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Defend my club’s Parent/Child title with my Dad


Repeat as couple Champions at my club … no harder game then playing with your wife


Agreed. Playing with your wife makes me hard too


This tugged at my heart strings a bit. I have a 3 yr old son and I’ll give and do anything to hear him utter those words one day. 🤞 Guess I need join a club first


Have another 70 plus round year


I have a buddy that said his goal is 100 rounds this year. Your 70 seems more reasonable.


Psh, I shoot 70 plus _every_ round. Most of the time it's 90 plus.


There it is


81 holes in last six days…I’m on track! Most rounds in a year last year at almost 90


Shoot some rounds in the 80’s


Play. Period. Picked up golf (long time coming) after my buddy's bachelor party last summer. We've hit the sim and the local pitch and putt plenty of times and I have some lessons under my belt. After sourcing some used clubs via Callaway pre-owned + rockbottomgolf I'm so ready to go. Finding extended left handed irons was a challenge in itself but I'm signed up now baby. I have 3 bachelor parties, including my own, this year that involve golf rounds and I'm so excited to just get out there. I'll probably set some more specific goals, but for now, I'm just so damn pumped to play my first round. No idea how it'll go, but I can't wait.


Same here man, just trying to play more this year. Gotta get after it while we can


Break 100, play once a month at least (haven't played in 2024 yet)


Let’s break 100 together you beautiful bitch


Breaking 100 is doable, you’ve got this! I think some people forget how different winter is in different parts of the world. Lots of folks still live next to frozen courses, not sure that’s your case but get some range time and get your round a month going


This comment is the golf version of depression lol. "I got out of bed and brushed my teeth, which left me exhausted"


As someone who started hitting at the range in November and hasn’t actually played a round yet, my list of goals includes things like “my first single bogey” and “an up and down from the rough”. Honestly I don’t have specific score goals yet since I don’t know exactly how bad I’ll be, so most of my goals are about single holes. Back-to-back GIR would be a good goal.


These are great goals for starting out! Please come back to this post and update after your first round to let me know how it went.


I’m hoping to play my first round sometime in early April after ski season haha. More than anything I just want to finish each hole and not have to pick up lol


Enjoy and don’t get discouraged. The course is a different beast than the range but 100X more fun and rewarding.


Just a thought. I started by playing every hole as a par 5. 5 on every hole is a 90. It helped stay positive when I got a double bogey on a par 4 and a bogey on a par 3. They cancel out and still on track for 90


You and me both are in that phase where we’re going to make experienced player either mad or nostalgic about hitting a great second shot and then still being happy about it as we putt in for double bogie. Long may it last.


12 handicap currently. Get it down below 10. Easier said than done. The gap between 9 vs 12 is much bigger than a gap between 12 vs 15.


Short game, short game, short game! I got down from a 12 to a 5 over the last 4 years mainly by practicing chipping and putting for 6 hrs per week during the summer.


I dunno I got my driver down but my approach shot is on and off. My short game ain’t too bad. My iron just goes to crap sometimes. That is golf 🤷🏻‍♂️


Swing 90% and take an extra club. Don't try to hit a specific shot, hit whever your standard swing does. Ex. I was a 3 handicap and went to get a lesson because I kept fanning my irons/wedges and leaving the clubhead open so my wedges would be 20-25ft right but that compounded to 60-80ft right on the long irons. I would do it 75%+ of the time, same shot. I got some lessons to correct my push/fade and my instructor said "have you considered aiming left?". We worked on picking a place to aim to hit the shot I needed and I went from a 3 to a +1.2 over the next 6 months.


Hmmm yea someone else told me to just hit 3/4 swing punch shots. I do notice 3/4 swing gives pretty much the same distance with better contact and accuracy. It’s an interesting proposal. I may try it one round and see if there’s a difference. 🤔


Punch shots if youre not puring it...much easier to control/minimize misses


True true.  My goal is the 15 to 12 this year.  Hit a major goal of breaking 80 already.


Minimize double bogeys. That double is a bogey with an extra shot…remove that 1 shot and you’re right there.


Realistic, break 110 Ambitious break 100 Beast I’ve done so far is 115


Shot a 115 today 😂😭


Tail of two golfers, I’d be over the moon to knock down 115 this early haha


Fuck my husband on a golf course.


Damn, I just want my wife to join me on the golf course from time to time lol


well that escalated quickly


We got to 3rd base in the middle of a round and it was awesome


“Hey! Pace of play!! Oh nevermind — he’s done…”


Easy. Stomp and plug his ball. 👍🏽


- Break 100 - Beat my brother


I would love to beat my brother too.


I also choose beating this guys brother


Consistently shoot in the low 90s before my golf trip to Tanzania. Can’t wait


Win 2+ tjgt “majors” tournaments Gain ajga full status for invitationals Average under 73 in tournaments (77 rn) \+2+ handicap Go D1/ major D2 and continue to talk to coaches Break Top 50 (62 was highest) Average less than 1 penalty stroke in every tournament Average less than 1 3 putt in every tournament Practice for over 30 mins every day no matter weather Shoot multiple rounds under par in tourneys Average under 31 putts in tournaments Break 65 in a tournament Top 2 in club championship


Become a more consistent and versatile driver of the ball. It's the only real thing that separates my good and bad rounds. It's so frustrating to have such huge amounts of control over every other aspect of my game, and then basically coin flip on the driver some days. I just can't leverage my distance fully. At the very least, I need to develop that low squeeze cut for all the narrow wooded courses I play. I just need to stop being lazy and grind it for awhile.


Goal 1: Shoot even par on 18 holes. Personal best is +2 achieved last year. Goal 2: Play 20 new courses. Goal 3: Walk over 200 miles over the course of the season. (Need to get in better shape and will also save some money). Goal 4: Always have fun, no need to ever get angry at a game.


My low index over the last few months was 12.0, reworking my full swing caused me to creep up to 15.2, but I feel like I have a better foundation now. I want to be < 10.0 by the end of the year.


New clubs, golf at least one 18 hole round. Get out at least 10 times. Break 40 for a 9.


Play 50 rounds pain-free. End with a 10 handicap.


Finish golfing all 50 states. At 35, and started in June.


Shoot par, which I’ve gotten close to twice already with back to back 74s these last 2 weeks


From a 5 to 2, 1 eagle, 3 birdies in a row, Hole in one. But that last one is always on my list


I’d like to average even par for the year in my Tuesday league. Last year I averaged 2 over. Not a hard course at all and if I can eliminate boneheaded decisions I think I can do it


To play 50 rounds of golf. To incorporate the swing changes my coach has suggested and ti break 70 from the tips of my home course


Short game short game short game. Hit range today and had decent control of all irons. Driver was iffy but I figured out why quickly. Need to start getting chips closer and really need to start making some putts. Weirdly I think my iron distance increased and I didn’t practice all winter. Not sure why and I don’t totally care. I can work on that after I get some kind of short game going. That’s my only priority at the moment.


Getting good from 120 and in. Bringing a new confidence to my game and my style. Making more putts. Get the HDCP down 1.5-2 strokes.


• One golf trip • Finish "in the money" in at least one Mediocre Golf Association event. • Sub 20 hdcp • Break 90 from >5700 yards • Get driver back into play (I mainly used 5h off the tee past year)


- Work on my mental game more than my technical game - Play fearlessly and unconsciously - Beat my best score (even par) - Finish the year below my lowest handicap (previously 4.3)


Simple but hard. Shoot 80


I just started back after a LONG TIME AWAY (20 years ) been back playing for the last month. I shot a 85 yesterday…. It’s coming back … I have a goal to shoot 70’s again… it’s looking very good .. I think I can actually be better now in my late 40’s then when I was 20’s. I’m so much more mature now and get the game better than just hitting the ball a mile 😂


I just want to enjoy it more. I get so frustrated with myself in a round that I stop enjoying it. And people around me stop enjoying it. I need to master the mental game, for more reasons than just golf.


Get the ball in the air.


Break fucking 90


Play 75 rounds, break 100. It’s my second year playing, managed somewhere between 55-60 last year


Lots of golf early coming out of winter to pump that index back up and then use it to win our league 


Win my first amateur player’s tour tournament lol. Gonna be starting in division 5 and working my way up from there.


Play regularly and be under ninety per round.


Bring handicap down to 25 from 29


Play more rounds this summer. Don’t hurry the shot. Think about the next shot. Practice putting.


Drop my handicap from 18 to under 10. Wish me luck!


Score more rounds below 100 then above.


Get out at least twice a month and enjoy my time out on the course. A golf trip would be bonus.


Have some laughs, some beers and some hoots with some friends.


As someone with an injury, be able to golf again!


Play more!!! Only able to get 8 rounds in a year 😢


Same as every year…. Play as much as possible


Honestly, I’ve planned some beautiful golf courses that I’m going to play that I wouldn’t usually play. So my goal is to just enjoy the rounds without worrying about score and enjoy the moment.


Complete the solstice Get handicap lower Complete a round with 0 penalties and 0 3-putts Get more sandys Pick up a second eagle Fix my swing, play less slice Play at least 8 top 100 courses (either public or private) in 2024


A triple rainbow.


At least 120 rounds, played 128 last year. Gotta love South Carolina.


Go from 5 hcp to 2-2.5 hcp by end of golf season


Hit under a hundred consistent and be under 25 handicap, in my 4th year.


Break 80


Cut my average by a stroke and a half and get to a +cap.


Play in some tournaments. Get my first ace. Get new irons, and driver. Break 70 this year. My low last year was 71


Shoot in the 70's multiple times. Get the handicap back to a single digit. Be under par in either a front or back 9. Play another bucket list course.


Consistently shoot under 95! I am about 100 right now so I think incan shave off 5ish this year or more with practice and lessons. 2 to 3 times a week at the driving range / putting / chipping.


Break 80.


Fix my life after going through this swing change, break 85 consistently. If I can fix my iron game I think I can get there.


0 out my path and quit hitting push draws


I want to play more rounds than I did in 2023.


Lower my handicap, and drink less while playing.


US Open Final qualifying, US Mid Am, make the cut at the VA State Am. +3.5 handicap


Not to embarrass myself on the first tee box in front of strangers.


Played 81 rounds last year. Goal of 104 this year


See a double rainbow while golfing


To shoot par or better for one round. Shot +1 and +2 in the last two years with a double on 18 in both rounds.


Shot a 95 today on a 50 degree wet condition day in New England. I want to get down to around a 15 handicap. I’m currently around 23-25. Driver has been great off the tee but want to be more consistent with my irons. The 130-150 I want to be better and consistent at those ranges. Making sure 20 feet and in don’t end up as 3 putts and make sure those are all two putts at least.


I hope to break 85 consistently this season. Been a long time coming and everything seems to be working.


play more courses with my new golf friend, get fit for irons and driver(specs only, going maltby irons and previous year ping or srixon driver), new putter, break 90 5 times minimum.


Just tore a rotator cuff. I’d like to play this year.


To swing a club 🏌️🏼‍♂️. Waiting on surgery to repair a torn labrum in my shoulder.


Break 90. No triple bogies or higher in a round.


Healthy enough to play 20 rounds, maybe walk a few 18s for a change. Find as many as I lose.


I was just talking about this today! 1. Eagle 2. 79 3. 37 on 9 Came close to all last year, so I feel like they are all achievable.


My goal in 2024 is to not get injured.


Develop and maintain a dependable and repeatable swing. Less thoughts more muscle memory.


Just golf. That’s it.


Putting past the hole. They can’t go in if they are short.


Get a push cart and membership. Hopefully lose some weight.


This year I will break 80. Last year my goal was break 85 and I shot a low of 82 with a few rounds of 84. I was 3 over after 9 and fell apart a bit on the back 9 to finish with 82. Been working all off season on longer irons and drivers to hit more fairways off the tee.


Break 80. And to eliminate topped/fat/hooked/shanked shots 🙏🤞


To golf every Sunday with the same foursome. It’s the simple things in life.


Just to hit the ball, get some exercise and have lots and lots of laughs.


Golf, golf and more golf! ⛳️


Break 85


My goals are always the same when I play 18, 2 good shots of every kind. 2 good drives, 2 good fairway shots, 2 good chip shots, 2 good putts. If I can do that during 18, I feel great.


I need to play more rounds, last 2-3 years I have been out 3-4 times a year, gotta change that.


Absolutely wallop my grandfather. I generally do beat him , but it’s never as much as I’d like. Not even for any reason really.


Brake 80


Play more rounds and 10 new courses I haven't played yet. Break 85.


Give custody of the children back to my wife so I can golf on Saturdays 🤞


get from 15 handicap to 11 :)


Currently a 15.2 handicap and my 2024 goal is to be at or below a 12. Biggest barrier is time. 2 young kids at home so it’s tough to find the time to play and practice. I think I have it in me to be <10 consistently, but it might be a while. My kids are better


Shoot in the 80s, started playing properly last summer and worked at a course. Shot a 93 by the end of it all. Gonna get some lessons and get after it!


learn to make consistent proper contact, ball first


Play! Got my am status back and have played more the last couple months than I did the last five years.


Break 90 again..had a year off golf due to my first child. Played last week and was easily over 120 back to square 1 :)


Break 100


Get back to breaking 80 on a regular basis. Finally feeling pretty good after having both hips replaced so we shall see…


Get a single digit index (11.9 current with a low of 11.6) Play 15 rounds (played 13 logged plus 2 more tournament rounds not on my GHIN) Stop my early extension moves


Get handicap in single digits. Currently a 12


Take some lessons. Break 100.


Consistently shoot in the 80s


1 round on the big boy 18 hole course and 1 round of night golf par 3 each week from May-August. That would be a dream come true but likely pure fantasy.


Become scratch. Ok...break 90.


Break 80 again. I’ve done it twice (once 2015ish, the other 2020). I’m due


Get through my back surgery so that I can start golfing again.


Consistently break 100.


Win the lottery and build my own private (no else allowed) golf course. Maybe I can get around in less than 5 hours…


Same as 2023 (because I didn't accomplish it). Break par for 18 holes, playing it down. It'll happen eventually, and I'm hoping that I get it out of the way quickly.


get my handicap into the -teens, play more courses I haven’t played and meet more people (just joined a golf league so those 2 are 100% gonna happen), and play more with my grandpa


Same goal I have ever year. Play Augusta with my army buddies. It won’t happen but dammit if it ain’t a goal I have ever year lol


One round at even par


Play more. Break 90. Shoot at least 5 rounds under 90.


Golfing in HI for the first time. Currently have the following courses on my radar; -Ewa Beach Country Club -Royal Hawaiin Golf Course -Kapolei Golf Club 😉😉😉


Figure out what kind of golf clubs I want.


Not suck dick all of the time


Get out there at least 20 times this season


Break 80 this summer.


Pick up some new irons to replace my 17yr old Adams a3 irons. And get down to a 10ish handicap


Average mid 90s again and break into the 80s for the first time


Play golf sometimes


Break 90


Consistently break 90, and hopefully break 80 once. I'd like to get 5 birdies this year, and finally have a decent and consistent driver swing.


Break 100 this year. I've been playing almost 2 years and 106 is my best so far, usually around 110-115.


To still be playing in 2025


Consistency. Played Thursday for first time this year. Birdie-bogey up and down all round. Played today, 1 par and a handful of 3 putts. I used to consistently suck, now I’ll have a great round for every 3 bad rounds.


Get to scratch, I've been hanging mid single digits and have hit 50 so its now or never. I left my job recently so have some time.


Just golfing would be nice, signed a parent with 2 young toddlers and a newborn


210 mph ball speed. Sub 5 handicap. Take all my old college roommates money (he took all mine last summer)


More fun . less caring about scorecard


Break 90


+14 handicap from a +18. Take lessons. Hit 50%+ of fairways. 30% GIR. Average less than 2 putts per hole again. Eagle a single hole. Make 10 birdies (up from 4 last year, all 4 in my last 8 rounds)


I’d like to add 10 birdies to my Burdi tracker


Break 100.


Break 80 four times this season (par 70 course).


Break 100, walk 9 once a week, and keep one ball for all 18 (pipe dream)


Break 90 more than once. I shot 100 six times last year. It was a kick in the dick lol


Break 100


Handful of eagles (first 1 of year today!) and handicap back under 12 and FIR needs be way better and putts per GIR under 2.0


Don't suck. Keep my low handicap. That's it.


Trying to average 79 or lower. I’m an almost 15 y/o golfer and I’m trying to lock in. Been training and practicing for 6 days a week now since November. ⛳️⛳️💪🏽


Break 74. It was my low round last year! Also play more different courses than my home course.


Just play more. I had grand goals last year to play a ton. Those goals were derailed by major surgery in May. I never got back to the frequency I wanted during the summer. Hell, I couldn’t even swing a club until late July. Just looking forward to warm weather and green fairways.


We are having our second child in 2 weeks. So, honestly, I'd be pretty happy if I could get on the course more than 3 times.


- more tangible goal = just play more than year prior - harder goal = break 100 - only goal I’ll probably accomplish = buy a new putter hoping it’ll turn my game around


Get more consistent off the tee and break 80 again (did it once in 2022 but I’ve stopped taking mulligans and gimmes since then)


Play more with my dad while he still can play.


I want to get under 100 for 18 holes. Got 102 once last year.. I can feel it.


I’d say to be able to actually golf


Club champion for my flight (18 hcp, defending champ), break 80 (low last year was 83), find a consistent repeatable driver swing


I want to see more rounds in the 70s and drop my handicap down to a true single digit (currently a 10).


As a beginner, simple: consistent contact with the ball and good swing/motion. Also, being able to drive 150 yards at the range consistently.


Make my parents proud


Focus more on course management and less on caring about how people “think the game should be played”… if that makes sense


Break 100. I’ve played a full 18 and kept score a handful of times in my short 18 months of starting to golf. Best is 110… lol


Break 90


To finally get +1 clubs and play for the first time in 5 years.


Make Par. Any Par. On one hole. Any hole 😢


Competetive Goals: Qualify for my high school individual state championship, win team city championship(more realistically make the finial), be win 3/4 of my matches. Performance Goals: <2 handicap, 50% fairways, 60% gir, <5% 3putt percentage, break par for 18. Random Goal: Make club golf team at whatever college I end up at.


Consistently break 100. I did it twice last year and otherwise hover just above


My goals are focused mostly on consistency. I broke 90 six times last year after only breaking it twice before. This year I’d like to never shoot over 95 and to break my PR of 84.


Get under 15 handicap. I’m at an 18.5 right now, and I feel like it’s an attainable goal. Still struggling off the tee though


See a 7 handicap at least once over summer.


* Single digit handicap (14 now) * Break 80 * 50+ rounds Short, sweet, not simple.


To become rich enough to play it.