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This really wasn’t this guys fault but I got paired with an older guy (about 70) a few months ago who was profusely bleeding from sores on his arms and legs. He said he was on blood thinners so every little nick opened him up. Like I said, it wasnt his fault but he refused to let us go get the pro shops first aid kit and just said “it’ll stop soon” well thru 18 holes it never did and he looked like he was the victim of a bear attack with the amount of blood on his shirt, shorts and seat in the cart.


I've looked after my neighbor for a decade now. He loves golf more than anybody I've ever known. Theres no point to my story. He's a physically massive 84 year old Marine, who hasn't had the capability of caring for himself for years. I've gotten him to a pga tournament (one of the most physically taxing days of my own life) and, to 4 or 5 different courses in our area so he could putt & presumably see how close they'd let him operate a golf cart around their greens. I miss that fun. He got admitted to hospice a couple of days ago. His wife, who has been institutionalized for the past couple of years, has shown back up and is sorting through his stuff. Yall pray for Bob, please.


Good luck Bob


You are an honest to goodness saint


I get that the bleeding wasn't necessarily his fault, but maybe a person shouldn't be out golfing if they are in that condition.


If I was falling apart at the seams I’d probably be trying to play to make my last bit around worth it. Although I would opt for long sleeve hot weather undergarments to not make it so uncomfortable for everyone else…


Happened to my dad once. Everytime he would swing blood would fly off him like 15 feet. Refused to do anything about it. Two guys we were playing with kept a WIDE birth. My dad shot an 81…career best. Still talks about that round…


Ehh, my dad is same age is similar. If he gets a small cut it just bleeds forever. But he also carries bandaids. 


Omg wtf I feel really bad but picturing this made me laugh my ass off. I’d probably be the same way, “eh I ain’t gonna die so fuckit”, coming home covered in my own blood


Nobody makes me bleed my own blood




exact reaction we had. we felt bad but we couldn’t help but snicker when he kept wiping his arms on his shirt. Looked like a horror movie wardrobe


Sorry for this guy's health issues, but who wants to sit in that cart seat after him. Really, who would want to ride in that cart after him? Bio-hazzard!.




You know bloody Pete too?


He dances for nickels!


Idk how you could even focus


I’m on the thinners at 44 yrs old & can confirm. But I see these old fuckers all the time at the course I play at with the same sores, liver spots & the foot drags on the green.


My buddy and I like to get 9 in before work (6 am) at a nice municipal in our area. Get paired with a rando. Dude hits a great drive on the first hole. We all get to our second shots, he blades one about 30 feet into the woods on the right side of the fairway, screams at himself, and helicopters his 5i into the woods on the left side of the fairway. We get to the green, tell him if he wants to putt and move on he can as we like to play slow (we don’t, but we didn’t want to golf with Mr. Anger Management). He takes us up on the offer. We get to the next two tees and someone (guessing this clown) tore up a few spots on the tee boxes with an iron after subsequent shitty shots. We saw him walking back to the clubhouse after he played maybe four holes. It’s 6 am, man, relax.


Bruh at 6 am I probably mustered all my energy to get to the course. Who has the energy at that time to throw a fit? If I blade the ball into the woods, I'm reloading a mulligan without second thought, like "anyways..." Imagine waking up at 4-5am just to get pissed off at yourself.


He probably hit the ball well at the range the previous evening and was convinced he was going to have the round of his life. The first drive was a cruel tease from the golf gods, and then they smacked him across the face.


Right or some personal problems at home he thought a nice round of golf could offer a soothing distraction from.


I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I love an early morning round. I’d play as early as they but it’s usually 6-630. I’ve played 545 before and that’s lovely.


The earliest I have played is I think 0730, but I might have to go out and try starting a round before 6. I have to get up at 4 for work so even on my days off 5 rolls around and I’m like “wow! I got to sleep in! What should I do until the wife and kid wake up in 3 hours?”


You are naturally waking up at 5 and haven't parlayed that into dozens of weekend rounds of golf over the years?!?!?


05:30 tee time every weekend for £25 every week in the UK. Great way to start the weekend!


It’s the worst. I was playing up in the Smokey’s one time. Beautiful golf course. I’m thinking how lucky I am to be out on such a beautiful course on such a beautiful day. Guy on the range starts talking to me about the tournaments he plays in and how he wants to turn pro. I gave him the “sure, that’s awesome” but I’m watching his ball striking and calling shenanigans in my head. Since we’re both singles we get paired up. I thought my man was going to lose it by the 7th. Ended up screaming a bit then heading back to the club house. Ended up playing with a guy and his daughter who, while bad, weren’t psychos. So that was nice.


Angry randos are the worst. I got paired wirh a guy who must wake up angry every day. The guy had not been golfing long and was not good enough to get mad about anything, but for 9 holes he was pissed at every single shot that wouldn't have been highlight worthy on tour, even the decent ones. It was pretty comical, but I found a reason to take an extended break at the turn and finish the back alone.


Sounds like dude’s going thru it.


Me and a buddy played with a vacationing French dude in Williamsburg VA once. Every shot he screamed out some unknown curse. It was chilling and cool at the same time.


Sacre bleu!




Tabarnac de caliss que c’est thin cette shot






Married into a French family. This is the one!


I hear the Williamsburg courses are great, though!


There are a couple awesome courses between Richmond and Williamsburg. Royal New Kent in particular is spectacular. Same designer as Tobacco Road. I highly recommend it if you get the chance. Viniterra is nothing to scoff at either.


Only one really stands out. Couple years ago playing with my Buddy and his Dad, and as we're putting out on #1, a ball lands just short of the fringe. Guys runs up and says, "hey guys, proshop told me I could go out and try to catch up with you guys to join up". No Fore, nothing, just hit into us on the green because he wanted to join our 3 some. Great first impression..... Guy was an absolute douchebag, and he peeled off after hole 5 I think (can't remember, Maybe 7? but it was before 9). I'm 100% sure he learned how to golf completely from youtube, and had never interacted with another human on the golf course before in his life. Zero etiquette, Zero self awareness, but looked the part, and had the lingo down. We think he quit because he ran out of balls. My Buddies Dad who's played since he was a kid, well over 55+ years (and got us into the game), just looked at us and was like "was that guy real, did that seriously just happen?" He'd never seen anything like that happen before in his life. It was surreal.


Usually I get pretty good luck with randoms but last year the stars aligned and I got a 3 for 1 deal. Started off as a single with a threesome. I was with a dad, son (son was a teenager, not a small child), and older guy who I don't know exactly what the relation was to the dad and the kid. Well the kid was obviously brand new to golf which is all good, but he would take such a long time lining up every single shot only to duff the ball 10-20 yards and then repeat the process all over again. Cool to see the kid out learning but he really should have spent some more time on a range before hitting the course on a busy weekend. While the kid was busy duffing it around the old guy was on the phone for 5 holes straight yelling at his wife about resetting the wifi router or something. Like he would take his shot and then get right back on the phone arguing with his wife and not let up while anyone else was shooting. After 5 holes of this the group behind caught us and played through and since they were a twosome I joined them and left the other ones behind. Now in my new group the one guy was chill but the other guy was such a loud mouth bragging about how he sandbags his handicap in golf to win money in tournaments. He was also bragging about how he can golf whenever he wants because he doesn't work and gets paid disability as he got hurt at work a bunch of years ago. Now I know disability can take many forms and be hidden but this guy was walking his second 18 of the day and from the way he bragged about cheating in golf I wouldn't be surprised if his scores weren't the only handicap he was lying about. All in all just a weird day on the course compared to the super chill people I usually get paired up with.


>Well the kid was obviously brand new to golf which is all good, but he would take such a long time lining up every single shot only to duff the ball 10-20 yards and then repeat the process all over again. Cool to see the kid out learning but he really should have spent some more time on a range before hitting the course on a busy weekend. Drives me nuts when groups don't play a scramble with a new golfer like this.


I play my own ball, I just pick up theirs and move it to mine. I also set the expectation that they may not really even be able to finish a hole by themselves.


The rule I was taught was that after 10 strokes you pick up ur ball. That is ur score and on to the next hole


Never had a bad experience with a random, but I did have one of my worst days ever while being paired up with strong golfer. I don't get embarrassed easily, but it was tough lol.


I played a scramble with some guys from work, all great guys that are fun to play with, but one shoots near scratch while drinking, one shoots mid-high 70’s and the third is low 80’s… then there’s me trying to break 100 most days. The only ball of mine we used was a 12’ putt I made while trying to give them the line. I’ve been less dejected after getting dumped than I was that day.


It sucks to be the worst guy on the scramble team but you can contribute in other ways: 1- first to putt gives line and speed to the rest of the group 2- hit the fairway with your opening tee shot to give the green light to the long bombers in the group. Take the pressure off the team by getting them into the fairway with the first shot. 3- just keep the general vibes high I'm like a 6-7 handicap and I was the worst golfer in a scramble once so I know how you feel. We won the tournament by like 3. Didn't use any of my shots until like hole 12. Was dejecting, but gotta keep team spirit and morale high.


I always make sure to buy the first round & never spend more than a minute or two looking for my ball.


Oh yeah. I lose 2x more balls during a scramble than a regular round because I'm always swinging out of my shoes on the teebox and trying to get on every par 5 in two.


Do you use your normal preferred ball for those shots? I find that's a good time to use up the cheap rocks the sponsor provided and not have to worry about finding them when things don't go as planned.


I still play my usual Srixon Soft Feels in “Brite Orange” because they’re cheapish and I can’t see white balls in the air lol. The other guys all play TPXs or PV1s. There is no mistaking that I am l the scrub of the group.


Same. Sucks when they expect you to cover a 290 water carry.


When I'm the worse guy on the scramble I bring solo cup shot glasses, a 40oz of rum, and a dozen joints.


This guy scrambles.




I think you may be overestimating the ability of someone who is trying to break 100 to consistently hit the fairway with the opening tee shot... Hard to get to 100 without OOB being a possibility on most tee shots.


Dude, I had a round that I should've spent at the range after a lesson. My swing and contact were absolute DOGSHIT and it was so frustrating. I almost started crying at one point out of frustration. Anyways, everyone else in the group was probably between 5 and 15 index. They all exchanged numbers to golf more at the end of the round and pointedly ignored me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


First time i ever birdied a hole i was paired with a random guy. I told him it was my first birdie and he said "Oh, I've had tons of birdies." Other than raining on my parade he was fine though.


For some reason, this is the worst one in the whole thread for me haha. Serial killer behavior for a golfer


> “Oh, I’ve had tons of birdies” Well have some more 🖕🖕(jk)


Perfect comeback 💅


"I've had tons of birdies." Not today you haven't, asshat.


ahh, the one upper. i like to just keep one upping their one up when i see them one up someone. drives them crazy.


We were playing with an older friend who is like this. My brother got his first hole-out eagle from like 170 yds, and this dude immediately says, “Eagle? Oh nice yeah I’ve had seven of those.” And then proceeds to tell us about his eagles while we’re still celebrating my brother’s current eagle that just fucking happened. He’s honestly not that fun to hang out with…


That’s exactly what someone who DOESN’T have tons of birdies would say.


This is when you say “oh yeah this was my first birdie but I’ve actually gotten 5 eagles and 3 albatrosses and 4 hole in 1s. Also I’ve only been golfing for 6 months but for some reason couldn’t get a birdie before.”


I bet he’s one of those big time sex havers too!


Lmao what an insecure douche. Guarantee he’s never properly birdied a hole or is just a total fun suck


Yeah, I've probably got like a million birdies in my time. Maaaybe 999,997. I lost count after 50k.


Overall not terrible, but pretty pathetic. Buddy and I are a twosome, with two singles. Everyone seems cool… one guy was working class guy, totally chill guy, appreciated a day on the course. The other guy had his top of the line equipment and smug attitude because he was better than the rest of us (which most days would be true, but my buddy is a former D1 baseball player who can mash the ball and if he played consistently would be really good). ANYway… my buddy tees off a tough par three AND… HOLE IN ONE!!! Working class guy and I are ecstatic, high fives going all around. Mr. High end equipment just stood there. Not a word. No clap. No congrats. Just sitting in his own woe is me how are these guys better than I am look on his face. If you can’t give some props for a damn hole in one, stay the fuck home. We don’t need that bad juju.


It's rare to SEE a hole in one. That dude doesn't get what golf is all about lol.


Total narcissist ass. That sucks... Hopefully you don't see him again!


Dude my cousin had a hole in one a couple weeks ago. The foursome was my brother and I and my 2 cousins that are also brothers. Well this par 3 had a restroom right next to it and of course my luck I had to piss. While I’m in the RR I hear my cousins and brother start going nuts. My only thought was “someone hit a ace” sure enough I get out and my cousin jarred it. I was so excited for him but also bummed for myself cause I’ve never seen a hole in one in my life. So yeah f that guy for being a hater. I was sad I didn’t get to witness such a awesome moment.


I got two, both at the same par 3 course * First one was a couple who absolutely should have broken up. If they're still together its a miracle, or a travesty, not sure which. They were in a passive aggressive mini-fight the entire round, whispering to each other to "shut up", and "don't act that way in public", and "we'll talk about it when we get home" type of stuff. She was also pretty new to the game and definitely needed pointers, but if this guy went so far as to even suggest something she should do differently, he received the unmistakable eyes of death. They were contagious and fucked with my game. Extremely uncomfortable. Afterwards when we made it to the lot, I couldn't wait to get out of there, but the girl sent the guy over to me with his tail between his legs. "Go get his number! You don't have enough golf friends". I could just see in his eyes and the way he spoke how embarrassed he was about the whole day, and how much he never wanted to have to see me again because of it, but I proceeded to give him my number and let him know its all good and I'd look forward to play with him again. Needless to say, I never heard from him lol * Second one was worse. I was paired with some Earl Woods wannabe with his 10 year old Tiger. The kid was incredible, perfectly straight every time, solid swing routine, I mean the kid seriously has potential. The dad honestly kind of sucked which was less than shocking, but that didn't stop him from emotionally abusing the kid through every hole. The main one I remember was the kid hitting a tee shot hole high, slightly left of the green. It was the best shot out of the three of us and the dad has the audacity to say, through clenched teeth, "I never want to see you hit a ball over there again, you hear me. Now do it again." As I recall the kid started pouting around hole 7, he wasn't having fun at all and was kicking the shit out of us. Only +1 or +2 for the day I think, not incredible but he was well on his way to being a scratch golfer. There were some tears towards the end, and the dad apologized TO ME about the kid. I didn't say anything at that point in my 20's, but man I regret it. I remember thinking how bad I wanted to sock this dude in the face, and how happy I was to have the dad I have. I swear I saw the future that day, and that kid is turning 18 and gtfo out of there asap. What an asshole


This hurts my mama-heart. Poor kid…


Kid probably hates golf now.. but he’s gonna get to be a ringer for the rest of his life, so not all bad I guess


Oh man, when the dad apologized for the kid, I was just waiting for you to blast him with both barrels.


i would have lied to the couple and told them i dont have a phone. and woulda told the dad if he cant let his kid play a round for the enjoyment to play ahead. or at least would like to think i would, its amazing how encountering hooligans in real life can leave one like a deer in headlights.


My buddy and I gott paired up with rando couple of years ago. He was a beginner but he wasn't bad, he just took forever on every shot and putt like literally 30-60 seconds. Couple of holes later we confront him and nicely ask if he can just speed up his pace a little...his response was "dude my bad I'm so fucking high" lolol


That’s the perfect outcome, and the last thing unexpected given the thread!


Three of us get paired with a single at a PNW course. Guy rolls up with a pushcart and a BEN CARSON FOR PRESIDENT hat. Tells us he's a lawyer and plays 180 rounds a year at this course. I'm about a 10 hdcp at this point and my two buddies are probably 22+; they stink but they keep up and are good company. I end up nearer this guy than the other guys and three holes in, he starts griping about my friends pace of play. We're keeping up; they're just spraying it all over the place and hunting for their balls and taking a couple shots to get out of bunkers, etc. Then he starts in with stories about ALL the other slow/shitty golfers he's had to play with, including how he played a round at Chambers Bay with a threesome who was struggling, so he suggested they play a scramble against him solo for $20 or something. What kind of asshole joins a group at a place that for most people is a special occasion and tells them to quit playing their round and do what he says? At this point, this guy is clearly a douche, so I'm just acknowledging whatever he says and getting on with my round. We make the turn, and he asks "do you want to play my stupid game?" His "stupid game" is the three of us playing a three-man best ball (gross, not net) against him, for $20. He's already told me he's an 8 handicap who plays this course 180 times a year, so I told him that is a stupid game and if he needs twenty bucks I'll just give it to him. We didn't talk much after that, which was nice. But it was pretty obvious why it sounded like he was golfing alone most of the time.


i would have suggested the game where he fucks off and plays golf by himself. 


I'm from PNW which course we're ya paying?


Trophy Lake


That sucks, I usually get paired with good people at Trophy Lake. Washington National is my pairing from hell course.


I’ve never had an actual bad experience with randoms. A younger guy once asked if he could join us (course was empty). We warned him we weren’t good but he said it was all good and he jusf liked the company. He stayed with us for 1 hole, checked his watch then said he had to get his ass in gear, and took off lol. Most randoms are very helpful/witty/interesting. One guy acted like a caddy to our group. He was never off the fairway himself, but was like a bloodhound finding others balls. Gave helpful advice on course management, and even got into an argument with the group ahead who took one of our balls.i think he lived for and thrived on being a superb random.


Got paired with a guy who had some clear anger issues. At first it was just getting mad at himself after a bad shot, not a huge deal and we've all been there. He was definitely in the "not good enough to get that mad" category and it really started escalating. He'd slam a club here and there, threw a club on one hole, again not good behavior but also not anything I've not seen before. Then on the 7th hole he left a putt way short and just slammed his putter into the green and took out a huge gouge out. I let out a "dude, what the fuck?" and he just packed up his bag and walked off the course. I used my pitch mark repairer to repair the hole he'd left in the green as best I could and the rest of our group finished the last 2 holes just dumbfounded at what had happened.


That's the kind of guy I would genuinely fear would try to attack you after you try to confront them about this behavior


What I hate about the club throwers is you can't tell if they're just fucking babies who think this is acceptable or if they're actually violent. We had a guy giving out tips on the first hole who was losing his mind by 4. Would pull out his 62 deg wedge, skill the ball across the green, and then do it again, right into a bunker. Throwing wedges, playing like a moron, just generally stressing everybody else out. Not easy to ignore behavior that gets that far outside the norm.


Those guys stress you out? I tend to look somewhere else with a grin on my face 😅


Sure but in that case you outnumber him 3 to 1 and now have a legit reason to give this clown the beating of a lifetime with your 9 irons


It was my buddy. I got new clubs and gave him my old set to learn on. We would go to the range a couple times a week and he started to hit the ball somewhat decent. Decent enough where I thought ok no problem let’s hit the course. We met up at about 10 am and this man brought a bottle of scotch and an 1/8 of shrooms with him. We warmed up for 30 min at the range and before the first tee he ate the entire bag of shrooms and 1/4 of the bottle of scotch. By the turn he had polished off 1/2 the bottle and was barely able to stand over the ball. on hole 11 he was pissing on the tee box facing the hole( full on dick out zero shame) while golfers were staring on the other fairways. By hole 12 his shirt was off. Marshal came out by hole 13 and my buddy asked if he would drive him back to the clubhouse bar. By the time I finished the round the bottle was gone and he was asleep in the bed of my truck with his shirt still off and his hand down his pants. I took him to my house to sleep it off and when he woke up he asked if we were still going golfing.


"By hole 12 his shirt was off." had me crying.


That’s wild. Great username for it though




This is on you too buddy lol


Bro was uncontrollable. I tried I swear but at some point you concede and just let whatever happens happen


Ya know, this might have ruined the golf but it would have absolutely made my day. I’d be laughing about that shit for years to come.


We still talk about it. Dude got more sober and is now my son’s godfather. He was going though some shit at that point and honestly I should have seen it coming. But when bro took his shirt off I was absolutely 2nd hand embarrassed and I couldnt do shit about it he was gone gone at that point


I’m glad he got it together and it seems like he’s a good dude. The bright side of his dark phase is that you both have an outrageous story that you’ll be telling well into the old folks home. If you can’t stop the train wreck you may as well admire the carnage lol


Nah if it’s that bad you take him off the course lol


I got paired with this dude that put earphones in, and told me he's not interested in talking to strangers. He claimed music helps him focus as he proceeded to top every ball.


If they play fast I wouldn’t mind this at all


Would trade up to this in some cases. But OP's story is off the fucking charts.


Right? Was gonna say it’s not bad. Ron Swanson would love that guy


We still never talk some times.


Best friend I ever had


Golf course proximity associates


This sounds like the best random, I’d love to just play with zero social pressure or social friction. Also I’ve played rounds where I’ve topped every ball, who gives a fuck


No one, as long as it keeps pace.


How is this a bad thing? Random golfers dont have an obligation to entertain you in conversation every round.


Low key, as someone who plays with a friend who has 0 etiquette, that sounds nice and relaxing to be around.


Imagine how bad he would be without the headphones in! You would still be on the first tee!


Wonder if anyone actually gets this comment


I never learned his name… best friend I ever had. We still dont talk sometimes


Literally read a WIBTAH about this last night. Maybe it’s the same guy


Ha. Bro was dialed in.


I was hoping to see this. Thank-you :)


I've had almost entirely good luck with random playing partners. Though there was one guy that was a little off. My wife and introduced ourselves at the first tee and instead of introducing himself or shaking my extended hand he just says "are you scratch golfers?" We aren't, I laughed and told him so. Dude didn't say another word except to tell me not to stand where he can't see me during his swing. He and his buddy ended up jumping holes after I blasted my tee shot into the woods on the first hole; apparently didn't want to play with a lesser golfer (I suck but I'm pleasant to be around). I think we dodged a bullet after watching him throw a tantrum on the first green after missing his birdie putt. The funny thing was we ended up waiting on them at every tee box until we jumped them at the turn, never to see them again.


Not exactly a random, but I invited a guy I barely knew to play, "Mick" he used to be a caddy for one of the European players, who's name escapes me, but he also caddied for Jasper Parnavic on one occasion. I didn't know it, but this guy is a complete lunatic!. We get up on the 1st Tee, it's close to the carpark and a few lady members were getting the clubs out of their cars, of course women's high pitched voices seem to travel further than men's and they did seem to be a bit loud.. anyway out of the blue Mick shouts at the top of his voice "SHUT UP!!!! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!"....Good Jaysus! I was in shock for about 3 holes after that, complete headcase.. I'll never forget it.


Ah yes, Jasper Parnavic, Jesper Parnevik's slavic cousin.


On vacation in Florida and got paired with a guy who would give out unsolicited (bad) swing advice. I was not playing well that day, but he apparently thought he could fix me mid-round. The advice was annoying enough, but he would do it *right* after I duffed a shot. Like, when I was still holding my follow through. I haven't forgotten you, Pat.


Fuck Pat.


I hate Pat so much. Fuck him.


First group out with 2 older dudes and a 3rd slightly younger (early 50s?) guy who basically wanted to play speed golf. "IVE GOT TO TAKE A WORK CALL AT 10!" He complained that me (early 40s) and the 2 randoms in their 70s were walking too slowly AND talking too much. Tried to play ahead and got yelled at by the grounds crew who were still doing basic maintenance one hole ahead of us. He ended up ignoring them and kept playing. We found his ball on the green at 10 either because he eventually got thrown off or hit a good tee shot and decided to go home early. Total douchebag.


I am a member of a local golf Facebook group. I offered an open tee time to a guy who was looking for one on the site (I'm a member of a course/had an extra spot/have had decent experiences doing this in the past). Dude shows up late, whiffs on his first 3 swings on the tee, and proceeds to shoot a 110 on the front 9. He was so bad it was simply awkward, I bounced after 9 holes.


When you said “he shot a 110” I thought hey that’s not bad. Then I kept reading haha


Last summer was bad for golf for me. Only played 3 rounds, spent the summer and fall building a garage on nights/weekends. One of my rounds was midweek playing hooky. I was paired with another solo as a twosome. Dude was pretty cool and normal. He pulled out a joint and offered me one, I politely declined. That’s more of a weekend thing for me. We played decent golf and had good conversation through 5 holes but he was smoking one joint for every hole. He got so fucking baked by the turn that he would set up over the ball and forget what he was doing. Sometimes standing there looking confused for 30 or so seconds, then rapidly swing. Sometimes he’d just walk back to his cart and leave his tee and ball then drive off to the green and look for his ball. I don’t think he knew what planet he was on by 13. That was the last hole he “finished”. He stayed in his cart and just silently drove along behind me for the rest of the round. I played, he sat in the cart looking perplexed like a time traveler from the 12th century. It seemed like he wanted to speak but just couldn’t figure it out. I actually played pretty well. We got back to the clubhouse after and he jumped in an Uber right away. Left his clubs on his cart and everything. I wouldn’t call him the worst random but it was fucking weird.


Me. I'm the worst random I play with. Mental health is rough out here.


In your case if the course wasn't full I'd just putt out and go to the next hole and leave em in the dust.


This happened about 30 years ago. I lived in a complex that had a 9 hole golf course. Free to play for residents. A colleague and I decided to knock out a quick 9 about 5pm. It was busy so ranger had us play with a single. Intro's all around and we're loosening up on tee as it will be ready golf. Guy has a Rambo-esque bandana and is telling us he's a single handicap, which we're like great! My buddy and I were bogey golfers. First tee, Par 5, he hits it longish but slices it. The only reason I remember his score was how furious he was with a bogey. Like wanting to snap clubs angry. 2nd hole is a 130 yard Par 3. We both are on the green and Rambo is in the front right bunker. We pull our cart to the back of the green and as we walk to our balls, Rambo is taking FULL practice swings IN the bunker to get a "feel" for the sand! We make par each and ask Rambo what he scores and he was like, "same, par." It just went down hill from there. OOB/ lost balls he was claiming birds and pars. John and I were laughing and it was so ridiculous, that on 9th hole finish, we finally called him out. We recounted our shots and scores and then recounted his. He cursed us out and stormed off without paying on our Bingo, Bango, Bongo bet. Like a dollar and change, a piddling amount. A few months later, who is on the local news for defrauding a number of local golf tournaments out of money? Freakin' Rambo.


Probably the guy who brought two friends as “caddies” who then proceeded to wander off into the woods, smoke crack, and, inexplicably, shoot a handgun at trees.


I’m so sorry this got buried because this is by far the best comment in this thread


Man, this makes the guy who was on mushrooms that I got paired with last summer seem like a walk in the park. Good grief, who brings a dog to golf.


I did. Before he got too old. It's a public parks muni, great condition and at twilight a lot of neighborhood folks do a hybrid dog park thing. So I said, fuck it, let's see how he does. Without prompting he sat next to my bag every time I set it down. And only chased the Swifts (small birds that come out at sunset) a little. Continued to do it for two years until I could see it was too tough on him to walk 9. Best caddie ever.


Respect, that is amazing. I’ll eat crow on my statement, although I do think folks would not appreciate me bringing my Great Dane on the first tee.


I mean, in general, you weren't wrong. This just happened to be a special exception.


Awww. Such a good boy!


You’d be surprised… if you’re going to bring your dog keep it in the cart… if it’s not obedient then just leave it at home…


Dude tell us about the guy on shrooms


Man, me and a buddy had a great pairing with two dudes on shrooms. It was a 7AM tee time and they were still tripping after staying up all night. One guy was remarkably decent and a chill dude and kept both of them on pace. He was happy and occasionally commented on how cool the grass looked. The other guy didn’t gain the power of speech until the 9th hole and was just on another planet. Funniest shit ever - couldn’t believe they made it to such an early tee time in that state.


https://preview.redd.it/l4t216jj8n4d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4985c4fc9184e5620208b1e832f9b63d43d98e42 This was the shrooms guy. I went off about 2PM after being done early w/ work for the day. I typically play alone but was paired up with this fine gentleman. After a few holes he casually told me he had eaten some shrooms not long before teeing off and that he had been “suspended” from work for the day. He was an interesting fella but mushrooms caught me off guard, hadn’t heard about anyone trying that on the golf course. My favorite memory is sinking a birdie(rare for me) putt on 10 and turning around to see him taking photos on his phone of the clouds. The hat and tank top was a nice touch, I hope this guy is doing alright.


Buddy of mine does, goes early while the course is empty. I played with them once, the dog was fine. And I don't have a lot of patience for unruly dogs. Depends on the dog. and the owner.


So a few weeks ago my boyfriend and I I go out for twilight round and get paired up with a rando. Dude seemed mad as heck but then acted really friendly strangely so. Thus began the round from hell. The rando was old enough to be my father and proud of it while flirting with me the entire time. I had even stated plainly how long I had been with my boyfriend trying to nicely get him to quit by hole 3. Not only did he not stop he would hardly move 3 feet away from the entire round. When he had to hit tee shots he cursed a storm and my boyfriend told me after the round that he kept insulting me every time I was out of earshot.


I played with Jason day when he first moved to America and was in the Dallas area. It was on the first hole that I realized golf was not in my future for a living. The sound alone from when he makes contact was all I needed. It was like him and his coach were throwing darts at the flags. Never seen it experienced anything like that or been so humble in my life. I pull out driver on the first tee. His coach hits a hybrid and Jason hits a wedge. I ask why they aren’t hitting driver, they said they would both carry the green . It was then I knew I was in for a day of treats


I like to think Jason Day is also in this thread talking about the guy who asked him why he wasn't playing his driver. Haha


He’s hitting WEDGE off the tee on a par 4?!?


This is your worst random? Lol


I've had excellent luck with randoms over the years to the point that the worst one was down in Florida, rando stuck with me and my dad and uncle. He was very hung over, clearly a decent golfer having an awful day, had 3 vomits, 2 stoogies, and 1 bloody mary and quit after 9. Still probably shot in the high 40s on a pretty tough track.


Sounds like a local teaching pro…


Have only had one bad experience out of many good but this was a doozy. My buddy and I have a tee time and a random shows up to the course on a busy day without and we offer him to join ours. He seemed annoyed to be playing with us but whatever. He gets up to the tee and he has a pinup sticker of some woman on the crown of his driver which was a bit gross, but again whatever. He has a terrible attitudethe whole time and at some point just starts doing his own thing and by the 10th hole he's driving 150 yards in front of us after he hits his shot. After his bad attitude and now us being afraid of hitting him at one of the greens I just talk to him and say hey we've been kind to you and let us join our tee time and since then you've been nothing but cold and now you're driving way ahead of us where we're trying to hit to. He gets upset with me, yells then says I'm super rude and just drives off the course. I'll never forget this guy


Maybe not the worst - but memorable. Played with a Korean national in LA. Scholl Canyon. Dude was to the T on the play but did not speak really at all. It was already a colder then expected evening round - and as the sun was setting the wind picked up. My partners teeth were chattering. We were looking to wrap it up - fast. Super elevated green - flag on the back tier. Guy managed to get on the front of the green - but daisy putts up the tier and it rolls back, off the green, down the slope. Chips up to the green. Does it again. And again. 11. Fucking. Times. Didn‘t show a hint of emotion. So I had to respect it. He played the game to a T. We, on the other hand were freezing our balls off.


A guy and his girlfriend and it was her first round on a packed Saturday morning. He would take three or four minutes a shot coaching her on her swing etc. We got yelled at so many times.


that was my brother when we went golfing with his fiance. on the first tee, he helped her line up, stood behind her, verified her stance at address and everything. now he's not the best golfer, he'll break 100 again sometime soon. she was new at golf and was worried she'd slow us down, but honestly she had a better swing than he did. so yea, same deal busy Sunday late morning, by hole 2, he's standing behind her in a bunker *while his ball's in another green side bunker.* I says *dude! she's fine! I'm sure she appreciates the help, but please go play your ball and worry about your own damn swing so we can finish before sunset.* 🤣🏌️⛳ I could tell by the way she looked at me. **THANK YOUUU I DIDNT THINK HE WAS EVER GONNA STOP GIVING ME TIPS** just remembering this, I almost wished Id included it in my wedding speech for them. 🤪


I took my 13 year old son golfing once. It was his first time and to be honest he just wanted to be outside driving the golf cart. We got paired off with an older father and son. I’m guessing the son was about 25. The first couple of holes everything is fine and everyone’s getting along. By hole 5 the father is constantly trying to correct his son’s mistakes. Both of them getting angry with each other and raising their voices. We get to a 200 yard par 3 and the father smokes a shot that looked good but we all lost sight of it in the sun. We get to the hole and we’re looking for the ball and my son says it’s in the hole. The father was over the moon excited. His first HIO in 40 years of golfing. The rest of the round goes great until we get to 18. The father smokes a drive down the fairway and I tee up my shot and hook it into the long fescue and it’s gone forever. The father tosses me a ball and I ask him “this isn’t your HIO ball is it?” He says no that one’s in the fairway. He’s been playing the same ball since the HIO. We get down the fairway to where he hit his ball and it’s gone. We all saw it land but we can’t find it. He goes off on the loudest, angriest racist tirade against Asians that I’ve ever witnessed. He was blaming a Chinese person for picking up his ball. There are a lot of new Chinese people in the area. Anywho. He finally calms down and asks me if I’ll attest to his HIO. I said, of course I will. Worst random I’ve ever been paired with. I had a long talk with my son about racism and assumptions on the way home.


I play alone and get paired with randos every time. I drink six beers don’t give any unsolicited advice and keep things light. I like to think I’m the best rando out to be with. I’m a 15 handicap and hit some PGA tour shots when I’m out there followed by triple bogeys with no meltdowns. It took me 30 years to hone this skill. Motherfuckers should be more like me.


That’s how I am as well. Except lately I’ve been playing 9 holes around 5pm and I usually just get to play it all myself. If I approach a group that wants me to play through I’ll just ask if I can join them. I’m easy going, give compliments, don’t give advice and just shoot my shots and don’t get mad at myself. I’m one of the easiest randos in the world to play with.


The dog thing is annoying, but I kind of expect a lot of people to have no idea what's going on and suck at a par 3 course. That's where people go to learn. Was one of the other randoms with her teaching her things?


Played with a random single who proceeded to top / low hook his first 5 tee shots into the bushes , then decided to start giving us tips on how to play our shots . I had a tough first couple holes , finally I hit an approach shot super pure and the guy said ‘ you know , when you actually make contact with the ball you hit it ok ‘ and drove off in his cart . First time I ever told someone to shut the fuck up on a golf course . Then around hole 12 he started told us that back in the 90s he used to go to long drive competitions with his 3 wood and beat all the long hitters who had drivers . This guy hadn’t hit a drive over 100 yards the entire round lol . He kept proceeding to give us tips the rest of the round , which none of our group listened too . The guy was SO bad at golf.




Fuck Mike


Worst random I’ve played with would continuously tell me how bad he was playing, tell me where to NOT hit my ball, and he also had to backtrack to retrieve his iron covers…


Never trust a golfer with iron covers. They are true golf crazies.


Haha I got my first brand new iron set 3 years ago (Mizuno 921 tours) after playing hand-me-down MP 62s for 10 years. The rattle wear over those 10 years made me nervous and rocked covers from the start to make these last as long as possible. Guess I have to be on my best behavior around y'all!


HS tournament: foursome with two juniors from a neighboring county school and a 6th-grader playing from a school a couple hours away. The juniors and I were all around the same skill level and had a good time. The 6th-grader had no business playing the tips and it showed. He lost easily six balls before we played our last 9 holes. The kid was slowly becoming even more frustrated at the lack of his golf game and started slamming his clubs, crying, being short with us, and making the round miserable. He shanked his tee shot on one of our last holes, and in frustration, threw his hands in the air while still holding his driver. His driver left his hands and flew up the side of a hill and landed in the thorns. The best part came when we signed our scorecards. On one particular hole, I played rather poorly and carded a 9. When we matched up scores, the kid signed my score for that hole as an 11. I only found out about it when I was hanging around at the course for the last of my team to finish and saw my score posted, which was two strokes worse. I challenged the score and was told that I would receive a DQ if I wanted to further challenge the score because it was signed and was supposed to have been verified. It wasn’t worth a disqualification, so I let the score stand, but boy, was I pissed. The little turd had already boarded the bus and left by the time I found out, so there was nothing I could do.


that's kind of insane, why did you put up with it? I would have probably called the club house or just gone ahead.


Played with a guy who had to have been a 30+ handicap (I’m 14hcp) and he spent the entire round giving everything tips on every shot, meanwhile playing terribly himself the entire round. Guys name was Jesus too.


Got paired with a couple jabronis who kept hitting in to the group in front of us. They didn’t seem that in a rush or annoyed with the pace of play. It honestly didn’t even seem intentional. 


I'm hearing about the dog thing more and more. Pure insanity. What happened? We can't say no to selfish people anymore?


That sounds absolutely awful. She needs to have golf etiquette explained.


got paired with a dude who was just racist/homophobic and saying slurs the entire round.




The only random that sticks out is one older guy from back when Obamacare was being developed. On hole 2 or 3 he starts talking about Obamacare, and he's ranting and raving about it like Obama was going to raid his personal life's savings to pay for everyone's health care. I told him I didn't really want to talk about it, and pointed out it was likely months before anything was finalized. He shut up for a couple holes, then started up again, threw in a racist comment for good measure. I told him either he could go ahead, or I would, but I wasn't going to play with him any more. He decided to take his cart and go home. (The course was wide open, so I had the luxury of making that declaration).


Literally just got home from a 5 hour round with two old guys and their elderly friend with dementia. The nicest friendliest coolest and best player was the demented one and he kept catching shit from his other buddies for teeing up at the wrong markers and forgetting which ball was his. At the 13th there was a wait, the two literally said they were done and drove off without him. I suggested, hey bud maybe you wanna catch up with your buddies, and he replied “you wanna continue play? I’ll play with you”. Fuck yes I do. We finished 13-16 as a twosome, then he lost his first ball somewhere in a findable place and said he was calling it, shook my hand and remembered my name. I’ll never forget it. Good to meet you, George.


Can I be opposite? I once played with a random who ended up being a golf teacher. He pulled out cigars on the 2nd hole, fixed my swing, and I hit the ball great the whole day. We ripped shots of tequila at the 9th hole and finished the round in under four hours. I'll probably never see that guy ever again but he will remain a legend in my mind forever.


The worst was a couple years ago getting paired with these 2 older guys. The one guy was fine, his buddy not so much. I'd hit a poor shot not a duff or top but a wipe shot "Gotta keep your head down." One hole is a shortish par 4 but not driveable but I still pulled driver because there is no real danger left or right with hazards and data tells you the closer you are to the hole the better your birdie/par chances. "You don't need driver on this hole. Just hit an iron and have a full wedge in." Had to make a comment on the Super Stroke putting grip (stock by the way on my TM Spider). "You kids and those huge grips thinking you are going to be on tour someday." At the turn he went to the halfway house for a beer and hotdog and his buddy clearly embarrassed apologized and said he could tell he was getting on my nerves. In the end I shot a 86 which isn't a bad score for me on that course and I'm sure he shot no better than 100 so I just sort of tuned him out the rest of the way.


Not myself but my golf partner told me a story about a random she got paired up with last week. He was an older guy and he kept picking up her ball and throwing it to her I guess because he thought she was slow (She is pretty good and keeps a good pace). Apparently he only paid for 9 but proceeded to do 18 with her constantly picking up her ball and moving it for the entire round....


You’ve got to be kidding…? After the first time I would have said: “Don’t touch my golf ball again”


I legitimately would have yelled at him. I simple cannot fathom not doing something to either stop him or leave the situation


Maybe I would be pissed too, but I think I would start videoing. This sounds like YT gold. I played with a guy about 25 years ago, he had a big straw hat like Thurston Howell. He was mid-30's to mid-40's. His pre-shot routine took 1-2 minutes for every shot including putting. He mishit about 75-85%. He was a bit of an arrogant shit as well. If I had ever been paired with again, I would have either gotten out ahead of him or gotten a refund and gone elsewhere.


Technically not a pairing but worst golf was behind a foursome at a par 3. 4 young females, sharing a bag of clubs. Imaging 4 different balls going 10-20 yards per actual hit after 2-3 swings each. Then the confusion on which ball to go after as they were sharing clubs. Second hole plays back to first hole and I saw the people in front of them done. Called the club and they were refunded and asked to leave. Paired up with? Random 50 year old who stated he wanted to get better and try to make the tour. Wasn’t a bad golfer (prob 10-15 handicap) but a little unrealistic. Then every shot he hit bad was not his fault and he knew why he did it. But then he would take so much glee in me and my buddies missed shots. Add in the racial slurs about the group in front of us and it was the longest 18 of my life.


Played at one of the Disney courses and got paired with a father son duo. The son was cool, but the dad was an absolute douchebag to the course staff and the people ahead of us. He got so frustrated at one point at the pace of play (which was completely normal btw) that he went to one of the Marshalls and bitched so much that they let us play through just to shut this guy up. When we were passing the Marshall he was like “I’m so sorry you have to deal with this guy on such a beautiful day.” On hole 17 or 18 the dad started talking about how if they didn’t get credits for having to put up with how awful the pace was he was going to be even angrier. Dude was awful, and it’s honestly made me hesitant on going to a course where I could get force paired ever again.


The meme for this thread…what me and my three buddies send each other when one can’t make it and we know we’ll get a rando thrown in… https://preview.redd.it/2v17k5xjrm4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=475b2ecf34d6f39be00c90779002d851f1ea2cb8


Is was paired with a guy who was really bad at golf. No issue with that at all. Where I took issue was in the fact that he kept finding fault in all of my good shots. I hit a 5 iron from further than he could hit his driver, over water to about 25 feet and he said, "oh wow, you were lucky to get over the water there. You should have laid up". Just shit like that all day. As a guy who's been around a lot of singles, I could tell from his swing that he was physically incapable of compressing the ball. Again, no issue with that but when he told us he recently went to see a pro and he basically said there's "nothing to fix", I rolled my eyes so hard I nearly blinded myself. The kicker was that he told a very long story that involved his attempt to fulfil a life goal of owning an ivory chess set (abhorrent) that seemed like a very thinly veiled excuse to educate me about how you can't trust Indians (equally abhorrent).


Anyone else getting stressed out reading these comments?


He's not a random, but there's a member of our club we call the coach. Everyone hates playing with him for reasons i'll explain, but because he has no mates he'll just randomly join an open slot in comp tee times, so you never know when you'll be saddled with him. This guy is in his 60s, a 17 HCP, hits the ball really well off the tee and approach to be fair, rest of his game is abhorrent. Uses 5 different putters depending on the day and can't hit any of them, blades every chip. But the best thing is he has bunker yips, and hits every bunker shot 1 handed...its a sight to behold. Now all this would be fine, but this 17hcp hacker cannot help himself but say to everyone he plays with: "I can see what you are doing wrong" "Have you thought about trying this" "You're trying to hit the ball too hard i think" He'll also talk to "your" ball all day too. SIT, GET RIGHT, BLOW WIND. Mate its my ball, it doesn't listen to me, its not gonna listen to you He's a rapid fire, excitable talker too, so it gets on your nerves. You have to literally tell him to go away or he'll keep it up all day


I was playing with a friend and got paired up with a father and son combo. I remember the kids name was Ryan. They were both decent players, but the father was totally overbearing, coaching and correcting his son on every shot. About halfway round, my friend turned to me and said these two should do a golf instructional DVD and call it 'Saving Par With Ryan' !


A conspiracy theorist believing, Trump supporting, stop the steal touting, loud, angry 20 something who shouted his beliefs from start to finish.


Played with a guy that got progressively more drunk and angry throughout the round and the worse it got the louder he played his music. It got to a point where he was blasting it at what seemed like max volume and he was drunk to the point where he couldn’t even hit the ball and would yell after each miss. I didn’t walk off but was rushing to finish each hole before he got up to the green so I didn’t have to putt with the music in the background.


Played with a guy with brand new Taylor Mades and probably a $400 outfit - missed the ball off the first tee


Me and my buddy got paired with two random old fuckers at a cheaper course that was running 6 minute splits on a Saturday so needless to say it was packed and playing slow. We get to the first tee box a couple minutes early and they roll up right behind us, we tried to introduce ourselves and all they said was “why haven’t you hit yet. Again we’re a couple minutes early and there’s a group of old ladies in the fairway. They kept telling us to hit into them but we wouldn’t, same thing once we were like 50 yards out and they were on the green. Somehow they ended up splitting off from us so on the next hole we hit alone, as soon as the old lady’s step off the green I’m ready to take my second shot I’m in my backswing and a ball comes rolling past my feet. I just shake it off make my shot and we finish the hole. Third hole now same thing but to my buddy, he’s about to swing and here comes a ball right next to us. Keep in mind we’re hitting as soon as the group ahead is out of the way, they also weren’t playing like super slow they were keeping a good pace. Anyways my buddy turns around drops a ball and fires one back at them. It didn’t happen again and we didn’t see them again after the third hole. I’m not sure if we were in the right but I’m not going to hit into a group of old ladies who are actually moving along, they weren’t just chipping away at the hole. I probably wouldn’t hit into anyone anyways I’d just go around if they were the only hold up. If you’re not ok with playing a slow pace don’t play a cheap course in a big city on a Saturday with 6 minute splits.


I was playing with this guy and his kid. Standard chit chat, first couple holes go just fine. Kid hits a bad shot and starts banging his club on the ground and pouting. Dad starts yelling at him, kid starts crying. Then dad starts hitting bad shots and banging his club into the ground. Dad and kid are both yelling at each other at this point. This continues for the remaining four holes on the front nine. If they both hadn't dipped after nine, I was going to. The apple never falls far from the tree...


Paired with a guy that was playing the up tees so I thought okay cool this guy gets it because he's not playing the tips and knows where to play from. But this guy sucked. He'd want me to tee off when people were still in my range and he refused to tee off before me despite him being a shorter hitter than me from the up tees. Told him multiple times to hit if he was ready and they were out of his range. On par 4s if we were hitting our approach shots, he'd say things like "you think you're gonna get on the green? I'd just go" Anytime I'd do something well he'd be condescending, and he'd passive aggressively celebrate any bad shots I hit. I've played with some annoying randoms, but this guy was the worst. Like he was almost upset that there are people who have the audacity to be better than him at golf.


I got paired once with an antisemitic guy named Adolph. Can’t make this shit up. I later saw him at another muni in the area two years later.


Showed up to play an afternoon round with my buddy as a twilight 2some on like a Thursday. This scrawny middle aged dude was lingering around the putting green smoking and I had bad feeling he would try to join us. Sure enough - HEY THERE IM JERRY YEA ANYWAYS LETS PAIR UP WADDYA SAY HAHA BY THE WAY, I GOT A GOOD ONE FOR YA, WADDYA CALL… I say hey no thanks, we have a match going. This dude goes, no BS, right into a long drawn out 2minute PENIS joke 10 seconds into meeting us He didn’t take no for an answer, and we were stuck with Mr Anti Comedian loud cigarette guy Jerry for 4 hours. By the back 9, I had stopped acknowledging his comments, but the round was already lost as he stole any positive vibes before we even teed off. My buddy put his headphones in at one point bc it was so bad, and there was zero fun to be had with this hack joker and hack golfer. Damn that guy This was 10 years ago, and to this day I still look back and think he was the worst ever


I may have just read her rebuttal…. something about you playing a PAR 3 along a road and you shanked one into a car. Blamed it on the Chihuahua but the 8 lane Beltway is so loud you couldn’t possibly hear the little yip. I just don’t know who to believe…


Was she hot?


Just last week was one of the worst. Me and my brother are both just getting back into playing after about a 6 year hiatus or so. Met one guy and introduced ourselves and he seemed like a really nice older guy to us(we’re 34/39 and this guy was probably late 60s maybe early 70s) we explain to him we’re going to suck but we just play ready golf and won’t hold them up. Then we meet his playing partner and could tell right away this guy was a condescending prick(on the 3rd hole I’m looking at my watch for distance and he hits me with ‘whaddya got one of those 10 year old golf watches’ like dude just because I’m younger and worse at golf doesn’t mean I’m poor and can’t afford nice things, I might not have a $400 range finder but I’m wearing an $800 Apple Watch and playing golf on a Friday morning just like you buddy) After a couple 8s we all hit our tee shots and and he gets in the cart and says “think this is where we’re gonna lose you guys. Maybe you can jump with the group behind us, think you guys will enjoy yourselves more” we proceeded to have to wait for these 2 for the entire rest of the day because the group in front of them wouldn’t let them play through. Despite all the waiting we still finished our round in 4hrs on the dot and the guy wound up being right, it was much more enjoyable not playing with him.


Thats insanely annoying, and walk off was merited… but don’t blame a dog for hoseling the ball. Thats on you, own it.


Walked with strangers only three times. Three times i liked it. Went surfing day after with the third dude lol


I got paired with what I thought was another twosome. A man and his wife. Unfortunately for me, I showed up later than them and they grabbed the last cart available. No biggie, I keep my pushcart in my trunk so I just grabbed that. As he takes off to 1 tee, i notice there's only one bag on his cart. Sure enough, the wife had no intention of playing and I had to walk all 18 in 95 degree Georgia heat on a very hilly course. By the end, I was extremely nauseous and puked on the way to 16 or 17 and dude laughed at me. Not my finest moment, but after the round he came in for the customary handshake and I told him to go fuck himself.