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I think this could be simplified as: "Certain topics should be avoided when you first meet someone, as a general rule."


The very antithesis of the boomer generation 😂


This is weird because it didn’t use to be like that, people use to keep that shit to themselves , I’m not even that hold and I remember those times


My parents used to say you never discuss religion and politics. Now that's all people in this country discuss.


I remember it even being taboo to publicly admit who you voted for. I think Chappelle even had a joke in one of his specials about it. “How dare you ask me who I voted for, that’s personal! Now let me get back to my story about banging my wife” or something.


"David! Please! I'm trying to tell you about fucking my wife!"


“So I was fucking my wife in the ass…”


Yes! Everyone up vote this man. That's the line. Thank you my man


"You're asking me all these personal questions!"


I agree 100% with your parents. During Covid, I had three older friends, oh I am 66, that where going nuts, not being able to do anything, I am left, they are right to far right, but we all enjoy Bourbon and cigars. Well we start getting together and at the first meeting we talked about politics and religion (1 guy was super religious) after the first meeting they all want to get together again and we did and still do about once a month to every other month, since the fall of 2020. After that first day, we have never talked about those 2 things and have never run out of stuff to talk about. Everyone has a good time and others have started to join us, so it can be done, people have to want it.


Its almost like we can directly blame the religious and political zealots for these problems.


However the fact that we were always told not to talk about religion and politics, is exactly why we are in the place we are now. If people had been allowed/taught to talk about/debate these topics, respectfully with each other, we wouldn’t have ended up with the current crop of useless “politicians” that are actively trying to destroy this country and our democracy, in fealty to their Orange Demagogue…


I feel it really took off with Trump. You see all these MAGA flags or Fuck Biden flags. We even have people driving around with them up here in Canada which is insane...


Religion, Politics, and Finances are topics to avoid when in polite company.


Dave, enough with the voting, I’m trying to tell you about having sex with my wife, and you keep bringing up politics


When I was a kid, back in 2004, I remember asking my grandma who she was voting for in the election (Canadian) and she gave me a small lecture about how it’s nobody else’s business who someone is voting for and that’s one thing, among others, you just don’t ask people and don’t discuss with people. Make the best decision for you and keep it to yourself. Now everyone in my family still does this, we don’t discuss it at all. Times sure have changed in 20 years among the general public though.


> When I was a kid, back in 2004 FUCK!!!


It sounded ridiculous when I was typing it too but I’m 30 years old now, wtf


When I was a kid, way back in 1984, I asked my stepdad who he voted for and he proceeded to lecture me about not asking anyone that question. In the end, he voted for the democrats. Why? Because he was a union man. RIP Larry.


Before they had their own cable news outlets to radicalize them, all they had was Limbaugh on AM radio, and he really couldn't hit a critical mass though that medium. And it was only a few hours a day. Once they were able to mainline that shit 24/7 via cable news and the Internet, that's when they really started getting unreasonable, and all the old rules went out the window.


I was wondering how my one MAGA uncle and Aunt went from "Conservatives with some questionable opinions" to full on "cannot shut the fuck up about politics and have lost their minds." Fast forward to a few summers ago when I stayed at their house for a week. After the first couple days and getting all caught up, they went back to their regular routine. Which is to turn all three TVs on the house to Fox News and leave it on. All. Day. Long. We drove up to some other relatives place for a BBQ. 2 hour car ride. What was on the radio the entire time? You guessed it! Fox News. It all made sense.


My dad would fall a sleep listening to rush in his headphones. Always thought that was nuts


It's the echo chamber effect. People spend enough time hearing only one side and they start to assume that everyone else thinks the same way. It's 100% down to polarized media and social media in my opinion.


It's worse than that. When you only interact with people who agree with you the extremes in the group grow, gain power, and become the central tenets of the group. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Group_polarization


I remember being told television and video games were going to rot our brains. I didn't know they were talking about themselves. Also, “Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.” Then they proceed to believe everything they read on the internet without question.  


Unfortunately it’s not just boomers, or the right or the left, it’s the world today. Everyone has to share their opinion on everything. Like I don’t give a shit just let me skull this 52 wedge 60 yards over the green after my best drive of the day in peace.


Everyone also thinks because they have an opinion that it is educated, correct, or valuable.


My favorite is “when are you guys have kids?” which i take as “So you guys fucking?”


I had a hard time biting my tongue when MIL would ask this. I wanted to be like, well, I’ve jizzed in your daughter 4 times so far this week, might bang her again tonight, we’ll see.


Why does everyone rub the belly of a pregnant woman and say "congratulations", but no one ever gives my balls a rub and say "good job"? - No idea who the source is, I'm just repeating a great line.


“Hey you cream pie my daughter yet?”


It’s funny all the boomers I know are democrats and the only MAGA-types I know are in their 30s.


Boomers these days means 'older than me'.


Yep. In their eyes, you either agree with them and you'll be best friends, or you don't agree with them and you're a fucking idiot. There's no middle ground.


You think boomers are the only ones with opinions? They’re just the ones you disagree with the most. You’re on Reddit. The echoeyest of echo chambers and it’s mostly non-boomers in here.


Pretty much agree. If I go out for a drink I will never discuss politics or religion with anybody I don’t know. And to be honest I probably won’t discuss it even with people I do know . If I drive south over the border to the USA I also won’t discuss 2A.


We Americans have a name for people like you. Canadians


I resemble that remark.


Just want to add that “play golf not golf swing” is a religion and I don’t want to hear about it.


There’s an acronym for this. It’s RAPE. Religion Abortion Politics Economics. Conversely to start a conversation you can use FORD. Family Occupation Recreation Dreams.


What a name


Treat it as an improv exercise and attempt to one up his political views.


Only did this once and worked like a charm. They couldn’t tell if I was serious and didn’t talk politics for the rest of the day. Lol


[Always relevant XKCD.](https://xkcd.com/966)


"The moon landing was fake" "lol you fucking sheep you still believe in the moon?"


Double down. That's what they want us to think while they build their jew laser


Haha! Chem trails are my go to. A friend of mine’s mother is a true believer and after an afternoon with her I can get bat shit crazy with the best of them. “Yeah but which ones do you think started spiking the jet fuel?”


"Chemtrails are making the frogs gay!!"


I'm intrigued...


Crazy conspiracies Fluoride in water, Birds are drones, Government controls the weather, Flat Earth type shit.


I too got stuck with maga boomers golfing. I decided to have some fun since I was on a work trip and would never see them again. I went kamikaze on extremism. Anytime I had a second to myself I would google the most extreme shit conspiracy and go full on. By the 5th hole they stopped talking politics and were trying to get me to calm down. But I kept going. 2 of them quit after the turn and the one that was left hardly talked to me the last 9 holes. I had a blast. They didn’t hehe


Then everyone stood up and clapped


I did exactly this. Like exactly. Griffith park Wilson course LA. Paired with a mid 50’s marketing guy from Dallas and his meat head buddy. I gave it until about the 5th with all the immigrants should be booted talk and I casually dropped “and the Jews”. “Sorry?” “The Jews - they should kick out all the jews as well. And the asians.” They looked a bit shocked. I just smiled. Very quiet after that.


I fucking love you. I would have done the same thing.


A story doesn't have to be true to be good.


>Flat Earth type shit show them a map on google to prove them the earth is rectangular.


Keep cards from the Satanic Temple in your wallet and hand them out in a burst of excitement when they ask you if you've found Jesus. "Funny you should mention it!! (Reaches into wallet)"


Can't believe in Satan without believing in God \*taps forehead*


I'm afraid of trying to find that line between acting like a raging republican and coming across as a psychopath that might get me flagged in the pro shop.


Tis a fine line


The ONLY reason I tried it was because I didn’t care if I never saw them again.


"It was a pleasure playing with you, hey would you be willing to testify that we played golf together a few years ago in like early January 2021? It would really help me out."






This is genuinely the way I handle it these days. I usually am like “I told you that I’m from Vermont, so if you want to hear some Bernie propaganda I’d be happy to oblige!” More often than not they end up picking my brain trying to figure out how a person could have lost their way so profoundly. I have a lot of fun with it


A really good one is to agree with them about the Democrats, and then go on a rant about socialism and call the democrats another wing of the fascist party that controls America ( my opinions are pretty far left but not quite this far, I’m more of a Bernie guy).


"Nah, I'm an Independent. I think you "party people" are wackos to be honest."


All fun and games until you find out about the militia he’s in


Seriously. The owner of a place I work at had dated a guy for years who is a veteran and a huuuge right winger. I'd go golfing with him and ignore the bullshit or tolerate it. I went shooting (guns) with him and he hit me with the "you know an organized militia isn't a bad thing at a local level." and I agreed in principal. I then met his friends and they let me know that training with your weapon is incredibly important in order to be proficient with it. And I agreed in principal. So fast forward to me recapping all of this to my wife and she is like "dude is Def in some sort of local militia you know that right?" And I felt so fucking dumb in that moment. Like it was so obvious and I was incredibly stupid not to realize this. Dude is now selling everything and buying a compound in a more rural area. Tldr: militia people exist.


I was hunting and my dogs ran off the property onto a neighboring property. They ended up in this guys yard and he grabbed them(have gps collars so I knew where they were. I go walking up to get them, he is standing there arms crossed with a hard scowl just waiting to eat me apart for trespassing, I see he has a maga hat on. I apologize and immediately go full Fox News on him. “Think trump will take it this year or do you think they will steal it again” by then end I had permission to hunt his 90 acres whenever I want. I walked away laughing at the great job I did and how easy he was to manipulate.


Thats how you get an invite to the KKK in the mail


Go old school too. “Those damn Catholics amirite?”


Go so old school you're dressed as Martin Luther as you shoot a 95.


If you fully commit with the padre style haircut I think you can shave about 3 strokes off


As a son of a Lutheran pastor. Martin Luther would be fine with Trump. He was so much an anti-Semite, Hitler would quote him later.


“Oh, you think Catholics are Christian?”


"this country really went to shit when they let a Catholic become president"


I like to out conservative them. Start with the easy stuff like abortion and "alphabet people", then ease into how women shouldn't be allowed vote or leave the house, then you step it up to putting people in camps. But the one I really like to use with the boomers is abolishing medicare and social security because it's socialism and taxation is theft. You can see the reboot screen behind their eyes.


They still love any “I identify as ____” jokes/statements.


give them just one "I think that shot identifies as 250 down the fairway, we cool with that?"


Have you accepted flat earth into your life!?


This is the reason to learn about the flat earth and/or the lizard people - so many concepts to pass onto your new partner who may well have a conspiracy bent anyway


Agree with him in the most contrarian language possible. "absolutely, I start with the conclusion that Trump is always right, then I work backwards from there." "absolutely Trump should be able to call upon his sycophants to harass and intimidate jurors and witnesses in his criminal trial." "trump should absolutely not face consequences for repeatedly violating court orders." "dude, I'm *agreeing* with you."


It’s also fun to do in either direction. Take extreme opposite views and see how awkward it can get, or just one up them by going further in the same direction. Either is entertaining.


“Remember when David Duke endorsed him?” “OF COURSE such bullshit, who *cares* who…” “I think David Duke has a lot of great ideas. He was actually my mentor, once upon a time, but I was too extreme for him.”


That is always my go to. Unless I’m crabby then I play a sort of devils advocate without letting them know.


“Yeah well I jack off to trump fan fiction.”


“Yeah Trump is way too liberal for me”


I played a round recently, and the starter told us that a 4th person was going to join us. But we didn't see him at the first tee box. When we got to the 3rd tee we saw him sitting there, waiting for us. He was a nice enough guy and we played the rest of the round together. I asked him why he was on the 3rd tee and he said he tried joining the group in front of us but he "didn't get along with them". I wonder if it was something like this.


Push Cart Mafia. Walking to avoid this situation.


adding wireless earbuds to that, regardless of if you're actually listening to anything, can completely stop your other group members from talking to you if they're really annoying. I had a round a couple days ago where the guy was talking my ear off on hole 1 about random happenings in his life from last Tuesday. The galaxy buds came out and I had peace the rest of the round lmao


I do this when I go alone as well, pop the earbud in no matter what. Most of the randoms I get paired up with are great but once in a blue moon I’ll have to pretend I’m on an important business call every time we hop in the cart together. I’m an electrician.


Being social is one of the best parts of golf. One time we got paired with an NBA ref that was in town to ref the finals. Funny dude. Saw him on TV later. Unfortunately it can also be the worst part. One time I got paired with a seriously roided out maniac that always played the music from the masters on his phone when he had a birdie putt in order to calm his nerves. He washed his ball on the green by putting it in his mouth. I'd never share a cart with a stranger and never heard of it happening outside of a tournament but at the same time I wouldn't be the guy with noise cancelling headphones acting like they are playing alone.


Push cart mafia member, checking in 🫡


This is the way with headphones in. I get asked all the time if I want to join a group and I just tell them “nah I’m good man, I’m walking you guys have a cart so you’ll move faster than me so go ahead. Thanks though” and they usually just say something like “ok but if you catch up don’t be a stranger” lol. If play is slow that day I usually just take my time so I can’t catch up and let others play through


Carry Crew so I don’t feel (mentally) geriatric.


In this case, see if you can turn it into a game. Try to give answers that just rile him up and see how far he will go. Every time he says something edgy or straight up racist, insinuate that not only do you agree, but he is not taking it far enough. Just feed into his delusion and create a monster for the next guy.


I used to do this but it started to scare me how far some people would feed into the delusion. Made a joke about offshore windmills cutting whales to peices and he agreed and made up a fact about windmills slicing up whales does more damage than the Japanese whaling industry


You didn't know that windmills slice up more whales per year than there are people on earth (almost 8 Million)?


76% of statistics are made up on the spot.


Ah the ok Abraham Lincoln quote


Yeah, I don't do this because so many of those folks have no bottom anymore.


They really need to get those blades out of the water.


I love this line of thinking. Oh you think the earth is flat? Pshh look at this guy that thinks there's even an earth. You gotta one up the crazy.


After you beat him on the course you’re supposed to let him know that you were born a woman and this was your first day back on the course after transitioning.


wow it’s more fun from the men’s tees!


I would pay money to see this


Birds aren't even real


Give him this little factoid. If you take the the speed of light in meters per second, it almost exactly equals the coordinates of the Great Pyramid of Giza. After that, let the man eat himself up with conspiracies.


you want fun, this is how you have fun. Especially with super religious overbearing people. I used to know a guy who pushed religion on us (we were in the army together). One day I got annoyed with him and kept asking him how do we know inanimate objects aren't god. I'd walk up knock on them and say God are you there? Sometimes I like to refrence I'm a pastafarian, or some other crazy religion.


"It's all a simulation, old dude."


people who make politics and who they vote for THEIR ENTIRE IDENTITY are fucking losers.


Idk I do a lot of praying on the course. Most go unanswered 😂


I always hear my grandparents talk about how back in there day it was so rude to talk about politics with people you weren’t close to. Maybe it’s just a Norwegian midwestern thing but I do wish people didn’t feel so inclined to share their political beliefs with just anyone. Let’s talk about the weather or sports. Sometimes small talk is just fine lol


It is a lot of old people's entire life now. They are watching it non stop on their phones and TV. It is their personality. It is their life. they can't stop.


There is a popular and really old communication technique called FORD. Family, occupation, recreation, dreams. These are the only things that should be brought up when you don't know someone extremely well. It's a great first date principle.


When I was a kid (I'm almost 40 now), my mom would always bring me with her when she voted. Afterwards, I would always ask her who she voted for, and she ALWAYS told me "It's not polite to discuss those things with other people, it's private." Then she retired and started watching Fox News all day. Now she sounds like a complete moron when she speaks, and she can't wait to tell everyone how much she loves Donald Trump.


I’ve experienced both things too! My dad was much like your mom and now all he does is talk about politics. So frustrating .


I’m in cali so it’s happened a couple times now. I just say “would it be okay with y’all if we don’t talk politics? I only get one day off a week and I don’t wanna ruin it with unrelated topics” If not, call em a twat and pop the headphones in.


Did you, at any point, just say, "Hey, I'm not interested in talking about politics, thanks"?


That's exactly what a DEMONRAT would say! /s


I tried to give very noncommittal answers or just ignored them all together. I also tried multiple times to talk about anything literally anything else. It's just no matter what I brought up he would turn into something about politics. I agree in that i should have just said hey man can we not talk about this and left it at that. Being a captive audience kinda sucks though and so i just dealt with it.


"No offense, but I don't talk politics, religion, or putting tips when I golf".


This is really the way. I am going to save this mantra for whenever it happens again.


I mean, its just basic communication. Don't mantra it, just say it in your own words with honesty.


You don't have to be subtle. Just say "hey, I don't really care about politics and would prefer it if we talk about something else"


My daddy said, "your opinion on politics is like your pecker, son. We all know you have one, and plenty of other people got one too. Some are big, some are small, some are pretty damn weird. But don't go whipping it out in front of people and rubbing it in their faces."


Really why I walk solo. Can’t stand being paired with people who will ruin my day.


Yea really no boomer shouting your ear off about politics is going to spend any time on /r/golf and read this post and be like "you know what maybe I shouldn't talk about Trump and those damn libs." So you either share a cart and figure out how to deal with the person or join push cart mafia.


Push cart Mafia is my way of avoiding the randos.


FOR FUCKS SAKE. I'm not in the Mafia I'm in the Push Cartel.


One time I got lumped into a group of 3 older guys, they kinda got into politics a bit, the convo came back to me and I just straight up said "Guys I'm on vacation, you're on vacation, the last thing I want to talk about is politics and money on my vacation, can we just enjoy golf and small talk?" Somehow that snapped all of them out of it, they apologized and agreed and the round ended up solid. Guy at the end even said it was dumb but kinda get sucked into it and the round is more enjoyable without it. But this was in Canada and not everyone makes it their whole identity and personality.


I usually try to drive the conversation in a different direction. But honestly, I’m also pretty good at just half-listening to them ramble without letting anything get to me. If they ask me for my thoughts on politics or religion I usually say “honestly man, I’m not all that passionate about that stuff. I don’t even vote half the time” Whether that’s true, or not doesn’t matter. It’s a nice way to get them to shut up or move on to something else.




I feel like no matter what other videos get posted here until the end of time, that guy will be on the Mt. Rushmore of r/golf legends.


There comes a time when it's not worth it. I probably would have taken my bag off the cart and walked. My excuse would be I need the exercise.


Why make excuses when you can give a damn good reason?  I would've taken my bag off the cart and told him I didn't want to listen to his shit all day.


Truth is that I'm generally a conservative but can't stand Orangeman. I make the Trumpsters head explode because I know their soft spots.


Even beyond that, politics in the course sucks. I wouldn’t to sit with some guy jerking off the political figure I like and shitting on the one I dislike either. I’m out there to have a good time and forget about that kind of stuff. Positive vibes only. I’d walk off just like you.


This. Politics on the course is about as bad as getting a call from work.


This is normal social etiquette. No politics and religion.


The whole point of golf is to forget about everything else in the world for a couple hours while you swing a club and day drink.


So did you accept Jesus Christ on hole 18 or are you going to hell?


Accepted and baptized in the drainage pond. Seeya up there my brother in Christ.


Trying being a Canadian who golfs in The Villages in Florida


I'm in Florida as well so I should just kinda expect this to be the norm.


I'm Australian. When In the USA and I encounter someone in my group wanting to spoil my round with politics I hit them with "I'm Australian mate, we don't talk politics." They look at me a little bewildered but will leave me alone most of the time


My condolences. My mom lives in The Villages and became a complete moron when she retired, I understand your pain.


My FIL was a normal, albeit conservative, person. His entire career was working as tge chief steward for a federal union in the 60s-80s. His big passion was what we would now call EEO. He was a real champion for minorities, especially black women. Then he moved to The Villages. I've watched him slip further and further into the MAGA cult, and the particular flavor that is unique to the Villages. It's fucking sad.


I was down in Florida when this guy with his very own cart complete with headlights and a/c witnessed to me about how much JC meant to him and how much he could mean to me too. He actually asked if I was saved. When I didn’t dive right in he was cranky and spiteful the rest of the round. He also asked me to switch to a white ball cause his buddy wanted to be the only one playing neon.




When in doubt just talk about the chemtrails making the frogs gay


I had this happen with a couple of boomers talking about Hunter Biden smoking crack and fucking hookers and how corrupt it was, and all I said was “now now fellas, let’s not get too jealous. We’d all be doing the same thing in his position” and they laughed


"speed and porn stars are awesome though, amiright? ... Now watch my grab this drive by the pussy!"


>Bro I've been cursing God these last 17 holes and you really think I've found his son? This is poetry, well done.


What did you shoot?


Shoulda told him how you were a democrat and watched his game deteriorate


Did you try just telling him explicitly that you don't like taking about politics and religion on the golf course?


Would be pretty cool to keep it out of this sub, too


For real. Absolutely should be in the subs rules. I don’t care who you voted for or why. That’s not what we’re in a golf subreddit for. 


Younger generations do it as well. I meet lots of young people that are very openly progressive, because they make the same mistake as the boomers: they think their views are common sense, commonly held, and the only correct views. So why wouldn't they shout it from the roof tops? It's a very predictable side effect of politics inserting itself into every facet of life.


“We don’t talk politics here, this is a golf course.” -Patrick Reed


Easy, when he starts up reply “Only one thing I hate more than a Democrat… and that’s a Republican”


Wrong sub. Should be in stories?


You're the one bringing it up !


I know it's always "boomers", but I sat down next to a 31 yo guy (I'm 50) at the clubhouse bar last night who I had never met, who immediately went off on the tyranny of the govt.  Bro, I just want my post round bourbon and to watch the game over dinner and maybe some light banter about golf and the hockey game that was on.  I miss the days when you found out someone else's politics never. 


Seriously. Honestly leave that shit out of any situation. Nobody wants to hear that


The problem is that the people that do this have literally no other personality so this is all they actually have to contribute


He would have stopped talking to you pretty quick if you told him you were trans... I mean it would have been entertaining


Or you could take off your baby diapers and realize that people have opinions, varying philosophies, and beliefs that are both interesting to hear about and difficult to engage from an egotistical mind. Listening to each other during times we can actually talk to each other might lead to better a better understanding of each other.


All you gotta do is ask if the guy if he thinks it’s OK that Trump fucked a porn star days after his wife had just given birth to his son. And use the word “fucked.” By the way I’m 70. Not all boomers are assholes just like all 20/30 somethings don’t act like frat boys on a golf course.


Maybe keep it off this sub too?


welcome to the golf course. most guys on the links aren’t exactly clinton donors.


The golf course, out to dinner, the bar, at work, …just seriously stop it. It’s always the least informed people spitting out Facebook and Twitter hot takes. That’s why you bring a Bluetooth speaker and crank some Motorhead or maybe a little Nas or NWA to really make them squirm.


> Bro I've been cursing God these last 17 holes and you really think I've found his son? This fucking killed me.


Sounds a lot as if you also wanted to stay in your own echo chamber. Why not have a civil conversation with the guy with opposing views to you? Ask him why he believes what he does, and provide civil discourse with why you believe differently. Maybe you both would’ve learned something, or at the very least had a more positive experience given the circumstance you found yourself in. The biggest problem with the world today is everyone believes their opinions are right and won’t allow their beliefs to be challenged. I’m happy you were still able to shoot a good round regardless of the state of mind you seemed to have been in.


Yeah I wish that this would apply to this subreddit too. People will randomly bring up Trump out of nowhere to talk shit about him lol


It’s almost comical how he is interjected into every front page conversation it seems.


The guy who posts, “please keep politics and religion off the golf course,” posts in a golf forum getting slapped in the face with irony. Then a bunch of people complaining about boomers talking politics on the golf course sharing their own politics in a golf forum. It wasn’t that he talked politics. It’s that he talked the wrong politics. Talk about echo chambers, you went to the place you knew you’d get very little backlash, because Reddit is a liberal masterbation echo chamber.


I’m calling BS.


Agreed. OP just has a hate boner for the other side of the political aisle. His post history confirms it


Get over it Lib


Please leave them out of this sub too


And just out of life in general


Now you know what it’s like to be conservative / centrist on Reddit - I agree with you though OP, drink beers and have fun


Yeah, because boomers are the only generation of people that can be insufferable.


Pushcart is the way when you solo play


It’s interesting how quickly some people will tell you views on a controversial subject. It’s unlikely a round of golf will convert anyone to change opinion on . Out here to relax. Talk about the game, weather or just in silence is fine as well.


Keep politics out of church.


My regular group has political opinions all over the spectrum. I know that because at some point everyone has brought up some political opinion of theirs and been told by everyone else to shut the fuck up haha


Happened to me while golfing solo in Florida. Took 2 holes before he started about “the vaccine”, politics, trans, religion,….. $120 course and I had to listen to that shit the whole time.


Keep your golf off of our youth pastors and interns and alterboys!


On Juneteenth last year I got matched up with 3 old geezers. It was packed and the dude I was sharing a cart said, “why the hell do they get a day on June, don’t they have a whole month already”. This was on hole 2. I finished off the 9 and pretended to have the runs. Told them to go on without me and played the back 9 on my own.


They’re not on Reddit


Bars, courses, vacations. Never bring up religion, politics, or how much I suck at golf.


And if you’re not into politics, you’re still a liberal. If you’re not into religion, you’re the antichrist. Say hi to my dad if you play with him again.


...and off my body and out of my bedroom.