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She said “we’re doin this diet together” and made you walk with her.


This is awesome! Hahahah. She’s like “look if I gotta be skinny, then so does your fat ass. Let’s go!”


Holy shit that pfp brings me back! RIP TB


You just got retrieved


Dang it. You right. I surely did. She prolly still laughing at me


If she's on a vet approved diet plan and is used to eating more, maybe she wants more food or wants cookies? Alternatively, it could just be that she wants attention lol.


All of this is a possibility lol, but she’s almost 7 and has been on diets before and never acted this way.


Interesting with the diet maybe not being it then. Hopefully, it's nothing, and she's just trying to get more attention and loving from you lol


Oh she’s totally fine now lol. Someone suggested the smell of the full trash was bothering her and I can definitely see that, as usually it’s not left full for long. It’s just been storming and I’m made of pure sugar so I would melt if I had to take the trash out of course :)


Oh, that's good to hear for her! I'm glad it was just a fleeting thing :) I can see the trash maybe being it, and I totally get not wanting to venture out into a storm to put it outside lol.


Well maybe she is tired of this dieting Business qnd is leading you to the pantry! Have you thought about butt scratches? Maybe she wants butt scratches.


This dog is on a Yo-Yo diet, lol.


It looks to me like she wants something specific from the bin, maybe she can smell whats on the plate and wants to lick it?


My dog was never all that food motivated until her senior years. After she got older it became like the highlight of her day and she got very unimpressed when we tried to manage her weight.


How's her water bowl?


I wanted to make an edit but I can’t: My girl is significantly overweight. I made a post a few days back about how this happened and how awful I feel. She is on a vet approved weight loss program. Just didn’t want you guys to think I was oblivious to this and not helping her lose the excess weight.


So then maybe she's just asking for food. Not much to do about that.


The kitchen isn’t where she gets food though lol. Ever. I’m going with a ghost.


Do critters ever get in the walls?


They would have to be some incredibly smart critters. We have 2 ferrets that would be terribly offended if they lost a meal to the walls lol.


they're saying maybe the dog hears/smells critters, not that the dog is losing food to critters


Hmmmm, I’m not sure how you read my reply. What I meant is I also have 2 ferrets. They are incredible hunters of small rodents and critters. They would be very sad if there were critters in our walls that they haven’t already caught. Not really much to do with my dogs. I get that the comment was wondering if there could be critters as that could be what was getting the attention of my golden, but I’m rather certain said critters would drive my ferrets nuts first.


I just want to say, many kudos to you! I wasn’t going to comment on her chunkiness, but since you brought it up and explained that you and the vet have a plan, I’m super proud of you and happy for her ❤️ She’s clearly a deeply good and very beloved dog!


Clean and full. https://preview.redd.it/kwuagwmajz8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9905205d87915c3d9e07c28a6914e29268212cf8


Good call. My dog stares at me when their water is an inch or less in their bowl.


A walkie!


She seems eager. Walk is what I was thinking as well


Walking my girls in this heat has become taxing, I won’t lie. I have chronic leukemia and getting them the proper exercise is always hard in the summer. Usually we go on the boat more and they swim a lot more, but my health and some other issues has caused us not to go out much this season. I do take them on walks, but it’s definitely not as long as they would like :(


He seems easy maybe a neighbor kid would be happy for ten bucks to give a good walkie. But I’m not easy to give my one and only to anyone so if there’s no one to trust fine. But if you’re in a fancy city, there are great apps for dog walkers


I’m not at all in a fancy city lol. I’m in south Alabama. I worry about strays, especially stray pit bulls, and I know child could not possibly fend one off so I would never want to put a child/teen in a position where they could get mauled, nor would I want my girls in that position :( I think we will be able to get them on the boat and swimming, running in the sand, more soon.


Totally get that! Really I had a big golden he made it to 13yo and he was the best. He needed knee surgeries, I walked him so much. Maybe too much and I wore him out, but I felt like he made me do it! He was the best. I over did it but he always wanted more. But the swimming is the best, low impact. He was my best companion, he made me take him out tho even for a little car ride and 100 foot walk. I wish you well that’s so hard, I can’t imagine but I’d want my golden with me. Your boy is adorable!


And yes a time ago I had a rescue poodle water dog and we were walking him and a pit jumped a low fence and it was bad. No one was clearly fatally hurt but my boy was too old it stressed him. And the lady of that house had the audacity to say we let her dog out. It was bad. We made no claim or anything but it was a lot for him.


I’m so sorry :(


I’m so sorry. I hope you’re doing as well as you can


My golden always preferred a swim to a walk. They are nosey and love to smell even a tiny walk could do the trick. Every new thing they notice. The smartest of dogs indeed


I know you’ve likely solved this by now, but mine does this all the time when he sees something “scary” and wants me to move it. He won’t walk by the “scary” item and will act strange until I figure out what it is and move it out of the room. Historically, “scary” items have included: An accordion folder, an upright dust pan, a toy King Kong, an extension cord, a stuffed Elmo toy We have had him since he was a puppy, so he hasn’t had any traumatic experiences involving these things. He’s just a little goofy.


Well I didn’t solve it, she just kinda gave up and this is our current situation https://preview.redd.it/efh4u4gk209d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6061b6c10b7f9153963560382cc5257ce55f8db Maybe it was something scary? Like a ghost! (I 1000% do not believe in ghosts, but sometimes she makes me think things are haunted when she gets obsessed like this lol)


Fireworks? I lost my golden Molly at 1 year old, because she got scared and ran off...got hit by a car...then her full blooded siblings, Emma (8) and Remmy (6) came along. Remmy doesn't care about fireworks or BANG sounds, but Emma Lou is horrified of them. Its like shes taken that fear on from what happened (even though they never met)


Nah nothing like that around here. I’m a veteran with PTSD, I would know if there were fireworks going off.


And people here in Indiana can be crazy about them...any time of day. When she darts for the back of the couch, EVEN IF if I'm loving on her and she's loving it, I know shes heard something. Sure enough, usually I will hear them. In her eyes, I cannot protect her from that...and I hate that feeling. Granted, THIS \^ isn't what it looks like but when I saw "something scary?" it made me think of this.


Could be the garbage is stinky and bothering her nose.


Good call. It’s rare our garbage gets like that but it’s been storming and I am a weenie and don’t like getting wet lol.


My husband does this too when our trash is smelly lol. Walks around our kitchen, asking where the smell is coming from like he wouldn't know.


It might not be something physical, from what I can see in your video is that she wants to interact or even play. The tail wag reminds me of my guy when he’s in the mood to be a rowdy feller. Their energy gets stored up and needs to be used just like us. I take mine for a walk a little over a mile twice a day


That could be it, but usually she’ll just bring me a toy when she wants to play. About a month ago, she would not stop whining and going to the back of the couch where I normally sit. I looked under and over the couch, moved the couch, moved the end table, vacuumed under the couch, and still she persisted. Eventually I thought “maybe I should check inside the couch.” Sure enough, her favorite benebone had fallen down into the couch. Once I got it for her, she was completely satisfied lol




I love your dog, and I am not judging you in any way, it happens. But that sweet girl needs to lose some weight. Being overweight affects dogs a great deal. Even 5-10 pounds can cause a lot of issues.


Yes, I absolutely know, I tried to make an edit, but then made a comment, but it was under someone else. I had to switch foods because my other golden girl is sensitive to fish meal. I got the same exact food but switched from salmon to lamb. It never dawned on me the calories were different, and I didn’t adjust. This sweet baby in the video got a raging uti and when I took her to the vet she had gained 15lbs in about 6 months. I knew she had gained some weight, but just never would’ve guessed that much. She is now on a vet approved diet to help get the weight off. I have chronic leukemia and struggle to walk both my girls in the heat of the summer. I’m very mad at myself about her weight, and I even made an entire post about it if you check my profile history.


Don't be mad at yourself. We were worried about our Wyatt's joints and whatnot and got a huge lecture from our vet. We cut his food way down and he's at a good weight and is so more agile and you can tell he feels better. It's tough at first though they are always hungry.


Believe me, I know. When we got our second girl, she was 5. She’s smaller than Lucy (the one in the video) in stature. That sweet baby weighed 85lbs when she should’ve weighed no more than 65. She was a rehoming situation. I got her down to 67 and now we maintain between 63-65 (except she suffered from my mistake with the feeding as well and probably weighs about 72). It was so hard because she has been fed a crap diet and tons of people food. And she’s the sweetest girl. Her name is Stella. https://preview.redd.it/6i5tvswcyz8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a98ee78ea39d65b58df0597293f783b4a3ba6c2 Stelly belly in the left, and Lucy on the right. This was right before christmas. As you can see, much healthier babies. Still kicking myself.


It'll come off fast. Here's the boys https://preview.redd.it/scxs290tyz8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caf6d2c958d4e19db6e291d1b057e890885f184f


I love them!!!!


Thanks, they are sweet boys


The goodest. Do you let them know they are the best retrievers?


Big boy Wyatt on the right does not retrieve, he has no interest. Doc on the left would retrieve until he passed out from exhaustion.


That’s so funny. Lucy is like Doc and Stella is like Wyatt. But what Stella does is wait for Lucy to retrieve and then “fights” her for the toy lol. Lucy almost always gives in to her “little sister”


What beautiful girls! I wish them and you all the absolute best.


Been there, also had a huge lecture from the vet. Changed her food and started measuring it out properly and this really helped. We also give our dog tablets for her joints because of her age and these are definitely helping too. Don’t feel too bad OP as long as you recognise and you’re doing something about it.


Thank you for your kind words. I love my girls nearly as much as the child I grew in my tummy. It’s very hard for me to accept that I let this happen. This is entirely my fault. I am fixing it though. I appreciate the thoughtful reply!


My old girls does that as well but she will always lead me to a ball/toy stuck under furniture. They are wicked smart.


mine can reach the lost ball but insist i get it, thus making me the actual retriever.


Love it!


Role reversal lol


Yeah I posted on another comment about how for about a week she kept leading me to the couch where she and I normally sit and whined. I looked over the couch, under the couch, under the end table, lifted up the couch and vacuumed. Still she persisted. I finally thought to look in the couch and sure enough her favorite benebone had fallen down in it lol


My Luna will purposefully put the ball out of her reach and then beg me to get it for her. I complain at the time but I love every minute of it, as does she.


Goldens are the bestest!


I think she just wants your attention. lol


She almost always has most of my attention. She is MY dog baby. We are hardly ever apart honestly


Try to sneak a treat up on top of the island. Walk around, stop there, and be like, “oh, this must be what you want” and give her the treat. Maybe that’ll work. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


She’s on a diet, so no treats! Maybe a green bean lol


My girls talk to me like that. Conversely, a just speak regular English to them and the usually get it.


They are silly gooses


Dog: Why is she following me?


This made me snort out loud. Lol So simple yet so hilarious


Scratch her butt? My dog does this too


She do like a good butt scratch lol


Aaww! She is a sweetie! My girl Ruby would always make sure to lead me to “cookie corner” in the kitchen whenever she wanted a treat. We had to stop the treats and give her fruit or veggies instead so she figured out to walk me to the fridge. Goldens are smart!


They are and they just want their humans to do everything with them. Best dogs ever!!!


She's asking for the money on the table ofc! She wants to go out shopping.


Well these days she ain’t gonna get much with 7 bucks! Wouldn’t even buy her a pack of treats!


I know that it’s temporary and you’re working on fixing that chonk issue, but I can’t stop thinking about having so much more dog for your buck to love on in the meantime.


She is my bestest spooning partner!


"Not all those who wander are lost” She took you on a journey and at the end found what she was looking for.


Why did this bring tears to my eyes? Lol


She has such expressive eyes! What a beauty 😍


Thank you. She’s my best good girl. Her sister is also my best good girl lol


Has she lost a toy underneath that hutch in the dining area?


Sir, I believe you have solved this mystery! https://preview.redd.it/nm4srs94o09d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ec890e3d83ca47c9e7d1db69aa2cf9a6dc8381d


Haha…as did everyone who said she looks like she wants to play!


I mean she (and her sister) have about a million balls and squeaky toys. We could’ve played with any of those. I would’ve never guessed she lost a ball under there. It has to have been under there for a few months at least lol


The heart wants what it wants…


Well we just had an exciting episode of having a gecko on our wall, so that entertained both of them.Her and her sister are playing a rowdy game of bitey face currently.


She was aging them, like fine wine in a cellar!


Some say they are still following their dog to this day




She's saying "you are not recycling those cans?"


Unfortunately, where I live, it’s not really even offered without being incredibly inconvenient


Garbage may just stink and she wants it gone?


Yup, that’s been probably the most likely answer. It rarely gets that full but it was storming and I didn’t want to get wet!


https://preview.redd.it/yrfylk28c09d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a85f6f95d6850937c8b087b68dbaf9dc8810ec4 ❤️ 💕 💗 🐶


Maybe she wants a Capri sun?😆


Or a keystone light lol


Looks like she wants you to play or pay attention to her.


Well I’m not sure why because she was literally laying in my lap until she decided to do this silliness. And of course I obliged because she’s the bestest.


All of us 🧐🧐🧐….Answer: She’s adorable & you are a great owner to follow her around & talk with her to solve The Mystery


She’s cute! Awww!


I love seeing pics of Goldens. ♥️♥️♥️


They are the eternal bringers of joy.


Indeed they are just as I type this, my little golden girl booped my leg to make sure I knew she was right there for me if I need her since I'm finally having my dinner lol


Seeing this while I'm at work makes me miss my girl so much


Gas leak? There's a fire in the barn! Where's Timmy?


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Look at her. She needs no more treats lol. But her treats aren’t even located in the kitchen and since her diet, are nonexistent except a maybe a strawberry or few blueberries. Maybe some water melon if she is an especially good girl


Was it thundering? Mine gets restless and doesn't know what he wants when its stormy.


She wants you to recycle your beer cans


I guess I need to send this video to the municipality then lol. Cause recycling is not an easy process where I live lol


Maybe she just wants to spend more time with you and this is her way of getting your attention


I dunno how we could possibly spend more time together. She’s my Velcro baby. I am retired with chronic leukemia so we basically just hang out all the time.


The most likely outcome is she wants a snack 🤣


Well that’s cheating! They always want a snack!


She may be in some pain/discomfort


Remember, they operate largely on smell. I would urge you to pick up the different things that are on the counter and see if that's what she's looking for.


I think it was the trash. She was like “mom, get this full trash outta here, I don’t care if you melt in the rain. My nose is burning!”


She probably thinks you are going somewhere and doesn't want to miss out. Same with mine. They have like 5 brain cells working OT.


Nah, she knows the signs of me going somewhere: I put on a bra and shorts. Lol


Be a love and scratch her butt. Then give her a snack and fresh water, please.


Their water is changed twice a day! She’s more of an ear scratch kinda gal, but her sister ONLY wants them butt scratches lol Oh and she’s on a strict diet, so no snackies :(


She wants you to play with her.


She’s almost 7 and this has never been her go to play attempt, but hey, it worked! I got up, multiple times to attempt to figure out what she was after lol. As someone else said- uno reverse, she made ME the retriever hahahhaha


She wants butt scratches.


She definitely just wants that money on the table


She would be incredibly disappointed. 7 bucks wouldn’t even buy her a pack of her favorite treats lol




The garbage outside of the bin is bothering her.


“I’m going to make my human do chores until she gives me treats.”


The exercise is needed for both of us! Lol I’ll play this game all day if it helps with her diet and exercise routine.


Go outside and PLAY!!!


Happy cake day! We do go out and play, but I have chronic leukemia and I struggle in the heat and humidity this time of the year. Usually we do a lot of boating and the girls come and swim and run on the beach, but due to my health and other issues, we haven’t been much this season. Hopefully soon though!


Since she is on a diet, did she used to get scraps? The scraps she used to get might be in the trash now…


I enjoyed this video a lot lol


She wants those dollar dollar bills yo


A walk


What a chonker! ❤️


My dog does exactly this - she wants your leftovers, watch her eyes dart when you get close to the trashbin, she leads you to the trashbin and shes frantically watching how you handle it. My new gf does not finish food lol, and my 8 year old pup walks the same circles to ask if she should rather have the leftovers that are getting thrown away, and I agree completely 😅


She’s wondering why you’re following her… LOL she’s saying “…what do you want, lady…”


She *needs* a diet and exercise. She just wants attention. They're not exactly picky about what. Throw a ball, give her butt scritches like she lined up for at the end, or just play with her.


Please read further comments. I tried to edit the post to address this issue. I completely understand the visceral response to a very overweight animal and my girl no doubt is, but I promise I am addressing the issue. You can even check my post history and see the issue and the absolute guilt I have over this. I posted a few days ago on this sub.


I saw that later. But my second paragraph still stands. She just wants to play and probably doesn't really care how.


I’m retired due to having chronic leukemia, so she and I are basically velcroed to each other. I was sitting here with her head on my lap when she did this. Usually if she wants to play she will grab a toy and bring it to me and then we will play, but this isn’t her normal “ I want to play.” HOWEVER, someone suggested she may have lost a toy under the hutch and low and behold I found one of balls under there lol. Maybe that was it cause she was real happy when I found it.


Sounds about right. Hopper can get frustrated when I grab a different bone from the one he wanted to play with lol.




Her fat ass is on a diet lol. But usually if she’s tryna get something from the trash she’s way sneaky about it. She definitely wouldn’t be calling attention to it. She would just hope I eventually forgot to lock the lid.




Yes! She is my ride or die, and I’m so angry at myself that I didn’t realize how obese she had become. But we are working on it with a vet approved diet and exercise.


Wondering where the diet is


Well, maybe you’ve never had to try to lose weight or have your dog lose weight, but we just started about a week ago. I made an awful mistake with food portions and didn’t realize just how fat she got. I take full responsibility for this and know it’s completely my fault. I understand getting upset about seeing severely obese pets, but please see my other comments and even my post on this sub from a few days back about how this happened. I am truly hating myself for this.


Have You had ultrasounds yet to rule out hemangiosarcoma?


Butt scratches.


What if she sees something you can't, she has a look of happy to see someone she knows, and the look of confusion when you open the garbage, it not the garbage she would be doing it everyday. If she lays or sits were she usually never does and looks at the same area she is wondering why you don't see what ever she sees. You probably know that most animals see things we can't.


Always a walk. And a carrot haha


Jesus! That’s a chunky little chicken! Maybe she wants to walk to the gym…..


She’s just wondering why you’re following her


She wants the money on the table


She has that, “I think there is a treat for me in the kitchen that you forgot.” look.


Owner - where are you taking me? Doggo - why are you following me?


Maybe she thinks the capri-sun boxes need to go in the trash can since they’re right next to it.


You or the dog?


It’s a ghost. She warning you to get out


You got a dog, never walk it, and now her brain has died


She wants out play or scratch


She probably wants to go on a damn walk.


You hurt her feelings when you put the lid on the garbage can, look at the expression on her face..


When my Golden got older like that, he either wanted to go outside or go for a walk. And he would just stand there like yours does until I either opened the back door, or got his leash. If I opened the back door and he would go outside, then it was just that. But if I opened the back door and he didn't budge, I would grab his leash and he would let me know he wanted a walk by going to the front door / garage door and wait for his leash to be out on. Yours seems like the same manner my old boy did. Btw, I'm the dude that said your baby voice was cringe. And I'm an asshole for that. You seem like a very nice person and I was being rude. I apologize. You keep doing you! ... It's easy to be rude sitting behind a computer screen, but your response back to me about what I said to you showed me that you're a good person. And I regret being rude to you. I'm sorry.


Ball underneath the cabinet? My boy gets goofy when his ball gets stuck lol


My dog was doing this one day and it made absolutely zero sense. She kept walking me over to the table and crying. There were no treats or toys or anything of hers on the table. I don't normally allow this, but she had an "Up" command, so I told her to put her paws up and "show me". But I still couldn't figure it out. I initially had thought she was acting like she needed to go pee, so I took her but the behavior continued for another 10 minutes. FINALLY I decided let's just go for a walk. But I did NOT tell her that. I went to that same table and grabbed the roll of poop bags and she immediately erupted in joy. She reeeally had to poop. I felt soooooo bad, but also thought it was INCREDIBLE that she was smart enough to understand that poop bags = pooping, that is what she needed, and that was how she was choosing to tell me. Because she's already gone to the door and gone pee but I didn't take her to poop.


I love your accent. I think your dog is a cutie too. I am sorry to hear that you are dealing with health issues.


She needs you to entertain her.


My sugar face tries the same thing with me. I simply say “sit with mommy” (on the couch) or go to crate or the floor. She eventually settles down.


Maybe she just wants attention and likes making you follow her around


>following her around trying to figure it out So is she lol


She wants you to follow her obviously.


She wants that money on the table!


she wants walkies or play


She just needs you to walk endlessly around with you.


This is a simple case of she doesn’t know what she’s hungry for so you gotta just try all the things ….


Sometimes it can be a game to them. Our boy has this one where he will stop at a specific point in his walk home if my wife is walking him. She will try to get him to move, paying him lots of attention. I tell her to drop the lead and keep walking - and he then starts catching up. It's a game to him. He never does it with me, only with her. I figured it's because it's a way to get attention from her. He gets attention from me in different ways, so I reasoned that's why he's not doing this stopping with me. If everything else is fine, and there's nothing specific they're aiming for (like a bin, the door, under the sofa, etc) then it's quite possibly she's playing some sort of attention game with you. It's a weird 'game', but I've noticed Goldens seem to relish this attention being placed towards them, regardless of what type of attention it is. They're sometimes strange dogs, but their adorable nature more than makes up for it! Wouldn't trade my boy for anything.


She’s trying to figure out what you want.


Maybe she wants to go outside


Food, water, or bathroom?


They mostly just want attention but gets better with age. Barks should be taken more seriously.


Maybe she wants to go outside?


Wants that money


She want does dollas


Butt scritches


If she is anything like my golden she probably forgot what she wants but knows she wants something.


I have three choices when my dog goes into want mode. Food, bodily function, her Scooby friend is home.