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This almost happened to me a few times on the course and I kept wondering why... I figured it out the allergy pills I was taking. It turns out antihistamine blocks your sweat receptors causing you to overheat.


Woah, that is good to know!


I collapsed twice at the age of 25. No history of health issues whatsoever. Played football, wrestled, no issues. Do not be surprised to find out you have an undiagnosed congenital heart defect. In ended up with open heart surgery to fix it. All is well now. I’m 35 with no issues. But if you’re anything like me, do not be stubborn and see every specialist you need to. Would’ve NEVER thought that’d happen to me.


And don’t be alarmed either - something like 25% of people have a heart condition of some kind. Most go unnoticed for most of their lives.


Needed that, thank you


Interesting. I took a Claritin before my round yesterday and it was humid as balls. Was sweating bricks out there.


Claritin is loratadine I believe. Not all antihistamines are the same or ~~have the same MoA~~


Allergy medicine is a crapshoot Different people react differnetly to every one, I can take Claratin no problem but if I take aq Zyrtec I'm falling asleep at work. My sister is the ooposite, Zryrtec is fine but Claratin makes her feel woozy


I just sneeze and sniffle and use allergy eye drops for allergies. All that shit makes me feel speedy. Like I did coke or something. Claritin makes my heart pound and my anxiety and running thoughts run faster. I’ll take some congestion over feeling like I just bumped a Joey Diaz line. That’s just me tho


This is the answer. There are so many different allergy medications because every person reacts differently to them. Pretty much gotta trial and error until you find the right one.


Ah ok I didn’t know. My recent rounds include 2 ibuprofen, a Claritin, 6-8 beers, 3-4 waters and a glizzy at the turn lol


I think you aren’t supposed to mix ibuprofen with alcohol, it can fry your liver/kidneys. I’m not a doctor, but worth at least reading up on, just in case.


Not ideal but acetaminophen and alcohol is way worse than ibuprofen.


Doctor here. That statement is arguably untrue. While we would obviously never actively recommend people drink while taking acetaminophen, the actual danger of taking Tylenol and alcohol together is wildly overblown in the public consciousness (thanks in no small part due to marketing from NSAID producers). [Here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2014937/) is an excellent review article about the subject. A choice quote from the article: “In keeping with the metabolic data, there is no convincing clinical evidence to support the claims that chronic alcoholics are at increased risk of liver damage either following overdosage of paracetamol or with its therapeutic use.” As always, this is not personal medical advice and if you’ve been advised differently by your personal physician, you should follow their recommendation


Thanks for the info, very informative.


The main dangers are gastrointestinal bleeding and, from long term use, kidney damage. Doing it very occasionally is generally okay. Now Tylenol and alcohol? They both utilize the same liver pathways, and that will straight up kill you.


Appreciate the heads up. It’s rare that I mix both tbh. As of recent allergies have been fucking with me and my back flares up some. Got bloodwork earlier this year and no issues with liver at all.


I'd like to know if glizzies and Claritin are counter-indicated. I'll volunteer to experiment with 2-3 glizzies next round.


Plz do and report back 🙏


What the hell is a glizzy? Is it slang for something cool?


Buddy if you don’t know, you can’t afford it




Antihistamines have the same mechanism of action. The biggest difference is 1st v 2nd gen. 1st gen generally work better but cross the blood brain barrier (drowsiness). Antihistamines “turn off the faucet” and dry you up. Generally speaking you’d have to take quite a bit over the recommended dose or be hypersensitive to the drug to see so much sweat loss you overheat.


Ahh thanks for the correction! I had a feeling that party was wrong.


That’s fucking crazy


What were they? I need to make sure I’m not taking them


It was reactine


Reactine to what?


…. slowest of the slow claps


Golf clap?




BOOM, tough actin’ Reactine


RIP John Madden


Ya goddamn animal


Really?? That’s crazy. I suffer pretty bad from seasonal allergies this time of year and take reactine almost everyday. Were you taking too much or should I find something else to take lmao


That's why I was taking it lol I took it daily for years without issue, not sure what changed but i was overheating for what seemed like no reason on the course usually after the front 9. once I stopped taking it my symptoms went away.


> It turns out antihistamine blocks your sweat receptors Like, they all do or just specific ones? Sounds dangerous


I'm trying to look into this because I take Citirizine every day. So far I've only seen that antihistamines can cause an *increase* in sweating. Edit: Just found a Mayo Clinic article that says they may prevent sweating. It sounds like it refers to all antihistamines.


You’re going to be fine. That much sweat loss would be very rare. And as an aside using it daily will decrease the effectiveness over time. You can get around that by switching to different one if you notice it doesn’t seem to be working anymore.


Antihistamines “turn off the faucet” and can dry you out everywhere. Generally you aren’t going to have a problem unless you take too much or are hypersensitive.


Just to be clear to add on to what you’re saying, “overheat” is an understatement. Not being able to sweat means your body can’t regulate it’s body temperature which can lead you to heat stroke. Heat stroke can quite literally give you permanent brain damage or kill you. When people die in the desert, 99% of the time they aren’t dying of dehydration, they’re dying of heat stroke because their body has no sweat to regulate their temperature. If you are ever very very hot in the sun and not sweating (if you normally would be sweating) you need to immediately get out of the sun, stop exerting yourself, and drink water. There’s a lot of paranoia on the internet about dangerous things but heat stroke is scary. Every survival expert makes it very clear that if you are trying to survive in a hot environment with no water the absolute biggest priority is avoiding heat stroke, not getting water.


I just started getting hives while on the course (no idea what I’m allergic to) and Reactin has been saving me… guess I’ll be rocking out with my hives from now on


you might want to talk to a doc and get an epipen just in case...


That wasn’t something I had thought of, but you’re probably right! I should make an appointment


Oh, 😦. I take antihistamines as well. Need to check that


Which allergy meds?


Good luck tomorrow.


A guy I knew went to play & was paired up with a complete stranger. On 13 green, the guy gets dizzy. The stranger turns out was a paramedic & gives him an aspirin & takes him to the clubhouse. Ambulance called. Saved his life. Day later he had quadruple by pass surgery.






Awesome story and I am glad she is doing well. Seems like an awesome person who has a strong spirit!


She is indeed a fighter and a champion. 


I am putting aspirin in my bag now. If not for me, maybe someone else. If I can save a life, I would like to


You may need it some day. I carry it mine now. Many years ago, one of my hS friends dad died on a golf course at 42, picture of health, from a HA. A lot of HAs occur on the golf course.


Sorry to hear that, get well soon!


Played a 6 hour round yesterday 🥴, you had it much worse


My dad collapsed on the course once, found to be caused by viral meningitis, made a full recovery


Holy crap that's a bad one. Modern medicine y'all


Glad your Dad fully recovered, meningitis is some seriously nasty stuff!


Sorry to hear that and hope you make a speedy recovery. But wouldn’t be mad if i was on a golf course when it’s my time to go


Amen brother!


If it did happens figure I would be okay with it… Like In Vonnegut’s, cats cradle, I’d lay on my back thumbing my nose to the sky.


Labor Day weekend in 2017 I was playing great and then on the eighth hole, I developed terrible chest pain. I tried to play through but the pain got too much to bear. Then the tunnel vision started, I told my dad “I’m not feeling well” and as I turned to go to the cart, the next thing I know I woke up face first on the ground. My poor dad thought I died right there and then. Upon waking up, the pain was a little better and had a crazy thought of, “maybe I can keep playing!” Called the ambulance and on my way to the clubhouse, I started feeling pretty short of breath. Get to the ambulance, they do an EKG, nothing wrong with the heart thankfully. Turns out I had a spontaneous pnumeothorax, and passed right out from the pain/nerves. Spent 6 days in the hospital and had surgery. What a wild experience. I’ve been there my friend, hopefully everything checks out ok.


Felt like what I assumed was a heart attack when I had mine, but I was only 18 so I said there’s no way I’m having a heart attack. Spent that whole first day hunched over to be able to catch my breath. Slowly got better as the days went on until my grandmother finally made me go to the hospital after two weeks because there was an audible clicking noise when I was breathing. Told the doctor you could mainly hear it when I was laying on the one side and he kind of brushed me off, took X-rays and sent me home. After an X-ray tech looked them over later that day or the next morning they had me come back in because they “missed something”. At that point it was only 20% collapsed and they just let my body do its thing. To be young and dumb again.


I had those same thoughts of, I’m too young to be having a heart attack, and all of my pain was right sided so that gave me a little bit of confidence. I had a greater than 50% collapse so I was basically bed bound as I had all the air sucked out of my chest cavity. That was the worst of it all.


I thought you meant your game collapsed. They should be doing an EKG stat. Hope you feel better


I am sure they did an EKG which is part of a typical syncope work up. Getting an echocardiogram in the ER is a tall order and typically not done. Source: I am ER Physician and syncope is a common and vexing presenting complaint. Typical work up is labs, EKG, CXR, and then likely discharge with heart monitor and outpatient follow up/echocardiogram.


Just out of curiosity, are you saying at your ED you're discharging with a Holter or is this after an obs/inpatient stay?


It depends on the patient’s risk factors and history. High risk people stay for observation. Low risk people go home with follow up, and I typically place a monitoring patch on them that monitors the heart for 14 days (which has replaced the Holter Monitor). But, it’s a very difficult complaint to work up and risk stratify.


I live near the Mayo Clinic. If you go to the ER for any suspected heart related issue you get at least 2 EKGs one when you first get there and the other right before second troponin test. This isn’t normal?


No. Pretty typical. I guess not everyone does serial EKGs, but cardiac stuff gets an EKG and troponin.


Yes, they did exactly that! Luckily the hospital I got checked into is specialised in dialysis.


Dialysis? I hope you are feeling better.


Luckily the ER I went to did a bedside echo followed by a CT which diagnosed my aortic dissection (no prior symptoms and 37yo).  Talked to the ER doc weeks later and he said it’s his own practice to echo anyone with possible heart issues despite it not being common practice.  If they hadn’t done those tests I would have died hours later. 


Wow. That’s a great catch. I am really glad you got excellent care, because that is without a doubt one of the most dangerous diagnoses we see and it can often times be missed because - like most things - it doesn’t often present classically or by the book. Just great work by that doctor - but you know that already.




Yeah. The work up usually is totally normal - which is reassuring - but also frustrating.


Tomorrow? Jeez. That seems like something in the right now category. I assume they did the enzyme tests and all that to make sure you didn’t have a heart attack? Hopefully it’s something less dramatic and you get it addressed pronto.


They did all the tests they could do. Blood screening, electrocardiogram etc. I currently show no acute issues anymore. So they are monitoring me over 24h to see if any irregularities come up, including doing the echocardiography (as my father had issues with his heart in the past and even has a new heart valve and a stent.


Well, hopefully you don’t need to go down that path. In any case, better to know.


How were your potassium and magnesium levels?


I don’t know. I fully trust the doctors here, in this specialised hospital for all things heart and vessels, to do the right things. I rather not ask about information for which I have no clue what they mean 😉 ![gif](giphy|26FmPTVxvuGupMAYo)


True … I’m sure they checked that. There seems to be an increasing number of incidents of low electrolytes reported over the last two years leading to hospitalizations in our data set (one of our companies uses AI to identify and predict some chronic illnesses, including kidney disease, so it looks for this as one marker) and that’s one symptom of low K and Mg. The AI hasn’t identified the cause (and no, for the conspiracy theorists, the needles in the haystack don’t say ‘vaccine’ on them, we’ve checked) but it’s something to to keep in mind. Something I learned the hard way is to challenge the doctors to focus on causes not just symptoms. I’ve had a condition, coincidentally also involving K, since college. I had elevated blood pressure at 19 years old despite being a D1 athlete with sub 10% body fat and a sub-14 minute 5k. The NCAA almost suspended me by for elevated aldosterone levels (as opposed to androstenedione, which sounds similar but is completely different, despite what overzealous NCAA officials think). It took decades before I got a doctor to take me seriously that something was wrong and that my symptoms weren’t from ‘sweating too much during workouts and that I needed to eat more bananas.’


Echo can easily wait a day or two for a syncope work up depending on history, vitals, exam. In many hospitals it's gonna take at least a day to get done.


I don’t know shit about shit. Always figured rando collapsing was pretty high on the list of heart check stuff. Docs are docs though. They know what and when.


I’m a grounds crew member and avid golfer, and don’t do well with heat and sweating. I drink salted water nonstop. It hasn’t even gotten that hot yet in the Northeast, and I’ve had to stay on top of it already. Definitely scares me… Today, I woke at 3:00-3:30, to be into the course for 5:00. I mowed all the greens, and then went out for 18 hole skins with a bunch of our usual, large Sunday skins group. Yeah, I drank a few Truly’s through the round, but I also kept up on hydrating with appropriate liquids. Stay on top of that, friend. I hope all is well and you don’t have some other weird, underlying condition lingering. Keep us posted, buddy.


Dude that sounds like a pretty nice life. Go mow the greens then play on them with your friends.


See when you said “I collapsed on the course” all I thought was “same brother it was a struggle out there today.” Oh but you meant you actually physically collapsed. Hope you’re feeling better and I hope the tests come back with good news!


i played 2 holes and got a rain check, pace of play horribly slow, i havent swung a club in almost a month because Ive been out of town and couldnt hit the ball for shit. i just left lol edit: man your sunday was way worse. i didnt read all at first, i hope youre ok man.


lol Basically the same thing as op!




That’s scary. Good that you’re feeling better and the initial testing was positive.


Wow! Stay safe pal


That Sucks….feel better Bro! I got shocked by my defibrillator during a round one time, that was something special. Managed to finish the round though.


you got that dawg in you to finish the round. i hope you were checked out right afterwards though.


OP u/JoeBold how old are you approx? did you lose consciousness or feel anything prior to collapsing and have you fainted ever before? and do you have any family history of cardiomyopathy or arrhythmic issues? echo should be able to rule out any sort of structural issues such as stenosis or regurgitation, hypertrophy and some other things.


I am 41. And yes there are heart issues from my father's side - which I all disclosed to the folks in the RTW and later the doctor in the hospital. I also threw in the epilepsy of my mother and granny.


Hopefully they can come to a conclusion on what occurred.


Wait……so what did you shoot on the back 9 when you got back up? Jk. Genuinely glad you’re gonna be back out on the fairways soon. See ya out there


I was 5 over after 8. Considering a OB, lost ball, and a triple, I held against those with birdies. So, I actually felt well up to the point I suddenly didn’t anymore.


Oh you mean you didn’t keep playing after the heart attack?


Yeah, no. I am hard-driving, but knowing in my family there have been incidents like this before, especially my father has a stent and a replaced heart valve, I was not taking any chances and treated this being indeed a heart attack and asked for the emergency number to be called.




Yes, that's the term they used for me.


I’d give that a listen if you’re bored it’s about an hour. It’s geared towards doctors in regards to keeping up fresh with a syncope workup and the red flags associated but it’s an easy listen. It’s interesting


I’d give that a listen if you’re bored it’s about an hour. It’s geared towards doctors in regards to keeping up fresh with a syncope workup and the red flags associated but it’s an easy listen. It’s interesting


Wish a fast recovery to you pal, you will be hitting those darts when you are ready.


Get well soon! I hope you’re feeling better.


Really sorry to hear that. As crazy as it sounds, get some blood work done. My uncle collapsed on a tee box and then 6 months later he was found to have blood cancer and passed right after. Hope you’re ok


I played 39 on the front and 50 on the back. I wished I collapsed! Jokes aside, I hope you're alright!


Exactly the same thing happened to me. But not on the golf course. Fitness freak, and runner at the time. Turns out it was ARVC/D. No more running for me, ever. Golf is ok though. All the Docs missed the diagnosis. Only found out when a stand-in student Doc thought I ought to have an MRI. This picked it up. Generic heart condition that can cause sudden death! I’m sure yours isn’t this but ask them to check!


Get better, bro!


Ouch man, sorry to hear, very scary. Hope theyll get to the bottom and its something easy. Get better man!


Get well soon bud!! Ask for an ultrasound of your heart if you can. That’s how they caught my mum’s mitral valve stenosis.


Hope you’re okay


Take it easy for a bit! Get well soon buddy!


Hope that you are back to your normal self ASAP OP. Although reading your title made me think that your game collapsed on the back-9, not your actual self.


How were you shooting beforehand?


I was 5 over


Sending positive healing vibes your direction. I hope you are able to get back out there and finish up right where you left off soon.


Im sorry to hear that man, I’m sure you’ll be back out on the course in no time 👊


Some people will go to any length to get out of the back 9 when they are winning


What’s the latest update??? Take care of yourself AND your fellow golfers. We all want you back out there…..


Just woke up, maybe 30 min. ago. I am in Germany. Have a light headache (which I told the nurse). Nothing more happened so far.


I got to hole 4 after we “had to” switch to a far more expensive course than i wanted to play and my wife calls me to say she is going to the ER. So…. Yeah that’s what I got


My guess is Vasovagal response if your results from cardiac stress tests come back as all clear which I recommend you conduct after the echocardiography. Especially if you are an otherwise healthy person.


Hopefully you just had a random vasovagal syncope episode without any underlying conditions. Hope everything is alright!


That helo ride woulda cost you close to 100k


No, not in Germany 😉


The perils of socialized medicine strikes again……..


Years ago hit a shot and my gut felt awful. Pain continued to build. Called it quits two holes later, walked off the course went home took two Tylenol and laid down for a nap. Woke up a few hours later with a 104 temperature. Went to the ER where they left me in the waiting room for 2.5 hours before seeing me. Sent me for a CT scan and said I should know something in 30-40 minutes after the radiologist had a chance to look at it. 5 minutes later a surgeon is standing there asking me if I wanted the good news or bad news first. Turns out my colon had ruptured. The good news was I didn’t need a colostomy, but I did have to stay in the hospital for two weeks. Ended my golf season, which I took as the bad news.


Do you remember feeling anything? Any warning at all you were going down? Or did you wake up on the ground with no idea what was happening?


I suddenly felt dizzy after a fairway bunker shot close to the green - like the world is spinning and no longer where my feet told me the ground should be. That went away, so I went ahead and raked the bunker. While walking to the green, and not even 2 minutes later, my vision got blurry and slightly decoloured and I went down on my left knee and then on my back. Flat breathing. At that moment I was like "oh crap, this is the day"


Hmm, did you pass out or were you awake in the ground?


Awake the whole time.


That sounds like vertigo. You should ask to be evaluated by a physical therapist who does vestibular therapy, or a neurologist; if the echo, tele, and labs look ok.


I’m enamored by your lawn. Please give us some good news tomorrow. Good luck.


Thank you, it truly is my passion to have a little practice area at home that isn’t made of artificial turf. The club I am member of also now closes their short game course - sad noises - and I want to try whether I can strike a deal to get some pieces of 1x1m of green to replace my amateur attempt at home, just cutting down POA Pratensis (KBG), with the real deal and ensure proper substructure is laid down beforehand.


I was playing pickleball 4 times a week in December. Then I went in for a heart test because I noticed my resting pulse had gone up. I just had a triple bypass surgery on Friday. Pay attention to the little things!


This is definitely the most creative way to avoid three putting that I’ve heard in a while




There were two heart attacks two days in a row this past week at the course I work at… stay safe y’all! Let your playing partner know if you’re feeling weird or off in any way.


Sorry to hear that man I hope you get better soon, I worry about my health due to smoking for 20 years




> How did y'all's Sunday go? Great, thanks for asking


My dad collapsed on the course when he was +1 after 7. ECG's showed he was "fine" but an appointment with a private cardiologist 6 months later showed he had "complete heart block" and he had a pacemaker fitted the next day. [He's back at golf now, thankfully](https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/comments/14iy29x/my_dad_had_a_pacemaker_put_in_6_weeks_ago_after/), and seems much better for it.


Bradycardia.a slower than normalheartbeat....I was diagnosed and a medicine reconfiguration stopped me from feeling faint


Ho Lee fuk. Good luck!


Happened to a friend. Ems said it was likely dehydration. Long hot days in the sun need water and sodium replenishment


Outch. It is always good to drink regularly when exposing yourself to direkt sun on a hot day. I make it a routine that after every shot I nip a bit of water, and on very tee take a good gulp. And so did I yesterday.


Was it hot? How much fluid did you ingest? Some people get dehydrated, and plenty of others give themselves hyponotremia from too much water.


It was moderately hot - about 20-21°C - but full sun, barely any clouds. I did had my brolly out as well and I did seek shade. I have a routine when playing golf, to take a nip after every shot, and a big gulp at every tee. Additionally I always have lots of different snacks with me, including salty and sugary bars. I also include at least 1 isotonic drink that I have usually on the 10th tee.


Sorry to hear but glad you weren’t out there totally alone and you got care! Here’s hoping all the testing comes out clean and it was a fluke.


Hope you’re okay man!!


Thanks Scottie


I experienced something similar both at the office and in a restaurant. I even had to get a cart ride from a ranger off the golf course while I was walking. It was all stress-related. I hope you feel better soon, brother!


Damn. Yeah, stress is also a factor for many. I especially play golf so I can relax after work and on the weekends. I am probably the most chill guy in our Club team 🙂


A buddy of mine collapsed twice in the last month or two and once after golf and found out he has low blood pressure and got a pacemaker. He’s back to golfing already. Good luck and stay safe. Curious to see what your doc thinks is going on


Hoping you a speedy recovery and a good diagnosis to prevent this from happening again!


Got up today to walk 18, in this STX humidity. By hole 12 I knew I wouldn’t finish, turned around to play 16-18 instead and go home. I was starting to get a pounding headache. Shit is dangerous man


Get better soon. Best of luck and sending you positive energy


This happened to me when I was dehydrated. Hopefully it’s as simple as that. Good luck tomorrow!


I was 3 up in a match after 11 and only 4 over. Hozzled my tee shot on 12 par 3 OB right and just shanked every other shot the rest of the way without finishing a hole. Total and complete collapse


Wishing you the best man. What’s your diet and fluid intake like normally? And do you feel it differed much from the norm today or yesterday? I had this happen once, and it was just due to eating like sh*t and not eating enough when I was eating. Coupled with not getting enough water!


I did my usual routine. Had a hearty breakfast, no stress warmup. On the course I have the routine to take a sip of water or juice etc. after every shot, and.a good gulp on every Tee. I was probably the best hydrated person on the course. I also always have an assortment of snacks with me, like snack-salami, granola bars (especially salty ones), some Snickers or twice. And of course some fruits like 🍌 and 🍏. The day did not felt any different than any other. 🤷🏻‍♂️


So weird man. My thought is maybe a heart valve issue. Perhaps aortic regurgitation/insufficiency. Very common. Keep us posted on the echo man, I’ll be thinking of you!


Try to monitor your hear rate while golfing. If you're walking uphill, drinking, and smoking it could be really elevating your heart rate. I've seen mine get pretty high. Maybe just overdid it mixed with the heat


I do neither drink alcoholic beverages while partaking in a club team league game, nor am I a smoker. I am coming out of a very sport oriented family.


My bad, in Canada "darts" are cigarettes so I misread what you said


You must be very confused and upset, when you go into a pub anywhere outside Canada then, and someone says "let's throw some darts" 🤭


Vasovagal syncope? I had this happen a couple times, 15 or so years apart. How long were you out for?


I wasn’t actually having any blackout. I suddenly felt dizzy after a fairway bunker shot close to the green - like the world is spinning and no longer where my feet told me the ground should be. That went away, so I went ahead and raked the bunker. While walking to the green and not even 2 minutes later my vision got blurry and slightly decoloured and I went down on my left knee and then on my back. Flat breathing. At that moment I was like "oh crap, this is the day" … but never lost consciousness the whole time. Since I wasn’t yet at the green but just 15m in front, with the course being hilly, I laid well below the green, so my flight partners did not immediately noticed me being down, as they where on the opposite side.


Yikes! I hope you get it sorted.


Hope all is well and you can get back out there big dawg


Stay save lol. Hope you feel better!


Good luck brotha! I hope you’ll be alright, never take your health for granted. Hopefully it’s something small and easily treatable. Buuuuuut… if by some chance you kick the bucket… you mind leaving me your clubs? Thanks in advance!


Why wait for the ECG/EKG? They should do that right in the ER. Source: I have Afib, SVT and PAC's and get tested 3-4 times a year. Getting a loop recorder installed in Sept for probable ablation procedure. Good luck and have a good life.


Oh dang this is just a bad day for everyone! I had a heat stroke on 15, puked up the entire side of the fairway back to the clubhouse. Laid on a couch with an ice pack and complimentary Gatorade for hour and a half until my group finished the tournament. Been on bed rest since leaving the course just browsing reddit and Netflix.


Idk if you take any meds but my dad started taking some diabetic related ones and he became a lot more sensitive to heat. Has had to leave the course a few times


Glad that you ain't dead. But it sucks that this happened when you were playing well. The golf god had it out for you, man.


Definitely update this. Good luck tomorrow.


Either your ticker or your brain....good luck with the tests


UPDATE: I am being released from the hospital shortly. Getting a trip home, several 100km, payed for by my health insurance. The Echo only revealed what was already known: signs of high blood pressure, for which I take medication. Besides that, the blood screening revealed slightly elevated cholesterol, so I need to change my diet a bit 🤏 Guess the journey continues with my GP.


This kind of happened to me during a medal (uk club competition ) five years ago, although in my case I didn’t collapse but rather felt so dizzy I had to sit down. We were at the 4th and I foolishly decided to make my way back to the clubhouse by cutting through 16,17 & 18 where nobody was playing (we were one of the first groups out). It took me 50mins for what would normally be 15mins as I had to stop for breath often. At the clubhouse, the pro got me to lie down and called an ambulance. My heart was found to have jammed at 300 beats a minute! I was admitted and treated (including stop / start heart procedure) and have since been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. I am now on medications and need to use an electric trolley on the course but feel great. Take care OP and I’m sure they’ll get to the bottom of your issue.


Ah, fuck, I am golf-deprived already with this FL weather, afraid if heatstroke. Maybe not that of a had idea to hold back :(


Damn that’s scary, glad to hear you’re out of the hospital. Look after yourself, hopefully they can give you some answers


I'm a PA who worked in cardiology for over 5 years and urgent care now. Glad you are ok but with the little you already said I'd recommend changing your diet more than a little and skip renting a cart most of the time. It will pay off in the long run but change is never easy. It's possible you had a temporary heart arrhythmia which would not show on any of those tests you mentioned. Most likely though you were just dehydrated. I once had to leave Yosemite in a ambulance due to rock climbing all day and not drinking enough fluids so I've learned the hard way myself about dehydration. Your heart showing signs of high BP on echo is very serious. Likely they saw hypertrophy of your left ventricle which over time causes your heart to be less flexible and not fill and pump as well. I hope the provider you saw explained some of this to you though I hear stories all the time like this where it doesn't seem the patient was informed at all. Good luck to you on your journey of health and golf!


I never use carts. I either Carry or use a trolley. It was certainly not dehydration or heat stroke as I was probably the most hydrated person on the course - at least in my flight I was; the others barely touched their bottles - and I was the only one walking around with my umbrella up, as well as generally seeking shadows. Anyways I have been released and I will schedule a follow up with my GP to talk further steps.


Started my round at 95 degrees and high humidity. By 12 my arms were gone. The course was in terrible terrible shape, too.


You weren't smoking weed by chance were you?


Non-smoker of any kind. No alcoholic beverages before, nor on a round.


Good luck dude.


Long QT runs in my family. I have had this happen once in my early 20’s. Was not diagnosed until my mid 40’s. My daughter has had an internal defibrillator since her late 20’s. Syncope is a symptom. Essentially, your heart rhythm gets confused causing your heart to palpitate them stop. Fortunately, mine restarted.


There’s an old joke/saying that goes like where’s the best place to have a heart attack? And the answer is either the hospital or the golf course cuz you know there will be doctors around


We do have good evidence that chronic alcohol use will have it’s way with you before it kills you.


Where were you if you don't mind. Played a round Monday in North Houston. I can survive heat, but this was high humidity with zero air movement. Body didn't know what to do since sweat wouldn't evaporate...so I was soaked like I'd fallen into a pool, 3 holes into a 7:30am tee time Take care of yourselves gents


I have vasvagal syncope, this is what sounds like to me. I hate when it happens. So far, hasn't during a round.