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While useful, it’s hardly godtier.


Agreed. However, maybe a super arrogant, narcisist could make use of this by beliving that everything belongs to them? Post doesn't specify how ownership is decided.


I truly and genuinely believe that an unbought gundam kit I want is mine so it comes to me. This way I'm not taking a kit someone else bought and I don't gotta pay for it myself.


*cough cough* dying neutron star *cough cough*


the dying neutron star doesn’t belong to you, you don’t own it


My liver(you are about to be arrested for homicide)


I don’t own you, so I also don’t own your liver


I’m saying I’ll remove my liver and blame it on you


A good plan


Fair enough, but I don't have a subreddit that's active enough for me to get superpower ideas out.


Throwing your pen and getting it back into your hand is something i would use to get some bucks off the side


Read the subreddit description. The things here arent meant to actually be god tier


And yet so many of them are so very good. This sub just doesnt have people writing appropriate or even well thought out prompts


Where are they then


Fym where?


Why you swearing bro I asked a civil question


Can i teleport someone's heart into my hand even if i dont directly see it through his skin?


You don't own it, so no. If you get rid of that, it could be actually god tier


I gave them a 3 cent tip whilst they served me at a restaurant, they are now my property


What if that person says my heart is yours tho like some couples do


That doesn't imply ownership because they are still able to break up with you and leave.


What u/AllUsernamesTaken711 said. You don't own the heart. Now, if you bought someone's heart, then yeah, but like, I doubt they'd let you.


The only way I could consider this god-tier is if you use it on valuable minerals on land that you own the mineral rights to.


I mean, I'm thinking more along the lines of "think how much time you'd save if you start driving and think "oh shoot I forgot my wallet" and teleport your wallet into your hand. Or if you're just looking for things, like, say, a TV remote, you can teleport it into your hand. Or, because, technically, you own the gold that banks use as the value of money (or did), you can teleport the gold into your hand.


Do you have to genuinely not know where it is?  You could buy whatever you want and as long nobody took it out of the building you left it in sell it anywhere. Oh and since your building's for is sealed with concrete nobodies nicking anything. The limit of the object is that would not crush/destroy/irradiate your hand. Oh and since your building's for is sealed with concrete  Assuming you don't just become a massive drug dealer there are so many positive possibilities.  Go to a space station and sell fuel containers.  Your job is to take the station from low to high earth orbit.  Side hustle is providing anything the other residents want, from fresh steaks to video parts.   So you could get food and medicine to anywhere they can get you.  Or be a spy courier, until you need to drop something at a dead drop it's still in your warehouse.


As long as what you have is owned by you, meaning it was given either as a reward, a gift, or bought, or given as a tool that you're borrowing, you can teleport it to your hand.


It may not be godtier but this would help me find my phone or remote




Declare you legally own one of the comets that are made of super valuable material, it's unclaimed property so first to declare has best claim, boom, profit


It has to be within 1 acre of you. But if we want to remove that, then sure.


You said "are aware of its general vicinity" not, "are within its general vicinity"


Okay Mr Semantics, you got me. I won't change it, because I think it's funnier this way


I could have used this earlier today! Also, obviously I get to choose the dimensions of the 1 acre vicinity, so I choose 0 x infinity and therefore become able to recall any missing property from any distance.


Did you not pass math class? 0 \* X = 0.


0 × ∞ is not zero. Infinity is not a number; it represents an unbounded quantity. Therefore, it doesn't follow the usual rules of arithmetic. For example, 2×∞ is still ∞, not 2∞. Similarly, ∞−∞ is undefined, not zero. To understand 0×∞, you need to learn about limits in math class. It seems you might not have covered that yet. In layman's terms, 0×∞ can take different values depending on the situation. In some cases, it might be 0; in others, it could be 1, 5, 1000, or even ∞. This variability is why we call it 'undefined'


*gets jumped* "Hey wana see a magic trick?" */Give thatguyheart*