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Well It’s magic Most of the time it’s derived from godly power still


Yeah, but monsters can use em so I'm assuming they aren't a chareyok thing that you can learn to use it.


Well monsters and gods are the same thing


They aren't actually


It’s explained they’re basically the same thing minus title bullshit and all


No, it wasn't. Gods are from the heavenly realm, and monsters are from earth. A monster can become a god but is inherently not one.


Same kind of critter though Also the opposite can happen


No, not really. Gods are completely different from monsters. That's the whole plot of the later series. I guess the inverse of a god becoming a monster might be possible, but it really depends. Do you have any examples????


I think it would've been better as it's own thing. Also, what are Power Stones? Those would've been a great plot device to help people do stuff like get stronger and use magic even saw a story of how a guy in nox who was a shit fighter used em to get stronger.


Power stones draw from human life force… messy to use Though I will note the power stones were used during the final arc a lot


Who would have thought Ilpyo and Baek collecting every drop of spilled milk (power, life force) would resurrect the cows (people).


I mean… did DID also redirect the cows though! (Uma!)




it’s just another way of utilizing the power system “energy”. they’re able to manipulate energy with their wands and that’s why their called magicians and i bet it was one of the easiest ways to do any type of energy based power without chareok and thas why it was one of 2 biggest corporations in Korea. However no one was on the level of Jason Jeon until that one guy post ragnorak, and his successor was killed by Jegal Teak so he didn’t really get to pass it down to a lot of people


So you can use magic without a chaeryok, just like martial arts. Also, what Corporation????


yea u can it’s not a god thing. it’s called the Six Sung Corporation, the other is called the JG group who was run by the guy that bought Jegal Taek from his mom. After Jegal killed the green haired dude with his shark he pretty much started a gang war and in result the leader of the magic group (Jaeson Jon) was killed from a suicide nuclear bomb that the Nox used in their favor, after Jegal was defeated by Mori, Nox was able to take over both JG and Six Sung corporations because there were no leaders and they used their funds to rebuild Seoul from the nuclear explosion and made people think they’re good on sum Illuminati shi


And Baek def wouldn’t use magic due to his preference in science


Really, because after the whole thing with Uma, I always thought he'd be into technomagic if it was possible but it should be technically I mean if the wifi system can do it with chareyok then why not something similar with magic.


Well, it’s magic. In all seriousness, the power system and power scaling in GOH is all over the place. Somehow alchemy can be used to bypass the taboo and it just exists in the verse, magic is also just a thing without it being a borrowed power. For the people arguing it’s borrowed power, dude Baek Seungcheol had The Magician as a borrowed power but his to be successor post ragnarok had Garuda as a borrowed power and was still able to use magic just cause he had a wand.


And also how monsters can use it


“I’m the lord of chaos, Roc Demon King, Garuda. I’m skilled in all kinds of MAGIC, especially hallucinations and hypnosis.” It’s not borrowed power, but the ones they borrow already know magic, that’s why they can use it.


Really said nothing. So your argument against it being a power system not dependent on The Magician is that there is another individual who can use said power system too? Also I’m pretty sure the borrowed power from Garuda the dude was using at that time was Regeneration. While at the same time casting a spell.


No, the magician is just a dude that can use magic. Garuda is a god that can use magic. Magic doesn’t depend on the magician, it’s never stated in the story. Jade Emperor’s gravity is called a spell by Ryong too, does Jade Emperor’s sage of wisdom depend on the magician?


Not trying to be rude but are you arguing against yourself? My original comment says that magic is a separate power system that’s not borrowed power. I brought up the magician cause some people think magic is just a special ability of his.


I’m not trying to argue anything. Just want to correct the last part where you say “this guy that has Garuda’s bp can use magic just because he has a wand”. Garuda knows magic, that’s why he can use magic, nothing deeps here.


That’s not how it works. Power borrowers have been shown to use specific abilities of the ones they are borrowing from unless direct contracts or power lenderization were involved. The dude literally says the ability from Garuda he was using was regeneration and was still casting spells with a wand while using said ability. There was no mention at all of him using magic as a borrowed power. You’re just using headcanon.


Dude was using magic. Garuda’s flashback pops out saying he can use all kind of magic in the middle of dude spamming all kind of magic. Dude was mainly using hallucinations and hypnosis; guess what magic Garuda said he specializes at in that flashback. Like sure, maybe the magician learned it by himself. But borrowing the power of a god who’s specialized in magic is obviously a huge advantage. You don’t need to be told to the face to deduce that.


Well yes, I’d forgotten Garuda uses magic so I’ll give you that and the illusions were related to Garuda by mori. But the other spells used weren’t attributed to Garuda and the dude was using the same wand Jeason used. Moreover, he was part of a society of mages that can also probably use magic so I don’t see how the dude just being able to use magic is such a shocker.


Are you hearing yourself rn. One is “yeah he has a wand; and in a mage association that may or may not be able to use magic through unknown means that’s never stated in the story”, one is borrowing power of a being that, quote on quote said “I am skilled in ALL kind of magic” while dude was spamming ALL kind of magic. I’m not repeating myself after this.