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It all depends on the individual dog. They are not all the same. My Golden is not food or treat driven. I can leave food out all day long.


Even as a puppy??? Lucky!!!


My dog is a free grazer too, always has been since he started eating solid food. Not food driven at all.


He's evil driven


šŸ˜‚ fixed it, thank you!


All five Iā€™ve had were grazers. Once they knew it was there they just ate what they needed and walked away. We just adopted a mixed breed from a friend who died and it only took two days before he learned from the golden that there was no need to gorge.


They both have their ups and downs. I had a harder time training and controlling my non food driven dog. But my two that are food driven were overall very easy as long I kept a pocket full of treats.


lucky until you try to train them and they donā€™t respond to treats šŸ˜©


What was the habit of your other two dogs in puppy hood? Iā€™d venture to say it is a puppy behavior, not breed specific in my opinion. With my golden I think this went on for 6-9 months


All my other dogs have grazed, little nibble, walk away, little nibble, go play, little nibble etc. But this is my 1st golden.


Same here! He really doesnā€™t care about food. We could be eating at the table and he would just leave and lay down.


My golden is food and treat motivated. She's under 2, but she has already easily learned to leave human food alone unless it's specifically handed to her and that her food is always put out in one location and our other dog's food is in another. She has to walk by his spot to get to hers. We even feed them in puzzles and mix and match every meal (so it's not his/hers bowls or anything). Although they do both check each others' puzzles when they're done, they're only allowed to do that once the other walks away. I didn't have to do anything special to train this, it just took consistency from everyone in the house, which in my experience is the hardest part!


Mine will take a mouthful of kibble in the other room, drop it, and eat it slowly. We had a Corgi that would eat her food without chewing it. Kind of slurp it down. She would eat however much you put out. We had to get a slow down bowl to feed her in.


Same, sometimes mine doesnā€™t finish his breakfast and then later is like I want a snack. šŸ¤£


SAME I literally just offered him 4 different treats, one at a time, to see if he liked them. Turned his nose up at three before he decided he liked one. I have his food out all the time and heā€™ll graze when he feels like it.


My dog is also very good about leaving food alone! Treat motivated, but we have trained her not to beg for food.


Basically this. Mine is very food driven but has excellent manners so it'd be very out of character for him to heal food.


Ours is same, sheā€™s our only golden whoā€™s been like this. Other two would eat anything. Mo our golden now is indifferent to food, she eats when she wants to but I never worry about her taking food that isnā€™t hers. Definitely individual


Mines the same but if I left it out long enough I think sheā€™d try for it but normally doesnā€™t seem to care much about food.


My 8 year old would still gorge himself. He acts as if we never ever feed him. When I fill his food container,as a treat, I'll let him stick his head in for 5 seconds and get what he can....that boy will chipmunk as much food as he can in 5 seconds then spit it on the floor after so he can eat.


lolā€¦ thatā€™s my other 2 dogs if I let Stella out before they are done. They are like ā€œquick save what you canā€.


Mine is 9 and acts like heā€™s never been fed a day in his life šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£


Depends on the dog. My current one wonā€™t touch something not given to him. He just begs with his sad little puppy eyes. One of my old Goldens, even as an old girl, the second you turn around that food would be gone. Another of my old Goldens, she bided her time and would choose her opportunity. My first golden, I was a baby so I would dump all the food I didnā€™t want (which was a lot because I was picky) on the floor for him. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I can leave my own food out safely, but I personally wouldnā€™t leave a dogā€™s food out as itā€™s a good way to let them overeat. Of course, if they donā€™t finish it and save some for later thatā€™s different (who are we kidding, theyā€™re goldens), but no refills until the next meal


Omg she is SO CUTE


Thanksā€¦ 6 months old and only 2 ā€œhabitsā€ we are still upset about and working on is the ā€œexcited piddlesā€ and hopping up on people cause sheā€™s soo attention hungry.


My 5-month-old golden is having same problems. How are you addressing the piddles? We are socializing her more.


I have no ideaā€¦. My wife is super worried about it and people keep saying itā€™s normalā€¦ but never had this issue in a dog before.


Most of the things I read about in goldens, and from my vet is that it should stop by the time they hit a year.


Please, please, pleaseā€¦ itā€™s the most frustrating thing ever lol.


My girl stopped piddling after she got a bit older. Seemed to have better bladder control around 1 year old.


The piddles are very common at that age, that just don't have full bladder control. Most dogs improve in that area over time.


My oldest golden never went crazy on food... we could leave out the bowl out all day and he would graze, usually finishing it during the night. Youngest pup would eat everything in sight, so we had to switch to timed feeding (which was fun... my oldest would just not eat but we'd stand over him making sure the puppy didn't get in there). Around a year of essentially shooing pup away whenever he'd go for the other bowl, he just kind of stopped caring and we were able to leave both bowls out all day. But it was constant watching and stopping him if he went for the other bowl.


Lol I thought the black was bad AI pixelation of a ginormous tongue. Had to do a second take because his bandana matched the color of his tongue if you squint enough.


Sheā€™s had that banana since she was 8 weeks old, need a new one, but glad she will wear stuff unlike my border collie.


Tucker is almost 5 months. We have to feed him separately, and we have to ration his meals. He is a furry piglet who acts as though he will never be fed again. Our other 2 never finish their bowls. Tucker is also a liar, so he has to be fed at set times because he will definitely try to convince his other parent that he hasnā€™t been fed yet and has frequently been successful in obtaining second servings. He also flips every slow feeder weā€™ve tried. Stella is literally too cute for words!


Iā€™ve never met a golden that doesnā€™t eat like itā€™s the last time they ever will.


My golden grandson never eats all of his food when heā€™s at home. When he stays at my house my bernedoodle land shark he eats all his food because heā€™s afraid Storm will eat it.


My momā€™s golden drink water till he barfs it everywhereā€¦. So thereā€™s that, he isnā€™t the brightest pup, but we love him, heā€™s also 13.5yo so he doesnā€™t care anymore


Same! On my second golden and neither one could handle having food left out. Neither was a grazer, they would have gorged til they were sick if they could.


I'll echo what others said, they're monsters when they're young, but with discipline maybe less monstery, but like Parthanax from Skyrim, the evil still exists inside of them lol. My parents golden is more trustworthy now. One time I was visiting, and had some cookies on a plate. I turned too fast, and a cookie slid off the plate and flew straight at her face, and she caught it in midair. It was chocolate chip so I HAD to take it from her, and she gave it up without a fight, though I swear she was trying to telepathically beam the 'In the Arms of an Angel' song into my head with the look she gave me after, lmao. She does stare at your food, and I wouldn't put food down at her level unless I was OK with it being gone, because, you know, Goldens gonna golden.


As other comments have said it truly depends on the dog. For my pup Iā€™ve always left food out in the bowl for her and sheā€™ll just eat when she feels like it. But my cousinā€™s pup who is the same age, would just eat and eat and eat unless someone stopped him. I think it depends if they are food motivated too. My pup was never food motivated but toy motivated so when I was training her I trained her with a ball. However, my cousinā€™s pup was very food motivated and was trained with treats!


If they are grazers they will continue until they get too old to physically do it.


I first read that "if they are geezers". Lol


My best friend has an Aussie that he said he would free feed and at first it was fine. She was such a high energy dog she burned it all off. But I can tell when she gets less exercise because she balloons up quite a bit. My golden will eat everything in the bowl. He wonā€™t go like a maniac for it but the moment the food bowl is down heā€™ll slowly work on it til itā€™s all gone. No chance I could free feed. He gets a very specific amount of calories per day to maintain his body weight. I donā€™t want to deal with ankle and knee and hip and wrist issues when heā€™s older just because I gave him that extra scoop a day. No need.


Yup, wanna keep her healthy and fitā€¦ I was fat for too much of my life and my knees and back let me know, donā€™t want that for the puppers.


My advice is to keep her at a healthy weight. Feel some ribs. Feel the spine. See the tucked waist. Follow the guidelines on the package in terms of amount of food to give for the growing dog, but also recognize how many kcal/cup that is and how many kcal your dog should have to maintain that weight. My dog is very low energy. He loves fetch and can go super hard cardio for a few minutes, or go on long hikes with no problem, but his calorie needs are very low unless we have big adventure days where heā€™s hiking 2000 ft elevation with me. I also heavily limit human foods, my fiance is much more lax about it, but for every 100 calories of human food you gotta take away 100 cals of dog food. Otherwise theyā€™ll gain weight in no time.


The ONLY human food she gets is the crust of the 10 year olds pizza. That is all. And thatā€™s because we have done it for the other dogs and heā€™s autistic so he thinks itā€™s a rule (she will be his companion dog once fully trained up so the bonding is good too)


Iā€™ve always left food out all day. I think it works best if they never get used to gorging themselves


lol, she ate a big bowl the 1st 2 days we had her that was intended for all 3 dogs for a couple daysā€¦ had to be 2-3 lbs in one sittingā€¦ we would pull her back and she would run straight backā€¦ eating and pooping at the same time. Hence we had to limit feeding. Not this pup.


Understandable. Some dogs brains shut off about food. Itā€™s tough to slow them down once thatā€™s started. Maybe just saying ā€œnoā€ and showing youā€™ll take it away if she goes nuts would help her self regulate?


My almost three year old at my last half to my shrimp poboy last night while no one was looking. Heā€™s usually pretty obedient.




nope. my dog is 8 and still on that timingā€¦


When my best friend was starting solid food we put down a puzzle maze bowl and a small bowl of water consistently and the same time twice a day. Then we got a more complicated puzzle bowl and a feeder that dispenses a small amount and makes a sound when she pushes the button. Every day I would place it in different spots in the room. After that I got a kiltering ball that makes a noise and drops out a small amount of kibble when it's nudged and rolls. After that we moved up to an advanced puzzle that had hinged compartments that she had to figure out and some in sequence. She'll be a year old in a few weeks and now we just leave for out and she grazes.


My girl use to eat so fast she would throw up so I got a slow feeder bowl for her. After a few months I was able to switch back to a normal bowl. Now she will either eat the entire bowl or leave half and graze the rest through the day. I will say I can leave a steak on my coffee table go outside for a sec and come back and she will just be looking at it which is super impressive to me. Of course she will get some for being such good girl.


My 2 year female old wont eat anything unless its in her bowl. My 1yo male is a hoover. I love him but if there is food anywhere he is going for it.


My golden is extremely food motivated, but I can leave a steak anywhere. Even if I offer her some, she waits for me to say take it, even with it right in front of her nose (most of the time) sheā€™s 11 months old


Depends on how well you train them. Ours never did, she got less bold but if you weren't in the room and there was a plate of something on the floor she would go for it


My dog ate 12 slices of blueberry bread that was in a plastic container off the counter while I went to the gym.. heā€™s 2.5 years old. So no.. donā€™t count on it.


Nope! Everyone weā€™ve had LOVED food way too darn much. But everyone is different.


My boy is 8 years old. And no, he has not learned. He could eat all day.


Not ours. Seven years old and she learns to climb higher every month.


My girl is a grazer, she always has food in her bowl and eats when she's hungry. My cats are the same way with their gravity feeder. It just depends on the animals.


I canā€™t even leave stuffed animals around without supervision or else this demon eats them https://preview.redd.it/oky1bkbc679d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53ba52b1148547b5fc46b21e534952139a5b2d53


Putting our Golden and his sister on a feeding schedule was the best thing we ever did.


At 5 years of age can confirm no


My doodle knows what food they like and waits for opportunities.


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I have had some that I can, others I canā€™t. I just fill up the bowl with half a day worth, and most days itā€™s gone within 10 mins but others itā€™s there an hour or two later. My first golden I put out 2-3 days worth at a time in a large bowl and she just ate as she wanted and didnā€™t start over eating until she was 7-8 and had to put her on a diet


My girl isnā€™t a food thief- just a puppy eyed beggar


no dog really ever does




Think it depends on the dog. We rescued our baby girl but she never goes at foodā€¦I donā€™t think itā€™s because she was always an Angel I think they used a collar as punishment. We had to encourage her to bark too. She was a puppy when they used this bark collar. Sheā€™s in charge now https://preview.redd.it/xrt8az6r459d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aea66ea12132f88bc71cc5ca6c0693b293ed7d5a


Silly dog šŸ¶


My experience is that they start to behave around age 3. With our 10 year old boy however if itā€™s the 3 Pā€™s (Pork, Popcorn, or Pizza) all manners evaporate and youā€™ve got to guard that stuff like Fort Knox. But if youā€™re talking about just filling bowl, no. Goldens will eat anything you put in front of them. Theyā€™re incredibly food motivated.


lol, I canā€™t even give him his food in a bowlā€¦ he chokes because he eats to fast so he gets it in a toy he has to roll around.


Not in my experience. My first golden took every opportunity to sneak food. My second would say, "Oh, you left food out? Thank you."


Mine can never be left around food. She has eaten half a birthday cake off the counter, will eat your dinner if you get up to grab the salt, will snag food directly out of your hand and can eat all her own food in about three seconds. It isnā€™t from a lack of training. What Iā€™ve tried could fill a book. She just doesnā€™t care about anything else when there is food around.


Our golden is 5 tomorrow. He has never worried about food or treats. Just playing and toys haha. We leave food out all day. The only reason we put it up is because side our 2 year old eats it šŸ˜‚


We used to tell her to go into her crate if we had something to eat on the (low) table (snacks, sandwiches) We could not leave anything on the table if she was walking around. A few years passed, and now she knows she can't touch food if it's not hers. But only if it's OURS. If we have company over, she forgets everything she's taught. As for her own food: she gets her food twice a day and she'll eat it as if she hasn't had any in weeks lol. So no her food isn't out all day either. It's gone before I get to sit down again.


I leave food out all the time where my golden can get it and he never takes it.


Ours is a lifetime ā€œslow feeder bowlā€ doggo- the only thing that slows her down is tossing a few fresh blueberries in her bowlā€¦..eventually she fishes MOST of them out (any that remain are immediately plucked out and consumed by her crazy orange tabby cat brotherā€¦..heā€™s not right in the headšŸ˜‚).


You gotta train them out of counter surfing


My Golden Service Dog is very food driven. Have to watch him because my Dogo Argentino is a grazer, and if Boaz gets a chance, he will eat whatever is out. I'm looking into getting timed feeders for both dogs where they wear a tag on their collar that only works with their feeder.


This is pretty common. Most dogs would get fat if free fed.


Hahahahahahahahaha oh wait youā€™re serious?


Dog food yes, people food no šŸ˜‚


Mine are the opposite! They will stare a hole through people food, but know itā€™s off limits. They would gorge themselves sick if we left the lid off their food bin.


On the counter? No. Lmao. Food in their dish? Yes. Both of mine free feed with no issues.


Mine is starting to think sheā€™s tough/boss enough to counter surfā€¦ I will not allow that to become an issue lol.


We have a gate leading into the kitchen. It gets closed at dinner time until she outgrows the goat phase. She's pulled a stainless dutchoven full of macaroni onto the floor before. And God forbid someone leaves bacon out for 5 seconds.


At about 9 months my pup started to leave some food in his bowl in the morning, which was noticeable shift in his appetite.


My golden has never counter surfed or eaten food unless it was on the floor. She only had 2 accidents inside when potty training and was able to be left in the house alone at 9 months so sheā€™s prob the minority.


Ours was a counter surfer until he died. I miss that sweet boy.


lol šŸ˜‚ yes and no


Weā€™ve always left people food out and neither of our gods dogs bother food. They free graze so they know they have their own food available or really lucky


Not mine. My 6 months old is food driven and will devour as much as I put down.


Not in my experience, my Golden would eat himself sick if we left a lot of food out.


32 years old?




honestly kinda jealous of people who live in places where they can just leave food out and not get antsĀ 


When ours was a puppy he had more of a drive for food. Heā€™s only 1.5 years now but he is a grazer. Doesnā€™t even finish all his food sometimes.


That's a sploot if I've ever seen one


Depends on the dog. Ours is a bit over 4 and we can trust him around most things as long as we tell him no. He won't touch the cat food, human food on counters, pantry stuff, etc anymore, but the cat food was too tempting for a long time. His own food, we feed him twice a day and sometimes he leaves part of it anyway, so we could probably free feed him and he'd be fine if we needed to. Until he was about 2-3 he'd hoover anything within range, and would steal food off counters, tables, and from children if we weren't watching him. He's a lot better and calmer now though.


Mine never did. She gobbled whatever was within reach.


My 9 year old still needs a slow feed bowl because she will inhale her food and choke. Has never once used her teeth to chew, just vacuums it all up as quick as possible. If she ever figured out how to pop the lid on her food container, I would come home and she would be passed out on the floor with a swollen belly and not a kibble left in sight.


My dog stole almost a whole pizza off my stove and he had zero regrets and 10/10 would do it againšŸ˜‚


Mine are 4 and nope


My first one you could leave food out starting as a puppyā€¦ Anyone after that will take my hand off before the bowl even gets to the floor


I don't remember when we realized it, but our sweetest golden girl could be left alone, with 2 full plates of meat, etc, and if we said "Don't eat that", she didn't eat it ever. Edit: Obviously did not read your entire comment... ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ




My male was 1


My Golden is almost 2 and there's no way I could leave food out. She'd probably eat until she explodes! šŸ¶šŸ’„However, my friend has a Golden and she leaves food out all day, and he doesn't bother with it. It might just boil down to different personalities. Sometimes, dogs can grow out of habits, too. For now though, it sounds like - as in my case - continue saving her from herself. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I can't even leave water out.


Nope! My golden stood up and ate our cooling chocolate chip cookies!! He only ate two (what he could reach) and was ok but I was shocked as it was the first time he did that. He does like to steal my youngest food when the chance arises. Heā€™s naughty but I love him!!


For my golden, we had to use a slow feeder until he was like six months old because he would eat his food so fast. Then one day we randomly stopped and now will just eat his food bowl as he is hungry.


My goldens have always been food OBSESSED. Had to use special bowls to force them to slow down eating


My dog took alot of work she is highly food motivated. But we got to the point when she could pick up a piece of steak and hand it to me. But her reward for something so difficult is something of equal value or greater. Don't leave food out its already been highly rewarding for her. Work on leave its and progress in difficulty. If she fails you've progressed to quickly. And if a training session is not going good do something easy and reward and end the session.


If they can see, smell no age is safe


You can always leave food reachable at any time. It's always appreciated.


Fixed the grands lunch last week, walked out to the backyard and rounded the ragamuffins in. A certain golden beast was licking his lips as we walked through the door.


Depends on the pup. My golden gets a measured amount of food, but we leave the bowl down and he grazes throughout the day. Sometimes he doesnā€™t finish eating it at all. I board dogs in my home and have a few goldens that hear the food hit the bowl and it causes them to rampage through the house to get to their crates and whimper like theyā€™re being starved until I walk the 20 steps to give them their bowls. Theyā€™re all about the same age.


Not all are the same, ours is barely a year old and we donā€™t have to worry about him with food out or anything other than his own toys to destroy. We were shocked we could leave him out when we were gone at 6 months


For mine, bread yes. Bananas no.


True about being difficult to train because he doesnā€™t respond to treats but he is affection driven. He modifies his behavior gradually but permanently. He actually eats once at night then comes into our bedroom and rubs his face on the covers like heā€™s Scooby-Doo and burps in our face with a happy smile.. Likeā€thanks for the foodā€ hereā€™s a sample in case you didnā€™t know how good it was. But he will rarely accept any offerings while we are eating. MAYBE a warm piece of pizza crust. Heā€™s been like this since about 1 y/o. Iā€™ve tried every kind of treat and he just sniffs and turns away.


Noā€¦ itā€™s all about the dog. My retrieve will eat everything on sight.


The SPLOOT! My Nellie did that too, my Nellie was a food fiend, she grew out of it at about a year to 18 months, food out and she ate only when she was hungry. I have since switched to raw food and supplements and she loves her food much more but eats it calmly and politely. Your girl is a growing pup, of course sheā€™s starving! Yet not all dogs are the same so thereā€™s no way to know but Goldenā€™s are generally prone to treats and food and pleasing their owners.


Mine is still food driven. He is 3. The advantage? I can get him to do what I need him to do with a piece of kibble. The disadvantage? He is ALWAYS waiting for another kibbleā€¦


These are all really funny anecdotes. Our puppy is very food driven. Like a Hoover vacuum out there. Currently having a problem with table tops and counter tops.


I think that depends on the dog.


Why would you want to just feed them twice a day


Probably not.


Out of curiosity, why would you be leaving food out other than the dogs food morning/night? Especially where the dog can get it? Like do you accidentally leave an unfinished bowl of cereal on your kitchen floor?