdown is about or should be about.


I'd like to see the Hannah clip, but I'm not going to bother looking for it. Hannah has always come across to me as much more in touch with reality and more intelligent than Marantz. It sounds out of character for her to say she's going to cause problems for the spaceman at work. That said, he threatened to report her. Report her?! What is this, middle school? Not so much of a bitch after all, Marantz.


Hannah has recently commented above. It did not happen the way Marantz is attempting to paint it. He threatened to report her channel. She defended with "how would you feel if I did that?"