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https://preview.redd.it/wbeotz4q985d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69498c2c2c9dc75e862c30773e8efd7c808b3982 This blonde baby is 5 years old and he has only barked maybe twice in his life!


The best type of hat


Awwww lol. Yea my Dad's golden is like that - Katy :) Maybe barked twice in her life ha. They're such sweet souls.


Same with my chocolate lab, never barks….


Love chocolate labs. They are such devoted lovable goofs.


https://preview.redd.it/s0bmmd95ub5d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=852ed71bdfbcea9db4acc20d414733a82f062a52 My girl does this too


Where r u people finding these quiet Goldens?? My boy will put his all into his barking and sounds like he howls sometimes. He even taught his older sister (I had her for a year before him) to bark more frequently. It isn’t constant but he is def a barker


I think we hit the jackpot with Ollie! He’s an absolute angel and I can’t even think of a time he’s been in trouble. Now his older brother Owen on the other hand is the barker and can be a little turd at times, but still a good boy! Owen and Ollie are the best brothers 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/a0szjsqpqc5d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=add71d28652b4a6213d286ec96278494c3e9a6a9


Awe I love that so much!!


We never put our dog in a cage and never punished her. She's friendly to everyone and everything and never barks. https://preview.redd.it/1gq6sjgi3i5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb6aeb2ffba10dc6954c1941deb049bcb12b449c


oh my lord 😍


Goldens are supposed to keep quiet so as not to alarm the birds you're hunting for. Quiet goldens are very common.


Can I send mine in for a software update or something?


That is a firmware update.


You can actually manually install the update. Boop the snoot twenty times in a row and then tap each paw in sequence: front right, rear left, front left, rear right, followed by 4 belly rubs and a kiss on the forehead


On my schnoodle that sequence enabled developer options. Apparently the advanced snuggle mode is enabled on my boy.


I tried that but only got a screenshot. Must have done something wrong.




This is the right answer. It has nothing to do with age as some people alluded.


Unless they're my eldest girl who didnt get the memo and Banshee deathscreams at the slightest bit of excitement


Mine rarely barks during the day. Inside, outside, or on long hikes in the woods. She does bark at things in the woods when we let her out at sunset.


Our older pup Charlotte is almost 2 and I can count her lifetime of barks on 1 hand. Shes just a quiet dog. Our youngest Honey barks to her hearts content. Both dogs are from different litters but have the same parents!


https://preview.redd.it/vt79tgh6g85d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ab87b6f4ce864af9fd3d2302d420449a39a320e Photo of the culprits. Charlotte is left and Honey right 😊


Would you mind me asking where you found these guys? Yhey are soo nice and pretty hahahha I love the names you've chosen too I'm trying to find some of my own someday 😄


We got our pups in Michigan from ‘Robertson Retrievers’ ! Great guy with a nice operation. We love our doggies


Thank you soo much!! I texted Brian and Michelle I guess? They seem nice and I would love to adopt a nice little puppy from them.


Aww, I had a Charlotte who was especially quiet unless I really worked her up playing and wrestling


I personally love her for it! I grew up with small barking dogs so it’s great. Honey isn’t necessarily loud, just a normal dog


https://preview.redd.it/5fzl9ewfs85d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00fdcd21cb9f463e37fc97b1e3c2f564a5325ed0 I have a talker! He’s lucky he’s cute.


Yes he is 🥰❤️


https://preview.redd.it/nuy963w6e95d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a27531ff5c68416accbad4144a730a20d66daef3 These two are biological sisters from different litters. Older one isn’t much of a barker. When we learned her parents had a new litter we hopped on the opportunity to get another that didn’t bark. Well… she barked the first day coming home and has always had a voice. What’s great now is that when the younger one barks the older one will sometimes join in and then get scared of her own bark.


Lol 😂 I love that, and they’re gorgeous!


Thank you 😁


You’re welcome! I miss having 2 or more at one time. I’ve always said that the only thing better than a golden is more than one golden! ❤️🐾🐾❤️🐾🐾❤️


Neither did ours at that age and now at 9 months we get just the occasional bark.


One of my Goldens only barks when someone knocks on the door. Other than that, silence. My other Golden barks a lot. He’s a demand barker too.


I had my golden Brutus for 15 years and he ONLY ever barked at the doorbell. He would race to the side door windows and see who it is. If he continued to bark, it means he hasn’t smelled or seen them before. If he stopped and started waggin his tail, it was a friend/family or delivery guy he sees a lot, stuff like that.


Same! Our 7mo baby, Dolly doesn’t bark either https://preview.redd.it/9d4tpmwm895d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2507de50f6c229a68e950388b3edc6539d710087


https://preview.redd.it/8jiyn0knxc5d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91a26c04b2156b05fd8b7dcd4ec1d5b10b1354cc I have a Dolly too!


I could count the number of time mine barked with my fingers and toes. In this 11 years life he only barked maybe 2 dozen times. He was the gooddest boy.


I, the owner of a 7-month-old male purebred golden and also someone who woke up at 4am to seemingly endless barking, am very jealous of all of you in this comment section


Mine is a talker too 🥲


Our little nut has never alert barked. But she demand barks on the regular! Pic tax included. https://preview.redd.it/31uwerz7h95d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c15d7b83382e4f986012820369246142f1011207


She’s got a great perch right there!


https://preview.redd.it/io0k3c5dr85d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67bb9488a09abdd9042763ef0b2ab3dee0bc7a1b This guy never barks. Maybe I’ve heard him bark twice in the last 12 months. Too busy trying to get comfy on the bean bag.


That’s an awesome bean bag!


A bean bag for humans to relax on, but SOMEBODY stole it and made it his 😑


I don’t think you can blame him for that??! He didn’t know it wasn’t for him, and it clearly fits him, however he wants it to. He probably thinks it’s been his from the start! Maybe he’ll consider sharing, if you ask him nicely and bring the treats!


I watched my friends golden since she was 2 and I have only heard her bark maybe twice during the times I watched her. She’s 9 now.


Honestly it happens. on golden number 5. Had two that never barked until like 3 or 4 years old and even then it was an occasional YELP.


Quiet puppy!! 🐕hahaha so precious I'm definitely no expert but I think that's kind of nice, you have a rare one


Only heard our first bark at 8 months. While on vacation in a cabin he just had to roof at other dogs walking past.


https://preview.redd.it/mlb52cys1a5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=615592f1994797356ac2f577337ee09cf1e1b5ed This kid does not bark but the two or three times she’s barked in her 1.5 years of life, she is unexpectedly loud and it means something crazy’s up.


My male was nicknamed “Bob Barker” by his breeder lol. My female pups have not barked much. So I would say you have a perfectly normal pup!


My boy tells me stories but it's more whine and grumble. He very rarely barks.


They're goldens.....and NOT Chihuahuas/pomernians...Most goldens don't bark too much...they have this instinct of staying silent to not alert birds as of while hunting etc.


They aren’t very verbal dogs.


ours never barked until he was over 1 year old!! don’t think you’re lucky yet😂


Mine barks quite a bit especially when demanding attention. He’s picked up some bad habits from his older Lab sister.


Wanna trade? This guy has barked twice since I started typing this 😂🙄 https://preview.redd.it/jtcaqs1x8a5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69e9971afd370bcbf3383423ce8225c17ef91791


Our female is almost 16 weeks, never barks when out on walks or when she sees another dog or person. The only time she o have seen her bark is when my wife or myself come home from work and she's excited, or when she wants out of her crate at night to go outside.


It’s not a bad thing. We taught our boy to speak on command. Now he can be very demanding when he wants something.


my 7 month old boy barks rarely (when a friend came over late and we were already in my room: it was a growl and warning bark) and sometimes when he’s very upset about being in his crate and has fomo. but otherwise he is a quiet boy. even when other dogs are yapping their heads off at him, he just stares and continues on. my old akita was very similar and i like to think he passed on this quietness to finn


My dog is barking just in case she is confused or when I ask her to bark. No other reason she would bark


My puppy only barks now when he gets food because he's so excited. Other dog only barks when there is someone who is not supposed to be at the house comes and knocks on the door.


I'm jealous . My puppy has an ear numbing bark.


both my goldens have been very quiet, to the point if/when they did bark or growl i was shook! totally normal for the breed


This because you made good choices.




I have a 3 year old field Goldie if she’s on walks she won’t bark at people at all, she’ll want to pull to go interact with them at most, if someone walks by our house on the sidewalk while she’s inside though? Berserk. Also Have a 10 month old English cream Goldie, she only yips when playing


Mine is a mix and he didn’t bark at all as a little puppy, but once he found his dormant beagle voice, boy oh boy… 😂😂


My golden is 2 and rarely barks. She does when she gets scared or spooked and it’s really cute but other than that, she seems to be more observant and takes everything in around her rather than barking.


My last Golden was a silent creature. So much so that it was a source of conversation among the family when he did..


Mine doesn’t bark till 8 months. It’s normal


Our little girl either. We have heard her twice, so we know she knows how. She’s almost 6!


Ours never barks Didn't think she ever would Until one day, I was away, and my wife was in the shower. someone knocked on the front door, and she started barking really loud My wife thought someone was breaking in with their dog Good girl


Goldens don’t really bark.


My boy lived to 14 and barked 5 times in his life. That is a personality trait, not a problem. Don't worry.


maybe she just doesn’t have anything to say, more of the quiet, mysterious type


Lucky Mine barks. She also knows “grumbles” and “little bark” (harder), but her fav is just plain ole barking. She’s getting better at just grumbling at people walking down our street though.


https://preview.redd.it/a2zp6mvpk95d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5973611d66f68b220fda6483cbc41fbb0dbd54d7 The older brother only barked maybe 5 times until he was two, it was hilarious when it got deeper because he was so confused when he heard it, my puppy though…she is a yapper and obnoxiously loud for her size


Dakota, pup of 15 months barks at everything from boats on the canal to geckos scurrying about. Very tiresome to the neighbors I’m sure


Nope, not in my opinion. IMHO (personal historical experience), a female Golden, is far more "civilized" then a male (or many of them for that matter). :-) These ladies tend to "speak" less because they are "above that". The boys on the other hand.... :-) Enjoy her and her confidence that she doesn't feel the need to say anything (vocally) until she REALLY needs too.


Wish you could tell my girl that :,) she loves to bark haha


Nothing to be worried about. We have two female goldens. One barks about 10 times a year, the other maybe 2 times. It’s so rare to hear we always laugh because it’s a deep bark. Might just be us, but we don’t mind it and are happy we don’t have to apologies for loud pups. Cute dog!


I think it comes down to the dog. I have had 5 goldens and my first girl I never heard a peep out of her but my two youngest have to always announce themselves when we are at Home Depot or whenever someone is walking by the house.


Mine turns 5 months tomorrow he doesn’t bark unless we’re messing around and playing so don’t worry it’s not you


So she's not Charlie Barker. No problem.


One of mine was *terrible* as a puppy. Took a lot of training to get it under control, but he was a barker his whole life.


This is completely normal. Golden Retrievers in general are not huge barkers. Most Golden’s will bark when the doorbell rings, neighbour walks by, etc. But, some won’t even bark then. It all depends on personality. Puppies usually take a while to find their voice.


Mine also didn’t bark for a long time until he went to the dog park and socialized with other pups


Ours only barks at raccoons.


First golden never barked her entire life. Got her at 6 weeks, which may have had something to do with it. Died young (9). Weird but nice in its own way.


I wish that was the case with my golden.


My golden didn’t bark until she was a year old. Once she started, she never stopped! Enjoy the quiet while it lasts!


This. Ours went to like 18 months not barking and we've now been working on it for two years now. I could have trained him to make me breakfast in bed by now with the hours we've put into trying to stop the reactive barking. Only made modest progress


Literally count your blessings and don’t question it lol. Usually dogs don’t get reactive until a bit older, but having a quiet dog is nothing to worry about. In fact people pay thousands in training to get their dogs to stop doing that at everything


https://preview.redd.it/brik322e2k5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc211b8a4c5d2efe1e35d3221eace61413e986d5 Kiba 1years old, she bark maybe like 20 times at home but never outside. Good girl 😊


In our experience, our two babies only barked when they got really excited playing with each other and that was very limited barking-even up to the age of 4. So enjoy the quiet!


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've only heard my 10year old dog bark twice? One was at fireworks at new years, the other was the neighbors new robot mower through the fence.


Our 11 month old hardly ever barks. Only occasionally to some people (most people he just walks up to like they're best friends already), our next door neighbors dog (for some reason - this is the only dog he has barked at), and when we wants you to play with him. It's usually him standing in front of you with a toy in his mouth, giving puppy dog eyes, and if you don't play quick enough, he'll give you a bark like "come on! I'm bored! Let's play!"


Count your lucky stars.


My older golden NEVER barks unless she wants inside.


Barking excessively is a problem. Not barking usually is never a problem. You just got a quiet golden and recommend that you leave it alone if you prefer it that way. Most owners would be happy to not have a barking dog.


I posted about this a while ago asking the same question. Still to this day our sweet girl has barked maybe twice. And both times it was because she saw someone in a weird hat walking through her potty spot from the window.


He will. Just gotta give him time.


Mine never barked until we taught her the command, not sure how she knew what to do but she did lol. She’s 11 now


Someone tell my golden he shouldn't bark a lot....dude barks at all the dogs and some people who walk by our fence (fenced in yard in the city)


I am jealous. Our golden boy is very vocal and we’re working on a quiet command


My female didn't bark until she was over a year old.


Your puppy doesn’t bark! LUCKY!!


Mine didn’t either for a long time. Then I bought a house and now he sits in the window and barks at the stray cats


My golden only barked when something was wrong until he got old. Then he became a little more vocal.


My golden didn't bark much at all when young. Now it's all he does 🤣


They usually get taught, in my experience. Ours didn’t bark until they were around an older dog that barked


My little guy didn’t bark at that age either. He still doesn’t bark or do anything when other dogs bark or growl or try to go at him. He thinks everyone wants to be his best friend, because that’s what he wants, lol, and doesn’t understand. However, if he sees dogs, or any animal for that matter, on TV or observes them from our apartment lanai, above, he absolutely barks, but it took him some time to get there. He’s almost 3. I wouldn’t be concerned at all. Goldens are very mild mannered. But you’ve definitely got a cutie on your hands! Best of luck :)


Both of mine don't bark (8yo and 4yo) One has only barked at a plastic bag blowing in the wind. You could pound on the door at 4AM and he *might* just go check it out.


My boy didn’t really bark much until recently…he learned it from some hooligans! 😭


My Winnie girl is also non verbal. I can count on one hand how many times I've heard her bark in the almost 2 years she's been alive!


Mine didn’t bark for the first five years of his life but as soon as he learned that we tried our best to figure out what he wanted and just gave it to him I.e. treats/toys/walks/ attention, he barks all the time. Still trying to stop being manipulated but he is so adorable.


Once she finds her bark…she’ll know it’s there… and so will you for a few days 😭😂


Both of mine are very quiet girls. They are both British Cream Goldens and their biggest fear in life is going to the vet; Georgia, the younger one, is very funny when we go and almost deserves an Oscar for her very predictable performances. She will do this howl/bark of protest from the moment we walk into the waiting room, making sure everyone knows she's an unwilling patient. This goes on until she's taken to the "little room". where she will endure the indignities put upon her by the vet and technician (whom she will avoid eye-contact with, actually put her nose in the air and look away into a ceiling corner when the vet enters the room) Then she will howl and sputter again in the waiting area while I pay the bill and until she is safely back in her Uber. That's about it for noise from them.


My parents have a male golden retriever and he never barked until he was seven or eight months old. Then he was laying in my room one day he let out a super loud bark and has been a barker ever since.


I had golden girl who refused to bark her whole life except for one when she got over exited, she scared her self with that bark so bad that she peed her self.


Mine doesn’t really bark either! He growl talks and the normal whinning/growling happy golden noises. He does bark if he something spooks him. When we got my youngest a playhouse it scared him when he saw it the first time. It was shocking because it was the first time he barked! Even then it’s one or two barks until we come see what’s happening. Not really sure if it’s him being scared, if he’s calling me to see what he found or a mix of the two. Either way we enjoy the fact that he’s not a barker!!


My golden only started barking when someone came to the door. I'm fine with it because I can't hear the doorbell from my room.


Jealous. Mine is a BARKER


I’ve had three Golden’s in my life and they are the most wonderful dogs alive. Such uniqueness and love.


My boy didn’t start barking until he was around 8-9 months old. I thought something was wrong with him too but I guess he just didn’t feel the need yet. Now he definitely barks. Enjoy the quiet while it lasts.


My 7 year old golden barely makes a peep. Only when startled, and even then it’s rare for him to bark. It’s a good thing.


My Golden very rarely barks. Usually only when he gets a little too excited during play time.


My sister's golden almost never barked. But when he did, he had a booming, deep-voiced bark that was startling because he was such a lil sweetie.


Our first dog was a golden and he really didn't bark until I got pregnant and he became protective of me. When she needs to bark, she will.


Mine didn't either until he grew up


My older dog has hardly ever barked in his life. Only at our next door neighbors who we thought were serial killers.


My Daisy barked twice in her life. She was a sweet soul.


I’ve got my forth golden now. They’ve all barked, but not a lot, and two of the 4 never barked until after they were maybe 1 year old? I’d definitely not worry! It’s just myself and my golden and there are days she never barks at all, unless she hears the neighbors (we don’t care for), outside and making more noise than necessary


Goldens that do not bark are the very best! I've had a few. After puppyhood, my most recent Goldie only barked when I wanted him to. He gave me a single warning 'woof' a few times at home or camping when he alerted on something amiss, like an unexpected knock at the door. Other than that, he would bark out of his car window when I sang our little made-up 'dog park song' on our way to the park, or when I ventured off trail to pick out a good stick for him while telling him "let's find some sticks!" Other than those situations when I encouraged it, he was as quiet as a church mouse. The very best kind of Golden. You have yourself a winner there!


My parent’s golden was a quiet boy as a pup, I never heard a peep out of him. 5 years later, he won’t shut up. Every time the neighbor walks by pushing a baby in a stroller, he’s got a lot to say. It just takes time sometimes.


I think it is quite normal for dogs not barking. My golden was 15 years old and he had only barked for few times in his entire life


Mine occasionally barks but can go days without barking a single time. Mostly he just barks at me when he’s trying to demand things from me. Never at other dogs.


Goldens are not little yapping barking dogs. Count your blessings lol


https://preview.redd.it/gl481shbz95d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf760894eb64dc6ecfb9643f5bfd710b81e93a2c Kona has only barked when I get home from work or on occasion playing with other dogs


My girl has paralyzed vocal chord, so it hurts her to bark


My five year old boy has barked exactly 6 times. All cat related.


My 1.5 yrs old boy doesn’t bark either and it’s my favorite thing about him! My family doesn’t even know I have a dog cause he never barks when they call.


Mine doesn’t either unless aggressively barked. He definitely will whine when he’s not allowed in the room for some reason. But no barking suits me just fine. 💗🤣


Don’t complain. Just enjoy the silence.


My pup is 11 months old. Rarely barks. She's quiet and sneaky as a ninja.


Man, wanna trade? My boy literally will not shut up. https://preview.redd.it/1tx1yvxvfa5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e50c6d0c68ec4434e7bd3f6101c7ae851312658f


I swear people in this sub have never been around dogs before sometimes.


i’m jealous😭my 3 month old golden barks so often i had to get earplugs. my 6 yr old golden only barks when he sees strangers or squirrels or cats.


They were bred to be hunting dogs, it is a feature not a bug. My golden boy has barked maybe 8-9 times since we got him (2y.o.), however it is damn obvious when he does cause it’s much louder than our other dog.


Mine didn't really start to bark until month 8 or 9 or so. She's still quieter than other dogs I've had but will bark at least once a day now, like at the neighbor dogs or our cat.


Some pups get their barks around the end of the first year. Hopefully you aren't one of those families.


I have a two year old German Shepherd which are known to be very vocal. At five months old she did not bark either, so I just assumed that we had a quiet one. Now however is a different story!! It’s possible that your beautiful baby hasn’t found her voice yet, but I’m sure she will eventually.


My girl doesn’t bark unless other dogs do. Even then she looks at me like “Am I doing this right?”


None of my goldens have ever really barked much unless they see something like a strange person or animal. Even then it’s only around the house. They just don’t bark much in general.


That’s why when my dog does bark I know he is concerned about something and always check


Thank your lucky stars!


Hi, may I buy your puppy? Will exchange for a very barky 14mo.


I don't know if it's normal, but you are very lucky. I have a Chihuahua that never shuts up. Wanna trade? I've had two goldens and don't remember them barking very much. They are just the perfect dog. 🥳


Mine only barks to let us know she needs to go outside to do her business! I'm very thankful for that 😂


Think that’s weird? I have a completely silent husky. She has never barked or howled in her life. https://preview.redd.it/86mk4hl5eb5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2cc9ceb78fa4d8a9893d113868bf96d5200bcd7


My golden never barks. Didn’t bark as a puppy. Doesn’t bark now unless I ask him to “speak” and even then he’s like ehhhh no thanks. He has growled at someone lurking outside my house in a hoodie that had their hood up but no barks.


https://preview.redd.it/j8dt59cnkb5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b803e0cb1c172ee10598aa2a69d6fdc69866173 Mine is a talker. When he doesn’t get what he wants lol


As someone who’s neighbors called the landlord on a few times before cuz of the doggo barking, it would have been great to have a puppy that’s less vocal.


Our oldest golden VERY rarely barked unless an emergency (like really really needing to go outside to pee and we didn’t hear her ringing the bells). Otherwise she was a quiet dog all the time, and that was normal. 😊 https://preview.redd.it/dhu9tq0ttb5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38fd215a60c16cbe86a5a3505818255d7a6f1a83




That was the case with mine. Then I said the same thing as you. Now I have a sass mouthing teenager who doesn’t stop talking (barking). Enjoy it while it lasts!


Typical golden retriever.


I had a retriever who went literal years without barking.


Think my ten year old only barked like six times her entire life, and then I’ve got a 3 year old who loves the sound of her own voice, my cousins dog is vocal as well, it’s a lottery!




I got one of those Miss Clementine doesn’t bark. She barked once at my buddy who didnt knock just walked in my front door and then got scared on a nighttime walk and barked. https://preview.redd.it/5tjtxd107c5d1.jpeg?width=2530&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0775cc58c6ca31f6399d109c12570c97ea71af08


She may not but my dog didn’t bark for her first full year w her. We thought it was so odd. Then one day someone knocked at the door and she went crazy. She’s been crazy ever since lol


My golden never barked as a puppy. Now she barks when she gets scared. When I board her she stays with a lot of huskies so she grunts and groans when she is moody but only barks when nervous or scared. She is almost 2.


Lucky you!


https://preview.redd.it/ewnj9jijfc5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db5afe4f7766d94f6a4d8e23bf527016736d9882 Murphy doesn’t bark either. Only once when my husband rode a skateboard through the house😂. He’s 9 months


You're puppy might be like our beautiful girl! Our puppy used to bark once or twice at her poop at 10 weeks old haha. At puppy school when getting barked at by everyone, she would not bark ( thankfully, I hate nuisance barking). I taught her how to bark on command and be quite on command. She's now 1.5 years old and even when my neighbours bang on the fence, or neighbours dogs are barking for hours, she doesn't bark. The only barking she does is when someone knocks on the door or approaches the house but ONLY when we are home with her.. she's very protective of us, we tested her by having our neighbours knock on the door when no one was home and she did not bark. Even when we come back home from our neighbours house we ring the door bell and she won't bark. I say overall it is the best kind of barking.


Ours didn’t bark more than maybe 5 times before he turned 1. Then we started to send him to daycare and he found his voice 😂 he still barks more rarely than other dogs I’ve had, but he is more vocal now.


My frenchie barks from 4am toll 11pm...be happy with what you've got haha


We’ve always call it “finding their bark”. Once they find it, they use it when they want. I’ve had Goldens my entire life. Currently have a rescue who is #7. My boy currently ONLY uses his when he’s got zoomies with his sister OR when he thinks he’s a pit bull as someone is knocking on our door.


Mine didn’t bark at all til she was like 3 or 4. And even then it’s more grumbling/talking than barking. Like in the morning if we’re too slow getting her food she follows us around and grumbles.


 My dog didn’t bark until he had a few months so I guess its normal. I also used to have another dog that lived 14 years and she rarely barked.


My golden didn’t bark until he was 9-10 months old. Now he only really barks when certain dogs walk past the house. He is a whiner though 🤣


Be grateful lol.


https://preview.redd.it/qpg85p6prc5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68eb495042369c06c8aaeb0bedc732d561dd64c9 My Stella girl is hardly a barker (unless you know someone is coming in the door or literally barking at nothing) but she never barks to go outside etc. which we thought she would learn from our old dog at the time lol but your pup is adorable <3


Definitely my dog when he was 5 months old. Now he has increased to about once to twice a day.


My Golden is almost 4 and she rarely barks. It is a blessing in disguise!


That’s what you want! The best dogs don’t bark. My golden was the same, only barked if someone came to the door.


My boy is 2 and only barks at the cat! nothing else. And only barks if the cat is bothering him. Sometimes he will ignore her while she’s crawling all over him. sometimes he doesn’t have the patience 😂


We have two goldens one is very vocal telling us his sibling has his toy, lets play, park time, hike time, family’s here, etc. the only when she’s excited to see you.. roooooo-rooooo-roooooo


I’ve got a GSD mix and he rarely barks. Only thing he will bark at is if someone knocks or rings our door bell. He’ll stop as soon as he sees who it is. He’s been this way is whole life, 7yo. I consider myself very fortunate. I’ve never seen it as a problem. If I wanted him to bark I figure I could have trained him to bark.


In the 11.5 years I had my wonderful golden, she NEVER made a peep, except for one time when some guy outside my door was fiddling with the lock to my apartment at like 2:00 AM and then she barked loud and angry till he ran off.