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why ask, do it or don't, Can't know if its helpful to someone unless they can see what it is and how it performs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I personally think the cartoony Overwatch/ Fortnite style is a bit stale by now


Why the downvotes? I'm offering my time to make things for the community for free. If they're made for an open source project I'd release them under CC license. Why do people take issue with that? O\_o


Downvotes != dislikes. Your post has nothing to do with godot and is just self promotion.


I guess I kinda is, but at the same time I am (was) offering to contribute to the open souece community with free assets. I know there's akready Kenny, but I figure having a bit more of variety wouldn't hurt either. Anyway, thankyou for your input.


Just my opinion, but I will never use stock assets. Why? Because I want my game to be as unique as possible. I don't like the idea of having a character that thousands of others also have. I would be more inclined in hiring you as a 3D artist for work in my projects rather than use assets which are not unique for free.


I mean, I'm also taking commissions, and if it's a paid gig obvously the client has the exclusive rights to the work. I just figured I could use my free time to make something I could share as freeware 🙃 Anyway, shoot me a PM if you're interested. In any case, thank for your input.


>I see you people don't like free stuff unless it comes from one if the tree guys you already know. Way to ignore the point: this post is not Godot-related, it's just self promotion.


And my point is that it's not *just* self promotion. It comes with me offering my time to make assets you could use in your project, for free. In exchange the only thing I asked was for people to take a to look at my work, and maybe suggestions pointing to where would the things I do be more useful. In my mind it was not a bad deal.