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If you keep hitting the big ball before the little ball this is not going to stop


It took me a solid 10 seconds of staring at your comment to figure out you were talking about earth lol




Big ball is the earth as in hitting the ground before the ball




Not sure what the whoosh is? Is your first comment some quote or something?




Ah ok lol, I was like how on earth was I supposed to know you were joking haha


How on "earth” Get it? Because we were talking about the earth


You missed the opportunity to say “how on this big ball was I supposed to know..”


He’s whooshing himself because he took so long to understand.


I'm whooshing you now


I love to be whooshed.


Or a flat earther, perhaps?


Yes, he means the giant disc on the backs of elephants riding a giant turtle.


My dad would always say this to me. Thanks for the memory.


It still exists! Buddies and I use this to describe fat shots all the time.


Especially when the first layers of the big ball are a thin mat and concrete.


I dig this


This was a deep comment


Really grounded in truth


OP did too


What app are you using to track it?


It's called brokeclubdummy.com


Nice, I meant the what app to track the ball and speed and all that stuff


second that\^


Rhapsodo Launch Monitor.


You’re genius! 😂


Yea that was fat as fuck


Yep.. and op is still denying that this is a consistent trend in the comments. If it’s the second time this is happening, and everyone is saying the same thing, then it’s time to make an adjustment


I... I think I'm coming around


Well, we’re all scratch golfers on here. Totally not 15-20 handicap hacks. So you came to the right place for advice.


Being an honest, by the book 15 handicap is better than most golfers could dream of. Still not very good though lol


This checks out in my experience. I’m a 13 and play at a decent amount of work events. I am better than probably 90% of the people there, but the difference between me and that top 5% is astronomical.


Cool. I’m a 40.


I shot an 87 yesterday and the first half of your statement had me like heck yeah and then the second part brought me back to earth..


Completely new to the sport, it was my understanding with irons you want to hit the earth right before the ball correct? Hence the divots? Or is that only shorter irons?


Ball first. Earth second


Ah, thanks!


I'm not an expert but another thought / tip that goes along with this that helped me when I was starting to play is that you don't really want to try to scoop the ball. It's ok to hit "down" on the ball a little so that your club scrapes the ground after you hit the ball. The club already has loft and that will send the ball up, even as you hit down. Welcome to the game, and have fun!


It’s not just ok to do, it’s what you supposed to do


Seems counter intuitive when you wanna get the ball up. But this is 100% correct. Don’t try to scoop it.


The divots are *supposed to be made starting at the ball. If there's a divot behind the ball you're chunking it. Imagine on a perfect strike the club hits the ball and then the ground shortly after, creating the divot in front.


When I was growing up, I always heard "hit the big ball first" when someone hit it fat.


Ideally your divot comes after the ball. The first thing your club should contact is the ball with the earth immediately after that. [Here](https://www.nichegolf.com/a-golf-swing-trainer-to-see-your-true-swing-path/) is a great visual tool to see what that should look like. When you hit the ground before the ball that is considered hitting it 'fat.' The thing is, turf mats are very good at hiding fat swings because they turf does not give nearly as much as the earth. It's a very common problem to hit really well on turf mats then hit everything fat on the course. OP here is definitely hitting things fat and thus damaging his clubs.


I only recently saw the close up slo mo of the club hitting the mat, bouncing the ball in the air, then the club hitting the ball pure. It really solidified why fat shots aren't punished on mats for me.


I was actually thinking if something like that divot board existed. Have you tried it?


Have not but seen a lot of them advertised. They seem like a great tool when used properly


Right after the ball


No, you never want to hit the ground before the ball. Always the ball first.


195 yard carry on that club head according to his stats above


Maybe stats of the previous shot. No way that fat shot went 195


You hit down 4in before the ball, it’s gonna happen


How the fuck is this guy chunking the earth with an iron and still hitting 200+ yards?? At this point, the tracking is faulty too.


Club slides on turf. If that was grass, the club head would have stuck. Edit: Changed cloud to club


Yeah, I'm fucking Jack Nicklaus off a mat. Chunky McChunkerson on the grass. The mat bounce is real.


Rapsodo has its limits.


nah it was probably tracking the club head as the ball💀


The club doesn't get caught in the ground like mentioned already. Plus, when the club strikes the mat it bounces the ball up a fraction so even when you fat it like that, the sliding club will still have momentum and get under the ball, sending the ball a few good yards as we see in the video. Cristiano Ronaldo took a penalty few years ago where he hit the ground super hard with his planting foot, popped the ball up a bit and hit a missile to beat the goalie. Same thing happening here.


While I get this take, my typical miss is thin.. this didn't feel fat to me, especially given the solid (for me) distance. I fear faulty assembly. Never had this happen before this set of clubs. I'm not saying I'm infallible.. it's just my gut reaction. Very fat gut reaction


In the slow mo you can see the club hit several inches before the ball. That coupled with your strong downward swing is causing a ton of stress on the club head. When everyone is saying the exact same thing, you may want to just believe them.


Nah, bruh, clearly faulty assembly. Twice. Ignore the common denominator.


Yup. Faulty assembly. His miss is thins.


Hitting off mats will give that feel. You hit fat, the mat compresses, and it feels like you make good contact. Go hit off grass, or practice taking a divot forward of the ball.


> this didn't feel fat to me This is the part that stands out to me. If this doesn't feel fat to you then I am not sure you know what hitting thin actually feels like either. Or maybe you have your hands shifted too far forward or something. Just as a general point, any divot you create should be in front of where the ball was. Based on this video and your comments, it seems to me you think the divot should be behind the ball or something. Granted I haven't seen any of your other swings or any other angle so I hesitate to say that is definitely your problem. Either way, that swing should have felt fat.


Why are you talking about gut reaction? You literally have the swing on video. You hit that thing fatter than Lizzo's backup dancers, on a mat.


As someone that typically hits off mats at the range, I've learned that fat shots can appear thin. When you hit fat on grass you'll create a big divot behind the ball and not get much distance. When doing the same on a mat the club will bounce off the ground (since it can't take a divot) and the bounce will cause you to hit thin.


OP needs to read this twice


Dude you drug your club head across 4” of fake turf before it even made contact with the ball. If this was on a course with soft turf, I’d be surprised if the ball even moved as your clubhead excavates a tunnel underneath the ball.


Thin and fat shots can happen from the same mistake - club bottoming out early. If you lift the club up enough you’ll hit it thin instead of fat


It looks like you hit about 5 inches behind the ball. Don’t do that.


Stop throwing your club into the ground without slowing it down with the ball first?


https://preview.redd.it/qt1npkrpjstb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfa1ca017e009a16d05b7f07e8bdb05e9e159450 This is where you hit the ground. You’re strong. It’ll happen. Get that weight going and hit in front of the ball. A bit steep too.


I love when a single photo can /endthread. ​ Yeah my clubs don't like being hit straight into the ground either.


LMAO you can literally see the mat compressing between the club face and ball, this is hilarious.


You can see the shaft beginning to break too.


But my gut feeling is that it wasn’t fat.


I’ve been flipping back and forth between the two frames and I don’t see anything change on the mat by the ball. I don’t know if the club even hit the mat yet at that one frame. Sure it looks like it will probably be fat, but I don’t see it in the video. Do you all have different frames showing up than me?


Early extension also


There's casting, there's CASTING, and then there's shoving the club into the ground a foot behind the ball and snapping your club


Yup, good call. Hard to tell from angle but looks like he on both of his toes and way over the ball. Almost more of a putting position vs iron.


how does a hit like that carry 195 though? i hit my 7 about 130 with half backswing. full swings are unreliable, but have hit in the 150-170 range. i suck at golf, so i understand i'm below avg in range. OP hit the ground first, breaks the head, and gets 195? lol


I think that was the previous shot, those numbers are already there before he swings and the video cuts off before the tracer ends


I thought that at first too but you have to remember in real life he is not hitting it, but reviewing the swing. It would make no sense to have each swing recorded with the previous swings stats on it haha.


I actually don’t think the club is in contact with the mat in this screenshot. It’s hard to tell but it looks more to me like it’s still on its way down. The club head is too big relative to the ball indicating that it’s closer to the camera. Go back and look at the club head next to the ball at address before the backswing starts. There’s a tiny tiny shadow on the mat from the club head that’s not there in this screenshot. OP, I believe you that this wasn’t fat. It is true that fat shots from the mat can still travel very far and feel clean because the mat compresses and you can still strike the ball well, but I just am not convinced that this is the case here.


Nah zoom in on the screenshot you can see the surface of the mat being compacted into the ball from the club face


Not to mention this would have been a toe shank if this is really when the club struck the mat. It still has some distance to travel.


I know I’m gonna get downvoted to hell for this, but that club is not touching ground. You can see the shadow under it. I don’t think he pured it by any means, but I scrubbed through this frame a million times and there is no frame where you actually see the club touching anything. So, OP, I don’t think you chunked it as bad as everyone is making it out to be, but when you hit that hard down on a the ball on a mat you might end up doing this regardless of if it’s fat or not


Hit the ball not the ground


Yeah not the ranges fault.


Dudes getting a 130+ ball speed and smoking the ground first.. sure


So just curious.. I'm assuming you don't think it was a fat shot? Seems to be 80/20 people thinking I did.


It was 100% a fat shot. You can see the ground move first in the video.


This isn’t funny, but it’s hilarious.


Next time practice on turf, mats are so misleading


I would love to but my local range only has mats


put a towel behind the ball. You'll know if you hit it fat and you won't get the misleading results.


Unlucky. I've hit balls last Winter on mats only and couldn't really get one airborne in the spring. You're hurting your swing. If by any means possible, change the range


'Change the range' you say that like everyone has 15 ranges within a reasonable drive to choose from. within 30 minutes of me I have 7 driving ranges, only one of which is a true practice facility. All have turf mats and rarely ever have grass available. Sometimes that's just the luck of the draw. You can still get a lot of good practice in on mats just have to learn what a fat shot feels like.


He in fact did not say that like everyone has 15 ranges. He said unlucky… followed by if possible.


Unfortunately, It's the luck of the draw with this range.


I refuse to practice on mats. Are you hitting off a mat on the course?


Some of us don't have a convenient option for grass, and it is better to get some practice rather than none.


ive been to more ranges than i can remember but never even seen a range u can hit off grass... if anyone can let me kno of one in socal, please lmk i really want to try


Goose Creek, eagle glen, lake Forest practice center (but I think the grass there is closed for some renovations). I'm sure there are plenty more but that's what I'm aware of off the top of my head/in my areas of SoCal.


You’re “stuck”. That’s what they call the position that is causing you to hit way behind the ball. Many things can happen as a result of being “stuck”, for you the most obvious is hitting very far behind the ball….for now. Before focusing on “shaft lean”, learn “impact”. They are similar, but you can’t put the cart before the horse on that one. You have a nice athletic stance and like you probably seen some really good shots, and far shots. But probably struggling with consistency. Take a step back, work on impact on small pieces first. Big swing later. You will be amazed at how far you hit the ball, with little effort.


What app is that?


Raspado MLM


I also want to know this


I do as well


It’s for the new Rapsodo MLM 2 Pro


The UI looks like V1 but I can't say for sure.


This may be a good time to say that if you are storing your clubs in your car's truck, don't. Sitting in a hot car all day can make the glue loosen up on the club and this shit happens.


This should be higher! the high torquing on the already weak ferrule means a guaranteed projectile head on pretty much any club. Dont store clubs in the car when it gets above 65-70F and sunny


I learned my lesson on that one. These clubs have been in my home office 99% of the time. Though, this is the first time in North Texas I've used them before day 85 degrees






That’s what happens when you repeatedly hit shots 6 inches fat, especially on a mat


What was the carry distance on the club head?


Probably about 40 yards.. I practice my wedge game to the edge of the same area where it landed in the past


Big ball before little ball, caddie would say that a lot at Bandon if someone hit a fat shot.


Big clubs on mats and irons on grass. Mats have a bounce that can develop bad habits that create a swing that doesn't translate into the actual game since it is so forgiving.


In this post: OP gets advice to fix his swing but proceeds to use his Irons as shovels..


Too much hitting into the mat, and probably cheap clubs.


TM Stealths




No way that club head went 210 yards


Did this with my dad's driver at a busy range when I was really young...panicked and immediately ran out for it and they had to blow some kind of alarm to have everyone stop hitting hahaha


Smacked the shit out of the ground no doubt you’re gonna break something.


Little chunky


I'm on a diet


You need to practice not taking so much ground. Lots of people talk about how good or how much divot there is, but an extremely well struck ball doesn't need one. Just ask Tiger. You're clearly hitting way behind the ball in the video causing a lot of stress on the club. They might be faulty, they might've been left in your car or garage(if garage doesn't have temp control) too long and gotten weak, or you might be swinging too hard directly into the ground. My money is on the last one. But hit up your club mfg and see if they'll send you a new one. They might.


Hit off grass. Mats are bad. If you’d taken that same swing on grass, you’d have dug the Marianas trench bc you contacted the ground a mile before the ball.


Incoming a BUNCH of assumptions, but something to maybe spark looking into... ​ What is your height on your shots? Seeing that 195 carry with an additional 15 yards of rollout, makes me feel like your ball flight is pretty low. Which can happen from a pretty steep downswing, which usually comes with a pretty big divot. So if you're hitting the ground super hard on a mat I"m not surprised this is the second time its happened. Since a mat can't really give you a divot lol. I used to have this a lot, pretty decent lengthy carries with 10 - 20 yards of rollout. Since shallowing out and taking way less divots, my ball height is much higher, and I get very little rollout on my shots. might not be your issue, but something to explore :) Sorry about the club!


But now he hits them thin and tops every fourth tee shot. Lol


If you hit this exact shot on grass you’d see you’re hitting it about 2-3 inches behind the ball…


Try hitting the little ball first.


Like others have said, this in particular was a fat shot. No worries That said - high swing speed, thin shots with graphite shafts can cause wear and end up snapping the shaft (or fat shots cause wear and you snap the shaft on a thin shot). I had this happen to six (6!!!) graphite shafts across two sets of clubs over a one year period. I slowed down my swing with most graphite shafts and replaced my longest irons with steel shafts and haven't come close to having more issues ... I also improved my swing to not have as many fat shots, which if you also do should help immensely


Good story.. thanks! I need to work on fixing my 'casting of my club'. I think it'll help here


Try to practice on grass, chunked shots and sore wrists will ensue, clubs will bounce of the mat into the ball and the shot seems okay when in fact it was fat as fuck


Woah! The club head went further than the ball.


Your intense early extension was not enough to pull the club head a foot out of the earth. You can get away with this on grass. On turf you’re going to break your wrists or your club. Be happy the club gave up…


Trying to work on the early extension.. I need a lesson to fix it. No amount of YouTube is helping


Hitting the ball fat as fuck and steep as fuck, into a thin range mat that likely has a concrete pad beneath it. Sorry you keep finding out your club is the weakest of those 3. You really should quit trying to use your clubs as pick axes tho.


I think the range is hurting more than helping in your case. That was so fat, i'd be scared for your wrists


Please stop standing twice as close as you need to the ball because what the fuck was that, steepest fattest shot I have ever seen or the angle is messing with me


Try hitting the ball and not a foot behind the ball


Get steeper and find harder mats. Youll have a new set in no tome!


Usually when something goes straight into the ground that hard and fast the NTSB gets involved.


Its gonna happen because your swing sucks no offense. You're trying to kill the ball. swing with finesse and speed not brute force the fucking thing. You're hitting so fat, yeah you're going to break clubs.


Agreed, guys going over the top like its ww1


This was big for me. I'd always try to crush it. Sometimes I'd get lucky and hit a good drive but most of the time I'd slice it hard. Some old guy at the range told me to take a break, then take 10% off my swing and just focus in doing it right. Sure I wasn't crushing it 350 dead dick but it was way better and constantly straight.


This has nothing to do with "killing the ball". Most people accidentally play the ball way too far in the back of their stance without realizing, and this is how you get to it.


Bro tried to dig a trench on a mat. No shit the head of your irons are gonna go flying. Stop hitting off mats


Was it the same club? I had the head fly off my 8 iron 5 separate times. Turns out the guy at my shop wasn't properly fitting the shaft into the head. I took it to another shop and they did it correctly. Club hasn't had any issues since.


The mat is messing up your game man. You need to practice on grass every now and then.


Fat shots on a range mat will cause this. Probably weakened/cracked glue over time.


Why are you slamming your iron into the ground like that?


First.... please stop practiving off of mats. You are not only breaking cubs but your hurting your arms as well. If you have no other choice then it is what it is. You look strong so hitting down will have to be ball first and echoing what other have said you are hitting way too far behind it. Get some lessons....and get off the mats. You will thank us


You are hitting the ball too fat my friend


My guess is if you hit off of real turf you would be hitting about 3 inches behind the ball and the divot would be glorious.


Club head landed inches behind the ball on solid ground. That’s about as fat of a shot as it gets. You just swing with enough force to carry it through! Your shoulders and arms must be sore after 18.


Steep fat swings will do that to you on mats unfortunately


Holy shit, you smoked the ground hard.


Probably already been stated, but the adhesive on these irons does break down. Keeping your clubs in your trunk or garage all the time can cause the adhesive to fail. (I’ve had this happen a few times as well) You can have it reattached pretty easily and at low cost. Double check your other irons too. If it looks like they might be coming loose, have them fixed before the head goes flying down range.


Set a towel down flat behind the ball about 4 inches away and practice like that.


Lost four in two years. Thanks Stix golf clubs! Lol. Never again.


I’m certain you’re wrists are ruined after a range session


Not really


You are hitting fat AF....


Can’t slam a club into the ground that fat repeatedly without it breaking.


Taylormade Irons perhaps? Had the same issue here! and I definitely don’t fat the ball! If your clubs are from around the pandemic era, Taylormade had a lot of defects during this time due to a spoiled batch of epoxy resin and club heads came flying off the shafts (well documented also) Nearly killed my playing partner once when this happened. It happened to my 9i, 7i twice, 6i and PW. Sent back for repair, happened again, They got sent back under warranty and replaced with Stealth Irons at no charge!


XS steel doesn't break - I had graphite S in my first set and broke half the heads off just above the hosel (grant it after a couple of years). Since going to XS in steel I haven't seen as much as a bend in any of my sets. ALSO I use cheap clubs for net play and simulators, practice sets for course practice (hidden rocks in the ground and in thin sand destroy clubs too) and I have two playing sets that I use for tournament and events. Hope this helps and good luck.


1. Hit the ball not the ground 2. Don’t go to a shitty driving range where you’re hitting off a carpet


You willing to die on that hill that you’re not hitting fat? Because if so, I’m willing to bet thousands of dollars… lol I used to hit fat and broke multiple clubs too. Now that I’ve fixed my swing I haven’t broke a club in 10 years after thousands of swings, to include off mats. Good luck!


I didn't know bad swings could *happen* to people. That explains a lot.


Try sucking less


This happened to me. If you stored your clubs in a hot car over the summer it could melt and break down the epoxy connecting your club head and shaft. A gap begins to form as if the club head and shaft are slowly separating from eachother and all it takes is that one solid hit to snap. Check your irons, it’s a $5 fix to get re-epoxied and about a $50 fix to attach the head


i thought this was a joke but then all the comments are trying to "help" him by pointing out wha the did. is this really not a joke and he just is confused how his clubhead flew off? do you have no nerve endings in your hands, op? there is no way the clubhead just flies off thorugh sheer swing force unless the club is faulty or rigged to do that... i mean... what?


Lemme guess TM irons with KBS Max shafts? Saw it all the time


Yes, indeed!


I’ve been doing club repair for 15 years. Worked exclusively in a golf shop for 3 years and saw this happen a lot. The KBS max break a lot at the Bozell. Hopefully TM will warranty them for you. I love KBS and have been playing them for 15 years, but that shaft in those clubs breaks alot


Well, I bought them, then a few months later got a coach who is saying I might need to eventually play blades or something else besides the player improvement clubs. I say that because I've just been lazy about getting around to sending them in and don't want to wait the time to do it. If I get a new set, I might do it at that time if they're still under warranty. Otherwise, it's been easy fixing them myself (2 so far.. 5i & 7i)


At least you know how to fix your own sticks. Saved me so much money and really not hard, at least with steel. Graphite is a little tougher


I found out that if your clubs get wet, the joint where the shaft connects to the head gets rusted out and that caused several of my old clubs heads to snap off. That is why when you clean your clubs, you have to thoroughly dry them and don't soak them in a bucket because the water gets inside and eats away at the joint. Just my two cents.


Don't show taylor made this video or you'll never get it replaced. This is 100% user error. Clubs arn't supposed to hit behind the ball that much. You're lack of follow through also indicates that the shot was fat as you were unable to finish the swing.


You think he did his normal follow through here after the fucking club head flew off? Y’all are some clowns


Baby draw right down the middle. Still better than 80% of my shots lol.


Change your grip.


Can you expand? Club grip or hands? Bc I've played with both


I dont hit my clubs off turf. Asking for bad things


Maybe golf not your sport?


Do you live in the South? We had a hot summer this year and the constant heating and cooling of the glue weakens it pretty quickly.


Yup, North Texas


Get forged heads with steel shafts, hard to hit but last a lifetime. New clubs feel like they are made of plastic


Everyone saying you hit this fat is missing the fact that there doesn't appear to be any divot after your shot. I'd go with the screw being faulty. Maybe add a small dot of super glue to the screw after tightening.


Because he is hitting off a mat…there won’t be a divot 🕵️🕵️‍♂️


Omfg I'm an idiot lmao


At least you owned it!