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I love the analytics, thank you for this brother. As I said in an earlier thread, I really hope they don't acquire a "big" name this off-season (at this point marner is basically the only name left as a possibility and I REALLY hope they don't try for him) but rather find a couple undervalued 3rd liners. Vegas has always been built on undervalued players, and I trust the management to find a solid way to keep that goin 


The other thing we need to acknowledge is that this next year may not be a great one for us. We spent everything we could this past season, and for better or worse that mag cost us a year or two 


Oh no we suck now... gonna wipe my tears with my cup parade towel


If we stay healthy I don’t think we suck at all


Yeah I was being facetious lol I think we're gonna be ok this year.


Ah my bad haha have a happy 4th friend


Thank you for posting. This is excellent. I'm really glad you are part of this sub.


Probably premature to say, but if we managed get to 365 days from and have a 2nd cup in our possession with this current roster (or something thematically very similar), there will be absolute chaos in the best way possible. No one can deny that we won the cup by dominating everyone that came in front of us in 2023, but we also did it with one of the most stacked lineups in the league (within rules). If we pull it off again with a lineup that includes multiple guys on what amount to bargain contracts....jesus


We went to the Finals with a bargain bin team full of unprotected misfits. It's not outside the realm of possibility.


This is such a fantastic post! I love numbers so that makes a lot of sense to me. Our front office really knows how to get good deals. Consistently doing it too. We have the best front office in the league.


I appreciate what you're trying to say but we barely made the playoffs last year with a much more productive squad. Other teams out west got much better and we just flat out aren't.


Pretty much this. Injuries killed our season. Carrier/Martinez were injury-prone, but one of my biggest concerns with losing Marchy is that he was one of our few guys that could reliably stay healthy for 82ish games. Now, the on-paper roster’s worse (especially at winger), and the injury troubles haven’t really been allayed. I get the bargain shopping/reclamation projects, it’s worked sometimes in the past (definitely with Stevo/Amadio, less so with with guys like Zykov/Dadonov/Bjornfot), but the roster in its current state feels like a huge gamble when we’re supposedly in a window. That’s not even getting into how other western teams (notably Edmonton, Nashville, and Utah) loaded up this offseason, making our playoff path even more difficult.


What a read. Wow.


Great post. I can’t wait for next season.


This is what our subreddit needed to read. I doubt it wil enlighten the “stans” of es h of those players, but it’s the truth and I’d rather watch a team that is as strategically sounds as the players wearing the jerseys. Thank you for your hard work and well written summary.


I have zero doubts that the numbers will not lie, but is that all we as fans care about? What are we rooting for? Just the vague idea of the team? Are we not supposed to root for any player specifically? And I know there are mixed feelings about Ken at sinbin, but he has a great point to me at least, what does it take to retire as a golden knight? Are we never going to have a hero player? Marche won a Stanley cup and a Conn Smythe with us. How does that not earn a slightly bad contract at the end for retirement in our colors? And this is especially important for our city whose entire philosophy has changed from “anything to keep everyone coming back” to penny pinchers saying, “buffet? That shit ain’t making us money! Make all of our table games $100 minimum!”


I want a winning team, yes. If that can include keeping my favorite players then great, but if 3 years of $6 or $7 million (I have heard both reported) isn't enough to keep him then I am fine with him walking to get his money. I appreciate that GMKM offers legitimate contracts but is not being unreasonable about the future. The players are here to win so the GM should try to make sure that happens. If money gets in the way of winning then the GM did not do his job right.


He knew the cap situation in Vegas. There's no way he wouldn't have stayed for what the Stars are paying him. And sure, maybe in year 4 or 5: 5.5 is slightly too much? It sounds like term was the sticking point, not money.


Term was the sticking point, but we offered at least $6 million, according to some pretty reputable sources. But the stars aren't paying him anything, he is on the Predators now. If he really wanted Vegas he could have negotiated the 3 years and then tried to negotiate for his final 1-2 years when that was done. Everyone is hating on the team but I agree with GMKM, they offered a fair contract, he chose to walk.


Stakmos isn’t retiring with the lightning, Kane didn’t retire with the Blackhawks, it’s not really a thing is a hard salary cap world without dragging down a team and both those guys were huge to their organizations. We all loved Marchy, but nothing stopped him from taking 3 years for higher AAV. He wanted term and made his choice, same with LT requesting a trade. Our prioritizing got us a up, and we had very similar reaction when we dumped fleury and patches. We kept them together last year and they didn’t get it done, and it’s ok to move on.


Hypothetically, would you want the knights to have Ryan Nugent Hopkins and Conner McDavid for over a decade, or a cup in 6 years? Personally I prefer the cup and the whole experience that came with it. I love the players but it's a hard cap league and if they move on I can still follow my favorites. It's not like I have to burn their sweaters.


> that the numbers will not lie And they spell DISASTER for YOU at SACRIFICE


I root for championships. I don't care who has to come or leave to get cups plain and simple. Once Fleury got traded we knew no player will ever be safe in this team and that is something I'm willing to live with if it means winning more championships.