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I play with a couple of 70 year-olds in my league that can't make a "modern golf swing". Those guys just shuffle rather than walking, have little flexibility, basically bunt the ball straight down the fairway, 150yds at a time, and rarely miss a putt inside 10ft. They kick my ass regularly. If you want to do it, it's within reach. Playing "golf swing" is not the same as playing "golf". That said, you will have to adjust your expectations and stay the hell away from youtube channels and quick fix crap. find something that works for you, maybe find a coach that helps seniors, as your physical limitations may be similar to some of the arthritis and mobility issues they face. Good luck, and have FUN.


This is one of the best answers to give. The statement of finding your own swing and improve on that, avoiding online quick fixes is perfect. Worked at a course for 5 years and the first Tee time was always an older group. One of the things he told me was golf is a great game to make your walk more frustrating. If the goal is to workout or improve health, walking is best, and what’s better than walking on concrete… grass and golf courses have an abundance of that green lush material.


Fun fact, he was repeating a quote that’s been attributed to Mark Twain that goes “golf is a good walk spoiled” but recently heard it was actually from an old golf book of which the name escapes me.


I’m not sure if you’re joking, but that is literally the name of the John Feinstein book.




My grandpa in a nut shell “Hey 165 drive THATS PRETTY GOOD!” me hits my 3 wood 235 yards dead straight. Then he gets a 87 at the end of the round and I’m at a 96 like wtf??


This is too real, my dads always beat my ass at golf but after not playing with him for a few years I noticed his swing had changed and he wasn’t hitting it even close to as far as I remembered. Figured I finally had a chance to beat him. Was out driving him by 75+ yards. It still wasn’t even close. Dude is better now than he ever was, much more consistent, and def more focus on the short game/putting.


Strokes Gained ftw


Two other thoughts... first may be a bit out there ... there are tips geared to large chested women. they obviously can't move their arms the same way a 180lb 6' man would. you end up with a flatter swing, that has limitations compared to "ideal", but works based on body type. The second is watch a video of Trump. Take politics out of the equations... he's older and overweight. His swing doesn't look like the PGA, but it's effective in getting the ball down range. You may find you can get to 50% shots, or 75% shots, and be consistent. But most people would be surprised how far a good form 50% shot goes compared to trying to "grip it and rip it" and chunking or topping the ball.


As much as I hate Trump I have to agree about his swing. He's fat, old, out of shape but he manages to get it out there pretty efficiently. May be a good move to emulate, just don't cheat like he does.


OP gonna be winning club championships in no time!


I mean, I feel like if you have a reasonably accurate handicap and a course you play almost daily, you have a good shot at winning the club championship. Maybe with only a little bit of cheating.


This is kinda assuming no one else that plays the course daily has a reasonably accurate handicap because that could be anyone haha


Most club championships are not net play.


He’s got a killer foot wedge too


Yeah Trump does a lot of things “wrong” in his swing like his flat takeaway but fundamentally he knows how to correct for those and have an effective in to out swing.


Elbows over nipples ftw


I would say rather than Trump, just watch this [finely tuned athletic machine](https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2023/05/1200/675/John-Daly-1.jpg?ve=1&tl=1) play.


My Grandpa in-law used to take his Grandkids to his clubs and he would mostly just ride along as he got into his late 80s. He’d tell us what to hit and where to play from the cart, a couple holes in he would get frustrated we weren’t hitting the right shots, and he would use two clubs like canes to get out of the cart. He’d play a couple holes hitting fairways and greens and two putts and would sit back down satisfied. He’d had four hip replacements and his swing hurt to watch, but he could have beaten me straight up until he could walk anymore. F that coach.


Woah what an incredible distinction. Playing golf swing vs playing golf. I needed to hear that.


It’s pretty rare that some average-handicap player can easily implement detailed swing instructions. I’m such a player. I’ve had a handicap index as low as 7 (25 years ago), but now I’m 66 and playing to a 16. I basically know nothing about the golf swing after playing for 50+ years. I don’t hit irons solidly enough to score well, but I really enjoy course management. You can make pars without hitting every shot well if you’re smart enough and stay within your capabilities.


Agreed, that's bullshit. I'm 56 and started playing 2 years ago. Overweight, knee replacement, broken back, arthritis in my hip (from my bad knee), arthritis in both shoulders and both hands. I got a coach that could help me work around my limitations, I drive 225, and am close to hitting under 100. My issues have nothing to do with power, and everything to do with consistency, better course management, and not trying to kill the ball. There's guys out there with one leg or one arm playing golf. If you want to play, get a better coach. Look for a coach that teaches wounded veterans, they are very good at helping people work around limitations.


My Dad just turned 80. Lucky to drive 200 yds, but it’s right down the middle every damn time.


>basically bunt the ball straight down the fairway, 150yds at a time, and rarely miss a putt inside 10ft. They kick my ass regularly. This is peak old man golf performance


So you must golf with my father in law and his friend. This is their game and I’m almost 60 and suffering from some issues that caused me to lose distance and stamina. I modeled after them and have been shooting in the low 90s pretty consistently. Plus they know where people lose their balls on the course and always leave with more than they started with. They also leave extra balls on tees for people to find


You're describing my Grandfather until about 92 when he quit. I have never beaten him.


Hard to beat a guy who doesn't play!


It is indeed. Plus I would feel bad now as he'd probably fall over trying to swing a club. For a 97 year old, he's getting along pretty well, which is to say for a 40 year old he's getting along terribly.


I agree you shouldn’t jump around to different YouTube instructors but there are some you can definitely benefit from. My dad is in his late 70s and a bit overweight and has terrible flexibility. He found this video from Danny Maude very helpful. For example, pulling your back foot further back than your front foot creates room to turn in your backswing. Regarding what your coach said, don’t listen to him. Few months ago I played behind a guy who had no use of his legs. He had a modified cart with a chair that swung out to the side. He would sit on it and hit his ball from that position. And he didn’t hit the ball terribly. Point being, if he can play, you can definitely play this game. https://preview.redd.it/ehhgj5vxl4sc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24b9ccc6f4cd06a1bee15a445c26a09e609b16a0


Agreed. Get out on the course with some friends, play your own game your way and have fun. I have friends that get pissed off if they shoot an 89. I am at 105 and laughing the whole time. F “modern golf swing” hit it straight any way you can, get good at chipping and putting and you will kill it.


Boooooo to that coach. You can find a way to consistently make solid contact and enjoy the game. There are tons of elderly men and women with way less strength and range of motion than you who are out there playing and having a good time. Some of them are even pretty good.


I'm not usually one who leaves reviews, but if this is an option, I'd definitely leave one. No one should feel ashamed or belittled by someone you're paying to help you. The best coach I've had (golf) and still use when my game goes to shit, is the funniest, most sarcastic, helpful middle aged old man I've ever met. When I first started, he asked me if my day job was a lumberjack because I was chopping down on the ball. He used humor whenever he was critiquing something in my swing, which put me in a nice relaxed headspace and allowed me to absorb all the info with ease.


Do you care if you're any good? If not, who cares? F that guy, I see all kinds of "athletic" types shoot 100, so, really, who cares, right?


You say that cause 100 is good… right?


Only about 50% of golfers can break 100 regularly I've heard


Yeah and 25% of those probably aren't keeping their score correctly


It all depends on your skill level. You should only ever compare your score to your own previous scores. If you’re not a pro, you’re playing against the course and against yourself. Even if you have friendly competition, handicap will be taken into account.


It can be, sure Seriously, guys who don't keep score have waaayyyy more fun than I do


I’m very athletic and I shoot 115-120. Your comment does not compute.


If you really cannot turn your hips, and have troubles making contact, it will definitely be challenging to play *good* golf. You can play golf though, for sure. I have a friend who tips the scales at 380 lbs, and he plays 2-3 times a week. He's almost entirely arms, much like I imagine the OP would need to be, but he's got great hands and somehow manages to make it work for himself. He'll never be a stand-out, but he's down around a 12 or 13 handicap, shoots mid 80's regularly. It's definitely possible. Good luck.


What’s this “great hands” comment mean? I’ve heard that before in golf and I just assumed it meant I was good at distance control with long putts and chips


Club face control based mostly through your hands since you aren't keeping a consistent upper and lower body rotation. As long as you can feel everything through your hands and keep consistent face control you can make good strikes.


I Assume he’s referring to wrist angle at contact and release after contact


Fat Perez has entered the chat


Perez has a great swing, but he's surprisingly flexible for a guy his size.


Add in John Daly. His backswing is wild in general, but add in how big/unhealthy he is just makes it more insane.


He's also an uncanny natural athlete. He would've been a jacked monster if he ever got in shape.


Take that earthlings.


Also surprisingly flexible. Look at his shoulder turn when he swings. it's wild.


You can’t pull fat according to FP. It probably helped that he was good at golf and probably athletic before he got fat.


Daly was saying that decades before YouTube was created.


He's said that when he was a kid, he was a caddie and did 2 loops a day. Said he was never in better shape, and when he quit, every day since is the fattest he's ever been.


Such a classic line


LOL that was John Daly. But another thing that allegedly happend to Daly was a conversation with Tiger woods: ​ “Hey Tiger why do you practice so much?” “Because I’m not as naturally gifted as you John”


Fat Perez is a lifetime golfer who got super fat. Easier than being a longtime sedentary fat who suddenly takes up golf.


Fat people can still be athletic. Just like in shape people can possess 0 athleticism


Case in point: NFL linemen.


Watching a dude who's 300+ lbs run a 5-something second 40... Sweet jeebis that is a lot of momentum.


Case and point right here OP… I look like I workout everyday (definitely don’t). Super unfit… 180lbs, 31, muscular male… still definitely can’t hit a golf ball to save my life 🤦🤣 Just keep trying and you don’t have to nail it down the fairway to play a round. By the time I hit mine out of the woods into other woods, top it a few times, maybe hit it somewhere remotely close to where I want, then chunk it, and all before 4 putting, I’m sure you will have finished the hole well under my 10 🤣


FP baby! Joey Coldcuts is not exactly slim either.


Senor Salame also not exactly an athletic marvel


Yeah seriously OP if you don’t know him just look him up. Golf is really only so much athletics. If you’re going pro sure but there are 80 year olds who will drive 150 and whoop most golfers. It’s so much more just technique and finesse.


Agree with the sentiment here, but I’d say that finesse (touch) and the ability to develop sound/consistent technique for a physical movement are both aspects of athleticism


Being a lifetime golfer who turned fat is a lot different than being a lifetime fatty who decided to take up a sport that requires some degree of flexibility.


FP has great action and a full ROM on his swing.


Fat Perez is an elite athlete 


Perez hasn't always been fat. He started playing when he was a young kid, so he already had the fundamentals down.


Exactly this FP has been golfing his whole life so even though he GOT very fat he was already flexible long before that. It's not like someone with zero flexibility trying to all of a sudden start golfing.


As someone only slightly younger but had to go through my own weight loss/fitness journey I'd say get that in order first and foremost. That doesn't mean bigger guys can't play or you shouldn't try but if you are a bit on the unathletic side then the other issues only get exacerbated and trust me as a guy who went from 350 to 175 it's not easy but it is simple and it require focus and attention, something you probably can't give to golf at the moment.


Dang dude 350 to 175?!?!? That’s CRAZY - congrats on your journey!


Thank you but I just did what my body was screaming for me to do my whole life. Stop eating the oreos and walk a little more than never at all. Losing weight seems impressive but in reality I deserve ridicule for the gain more so than credit for the loss.


Nah man mad props. Changing habits is one of the hardest things humans can do.


I hear you, but like I said earlier it may not be easy but it is simple.


“ridicule for the gain”. I’ve never heard that said so honestly man. I think a big part of the reason why you were able to achieve extraordinary results is because your superb mindset. Self inflection, self honesty, and self accountability is the real first step and the one most skip right past with delusion. Kudos to your achievement and I’m sure your confidence is rocket high in your ability to achieve anything else you decide to put your mind to!


Never been in this journey myself so just curious, but what’s the harm in walking 9 holes for the workout and shooting a 75? Or just going to the range to have an excuse to get outside instead of sitting behind a desk. Don’t see why these goals can’t go hand in hand.


The certainly can for some but OP didn't get too into specifics and said they had been taking lessons for 6 months already, that is too long imo not to see some improvement in both areas. To me that says he or she isn't whole assing one thing, he or she is half assing two things. Also (and I can only speak for me on this) I also badly needed a diet mindset shift and that does take effort and concentration. As I sit and type this I'd love to pop out to the store get a package of double stuff oreos and a gallon of milk and go to town tonight but I know I have to stay disciplined. That discipline still requires energy and effort.


Dude, I was an out of shape 46 year old woman when I picked up this game. Never gonna be good at it, middling at best, did loose 24 pounds and gained a lot of stamina. Worth it.


Congrats! It’s such a sweet way to lose weight, feel better and see some beautiful courses. Really never felt like work for me and made doing more intense exercise more accessible. I can just tell by my Fitbit and my level of soreness that it’s good for me! Keep going!


Fuck that guy. I believe in you and this made me think about the "Man in the Area" speech from Teddy Roosevelt. I'm setting myself a reminder to follow up in a few weeks to see how much you can do to prove that ass hole wrong. Remindme! 3 weeks >“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” >― Theodore Roosevelt




A guy, whom you've been paying, and whom you'd likely continue to pay if you liked what he said ..... told you, you can't play golf. Well something is up here. Either he does not like you or thinks that there is some kind of physical barrier you won't be able to overcome. Do I think you can prove him wrong? yeah. Will it be really, really hard? it certainly sounds like it. I've never heard of this ever, so you either left something out or you...really cant swing a club in which case idk what to say. Maybe its weight loss first and then back to golf.


This. I feel like OP should use this coach’s comments as fuel. There’s no better feeling than investing time and effort into yourself and proving people wrong. There’s no downside to improving your fitness. Start by walking a little bit each day and doing some stretching. Cut out fast food while doing this and you will be a brand new person in a few months.


Might have stumbled on an asshole. As a current and previous big fella, you’d be surprised how brazen ppl can be in telling you that you can’t do something. It’s like some weird gatekeeping ritual for guys who hit middle age and realize they peaked 20 yrs ago. It’s toxic af and id say more, but any fat guy is going to know 300 pricks like him. Could be missing some part of the story, but if you got through beginner camp, you’re probably alright. Listen to your body too, do you feel ok? Can you make mediocre contact? That’s all that matters - that you enjoy playing and it sounds like you do. Tons and tons of horrible golfers who never even took beginner camp out there! My dad told me there are only two places where I’m still kinda young at 42 - my career and the golf course. Your shot at the PGA might be behind you, but enjoyable golf is not!


yeah but random assholes dont take your money, deal with you for a few months and then say something like that. OP is deff leaving something out IMO. Maybe the instructor has tried a few things and sees its not going anywhere. Im looking at the whole I cant move my hips because I work in an office all day? no man, no. Plenty of people work in an office all day and move their hips. There is either a physical or possibly mental (or both!) block going on with that.


He's a golf pro not a gatekeeper. If you have fun, keep doing it. I golf because I like to be outside and it's a sport I can play with my wife. If someone told me I couldn't do it I would get better out of spite.


Find a new teacher. Being PGA certified doesn’t guarantee that a teacher is great any more than having an MBA makes someone a business guru.


Well start working on opening your hips/pelvis, you'll want this anyways as you get older as it will help you avoid a lot of issues. Start a stretching routine that focuses on your pelvis, I could give you some ideas but there are better people to talk to about this. Unless you have an injury you should be able to get to the proper shape to learn golf. I'd ask for a refund on the bootcamp if this is his conclusion, he should have been able to identify this before you got deep into it.


That coach sucks and should be reported to the PGA. You may never golf to a certain level but no matter your shape, size, or athleticism you can play golf. Golf instructors are like anyone profession and there are a lot of bad ones. I’d search for another one and ask around. Someone in your area can help give you direction to get what you want out of the game. Keep on swinging! If you’re in Denver, by chance, I’d go to the range with you!


Fuck that guy


In my 40s also and took up golf about 6 years ago having never touched a club before. For the first few years I was all about the hip movement, lag, the whip etc etc with dismal results. Couldn’t make contact properly, injuries and poor results were the outcome I then started to watch how the older guys play; weird dinky backswings, upright downswing, wristy swings. None textbook but all were scoring below 90 and short. I changed my swing thoughts then for what work for me. Forget all the videos and books. Just work on what it takes you to hit the ball from inside to out and brush the ground. That’s your swing The only PGA advice I’d get would be set up and alignment.


If you can walk, if you can bend, you can golf. Time for a new coach.


Your coach sucks


>For me it was about adding a fun activity to my life that gets me out of the house/office. I’m firmly in the camp of a weekend golfer. Curious what your thoughts are. Should I just stop and move on? Find another coach? Fire your coach. I'm 290lbs and shot and broke par several times last season on courses longer than 6800 yards. I use walking in the not-as-hot months to keep my weight loss going. I think if you wanted to use golf as a way to lose weight, get a push cart and play several times a weak, and be sure to take whole foods or not-as-bad junk food to keep your blood sugar up for the round.


I have very little flexibility in my hips, back, neck, shoulders, etc. My spine is fused from the base of my skull to my hips. I make it work though. Lose some weight. Prove them wrong. Get as fit as you can, get some flexibility and go play some golf. If I can do it, so can you. You just have to work a lot harder at it than most. If you really want it, go for it. If not, no one here can help you. Losing weight and getting fit is an entirely personal thing than no one will ever be able to pressure you to do.


"never be able to play" could mean different things between the two of you. Maybe he means that you'll never be a scratch golfer, or that you'll never be able to play as well as other people with your age/experience. Maybe he just means that you'll never be able to play unless you make a larger effort to get in overall shape with your strength and flexibility. But, literally, anyone is "able to play". I see people in their 90's shuffle their feet to their ball, and play. I see people with physical disabilities play. I even saw a guy invent a gunpowder kinda golf club that lets people play without being able to swing the club at all. You'd have to be pretty much bed-ridden to not be able to play.


My golf coach suggested I use a bigger ball ..... Go Bowling!


It’s not negativity it’s honesty. He’s just saying what you can’t do bc of the reasons you listed, it’s just being told to you by a voice different than the one in your head. Go work on your fitness, do some yoga and play golf while doing so. You’ll gradually get better. I think you should stop worrying about what others think and get yourself your version of healthy for you.


I’m literally the worst golfer out of my golf group of about twenty guys and have never heard any of them complain. Join a league, have a great attitude and always keep the pace no matter how bad you play and watch what happens. Keep playing!!


You can have fun golfing and still suck at it. I do it every weekend.


That’s certainly one side of the story…


If you enjoy playing keep at it, that’s the most important thing. There’s plenty of larger people with their own golf YouTube channels. Also golf is a great form of exercise.


Screw em, you can play if you want to. Don’t fixate on getting into positions that your body won’t allow. Focus on striking the ball as well as you can and improving wedges and putting play. Plenty do it their own way, you just have to find it.


All I can say is try some yoga/pilates(youtube sessions) and don’t be scared to get into it. It’ll change your flexibility.


Well I have to be honest with you. And this isn't going to be easy to hear. You won't be competing with tiger woods any time soon. Maybe ever. The good news is the other 99.9999% of us suck. Just go play. You'll be the one to decide if you can golf or not.


Is this your life or theirs?


Golf coaches are so funny to me because some of them are the nicest people ever who just want to help people get the fundamentals down and you have some coaches who are the biggest assholes ever because their students aren't trying to go PGA bound.


who cares if you're never going to play competitive golf. Just go out and have fun. Lots of old guys out there playing a lot better golf than me by just bumping it up the fairway and making putts. Fuck that guy


John Daly is one of the most accomplished golfers of the last 30 years. Let that sink and tell that coach he can kick rocks.


Get a new coach


You should find a different instructor. Fat Perez, John Daly, Patrick Reed, Stadler (either of them), Laura Davies, Middle Aged Phil, Ali Barn Rat (Aphibarnrat) just to name a few. All of them figured it out and have done pretty well. Shit, my 82YO father in law has close to zero hip mobility and can barely walk, yet he figures out a way to knock the ball 125 yards dead straight down the fairway 3 - 4 times in a row and make a putt or two. Most important, it is just a game. None of us do it for a living. We are all various degrees of sucky-ness. It is a fun way to spend a Saturday, get a little exercise, and have some chuckles with our buddies. For someone to tell you to give it up, is just asinine. It's like saying you're never gonna put out a hit record, so why bother playing guitar? That said, start stretching and doing yoga. It will suck for about 6-weeks, but then you won't know how you lived without it. You'll feel better all day.


> Fat Perez People keep mentioning this guy and I had to look him up. Guess I'm late to the YouTube golf scene. Jesus christ there's so much random high quality content all over now. I've really only ever stumbled on GoodGood's content a few times because the main guy grew up playing the same KC area courses I did.


Find a new coach. Ask for your money back.


Plenty of my friends' dads are morbidly obese and have no problem playing...and some of them hit the ball a mile. So if flexibility is an issue, just continue your weight loss/fitness journey, continue playing golf with the swing you have, and the rest will work itself out...and *fuck* that guy. For what it's worth, I used to be a heavier power lifter (6'0, 215) and at that point it fucked my golf game up so hard because I wasn't flexible...yoga did the trick. I now have what (at the time) my yoga instructor called "happy hips". I've since lost a ton of weight and am just overall more flexible, but for what it's worth, hip stretching, cardio, and high rep weight lifting will get you where you need to be physically if you get on a plan, stick to it relatively consistently, and chip away at weight loss. And again, *fuck* that guy. Negativity like that does not belong in the game and most certainly should *never* be allowed in teaching/instructing, regardless of industry/sport. If it brings YOU happiness and YOU like to do it, then YOU should do it. If there's a skill cap for you, who cares - there are a gazillion shit golfers out there and they still continue to play. Like anything else in life - if you enjoy doing it and it's healthy/doesn't hurt others, just keep doing it. Stay strong my friend! Excited to see your post in the near future about your improvement :). ​ EDIT: To give you perspective on my friends' dads, one of them is 6'2 pushing 400. He's a 10-15 handicap at worst.


Fuck that gatekeeping bitch. Lots of great ppl in the golf community. But there's still way too many douches who judge based on clothes/gear/"ladies tees" etc... If you want to get "good" - improving general flexibility is great. But there are people with no legs, blind, or any number of other hurdles that don't stop from enjoying the game. Just do you. Fuck the haters


I play golf with a 1 legged 'Nam vet. You'll be fine, that coach is a dick.


I'm really sorry that happened to you. I'm especially sorry they took your money for 6 months (!) and then covered their inability to teach with a lie about you being too "unathletic" to golf. You can make solid contact without rotating your hips. They are not good enough at their jobs to teach you how. Will you make the tour? No. Will you be the best in your league? Probably not. But there is a reason people can play golf into their 80s and 90s - there are as many ways to make contact as there are golfers. Plenty of tour golfers do all sorts of things "wrong." Good golf is about finding what works for you and developing the skill to make it repeatable. I hope you find a better teacher and find *your* swing!


Sorry but your coach is a moron. If you can walk you can swing a golf club. The main concern is syncing your arms and body. Overswinging will kill you. You might only swing back half way, but you can generate ample power from there with minimal effort. I'd recommend this video by Paddy Harrington where he discusses a very relaxed shortened swing for beginners https://youtu.be/4NA1GIY2mJ0?si=sa1t5GIM2-5ChPku


Do yoga twice a week. Jump on YouTube and search yoga/hips. It really doesn’t take long to develop some flexibility. If you stay consistent you will be a different person in a few months. You’re 40 not 80 and your hips are most likely still healthy.


That dude sounds like a complete ass tbh I play with a lot of dudes that are not athletes by any means so idk who this so called pro is but he is wrong it is totally possible to learn and play without being completely in shape


That guy should not be PGA certified and teaching beginner classes because he clearly forgot golf is literally for everyone. What a fuckin asshole. Please do not stop golfing because of that dickhead.


you get to decide what "playing golf" means as long as you care for the course and keep up with your playing partners and the group in front of you. it's that simple. if you find it fun, you're doing better than a lot of 5 handicaps it's possible he was just dismissively telling you you'll never be good at golf, by his definition of "good". which both irrelevant and exactly what mcilroy would tell him.


Put up an anonymous letter about the golf pro, and sign it - “disgruntled”


He's wrong, different ability levels - both athletic and skill - are the reason why we have handicap indexes. Plus, golf is fun, and it might motivate you to work even harder to get fit. I know golf performance is my primary fitness motivator.


My grandfather played with a dude who had one leg. Guy would lean up against the cart to swing. They had an amazing time every weekend. Some tight hips and extra weight are nothing.


Scott cowx @scottcowxcertified on Instagram. He teaches 13 different swing patterns, one pattern being an arms only swing that generates lots of speed. It’s called the inline braking pattern. He’s hard to get a lesson with but he can help.


Not only is it bullshit, but golf sounds like the perfect sport to increase your fitness.


Tell that "coach" to go fuck himself. I've known plenty of people who are/were overweight and played very well. They may not be PGA pros, but who amongst us is? They still get out there, shoot a respectable score, and have fun.


THIS RIGHT HERE ![gif](giphy|sUmgJe6y3vwCv3LJrn)


Dude, you said it was adding a fun activity to your life and got you out of the house. THAT, my friend, is a big start. Fuck the 'pro'. You're not trying to be a pro. You're just trying to get better. Find another 'pro' and keep working on your game AND yourself. Golf ain't easy, but it is fun... most of the time!


Get a new coach.


Fuck that one and onto the next. Review him accordingly on all channels. What a douche bag. Certainly work on opening those hips up too. Set short meetings on your calendar to remind you to stand up. I know the pain - I’m decently athletic and a decade younger than you but sitting all day is destroying my body.


What?? Have you seen Trump. Don’t worry about negativity you can do it. I work in engineering and get 4 hours sleep and am extremely obese , BMI off the charts. I suck but I found my own swing and enjoy it so much that I made time to start going to the gym to get fitter - that feeling of hitting the ball in the sweet spot is addictive, so much so I want to do better and try to practice during lunch with what little time I have. I think you are in a similar situation


PGA certified doesn’t mean your a good coach. Hit the range and the course, by yourself, and figure out how to move the ball to the green. Doesn’t matter how high you hit it, you can skull a wood 200 yards and ski ball it up the green. Check out Moe Normans single plane swing, might be better for you than the modern swing process.


Sounds like the coach needs a swift kick in the nuts


Idk, it really depends on the philosophy of the coach. Some people want to perform their hobbies at a high level. I'd rather an expert tell me straight up that I probably don't have the talent to excel in an arena before I sink a bunch of time/effort/money into it. Others just don't really care about being good at a hobby and want to just participate. Neither approach is wrong. I personally prefer the former, so I would appreciate OP's coach. Especially since golf is such a damn expensive hobby, it would suck to spend thousands and never see progress. That all said, the coach first needs to ask what OP's goal is. If the goal is to get better, then coach provided good feedback. If the goal is to just have a pastime, the coach provided bad feedback.


I see your points but I still think, the coach was simply wrong with what he said. If OP really got the information, that golf is an athletic sport and that he'll never be able to play then to me thats blatantly false. I would agree if we are talking about a high or of course the highest level. But what are the odds that somebody after 6 weeks of beginners course as objectives like that? Golf isn't an athletic sport, sure the best in the world are athletic but there are more than enough unathletic guys on the courses of this planet, probably way more than in any other sport. And tight hips and overweight at the age of 40 - come on, if the coach had an ounce of empathy, he could have phrased is judgement differently. He should have. And I am not talking about sugar coating. My coach once told me that there are plateaus and some of them will only be conquered with effort in different areas, like improving flexibility or strength in the gym or working on mental aspects. What better sport there is for somebody who is trying to change his life than going for a fun walk beating a small white ball on a beautiful course on the outside? I am genuinely pissed hearing that people who are supposed to teach people seem to be so downright blunt.


I agree with your general sentiment, but it was 6 months, not 6 weeks


It’s beginners camp though. Not sure you need to shut someone down who just started unless they’ve expressed some crazy expectations. Sounds like this guy went out of his way to be a judgemental jerk. And while I’m sure he’s great, teaching beginner camp and all, maybe he should have stuck to whatever field he was in. Doesn’t seem like it ended where he wanted….


he's going to need to work on his hip flexibility to get his foot that high.


That coach is a classless person with no empathy. Keep practicing and you'll get better. You dont need anyone to tell you not to play a sport.


That coach was an idiot. Will you have a ceiling on how good you can be if you’re not flexible and can’t move your hips? Yea. Can you find a way to smack the ball around the course to a score that is enough for you to have fun and not embarrass yourself? Hell yes. Also overweight and sits at a desk all day makes up 95% of the people on your golf course each week. If they can all play then so can you. Speaking as an overweight accountant who sits at his desk all week.


Do you have a video of your swing? Hips are a big part of the golf swing but it’s not the end all be all. If you can’t rotate with your hips you have to have more arms and trunk rotation.


My experience with golf coaches is that they tend to not sugarcoat negative feedback, this one appears to be a special kind of dick though. He basically said that because you have minimal athleticism; you can’t play golf. Which is equivalent to “because a fifth grader’s intelligence is capped at reading, writing, and basic math; they will never be a rocket scientist.” If you enjoy it then there’s no need to give it up. Definitely find another coach if you’re looking to improve. Otherwise it’s just an activity. You can play it to the level that suits your needs. Whether that’s playing just to get some exercise or playing to shoot even par.


stretch religiously and you have a chance


Are you athletic or just out of shape? Did you play a lot of sports growing up, etc. if you did - he’s way off


Nah. You’re good man. You don’t have to be athletic to golf or any good for that matter. Legit just have to pay a green fee and they let you play. It’s pretty great.


That guy is an ass. Takes your money for six months and then tells you that? If he told you to toss your application to the senior tour, that’s fine. If he told you not to ever worry about scores, no issue. If he broke the news you’ll never be a scratch golfer well, no shit. But to tell you can’t play at all? Idiotic. I suck at this game. No false modesty in play. But if I want to drag my ass around a course I’m gonna do it. And you should to.


That’s absolute rubbish. Lot of good things in golf swing comes from pure arm and wrist speed. Watch some of paddy Harrington videos. You can put your feet together (Lee Westwood used to do as a drill), not move your hips and hit the ball decent with arms and wrists working correctly. You can also push up with your left leg (rather than turning the left hip) to gain decent power and it’s what a lot of players do after lower back issues. Then scoring on the course after that comes from short game and putting which doesn’t require athleticism. Just basic mechanics and practice. I play off a low handicap and play with lots of different people at my local course. Plenty of good players male and female into their 70s and 80s or other players you definitely wouldn’t describe as athletic. Don’t be put off. Just find a better teacher. Can work on hip flexibility in parallel (90/90s, resistance bands etc) as lots of other benefits for daily life.


I know im a bit late to the game in my response but I’ll just tell you that guy is an asshole. He’s right, athleticism and fitness are huge in golf - but like most other paradoxes presented to out of shape or overweight people, how tf are we supposed to get in shape if every activity is “too much” for us. Golf is a great light athletic activity. I was almost 400lbs at one point and I can say without a doubt that this beautiful game brought me back to a more reasonable weight and athleticism. Also in my 40’s and work a desk job. Pandemic and the antidepressants did not help the cause. First riding nine, riding 18, walking 9 and then walking 18 all got me back to a place where I’m comfortable again. I’ll never be a skinny golfer, but what I lack in motion I make up for with consistency. Lots of great golfers with limited range that can shoot the pants off of some tee box monster. Golf can be the great equalizer. Stick with the sport, fuck that guy, and go play this wonderful gift and use it as a way to get to other goals you have. If you focus on the game, the fitness will come along. I’ll suggest googling either beginner golf yoga, or overweight golf stretching - it can get you loose. Get the orange whip and just practice getting those hips open. Almost everyone can play golf, don’t let this guy shame you out of one the best ways to ruin a good walk :) Good luck my friend!!


When it comes to playing golf, you don’t need to be “good”, you can just be “good enough”. Out of the 100+ swings I take when I play, only one of them needs to be any good to keep me coming back.


So glad you took the time to ask this question and so glad you’re getting so many positive responses. The way I see it, shooting 150 from the front tees is playing golf. Playing 5 holes at a par 3 and calling it a day because you’re stiff is playing golf. Going to the range once a week and practicing your putting is playing golf. Do what you can, have fun, and work on slowly getting better if that helps you have more fun. I’m sorry your coach didn’t have a more supportive attitude.


Becoming a certified PGA teacher does not mean you are an authority on who can or can’t play golf. “Playing golf” is an enormous spectrum in the first place. Theres pros who play it at the highest level, and there’s avid amateurs who take their game seriously but shoot in the 80’s and above. Then there’s elderly couples who go out together and chop the ball around and don’t have a clue what they’re scoring they’re just out to spend time outside and get exercise. And then there’s absolutely everything in between. All of them are “playing golf”. I’ve worked and/or played in the industry my entire conscious life. I’ve met a lot of pros. Some of them are great. Some of them are total asshats. Sounds like you ran into an asshat. Keep working at your fitness as flexibility is very important and obviously the healthier you are the more you’ll enjoy it. But make no mistake the second you made the choice to pick up a club you’re “playing golf”. And it will only get better as you improve.


I'm a 54 year old desk hockey pushing 300lbs, I play fairly regularly and shoot in the mid 80's. My club speed is shit because of my hip rotation but I play smart golf and maximize what I'm good at. I'll never be pro level but I enjoy playing and won't be quitting regardless of anyone's opinion.


I have two friends who are over 250 and they can hit the ball neatly. It certainly does limit your ability to shape the ball and hit it far, but outside of that, you wouldn’t be any less handicapped that people that do zero physical activity outside golf. If your hips, shoulders, and knees have a somewhat decent range of motion you’re more than likely to be able to successfully play. Maybe not make the Senior Tour, but definitely enjoy the game.


My father is mid 50s, about 300lbs, same as you works at home (sits all day), usually drinks 10 beers on the course, complains about his sore back every single round... and he's one of the best players I know. If he lost the weight, he would probably shoot mid 70s consistently. Moral of the story - fuck that golf "coach" lol As a new player, half of the fun with golf is simply getting out there. Enjoying the nice days with a bit of exercise, to boot. I played with an older guy in SoCal once that told me he had lost 40lbs in 6 months simply walking 9 holes a few times per week. Don't get this guy ruin it for ya. Ditch the "coach" and keep trucking.


Seriously? Fuck that guy. Is he telling 80 year olds not to book tee times because they're not athletes? He sounds like a loser gym teacher if you ask me. Go have fun on the course and hit into that guy next time he's playing in front of you.


Screw him. 75 year old men play the hell out of golf everywhere. Work around it. Find a swing that works for you and tighten it up endlessly. Get out there and enjoy yourself.


John Daly is one of the most accomplished golfers of the last 30 years. Let that sink and tell that coach he can kick rocks.


Mamma said mamma said mamma said coach is wrong!


Most of the fun stuff about golf is figuring out how to play on your own. People want to take the fun part away ... don't let them.


Buddy there’s a guy at my club who’s 82, has bladder cancer, smokes 2 packs of cigarettes per day, is maybe 5’4” with zero properly functioning joints and he plays 5 rounds per week. He doesn’t play well, but he hits the ball forward then goes and hits it again. I’m confident you can figure out how to play and have fun


I guess John Daly can’t play either huh.


You know who else can’t “play” golf? Probably about 80% of us on this sub.


Fuck this guy lmao. You should keep playing, get another coach.




Don’t quit on golf. If you enjoy it then keep in mind that you might lose it if you don’t start taking care of yourself. I am 34, 6ft, 330lbs and if I don’t get my shit together and I stay on this path I won’t be able to play golf later in life. We are still young enough to change our lives and enjoy the shit out of golf for many years.


Screw that guy. Fat people can still make contact. Signed, Fat Golfer


Fuck that guy. He’s wrong. Yea, you’ll never be a scratch golfer with tight hips and a few extra lbs, but you can still play a good game. (Although there’s a couple of big guys that would beg to differ on that) Keep working on it and find a new coach. The physical side is definitely important, but flexibility is too. I highly recommend some beginner yoga. Great for flexibility, especially in the hips. You can find a ton of free yoga courses on YouTube. I’m a Peloton guy so I just use their app.


I’ve seen a guy in a wheelchair play golf. I’ve seen lots of guys with one arm play golf. If they can, you can


Different coach. I’d be curious what he actually said not basically though.


Fuck that guy. Find out whatever swing or feel works best for you, then go have fun playing and getting better as you get more in shape. Golf is a game for life, so you can keep improving and improving as much as you practice. And if you practice right and take it serious, you WILL get better. Again, fuck that guy.


Find another coach.


Screw him man, if it's something you enjoy, just enjoy playing it. Don't let him bring you down.


What an a$$hole. Enjoy the game and good luck!!


You should probably report that coach to the PGA, no certified coach should be saying stuff like that. There are guys paralysed from the waist down who still play golf. And probably play better than me.


I’m a PGA of Canada teaching pro. Send me a direct message and I’ll help you through video lessons and such. No charge, hate to lose someone to the game because of something like that. Yeah you’ll never be on the PGA tour without the proper athleticism… but neither will I! Doesn’t mean you can’t go out and have a good time, and improve along with everyone else. 👍


If this coach is anywhere close to me I will pay for lessons and spend the entire time trying to toe one right into his needle dick


Get a new coach. I've seen guys in worse condition than you describe hit the ball well. He's putting it on you he sucks as a coach.


I’ve been working a lot more lately on hip flexibility, hamstrings, low back, etc and I haven’t had a major back issue/strain in close to 6-8 months. I’m almost 40, lifted weights early in life and it’s always a good idea to try to limber yourself up and work on flexibility daily. It’ll help with your swing and as a weekend hacker myself, I don’t dread the next day. 😂 Keep working on your swing and In general your bodies health and ability to move freely without pain. Maybe find a different coach?


Completely overwhelmed by the responses here. Thank you so much for your encouragement.


He sounds like a terrible coach. I’m 40, a bit overweight and have an auto immune disease that impacts my joints. I drive about 220 carry and have got my handicap down to single figures this year. One of my playing partners is quite a lot bigger than me and hits the ball really well. When he connects with the centre of the face and he gets his weight behind it, it goes miles. Not many people play on tour and whilst an athletic swing is helpful, you can play well and enjoy the game in other ways. I’d get a new coach if I were you.


Sounds to me like the coach is the one who couldn’t perform. I’m a PGA teaching professional and know that many of my ‘colleagues’ actual level of knowledge and experience couldn’t fill a kiddie pool but they think they could fill Lake Michigan. Lots of bad teachers out there. I’m constantly learning from the people I help by finding a way to reach them on their level.


Hey man. If to you can find me on tiktok and Instagram. I would love to offer you a free lesson. I’m a golf coach. CK Golf Instruction on Instagram and tiktok. Send me a message on instagram. Do not give up. And don’t let this opinion of one person stop you from golfing


Thats a lie, im a PGA certified instructor, i broke my hip racing motocross a bunch of years ago and its very limited as far as mobility. I play just fine, minimum of twice a week, get a better coach. Part of instructing is building a swing off of the platform your given. Hes quitting on you because he wont make the effort. Find a good one and play golf! Good luck


Hips not coming through is a common golf swing issue. One easy thing to try: when warming up, point your front foot almost towards the target while doing some practice swings, add a club weight donut for extra help getting your hips to turn. Your hips will turn and end up facing the target.


I’m 42, have very little hip flexibility. I’ve had doctors tell me I should stop playing golf because of disk problems in my back. I’m an 8 handicap. I hit my driver between 220-240 most days. I save strokes by chipping and putting very well. Don’t ever let someone tell you that you can’t play golf because of anything. If it’s something you want to do, find a coach that will build you up and help you figure out how to play with the limitations you have.


Being a PGA certified golf coach, I’m embarrassed he’s said that. Playing a sport doesn’t mean you want to be like tiger or Rory it means social aspect, health aspect and getting out in the fresh air. We have groups for wheelchair users at our range and they hit a ball with modified golf clubs… anything is possible. Less body mobility just means more use of the arms, it’s about timing that. I do have 17 years experience but I could hit a ball nearly 200 yards purely with my arm swing and no body motion at all so anything’s achievable, just need to find a golf coach that can coach without the textbook of ‘perfection’ in front of his eyes


The pros are athletic for sure. Average MFers out there on the course are not necessarily. Most "pros" arent all that athletic either. Before I get roasted its the same in other sports,(outside of hockey of course ;) Anyway, some of the better adult "athletes" I have came across were once overweight and out of shape, then became beasts. With my experiences mainly through triathlons and lifting. Anyway coach sounds like an asshole so go prove him wrong but really go have fun and do what you want.


F that so-called coach


i believe i speak for myself when i say "fuck that guy". play golf. however YOU play golf.


Your description of your body and hip-action abilities is like seeing myself. I have been playing for 12 years, cannot drive more than 190 meters and are in handicap 8.9. Find your abilities on the course and cultivate them. Mine are shortgame and putting. That is more than enough to get below hcp. 10. So bottomline: of course you can play. Just enjoy and love the game.


Imma gonna call BULLSHIT on that golf coach. Many people enjoy this sport while having physical limitations - whether a handicap (pun intended) or age related or otherwise. You might not have a "PGA worthy" swing, but most people don't and that doesn't stop them from playing. You do you buddy... "F" that guy.


I don't know how you couldn't have enough athleticism to get around the course with weekend hackers. I've seen comments about chipping and putting, and that's where it's at. Like so many others I've played with an old man who bunted the ball down the fairway and hit 3-wood as close to the green as he could then chipped on and made the putt so many times it would make your head spin. Go see someone else and practice like hell and you'll be just fine.


Coach is a gronk. Fuck that guy.


"Coach"aint worth the name,that's a person in the wrong line of work. The beauty of golf is that you dig your swing out of the ground,the beauty of the human body is when it expresses itself physically, combining these ideas means pounding balls until you can manifest the shot shape you envision, I would recommend a utuber by the name Jim Venetos,he is a proponent of a swing style that takes hips out, and you hit a little draw. Good Luck and have fun


Learn to hit it straight consistently. Then if you can hit it 180 yards and you work on a half iron shot, chip shot and putting.... you can get to a single figure handicap. You probably won't due to the time you're saying you'll put into it but do those things and a handicap under 17 or 18 is easily achievable. Then you can compete off your handicap and have fun.


Do you enjoy playing, regardless of how good or bad you are?? If you enjoy it then keep playing! Simple as! Enjoy you weekend fun activity and just get out there and play!! 😎


Hey bro, dont let that comment scare u off from golf. Its really all about how u feel while golfing. U enjoy it? If yes than who cares what some snarky coach says. Heres the thing u need to realize as a beginner. Its ok to suck in fact, lots, and lots of ppl are terrible golfers, but it doesn't stop them. The thing is, u just need good etiquette. If u suck just suck fast and keep pace with the rest of the golfers. Heres the thing, tho u need to take your health and fitness journey seriously, and your golf game will surely get better the more u take care of your body


Fuck em bro it's a nice walk ruined is golf, it's not even about the golf it's getting out and having some gentle exercise, walking the course obviously carts are no good, most of us can't play anyway so you will be in good company