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Get started and worry later


all right




*and regret later


Regret what! Taking initiative? Fuck off with the discouragement.


Godot fandom is so cult like when it comes to recommending Godot. You are an example of that.


>You are an example of that. What are you an example of? An asshole that discourages others because you couldn't do something? Why are you on this subreddit if just to make others journey harder. ​ Move on, asshole.


It's like asking the question "do you like Debian" in the r/Debian subreddit. People are going to say yes because the reason why they're there is because they like the operating system.


Imagine going to Honda and getting upset that everybody recommends a Honda whole heartedly….


Yes. Watch recent Road to Vostok videos on YouTube for an example of the kind of shooter you're thinking about that's being developed in Godot. You don't need to develop in 2D if that doesn't interest you, but you will need to start with a lot of simple 3D stuff before you're ready for the kind of game you're planning. Make a bunch of tiny FPS or racing tests first and see how it goes. By the time you're actually ready to develop something large scale (*especially* on the level of an NFS game or equivalent shooter) Godot will be more than ready for it.


oh wow. Road to Vostok looks incredible. looks like i misunderstood Godot capabilities.


Godot can make anything you can make. And you can make anything you have enough patience to learn.


oh i know. recently i tried to move on from unity since the changes.


I'm tired of posts underestimating Godot just because it's not the all famous unity and it's easy to learn


I guess that's understandable. Still, I don't see the harm in newbies wanting to have a basic grasp of the engines capacities.


I agree, but damn, you can just Google it


A big part of the Unity hype is simply based on the large community. A large community that is very active and has lots of resources available online. The more we help new people understand the more we grow our community. Basically every question ever asked on reddit can be googled, or asked of chatGPT. I think the reason people like posting questions like this is for the social aspect of it. It gives you a little interaction with the people of said community and lets you start to feel like you're in the group. Therefore, I say we do our best to accomodate newbs and innane questions just to be kind and social so they get a chance to speak to someone who is into godot. Not like you meet someone in real life every day who has even heard of our little engine that can. Edit, afterthought: Also there is a benefit of upvoting posts like these. Getting this question on the front page daily would be a godsend for us. That means that every single newb who stumbles across an engine they've never heard of, they'll see "can it create complex games?" as their number one question on their minds, then they can see the overwhelming number of yes's in the comments below. It is just great information to promote.


Okay, you convinced me that's kinda smart


Happy to hear it 😊


I know you've already been answered, but yes absolutely! The cool thing about open source vs unity is that when you run into a limitation, you can engineer your way out of it. And when you do, you can share your engine upgrade with the entirety of our community, and we all benefit just like you did when you first got here. Also from what I hear if you plan to use any physics at all, do it with the Jolt plugin, it is world's better than the built in and I hear they are moving to it officially soon.


oh ok. I'll check it out


If you stick with C# and Godot will not be good enough in the end you can take the code and assets and convert everything to Unity or Flak Engine in very little time.


I only know a few things about C++. so yeah I'm excited to explore this new Engine.


Godot + C# is a great way to learn the language. If you can also get the Rider IDE once you got a trial run.




Not sure how complex you were thinking, but for example this is what i'm working on, it's already in a playable state, and it's on Godot 3, you can make better looking and performing 3D games in 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjlbQ2lAQLw