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With the fluorescent ones you get a much better final viewing of your ball before you lose it.


gosh wanted to by a few dozen and were already sold out online.


i saw them in stores once and foolishly thought i'd grab them next week. haven't seen them since.


I see them all the time at costco. Never had a problem picking up a box or two everytime i go (once a month)


i see the whites but not the yellows any more but that one time :(


oh, Ive received yellows as a gift, but honestly never seen them at my costco but plenty of whites.


Yeah saw them last week on a pallet and it had the * in the corner. Theyre done.


god damnit


what does the star indicate?


Asterisk in the top right of the price tag means the item will not be restocked. [Check this out for all the Costco price tag 'codes'](https://www.popsugar.com/family/costco-price-tag-meanings-46334250)


Thanks I assumed that was the case but just didn’t know admittedly!


I feel personally attacked by this statement


🫡🫡🫡 Farewell my friend, at least I was able to track you to your final destination, off the rocks and into the lake…


They make yellow ones, never seen them


Even better!


This but unironically, Kirkland make some of the highest-spin balls out there— which means your hook/slice will actually be amplified using this ball!


So much spin, they skip across the water


You're not joking. Was having a solid driving round last week. On 14th tee, drivable par 4 with 200yd carry over water, nearly missed the ball thinking about hitting the green. Two skipped it off the water, rolled out to 240 right next to my playing partners perfect drive. Science'd.


yuuuuuup. ask me how I know. I'm torn because I love costco, love this brand, have boxes full of these balls but goddamn...my game is NOT suited for such a high-spin ball. It isn't suited for any ball really, but that's besides the point...


A little chapstick on that driver face and you’re good to go…




I read the my spy review and I couldn’t get why they are reviewed so poorly. Now I don’t slice many balls but till the green side spin is fantastic and they don’t lose enough yards off the tee for me to justify spending 4x more in Pro V1s


Its because your swing benefits from the extra spin they provide. I on the other hand loose tons of yardage because im already a high spin player before the ball. I play AVX's if theres any type of wind for the low launch and lower spin because I generate enough with my swing. A normal day I play the Z-Star because of its lower launch and spins less than the z star xv.


Yep, same boat, play the avx now when I’m trying to score, otherwise I play whatever I found in the pond at my last round.


I hear ya. I generally try to play with a quality ball regardless. Im "good enough" that I dont lose enough balls to make switching to a cheaper ball worth it. Honestly I find myself throwing balls into the junk pouch more and more from usage than anything the last few years. Also, if im trying to go low low its going to be a Z Star for the day. It just provides that much more control over the AVX. And feels better. If its a scramble or a day where the score doesnt matter that much ill hit an AVX. Or if the course is LONG LONG and I benefit from the extra yards off the tee and the half club jump or so ill get over the Z Star. But were talking a 7300+ course.


Maxfli Tour, the low cost version of the AVX. ~$100-120 for 4 dozen if you find a coupon to Dicks/Golf Galaxy.


I got three dozen z-stars for my birthday and it is unfortunately the perfect ball for my game right now. Not looking forward to having to buy them.


What's you swing speed?  I'm sitting around 108 and those things just die in the air for me off the driver.  My spin numbers with other balls is more or less where it should be.


I’m similar. 108-110. More smooth than hard though. I get about 295-300 out of the driver. I’m sure if I played a different ball it could be 310 but it’s just not worth the price. I’ve got 2 kids and I’m lucky enough to play every week. Don’t need to push it with the wife by buying pro v1s


Something like lostgolfballs has prov1/prov1x for like 20 a dozen for the mint. Thats my usual buy. $100 for 4 dozen very nice condition balls


agree. for me that seemed to like the woods


Nothing beats the feeling of taking a pro V1 brand new out of the box, and slicing it straight into the water. Other brands try to emulate that feeling, but there really is no match.


Wanna see me lose $5? Wanna see me do it again?


Playing a new club this weekend that's out near a casino. Was considering stopping by after, but now that you mention it, I might just buy a box of ProV1's to lose that day.


Yes but the ProV1's get fished back out


I don't have a ball retriever...so if I can't reach it with a 3 iron someone else is getting my ball, if it's a Titelist pro V1 with play number 23 there is a chance it's mine. I don't know why you don't find more Pro V1s with custom play numbers, TP5 and TP5x I find a lot but not ProV1 or ProV1x. I definitely find more Titelist balls too, well between those 2 brands. The other day I was last golfer they let out, it was pretty cold 40° about and the twosome that was ahead of me was coming off 9 when I was starting 1, they had been playing multiple balls and just left a bunch in the rough or fairway. I had gained 12 on the first 9, then on 14 I pulled my tee shot into an area left of the green right behind a lake, found 36 balls there, by the end I had found 57. 7 ProV1s/V1x 3 of the Kirkland performance +, only 1 Taylormade it was TP5x, then a full dozen of Calloway chrome soft, then a dozen Calloway Supersoft. The rest were either cracked or older balls I tossed into the 5 gallon buckets of shag balls I have. It definitely broke any record I had for finding balls on a course. Not sure what the previous record was, but no more than 20. Honestly, I shot a pretty good round but was more amazed by finding 57 balls. Plus, it was the day before Easter, so it was like an Easter egg hunt out there.


Happy for you, bro


I play both prov1s and Kirklands. On shots that have forced carries and narrow fairways, I drop the kirkland. I usually don’t lose my prov1, and lose one Kirkland. Back to back feeling isn’t dratic. I just find my great drives don’t carry as far with the Kirkland.


I did some blind test shots with both on my sim. The Kirklands feel harder for sure.


lol I do the same thing 🤣


Recently switched from KS to used ProV1x. Getting an additional 10-15 yards on drives


I split the difference and play Vice Pro Plus most of the time. I feel like they are about identical to pro-Vs, though maybe feel a teeeeeeny bit less perfect around the greens. But they cost like $2 a piece so I don’t feel so bad when I lose them.


based on my extensive experience, they go FURTHER into the water and woods. Not sure if it's a ball defect or what.


Honestly, I really like them, my only complaint is that the outer material seems to scuff very easily. I have had drives in the fairway that ended up scuffed somehow. Otherwise, well worth the waaaaay cheaper price.


Yeah I had a ball that I could feel scuffed up that I know didn't hit any cart paths. What's the point of not losing the ball if you have to trade it out anyways


Was looking for this comment, if the cover didn’t come off on every thinned wedge I would think they were a better value. As it is, I go through a sleeve a round just from the wear. Virtually no difference to any other premium ball imo.


I have played mostly Kirklands for the past year and a half. They seem fine to me. But I have never played the higher end balls. Most posters here tell me they feel like rocks to hit, which I definitely don't feel. I can hit them far enough and I can stop them on the green. And they are really cheap so I have played them thus far.


Too me they don’t really feel like rocks, but they are definitely a higher spinning ball which could benefit some and hurt others. If it works for you that’s all that matters in the end.


That's my issue; especially off the tee, the spin just starts to spiral out of control. The greenside spin is pretty decent, though.


When I top a ball the rate of spin is the least of my concerns.


when I slice one, the rate of spin is one of my concerns...


I just got my really bad slice under control (think super high and then soars to the right over the trees into the next neighborhood). So I enjoy playing with my kirklands, but honestly I just play with whatever's cheapest or what I find. Nike, Titlelist, sraxon,


Balls haven't felt like rocks since the 90s. Redditors love exaggeration and drama.


True. Redditors need to try some 90'S Ultras with the no-cut guarantee


I agree. I think the Callaway Warbird is the hardest ball I’ve hit in recent memory.


find a nitro


I mean.. balls have never actually been rocks lol. Of course it’s an exaggeration. I think that goes without saying


Kirkland balls are legit, but I only use them for chipping and putting practice. Same with Kirkland gloves. Great for range sessions. No need to wear out a Titleist glove.


Would love to hear the differences between gloves


Not much of a difference honestly. Titleist glove seems to fit me just a bit better. Both feel about the same.


1 foot joy glove=10 Kirkland gloves in terms of life span.


Costco members get 4% splash back each year.


I play with these and can tell you with absolute certainty that they do not float, are attracted to dense foliage and love being hit off the toe


NOTHING goes in the water like a Pro-V. You want to be sure you're going to clear that hazard? Yellow Top-Flite X-Out. Virtually unlosable.


Until you realize you can’t lose that neon matte orange ball, then you shank it into the woods.


I prefer to hit my 50% off refurbished PRO Vs into the woods. I tried to use these for a month or two and I just don’t like them very much.


And I keep finding them. Do a bro a favor and can you please buy brand new ones instead?


Unfortunately I cannot afford to lose that many new pro vs. luckily I can happily recommend buymyballz.com for insanely great value and very very fast shipping. I usually order 2 dozen during my weekend round after I lose 7-8 playing and they are on my front porch before the next time I play.


There are kids that fish them out of the creek I play near and they sell them for $.75/ea. I can shank into the creek and they'll have it for me by the 9th hole...


Are they in diving gear? Sounds like a fun operation.


Nope, just long rain boots. While golfing, the creek is very difficult to get into so people generally just leave it there. For kids, its not too bad and once they are in there, there is a ton of balls. Good little outfit they have going for them. I've seen them at that course a few times, I'm guessing they do it 2-3x/week


I follow slyballerr around and pickup his thirdhand PRO V1s. Fratguy, please buy new so that I can play thirdhand instead of fourthand...


My lifetime of experience and testing says the pond, weeds and trees really have no preference, they discriminate only against the gawd-awful meeting orange balls


Main issues are putting feel ("clack!") and a lot of spin where you don't want it. Otherwise they're fine. I throw them down in early/late season rounds.


if they hit a tree or cart path theyre done, they scruff up really bad


Yes, In three different languages!


Love these balls. they def find the woods, water and bunkers just as good as any other ball


Nope, they go about 3-5% less into the woods or over the water. Easiest way to hit straighter is to hit shorter and those balls will do that for you.


I’m a witness.. They do.🥺🥺


Better, my friend. Even better!


If I’m hitting them, they do.


They go in faster


They do that just fine. However, mine have a tendency to land in the woods. Maybe it is migration season?


I have so many and they spin so hard I only use them after I’ve already lost a sleeve or two of my Bridgestones. Or where water is anywhere in sight.


The box I bought really seemed dialed into finding patios and rooftops.


Dunks for half the price.


I personally like them, I think they feel a lot better than other cheap options. Does it compare in every way to a Pro V? No. But they're also like $1/ball as opposed to $5/ball. So is a ProV1 5x better? I don't think so. Since I'm a 23 hdcp, and I'm gonna lose more than 3 balls per round, the Kirkland's just make more sense than me.


Best bang for da buck. 👍


Wilson profile would like to talk


Big fan of profiles for the value but they're super low spin, not for everyone.


I haven’t played with them as much as the kirklands but just bought a 36 pack on sale for $30. At that price I’d rather snag the extra dozen Wilson gives you personally. Normally don’t play either unless I lose 3 of my Vice balls lol


Definitely find the junk and hollow just as easily… Not only that, but for anyone that doesn’t know. The reason all the other golf ball manufacturers got extremely butthurt over these, was because they’re comparable or better than their premium balls. Reduced cost. Kirkland bought these triple cores from TaylorMade. They then found a company to apply an outer cover. Everyone found these balls to be better than most premium balls on the market at the time.


Until they got sued by Titleist and had to change the design.


They sure do!


For sure but won’t feel the same


Can confirm


Yes, just with more spin and slightly less distance.




Yep…find ‘em in the woods all the time…while looking for my pro v’s.


I find they don’t bounce off the trees as far as a ProV does. Some drop straight down and are easier to find if you know which tree you hit.


Good news, they actually spin more than a ProV1 so you can really make sure your send it deep into the trees


Even better because they cost you less so you are free to launch them


What kind of water and forestry are you looking at? Some balls act differently depending on salt water vs. fresh water; same for conifers vs. deciduous forestry, so It really depends but, for the average golfer, these should do the trick.


Every time you lose one, you gain $3.


Surprisingly not.


the golf gods let the kirkland bounce of a tree back into the fairway


Even better


Maybe easier because you don’t care if you have to drop a new one.


Just as good if not better.


Can confirm


Just get the regular version. The + is a waste of money


Those are the ones I definitely hit into the woods on purpose so my 11 year old can go explore the woods and find golf balls.


I’d avoid, much better to pay 6$/lost ball.


these go into the woods, water, and other hazards just as nice as a prov1. but, better than a v1, you can usually find this ball and many others like it because people dont think they are good, but they are.


Oh that spin though.


No! They are almost impossible to lose!


Better even


I think the dimple pattern on the Kirkland produces a more satisfying splash factor.


Found 9 on the weekend. Can confirm there are many there.


Best thing about them is you have money left over for beer!


you do know that the buzz around Kirkland balls was around the original production of them a few years ago. they since are made differently and are nothing like they used to be.


Much money was made off of that craze with people foolishly paying well above MSRP ​ There was nothing special about them either other than they were cheap...until the craze started anyway


If you're a slicer, they're no good because they spin a lot. Get a cheap low spin ball in that case.


Expect a 10-15 yard drop from the ProV1. That’s if you manage to stay out of the water and woods of course.


They also top and chunk better!


I think I read that the’ve changed something with the new Kirkland’s so their performance isn’t the same. They now sink deeper into the mud, whereas with the previous version the sinking was actually on par with the Pro V1. It also said that the smash factor from hitting the sweet spot of a ponderosa pine was as high as is allowed by the USGA.


Better than and deeper too


Mine certainly do


Only if you get the Kirkland clubs and gloves to go with them!


Better. They don’t go as far so easier to find into bush/tree line.


They're even better at it


Great ball, at a great price.


Not sure if my winter practice was the root cause, but I bought some used Pro-v1’s to see if they really made a difference. My first round of the year was the first round I’ve ever played with the same ball. Next time I went out I tried a sleeve of the new Kirklands and they sliced like crazy. Lost the sleeve on the first 9. Back 9 went back to the used pro-v1’s and played with one ball. The Kirklands spin like crazy. I boxed the rest of them up and am waiting for my next Costco visit to return them. I probably won’t ever buy brand new Pro-v1’s but I know now the used ones play better than new k-sigs.


They actually do better. For me they are way too hard and spinny, causing more snappy shots(Tested and proven by myself on a sim)


Actually these are terrible if you’re trying to go into water or woods. They tend to always pipe down the middle of the fairway with the sensation of pure ecstasy, for half the price!! I suggest staying away unless you’re into that sort of thing…


Elite water ball right there


Not sure if they are still are, because the negative about Kirkland gear is they can change and won’t say anything. But they used to be made in the Callaway factory and were basically identical to the spinny chrome soft ball.


Noodles are nominally more expensive and much better in my experience as a beginner playing both balls.


They tested pretty poorly.


No. Not in my experience anyway.


No, but they come out of the water and woods AS prov1s, so…there’s some magical transformations going on there somehow.


Ya they do, yup for sure. I’ve used them.


Ya they do, yup for sure. I’ve used them.


Kirkies are terrific course donation balls. Can’t beat the value.


Some of them even float so you can retrieve them from water easier!


They spin so fast that they may skim across the water. Buy pro v1 instead


They do it even better lol


Maybe about 5 yards less if you really need to reach the drink - keep that in mind and club up


They go way deeper in the woods cause they spin of the planet


Even better coz you're less careful as they are cheaper. 🤣😭


Yes, because testing has shown them to be quite spinny off the driver. Plan accordingly..


Teed one up Sunday and boom! Sliced into the woods...


Even better with all the spin they generate. If you slice the ball at all do not use these


I don’t even play them over water anymore. I use found balls for that. The cheaper the ball, the more likely it is to carry.


Yes. Yes they do.


Even better.


They miss the hole equally


Better. Because itll be 1.15$ swimming instead of 5.45$


They get lost even easier than a Pro-V1 in my experience. Mostly because I’ll give up looking a lot faster.


For some reason they are harder to lose than pro v1’s




It just doesn’t hurt as much…. If I’m playing like shit or a course with plenty of water hazards, the kirklands come out lol


Better, I think. I find way more of K-Sigs in the forest than I do Pro V-1


The old ones did.


I want to like them bc they're excellent around the greens etc, but off the tee I lose a bit of distance. If you're hitting into even a breath of wind prepare to be shocked at how much. 


Kirkland balls really make a great sound when the come off the face of a sheer rock face, or a firm wood, like birch or oak.


With much, *much* more spin. So if you thought you sliced before…


They're inexpensive balls which means you'll play six rounds with each one. If you really WANT to lose balls yeah, stand over your $5 V-1 and think about how much it would cost if you lost it, like I do.


Yes but 10yards shorter


Walmart Clearance has Titleist balls for $18 and Reload Taylormade for $6. And 50-pack Nitro balls for like $13 lol


When you hit it in the water with your wedge, the Pro-V will be spinning significantly faster upon entry.


Asking the real questions. 👍


Somehow they find the fairway more I'm convinced all pro v1s are made by sacrificing millions of squirrels and fish and the pro v1 just wants to be back where it belongs wild and free.


These will yes. Get an old lake ball. Preferably one that has sit deeply etched in mud for a long time and has a yellow color like it has lived inside heavy smokers house for 20 years. It’s impossible to loose that ball.


Can confirm.


Callaway makes the Kirkland ball for Costco. It's probably just a Warbird with a cheap urethane cover.


Actually much less chance. Generally the cheaper the ball the harder it is to lose. 😂


No, because the dread of losing a $5 ball isn’t one of the things cluttering up your mind during your swing.


Yes they do speaking from experience. Also, the 1/2 priced balls go into the woods and water, just as good as the full priced ones.


Distance is dog shit but the spin is unreal. Pick your poison


Sure do! And at a great value too!


Probably ever better because when mygolfspy tested them they were spinny as hell. 


Never had a problem putting those into the woods or water. Solid choice.


Real talk they spin a lot. At least the old ones did. More slices and hooks if you don’t have good face control.


Those come with a GPS tracker.


Even better. Just read the MyGolfSpy write up of them![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)


I found plenty of them in the rough or woods before I ever knew where they were sold. Coworker said they were good as Pro V but I think not


If you read the MGS review for 2024, even better.


Make a bigger splash.


If my round earlier today and this pending lawsuit for copyright infringement are any indication then you’ll be deep in those woods my friend. https://golf.com/gear/ball-wars-titleists-parent-company-countersues-costco-for-patent-infringement-false-advertising-over-its-kirkland-ball/?amp=1


Even better


Yes, but the emotions will be a fraction of what they are with a premium ball