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The only thing I remember about Ollie is he never wore a hat


Anytime I see someone golfing without a hat I say “hey get a load of Ollie Schniderjans over here”. I’d say that’s a solid legacy


Nice burn


No coming back from that one. Mentally fucked for the rest of the round.


Literally so if the guy is bald


I think immediately of Robert Rock.


Absolute legend, he's local to me, used to see him at the range and have a chat every now and again. He'll probably MC at the US open but pulling for the hometown hero nonetheless


Even if he does MC, it’s still pretty pimp to just rock up for shits and giggles, then qualify.


Don't forget about Robert Rock.


The subject is hatless. Repeat hatless.


Hell yes on the Simpsons reference. “We’re directly under the sun…. Now”


Bake em away, toys.


What’s that chief?


I hope they throw his hatless butt in jail.


And he hit awesome stingers


He hit world class stingers


Jack never really wore a hat until he got old . . .


Was Mickelson the last "big" golfer to not wear a hat? Of course he succumbed - "Hey, I'll give you $2 million if you put this hat on your head!"..."Uh, okay." Used to be you could almost tell which guy was whom before they all wore hats. Now it's impossible.


That’s like 4 more bets on NFL games for him…




Hatless 1 irons. That’s Ollie’s legacy.


Medium Tom Morris. You never even hear about him anymore.


This made me chuckle


Why did this make me laugh?


I get in touch with medium Tom Morris when I want to talk to the ghost of old Tom Morris


I didn’t even know he was sick…


Paige Spiranac


Leave it to Horsecockexpress1 to say what we were all thinking




She knew what she was doing. $$$ mindset.




What? She was never even expected to be that goo - OOHHHhhhhhh.


John Daly is bigger


This comment is so good it makes me wonder if it was a set up


Ty Tryon


Immortalized on Tiger Woods PGA TOUR, though


I learned he was named after Ty Webb from Caddyshack from listening to David Ferhety on that game.


did he die tryon


This was going to be my vote


Turned pro at 16. Everyone thought a phenom. Last I read he’s teaching at one of the Leadbetter Academy locations.


There may be 20th century equivalents I'm ignorant to, but Ty is undoubtedly the 21st century answer to OP's question.


I was the standard bearer for his group at the Nationwide Tour Pete Dye Classic back around 2004. He was a really cool guy. Talked to me and the scorer almost the whole round. I still have an autographed ball from him up on my shelf.


Matt Wolff


Great one. Really thought he had a crazy bright future after his 3m win and strong 2020 US open. Struggling on LIV now.


Yeah, there are all of those promotional TM videos from a while back where he is out there playing random games with Tiger and Rory like he was going to be one of the greats. Then he kept dropping out of tournaments, playing like shit and eventually taking the check to retire at LIV. Couldn’t handle the pressure


Can’t blame the guy for getting paid at that low of a point career wise. It probably made his game even worse tho.


Lol some guys just use it as a vehicle to lay their families up for life. I can't aay I wouldn't do the same. Even Koepka has said that at times he doesn't even like golf that much, and that he's really focused on majors. I think he even said it before he LIV move. Either way, they're all still unbelievable golfers. It's REALLY tough to become elite and stay there...which is why Jack and Tiger are in a different category.


I think he said he suffers from severe depression and anxiety to the point of suicidal thoughts and had to back away a bit. Found a bag on LIV and less pressure, less time on the road. More time to focus on his mental health. Same for bubba. They openly talk about how CBD gummies have helped them with depression.


Was one of those guys…. “I can’t believe he can play so well with that swing” Turns out he couldn’t. I think Daniel Berger is basically what the absolute pinnacle would have been for Wolf


Holy shit. I can’t believe I forgot about him already. At least some of the LIV golfers are still relevant like Bryson and Brooks. I use to see Wolff on those Taylormade YouTube videos, but even those have stopped popping up on my algorithm.


Cam Champ


Ball speed imposter


Ryo Ishikawa


He did shoot 58 in US Open qualifier. Still plays on Japan tour I believe, but you’re right he was supposed to be great.


Yup he qualified for this years US Open


He usually qualifies for the non masters majors too. Just never is anywhere near the top.


Yeah he was supposed to be the best thing out of Japan…..then Hideki entered the chat room


I remember he was really being talked up at a US Open at Pebble one year over a decade ago lol, then never heard from him again lol


He’ll be at the US Open


Two Hip ~~replacements~~ surgeries (Schneiderjans) before 30 will do that to a person.


Holy shit that's what happened? Wow thats brutal I had no idea


He's trying to come back. He's currently +1 at the Knoxville open.


Michele Wie. She won a major but she was supposed to win all of them. She was playing men’s tournaments before establishing dominance (which she never did) on the lpga tour, unlike Annika who was dominant who also played one pga tournament


Michelle Wie shot 68 in a PGA tour event and missed the cut by one shot, as a friggin 14 year old girl. She beat Adam Scott that week by 3 shots.


I didn’t remember that. If she missed a PGA tour cut by 1 shot as a 14 year old girl, it’s one of the greatest performances in sports history. That’s insanity.


Yeah whenever people act like they could play with LPGA women, I remember this story. She was probably 100 yards behind pro men and still almost made the cut. Makes me want to see someone like Nelly try.


I believe Nelly actually will be in a men’s event later this year. I thought I remember hearing that a sponsors exemption was in the works


They should get her out at the Travelers where the setup might not reach 7k yards. It would be real tough for her to keep up when it’s a 7.5k course.


really? havent met any of those people. most amateur golfers know they cant hang with pros women or men. shit most of us cant hang with these juniors at AJGA tournaments.


I was expecting her to be the next Annika but it didn’t happen, maybe burnout and injuries like mentioned, or too much pressure. But regardless, she was supposed to have dominance like Annika and she didn’t


I actually went down a rabbit hole of her career a couple days ago. Annika did the PGA Tour thing in 2003, kinda opening the door. Then Michelle did it from 2004-2008, all before she was on the LPGA tour. She was born in 1989, and LPGA Tour had an age requirement of 18 at the time. So while she turned pro in 2005, she was on Asian Tour, European tour, random LPGA sponsor invites, and the hoopla of a PGA exemption for 3 years before she had full LPGA status. Not saying she lived up to the hype, but it was a whirlwind to go through from ages 14-18 before getting the more stable position on the LPGA. That’s an insane 4 years for anyone, let alone a high schooler. That just screams for burnout.


The even crazier story that I rarely hear is that when she was 16 she nearly made it into the *men’s* US Open. At sectionals the USGA loves to bake out the greens and grow out the rough, Canoe Brook where she was playing was at 7300 yards… and she was on the cut line with 9 holes to go in the 36 hole qualifier. Pure insanity.


She got shoved into being a pro way too quickly. Tiger woods was hyped to the moon, and he still spent three years in college beating the crap out of the amatuer game before going pro. Michelle should've done the same thing, instead of trying to keep up with professionals when she wasn't even allowed to drive a car.


She and I are the same age and I grew up playing at Canoe Brook. As a young golf addict, that was one of the cooler weeks of my life. She arrived several days before the qualifier and spent a lot of time on the range which was still open to members. I spent an hour one afternoon hitting balls next to her listening to David Leadbetter give her swing advice. Her speed and distance were incredibly impressive. I walked all 36 holes of the qualifier with a couple of friends. By the second 18 a couple thousand people had shown up to watch with no ropes. It would have been incredible had she qualified.


Yea I’ve heard this before about her, then injuries too got her


Didn’t Anthony Kim suffer a similar fate of injuries and personal reasons?


Yep, he's been given a shot as a wild card player over at LIV this season to see if he can come back to form. He's had some flashes of brilliance combined with some terrible results. The one thing that everyone is surprised by is his putting was A -game virtually from day 1.


Competing at that level at that young of an age will get you hurt. They’re not exclusive.


This is my answer. She said her parents pushed her into it at an early age in an interview and she was burnt.


She did a good interview on Tosh’s podcast, which is a great series as well.


She was fantastic in that interview. And agreed - Tosh’s podcast/YouTube show is excellent.


I was so stoked when I saw she was the guest, I think the thumbnail was like my favourite major winner or something like that, wild story but good for her, good really does chew up and spit a lot of ppl out.


She was also in the shadow of PRIME Tiger and was also pushed by Nike and the media to be the female Tiger.


“Who is that, Michelle Wie?” “It’s nothing sexual, Just a fan of her golf game.“ “Really? Because in that picture, she’s wearing a bikini.” "Thanks. Photoshopped it myself."


You got Jammmmed


I contend she got way too mechanical seeking the perfect swing rather than her athletic gifts. It lead to injury and she never really recovered after that. Really glad she got her US Open major though and she seems like such a great person in interviews now.


Her putting stance got wild too


It was like her putter was l2 feet too long and/or short for her. It looked so awkward


Bro what?? SHE WON A MAJOR. That’s not a bust.


This! She had six top tens in majors before she turned 18. She finished 4th in the 2004 US Open at 14.


Ehhhh she never what she was hyped to be but I can’t call somebody who had a successful pro career and won a major a bust.


Michelle Wie honestly makes you realize how ridiculous Tiger Woods career is. Forget his success, there’s literally thousands of kids who’s parents did the same thing Earl did, but instead of winning majors it basically ruined their kids lives. There’s not a chance in the world I would ever push my son that hard to play golf. That’s probably why people like Tiger are so few.


Rickie’s not a bust but damn I wish he would’ve won one of those majors. 😢


He married Allison Stokkie, he’s the biggest winner of all.


Australians thought Aaron Baddeley would be something special. Solid career but nothing like the hype / expectations.


Guy has like 15 kids, give him a break.


And all their names start with ‘J’. Not at all weird.


Every time I see him, I can’t help but think he looks like if you asked AI to draw a long drive competitor.


Good hair, though!


How about Sean O’Hair, I remember him being the next big thing. Honorable mention for Charles Howell III


There was a sports illustrated article from I want to say 15-20 years ago that went through Sean O’Hair’s whole situation with his dad. Almost heartbreaking to read how demanding he was on his kid growing up.


Had to run a mile for every stroke over par he shot


My boy was at a junior tournament (20+ years ago) and he and his buddy were slamming some beers in the hotel parking lot after their round. They see this kid running laps around the parking lot with his dad yelling at him. Found out later it was Sean O'Hair


I remember reading that article as a kid. Felt so sorry for the poor man, it sounded like a textbook abusive sports parent situation. 


It's not fair to call Charles Howell III a bust - he never lost his card in 20+ years -- bit he was definitely expected to win multiple majors


That’s a good one, he was hailed as a prodigy. Sergio was too and he did finally win a major at least, and a lot more in general


Would love to go trick or treating as Sergio at his house and come skipping out from a row of trees


Infamous shot


$42M in career earnings ain’t bad.


Has 90 top 10 finishes


Chucky 3 sticks! I do love watching how consistent he is, and such a nice guy to boot. still had a win as recently as 2023.


I came here to say this. Not a bust but I thought he would be the next big thing


Walked with him a bit at the 2003 Open at Royal St. George. Guy had a great swing.


I still love his swing.


You know on a different note, does anyone else know another athlete that lived up the hype of Tiger Woods. Tiger was like 5 years old on television, and his dad was already claiming him to be the GOAT. Pretty nuts to have such high expectations set on yourself so early and actually meet them. Like he literally went from the one of the greatest junior careers to immediately becoming the greatest golfer in the world for like the next 20 years.


LeBron, Sidney Crosby, Bryce Harper


Id argue Tiger, LeBron and Crosby are on another level versus Bryce. He’s been incredibly good but I don’t think I’d classify him as an “all-timer” in the same way the other 3 are. Would add Mario Lemieux to this list as well, if not for cancer he probably would have broken some Gretzky records, truly one of most talented players to ever live.


I feel like people thought Camilo Villegas would be great


Def not a "bust"... He won on tour like 6 months ago and he has 5 career wins. His game def fell off a cliff but anyone who has 5 wins and reached #7 in the world is def not a bust.


His career “fell off a cliff” after his daughter died. He took some time off. I wouldn’t call his career a failure, given what he’s been through.


That’s what made his recent win so great. It was an awesome comeback!


Camilo lost his 22 month old baby in 2020. That was obviously a tragedy & affected his golfing career.


I still occasionally break out the Spiderman read on a green


Might not be a textbook bust but John Daly for wasting his natural talent. He's definitely skilled and has a gift for golf but man his vices got the best of him for sure.


Yeah I read that he's the only golfer in history to win 2+ majors but to never make the Ryder Cup team


He’s one of the only golfers who’s pre round warm up routine is to smoke 20 cigarettes and pound down a large Diet Coke lol then night before rounds. Daly said his best rounds were after a night of “drinking and fun” lol dudes a beast


Yeah he once gave us this gem of quote: "Nicotine plus caffeine equals protein"


And I’ve lived by that since I heard it like a dumb stubborn bastard


His career major record is really bad outside of two wins.


Tiger himself said Daly was more talented


Talent word is such bullshit though. Daly and tiger both worked their asses off when they were young to become amazing golfers. Tiger was better.


Tiger is basically saying he couldn't make Daly's swing work, but Daly could. Otherwise, I agree. Talent is generally an excuse


I think this a great example of Tiger being kind about another pro who fell off. It’s easy to compliment people you aren’t really competing with


Could it be that if he took the sport too seriously he could have burnt out early and not won the two majors that he did? Maybe his laidback approach helped him get as far as he did in some counter-intuitive way


Maybe, maybe not. Hard to tell honestly, but golf definitely funded his hobbies so he probably knew how much he needed it. But at the same time seemed liked golf got in the way of his gambling and drinking some days.


I always say the same thing about Daly. If he was more serious and buttoned up like say Davis Love III he’d probably be forgotten and rarely mentioned today like Davis Love III. I think he’s pretty self aware that his bad boy of golf image maintains his popularity and really leans into it these days.


He won two majors, that’s pretty good. Better than lots of other name golfers.


That's why I said not a textbook bust, he definitely could have won more with his abilities.




I think with him he was never as talented as his friends. Everybody else just lumped them all together like one homogenous group of equals, but to hear him talk it seems like he knew he wasn't on the same level as the other guys.


He won early in his career and got exemptions. He was in contention going into round 4 of the masters and choked. I think he got the yips, he’s said as much on the pod. Just not mentally built for competitive golf.


OOF. Seeing all your friends win every week had to kill him. He's a great commentator though.




Hunter Mahan


He wasnt so much a bust as he was a good, consistent performer who just fell off the face of the earth. My guess is swing change. I remember him complaining about distance and his low ball flight in an interview I think. Also the face of the under armour oral insert performance enhancer. Rip


Ricky Barnes


I HATED his hats...those damn short brim things...irrational hate


jesper parnevik has entered the chat


Won the us amateur. Did nothing for 7 years. Finished 2 in the 2009 us open. Did nothing


Kuehne (sp)


He's always one of the first names I think of when it comes to these posts. Hank was an absolute beast




I would have made it too if it wasn’t for my bummed knee.


Jamie Lovemark


This is a name I haven’t heard in a long time lol


Willy Wilcox - interesting story


He did ace 17 at Sawgrass with a yellow ball… legend


Played golf with him near a tour stop last year, dudes cocky as hell but is one of the best golfers I’ve ever played with, gave me his number to hit the strip clubs if singjae won. Sungjae didn’t win :(


Kyle Stanley


Todd Marinovich


I was just thinking yesterday Daniel Berger just disappeared out of nowhere. He was contending seemed like every week a few years ago


He missed 18 months because of back surgery, he came back earlier this year but he hasn't done much


Ty Tryon. Have his autograph from the 2000 or 2001 Phoenix Open 😂


Mitch Cumstein


Do people not know what a bust is? We got people calling out freaking major or even multi major winners, which is nuts.


Schniederjans has dealt with injuries basically since turning professional in 2015. Even as he worked his way up the Official World Golf Ranking, as high as No. 77 after a T-3 finish at the Phoenix Open in 2018, Schniederjans always seemed to be hurting – back, obliques, neck, hips. “It just got worse and worse,” said Schniederjans, who began to avoid his tight left hip, putting more pressure on both his other hip and his golf swing. https://www.nbcsports.com/golf/news/ollie-schniederjans-ready-career-restart-after-hip-surgeries-year-plus-away


Patrick Rodgers was a super elite college golfer - has yet to win an event


Bobby Clampett


Tadd Fujikawa


Charles Howell III. When he was in college there was an article about him pretty much saying he is the one to challenge Tiger Woods. He had a squeaky clean image and he was portrayed as the great white hope to dethrone Tiger. He was good for sure, but just never a real threat. I think he has one of the longest streak of making cuts. He was just a solid tour pro who made ton of money without winning lot of tournaments.


Ty Tryon


Matteo Manassero but thankfully he’s working his way back up, Ty Tyron. Looking at oldies though you got the likes of Eddie Pearce & Moe Norman


Shooter McGavin


He lost one fucking tournament. Definitely not a bust. The guy eats shit for breakfast for crying out loud.


Robert Gamez. He broke his putter at Augusta. I think that place fried him. He qualified to the Masters by holing out from ~175 yards to beat Greg Norman at Bay Hill in 1990


I always thought Adam Scott was going to win more majors than he has/did. Great guy who has still won a lot.


Putter rule change killed his chances 


He’s like 9th all time in PGA tour $ earned, agree wish he had more victories


He is a class act.


Not sure he quite qualifies as a bust, but I feel like Rickie Fowler never lived up to expectations


Ty Tryon


I hate to say it, but Matt Wolff came out the gates swinging. Hopefully he can get in a good place mentally and win a major


Don’t they all come out swinging?


he has no way to qualify for majors except the U.S. Open


Gunna cop flak for this, but Rickie Fowler. He was the youngest US Ryder Cup member ever, beat Rory McIlroy for rookie of the year, was the hottest young golfer out there, and kids absolutely idolised him, and he's had a decent career, but never hit the peaks expected of him. Highest rank he ever hit was 4th, and that was 8 years ago, never won a major, went years between wins, and generally seemed to never reach the peaks everyone thought he would when he first started.


Beau Hossler and Ricky Barnes


I played junior golf with Beau, Morikowa, and Theegala when I lived in So cal. I def thought Beau would be the top dog when he went pro. He composed himself like a tour player when we he was 13 ….Never would have thought Colin would come out the gate and win 2 Majors that was a huge surprise


Beau's made over a mil in 2024, he's fine.


Me. For a long time I thought I was just magical. Nope. Never was. It was all in my head


Aaron Baddely


Nick Watney


Anthony Kim, Ryan Moore Ryo Ishikawa


Ryan Moore’s been on tour for 20+ years. Yeah, he was marketed as the next big thing but to say he wasn’t successful is just not true.


Surprised I had go scroll this far to find Kim. He had the BRIGHTEST star (and was living up to it) before he Keyser Soze'd out


never heard that said about Ollie.


Casey Wittenberg


Danny Lee had a lot of hype when he won the 2008 US Amateur, had a high finish at a PGA event as an amateur, and then winning a European Tour event at age 18. For the next decade he was more known for his large number of WDs and DQs, with only 1 PGA Tour win among that. He finally managed to get another win after he moved to LIV...


Jonas Blixt


Chris Williams was nice at UW I think he’s coaching now