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I have a sun mountain stand bag. It’s great. I actually prefer to carry it rather than use a push cart because I find a push cart wears me out (mostly my shoulders) more than carrying


Yup I have a sun mountain stand bag. Easy to carry, about 3 lbs. Only problem I had with it was it took awhile to adjust the straps comfortably.


That’s fascinating. Definitely opposite to my experience and what I hear from others. When you’ve used a cart has it been a modern 3 wheel push one with decent wheels and bearings, or a 2 wheel pull one?


Is a nice cart, three wheels and bearings—a Caddytek. I dunno what it is, and realize I’m in the minority here, but I feel much more fatigued on holes 15-18 when pushing a cart. Also it’s only the weight of the bag and clubs, a small bottle of water, 4-5 golf balls, a wind breaker, a spare glove, and a pocket of tees. I’m not hauling around a bunch of beers, 75 balls, a speaker, range finder, etc. so maybe that makes a difference


You're out there raw dogging the course only carrying 4-5 spare balls. I carry a spare dozen just in case things go South


I dunno what it is, and realize I’m in the minority here, but I feel much more fatigued on holes 15-18 when pushing a cart. My experience when I tried it at my (hilly) course. I don't get the same issue at my mates flat one


I feel like this is a thing on some hilly courses. Wheels work fantastically on the cart path, but your day gets 2x harder in muddy/wet/soft conditions.


Totally fair. Odd but I mean do whatever works best for you!


I think the biggest factor is how heavy the bag is and how much stuff is in there. An additional 5-10 pounds on a pushcart doesn’t make that much of a difference when pushing it, but it would make a huge difference if you are carrying.


Yep!! The brake on my clicgear broke so I have been carrying my sun mountain stand bag and it has felt great. But, as it gets hotter where I live I will probably switch back so I can carry more water.


Same. Had a pushcart and ditched it because I always seemed to tire out before I could finish 18. I think part of it was me thinking that since I wasn’t carrying my bag I could load more stuff into it. Plus having to lock/unlock the brake got annoying after a while


Yep, overloading is easier when you know you’re not carrying the bag. Courses in my area also do not cut a path from the tee to the fairway, so it’s 40-60 yards of thick, wet rough to push the cart through on every hole. And hills. I have found carrying much easier when trekking through tall grass and up/down hills.


Was pushcart last year. Bought a Mizuno carry bag. This is the way. My course has some hills. I find it easier to carry.


Exactly this. Carrying for me is beneficial for center of gravity vs push cart, particularly when ascending/descending hills.


Carrying works against you for the centre of gravity on the way up but is easier on the way down. Was thinking of replacing the locking hand brake on my push cart with a spare mtb cable brake lever for the way down because we have one extremely hilly course on the mountain near me.


Carts are better for me here in FL. No elevation to worry about. Just can’t use it this time of year.


How is the Mizzy bag, I have been thinking of going back to carrying but I need something light with good straps. The worst part of carrying is I feel it can wear out your shoulders and it’s a bit hard on my back. Pushing a cart up hills is a complete bitch but at least I have an umbrella for shade.


The Mizuno BR-D2 is the perfect inbetween a sunday bag and a regular stand bag. Fits my entire set perfectly


Push carts are better cause you can carry more stuff and they have cup holders. Bags are best if your playing twilight and want to sprint through 18


Love the bag. Well designed and light weight with really good straps.


I bought a sun mountain carry bag at the thrift store for $7 to try it Super easy with backpack style straps


What a steal!


Same, still use my push cart for some things but prefer to carry. Pushing a cart is more strain on my back on hilly courses, id rather carry most days.


I carry my Vessel player III, and it's on the heavy side. About 22 lbs plus whatever water I carry. 60 yo, and I've carried about 14 rounds in the last two months.


Yup, I carry my Vessel bag too. Not sure which model (VLS?). There are lighter bags out there (Sun Mountain), but the Vessel is just really well made. And in the off season, I just take a few clubs out to lighten the bag.


I wanna be like you when I grow up


You're not alone.


I have a carry bag from Vice but am also part of the push cartel. I also have a Vice Pencil bag and sometimes enjoy just going out with a 5H, 8I, 50, 58, and putter.


Do you guys beef with the push cart mafia a lot?


No beef since the 10th hole truce a year ago.


You were there too?


Definitely. My Ping Hoofer Lite is getting heavier with age.  I switch to an Inesis Ultralight often.  Cobra Ultralight Sunday has my interest as well. 


I have the cobra ultra light. I carry and love it. It’s tight to fit a full set, but it fits. I have also had Ping hoofer, but prefer the lighter smaller cobra


Callaway bags can be a bit heavy, especially if you are using one with 14 club dividers. Lightest bag that I have used is Sun Mountain 2.5. Less than 3 pounds and I believe the also have a version with 14 way top if you prefer that.


Doesn't matter how light the bag is when you stuff 8 beers in it 😂


Yeah but it gets so light by the end of the round!


Push cart, push cart, push cart. There is no reason to carry a bag. It doesn’t make you tougher, it doesn’t make you better. All it does is just put undue stress on your back and body. Get (or rent) a push cart and enjoy the experience!


I walk all of my rounds and prefer to carry my bag but I also usually take out 2-3 clubs to lighten the load. The course that I play is hilly and there are a few holes on a pretty steep incline that is a real pain to try to use a push cart on. 100% agree that if you are having any sort of pain or challenges carrying, then do not hesitate to use a push cart if that will make things more enjoyable.


Push cart sucks for hilly courses, makes the walk harder than carrying. Top comment poster is clearly a shill for Big Push Cart (or Big Trolley if you're from the UK)


I agree. It’s way easier to carry on a hilly course.


One course where I live has a par 5 that is up a steep ass hill and using a push cart on it is a pain in the ass, when I hit my second shot I have to take a few min just to catch my breath and let my muscles recoup. It's a bit easier carrying




Pretty sure someone posted some sort of study showing you actually burn more calories using a push cart than carrying. Could be wrong. When I get some free time I’ll see if I can find it and edit my comment to either confirm or deny it.


There are conflicting studies out there. Inconclusive, but they seem somewhat similar in both studies TBH. Carry is harder: [https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/ijesab/vol2/iss12/69/](https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/ijesab/vol2/iss12/69/) Push is harder: [https://researchonline.ljmu.ac.uk/id/eprint/17737/1/Assessment%20of%20activity%20energy%20expenditure%20during%20competetive%20golf.pdf](https://researchonline.ljmu.ac.uk/id/eprint/17737/1/Assessment%20of%20activity%20energy%20expenditure%20during%20competetive%20golf.pdf) My 2 cents: I think hills and rough are tough with the cart. Walking is tough because you have to pick up, put down the bag. These probably net out similarly.


Thanks for posting these. I’m personally a push carter even if it is maybe harder because for me I’d rather expend a little more energy pushing than putting the strain on my back. Also my bag is a pretty heavy cart bag so maybe if feel different if I had a proper carry bag.


100%. I like carrying, but I have a good carry bag and keep junk from accumulating in it.




I remember that post. Iirc you burn more calories simply from the act of pushing. It requires more effort. Carrying is more efficient for the body from an exertion standpoint. It really makes sense when you think about the effort to push a cart up a hill rather than simply walking up it with a backpack strapped on. Personally I’ll take the extra exertion over the strain I feel in my shoulders and back from hoisting/carrying. I can’t seem to get the straps dialed in.


> I can’t seem to get the straps dialed in. I've got an old as hell Nike stand bag and by god the straps are terrible. When I use it, I wind up just carrying it half the time because if I've got less than 150 yards to walk, it's not worth the hassle but I don't exactly feel like upgrading when I just bought a new push cart and cart bag. Hashtag golfproblems


Lol this is my excuse for extra snacks. "I walk a bunch for golf, I can eat more ice cream"


I actually play better carrying. Pushing the cart creates more tension and fatigue in my shoulders and sometimes upper back. Double strap bags are all pretty comfortable and ergonomic now. It also seems that when you rest your arms slightly behind you on the bag, like many do, it helps keep your arms, shoulders, and chest stretched.


Disagree. I enjoy the exercise I get from carrying. You do it enough and your legs and core get strong enough that it doesn’t feel like a burden. I just feel strong.


I’ve carried my whole life, but renectly it’s been causing some light sciatica on my right side for some reason. I have no problems after a round pushing a cart. It’s also not from general lack of fitness or flexibility, I trail run 7 -14 miles twice a week with 2800 to 4200 feet of elevation gain.


That sucks! I’ll cross that bridge if I ever get there. I love carrying and will do it until my body no longer lets me.


Hard disagree. Lots of courses have shortcuts between holes you can take carrying but not with a push cart. Also no messing around with brakes and the like on hills. Carrying is the way.


Carrying with comfortable, padded backpack straps is 100% better than a push cart (to me). Edit: spelled cart wrong


Totally agree. I barely feel the weight of my bag when I carry it like a backpack. I also love that backpacking my golf bag lets me have free use of my hands. I've been anti-push cart because I generally hate pushing anything with wheels (shopping carts, strollers, etc.), but my husband just got us really nice push carts that fit a golf umbrella for shade, so I'm willing to at least try it out this weekend. I have a feeling I'll still prefer to backpack my bag in the colder months when I don't need shade though.


Push carts suck to navigate around cart path curbs, ropes, wet ground, and up hills. If you're reasonably fit with an appropriate bag, then carrying isn't taxing.


That’s why you will have small calves


Not true in all cases. I carry a Sunday bag that fits five-six clubs well. That light load makes it convenient to carry- perfect for mid-week practice rounds.


Thank you, sir.


I think fairway 14 stand bag is one of the best bags even if you use push cart or cart. Enough room for all utilities, not that heavy and legs are great when you go to range or want to leave it standing for a while. It has all the benefits of cart and stand bags.


> It doesn’t make you tougher, it doesn’t make you better. gets you in better shape


For my rather hilly home course I usually find carrying less stressful for me than my push cart. On flat ground the push cart is easier no question, but going up or down steep hills I'd rather just be carrying.


Walk probably 90% or more of my rounds. Used a push cart once last year because I hurt my back and didn’t want to stress it carrying. Absolutely hated it, so much more of a pain than carrying it.


Push carts are miserable too if the course isn’t flat. Spend the money on a motorized caddy


I use golf as training for backpacking.


I commented earlier that I would never use one. If you’re young and healthy and have no medical issues, you should never use a push cart. I see a lot of younger people using one and it really surprises me.


I use a very lightweight stand bag and either carry or ride depending on what else I’ve got going on that day. I had a push cart for awhile which was great on flatter course but I’m in the camp that actually finds carrying easier on very hilly courses. Just need to get a light bag and not fill it up with lots of crap. I’ve got a Vessel VLS stand bag.


My home course is one where most people walk, and 90+% of people walking are using some kind of push cart, or at the very least using the crappy $2 rental from the course.


I carry have a Titleist 4 way sta dry and a leather sub mountain Sunday.


The Fairway 14 is a beast. I switched from that to the Callaway Hyperlite. It now has the rubber over mold on the divider so no more cheap cloth or mesh falling apart in 1/2 a season.


The Fairway 14 is about 6 pounds, which isn't terribly heavy, but that weight adds up over the round. There are lighter stand/carry bags out there: * [Callaway Hyperlite](https://www.golfgalaxy.com/p/callaway-2021-hyperlite-zero-double-strap-stand-bag-21cwyahyprltzrxxxbag/21cwyahyprltzrxxxbag) - 3 lbs * [TaylorMade Flextech](https://www.golfgalaxy.com/p/taylormade-2024-flextech-superlite-stand-bag-24tymu2024flxtchsbaga/24tymu2024flxtchsbaga) - 3.5 lbs * [Maxfli Honors Lite](https://www.golfgalaxy.com/p/maxfli-2024-honors-lite-stand-bag-23maxmmxflhnrsltsbag/23maxmmxflhnrsltsbag) - 4lbs Those are just some examples. There are plenty of others.


I recently started walking with a reduced amount of clubs. Just walked 9, I only brought 6 clubs and it makes it super light and enjoyable. Even adding a six pack to the bag cooler is still noticeably lighter than carrying all my clubs.


Join the push cartel. Push carts are life.


Ghost bag (basically a Vessel Player II) works great for me in all 3 scenarios. Carry, push cart, riding cart. I specifically looked for a bag that could work for all when I bought it.


Push cart for me (61). I need plenty of water in the Texas heat.


I carry a stand bag But I'll also use a push cart It depends on the weather. If its failry windy, or the conditions are wet, then I'll carry. If its hot then I'll push.


The Costco Pebble Beach Bag. Lightest bag I've ever had, I love it.


The original Jones carry bag is very light and comfortable. Single strap, but it's a perfect strap - feels better to me than a double strap ever did. It's unstructured with no stand, so you have to put it on the ground, but the benefit is it feels better against your body than a more rigid bag does. Classic bag, can't recommend enough.


Sun Mountain 2.5. Can barely feel it.


I’ve done it once because the course told me there would be carts and there wasn’t. It’s not the weight, it’s the lack of stand that really sucks. You have to find a flat spot on the ground or it will tip over. It was very frustrating. I have a carry back with back pack straps and a stand, and it’s night and day.


Well shit, I walked 18 for the first time in a LONG time a week ago in \~90+ degree heat and instantly came home and bought a push cart. My back was tightening up enough for me to lose a good amount of yardage by the last few holes from carrying (and probably because the last time I carried was a decade ago). Hoping the push cart isn't worse, if so there will be a slightly used cart for sale coming soon.


I have the Sunday Golf El Camino bag and I love it. Got it last year on their Father’s Day sale (it’s back currently) for like $150 ish. It’s a “10 club” bag but I’ve got 13 ish in there now and it’s not too bad to carry. Only weighs like 3-4 pounds empty so when it’s filled up it dosent get too heavy


Thanks for repping our El Camino bag - thrilled to hear you're living it! Appreciate you! 👊


Ping moonlite is primo walking bag. Can hold a full set with a little tangle but is the weight of a damn grocery bag


If you have to carry, the Sun Mountain 2.5 seems to be the lightest out there. But like everyone else has pointed out, push cart is really the way to go. I have friends that don't like managing them, especially on hilly courses, but I switched to push cart during Covid and can't imagine going back to carrying.


I’ve got a sun Mountain C130 and usually ride but when I do walk, probably once a month, I throw it in the push cart I ordered from Costco and it works great.


I picked up the Stitch bag from Costco, and although it has way less storage I love it because it is so light compared to my old bag (Nike) and is a breeze to carry and even pushes easier. I don't think I'll go back to overstuffing a bag full of shit anymore, regardless if I don't stick with the Stitch forever.


I have a Sun Mountain Sync I use for my push cart, but this season I've gone back to my 2.5+ carry bag and have just been carrying. It's light enough and I'm in good enough shape that it doesn't feel any harder on me. The only advantage of the push cart is being able to put more drinks in the bag, but I've been happy enough just refilling a water bottle at the course coolers instead of drinking 2 or 3 Gatorades.


41. I carry for some extra exercise about 50% of the time with the other 49% being push cart. I have a stitch SL2 which is light, doesn't have a lot of space for unnecessary junk and fully loaded tips the scales at 20-23 lbs. I have tees, sunscreen, a small tube of gold bond, 6-8 balls, a small light well that first aid kit, water bottle, towel, and rangefinder. I don't find it any harder on my back and I love the simplicity of carrying. It just feels very pure, not a lot of extraneous bits to worry about. FYI I mostly do this in fall and spring. During the heat of summer I bring extra water which necessitates the push cart. Lots of light weight bags out there but only a few good and durable ones ones.


If you’re intent on carrying I like the Ping Hoofer light. Definitely spring for a push cart if you can. Saves a lot of back strain.


Ping for life.


Hoofer lite has been my go-to basically forever


I walk every round I play. I have a maxfli honors bag. It weights about 6 pounds. But once loaded with clubs, balls, water, food, sunscreen, and other gear. It’s not light. My advice if you are not used to walking a full 18 try walking 9. Great workout but your game will suffer. Also helps a lot if your bag has nice straps.   


I alternate between a titleist players 4 carbon and a ping hoofer lite. The Titleist is my go to when the weather is nice and I don’t need to carry much other than a water bottle and change of socks. The Ping has way more storage and is subbed in when the weather may call for a rain jacket or if I’m going on a golf trip and need extra storage. Both are great for walking 18.


The mizuno K1LO is great. I've always used carry/stand bags and this is the best I've found that is both lightweight but has all the functions and capacity I want.


I have a sun mountain 3.5LS from a couple of years ago and it’s great, super light and not too big. With all of my clubs, balls, and a water bottle it weighs maybe 15-18Lbs


I got a nice push cart (step above the rental ones) that carries EVERYTHING I take with me. It's almost less work than a power cart.


I carry my bag, an old Dunlop one. I'm carrying a few short of 14 clubs and I only bring the essentials I need.


I got the vessel pencil and only carry 7 clubs. Scores aren’t noticeably higher than my full bag rounds but I like the challenge and brings out creativity.


I carry a caraway stand bag. Dont ever really get concerned about weight I'm 6'3'' 200 and love a heavy workout.


I have a ping hoofer lite bag. Love it


I use a stand bag and walk. Its great.


Sun Mountain carry but most people use trolley now. Even the juniors are using them.


I like my titleist linkmaster.


Love my back pack bag. There's nothing like the sound of the clubs clicking and clacking as you walk. Or, stretching out your arm over your clubs as you contemplate why you love something you're so terrible at.


I used to use a traditional 14-way Ogio stand bag. Just got a Ping Hoofer Lite bag this year and makes a huge difference! Would HIGHLY recommend a Hoofer Lite bag and continue to carry every round!


I switched from stand bag with the kick out legs to a cart bag a year ago. When I do walk I use a push cart. I appreciate the extra space and storage provided by the cart bag vs. stand bag.


I got a push cart this season because I love walking 9 holes whenever I can. It was $100 on Amazon and easy to fold up and takes up little trunk space. Cart fee is $6 per 9 holes, so by 15 rounds (9holes) I’ll be even. I have an older TaylorMade stand bag but I don’t think it’s too heavy to carry on its own.


Always carried, always stand bag


I carry a Jones Trouper 3. Very light, straps take some getting used to, but I really like it


My Titleist stand bag normally rides on the push cart. I really only carry on a short 9 hole local muni.


I used to carry a light sun mountain bag but switched to a push cart. Though I do use my Sunday bag on occasion and carry that. I mostly stopped so I could use the push cart with an umbrella, but then I just preferred it, kept my back from hurting towards the end of a round to push instead of carry.


I use the Sun Mountain 2.5. Great light stand bag for when I want to walk. Plenty of pockets for when I want to fill them up for a cart day. It's a really nice quality bag


I'm #teamcarry. I bought a Titliest Player 4 Carbon last year and it's been great. Had a Ping Hoofer before. Id recommend both if you want to carry more.


Ping hoofers old style are the best. The new ones are ok but the peak was the mid 2000s hoofer.


Titleist LINKSLEGEND bags are great. Bit on the pricey side but it’s the best carry bag I’ve ever owned


Walk and carry all day. I have a Mizuno carry stand bag. Most guys walking and carrying are just using the standard stand bag. The staff bags are useless if you're carrying.


I carry a sun mountain 2.5. it's not worth the moth but its light. Ping hoofer probably is the most popular walker bag.


You’ll be fine your bag is 6lbs. Most of your weight is what’s in your bag, water, balls, clubs, gear, other junk. If you’re worried about your bag being too heavy, clean it out.


Push carts for ever. I did the carry bag as a teen but that was when my back was strong and mind weak. Push carts are relatively cheap, easy to store and will save you pain and time. Do it.


I carry my Jones bag and love it. Used a sun mountain for 12 years and it was fantastic too. I carry 90% of my rounds.


I still carry a stand bag. We’re a dying breed. I mostly do it because cheap ass courses charge a fee for the pushcarts and I’m not going to buy my own. My bag is a Nike. I don’t know if it’s light or heavy.. I manage.


I use an old sun mountain 3.5, it’s wicked light but I’m sure a ping crazelite would be ideal too The real weight saver is not having a 3 wood 4iron and 4 wedges in the bag though Oh and 40 golf balls


My Ping Hoofer Lite is pretty light and easy to carry if I don't take too many balls and other shit that I usually have in my bag for riding, but I do prefer to push cart just to avoid the strain on my back.


I walk and carry with a normal stand bag all the time. I have a push cart and it is fine sometimes but I actually don’t like using it on particularly hilly courses. I feel like pushing them up hills is a bigger pain in the ass than just carrying it.


I have never encountered any lunatic that walked a course with a traditional stand bag.


Ping hoofer monsoon for me. My area has its fair share of hilly courses and i play as long as there is no lightning, so i use the waterproof version of the ping hoofer, and i love it


Any Ping Hoofers out there? Love my bag.


Ping hoofer for me always


Im push cart mafia and do not understand those saying carrying is easier. I am 30 and very active, i do crossfit, i just did murph with the 20 pound weight vest this year in under an hour which is a brutal workout. I can run and lift weights well, but i like to do that when im doing crossfit. I can carry my bag and do sometimes. Carrying is still undoubtedly harder for me and i notice the weight of the straps a little bit towards the end of a round. My home course is hilly and i still prefer the push cart! Props to all those carrying but there is a reason pros dont carry their own bags if you are really trying to play your best


Titleist players 4 is pretty light. A bit tight on storage though if you have a full 14 clubs plus extra stuff you like to carry around.


Lightweight Titleist bag. As others have said, easier than push carts when there are hills. Also, carrying your clubs is the look of a young, powerful college player confidently striding the course (in my mind, anyway). When I get really old, I’ll buy an electric bag carrier that follows me. A friend has one and directs it with a remote. I want an autonomous one with AI that follows me around, suggests the club to use and occasionally encourages me with anything but “get in the hole”.


Bought a second hand stand bag. It is great


For 9 hole executive courses I love carrying my small bag with 4 or 5 clubs


I have a ping hoofer 14 way. I do really like it but also the dividers aren’t full length so that’s a bit annoying. Other than that it’s great


I used a ping hoofer lite for years. Started having knee pain did pt and switched to a push cart this season


I use a Ping Moonlite for all rounds including cart.


I alternate between bag carry and my push cart. My carry bag is the Sun Mountain 4.5s 14 Way, it only weighs about 5.4lbs empty. I also have a Sunday golf bag to carry for Par3/executive courses that I only need 4/5 clubs for.


I carried a Ping Hoofer for the last 4 years, but this year my lower back doesn’t enjoy it, even with the light weight. So, this year is a push cart, while it sucks up hill my lower back feels so pressure.


I have the same bag and regularly walk - if you’re not a fat lazy fuck you should be fine. I mean I’m a fat lazy fuck and I manage


I love the Sun Mountain 2.5L bags. They are super light and I’ve been using mine for a couple years now. When I played on my high school team last year they used Ping bags which were a bit more durable but also weren’t as light. I’d recommend either of those


sun mountain has some nice bags that are lightweight that I'd imagine you should have no issue finding in a store. My advice is to go and pop a few on your shoulder and walk around with them. The strap design, how it hangs on your body, wehether or not it's bouncing/rubbing against your body in annoying ways because of the pockets, etc. matters more than .5-1 lb difference. most bags for carrying weigh around 3-4lbs. but, just like anything you "wear" i can't tell you what will be comfortable to you. you can shed the .5-1 lbs difference by carrying 6 balls instead of 12 or leaving a club out if that extra makes a difference but comfort plays way more of a factor in how heavy it feels than the actual weight itself.


My Sun Mountain 2.5 is great. Light, sturdy, water bottle pocket in convenient place. Love it


Are we talking about the bags with the legs that kick out? If so that’s what I use. I walk 9 and only ride for 18


Carry titleist player 4 bag with single shoulder strap, driver, 3 irons, 2 wedges, putter. 10-15 balls and we’re off


hoofer 4 life!


Ping moonlite forever


Me!!! Still back packing my clubs all over the course of I’m getting to old for it now and looking for a cheap cart


Do yourself a solid and just go buy a Ping bag, they have a couple for carrying pending how light you are actually trying to go. If you can find one that has 2 seperate straps that your cross over your back, not this new fangles strap bullshit they have nowadays. They are by far the lightest and most comfortable to carry bags out there and its not even close. I have owned probably 10 ping bags over the last almost 30 years and i still have every single one and outside one ripped pocket and one where the stand mechanism came off the plastic bottom, i could pull out every single one and use it tomorrow. Plus you can get some cool prints nowadays, i have one with flowers all over it like the old school ping hats from the 90’s and i have another that has stars all over it that is really cool as well.


Ping Hoofer Lite is what you’re looking for. It’s great


I just use a stand bad when I walk


Ping Hoofer Lite here. Love it. No push cart, just carry it around.


I use a titleist linkslegend back w my push cart and it isnt too heavy to carry either. Look for a sale the full price is insane


The electric trolley would be ideal for me. But for now, my pushcart stays home and I carry


I just use a lay it on the ground Powerbilt bag. My grandfather could walk 18 with a shoulder bag until he was 80. I plan to do the same. I just watch out for goose poop when I'm laying it down.


I typically carry because when I got back into golf I was trying to spend as little money as possible and couldn’t afford a push cart. Jones Co. makes some awesome extremely light bags. For 3 season I had the Original Jones which was awesome. Weighed like 2 pounds and made carry super easy (and was cheap as hell). It didn’t have a stand though so after 3 seasons I upgraded to the Classic Stand Bag. It had a stand but is only slightly heavier(still cheap). It’s been awesome. A big thing for me when I switched to carrying was just being more conscious about what I have and absolutely need in my bag to make it lighter.


Ping hoofer lite Push cart from costco


I use a traditional stand bag and I think it's great. The weight keeps my shoulders warm and I noticed that my striking is noticeably better when I walk and use my stand bag than when I'm driving around in a cart.


I have an older but quality Sun Mountain bag and carry 98% of the time. Push carts are annoying and more difficult to navigate a course with.


Rocking one of the PXG bags. Really not bad. I carried 12 clubs, 4 sleeves of balls, an 18 oz yeti, and all the other usual crap for 18 the other day and didn't have an issue.


Hot take: carrying is easier than using a push cart. I’ve got a Jones.


I use a Titleist stand bag that is not their lightest offering... But it works. Just manage how many extra balls/stuff you have and you'll be fine.


Here in the UK (or at least at my course) 90% of people use stand bag varying for huge ones to tiny ones. Once you're actually out there the weight of the bag doesn't make a huge difference since your clubs weigh the same no matter what


I carry my ping hoofer . It is great. Get the 6 not the 14.


I carry my ping hoofer . It is great. Get the 6 not the 14.


You'll never find a carry bag light enough that it makes carrying a no-brainer. Fact of the matter is that clubs and balls are like 2/3 of the weight. Best you can do is either suck it up (not usually problem if you're young or very fit), or empty some things out of your bag. I know lots of people who ditch 4 or 5 clubs when walking. They'll just accept that they might have to cover some gaps during the round.


My first bag was a MacGregor 14 stand bag and, frankly, I hated it. It's too heavy without a club, the material on straps was like sandpaper on your arms. Hated it. I have 2 bags now. Ping Hoofer (waterproof) and it's excellent. I use it when it's wet/winter (UK, so it gets _a lot of use_ ). I also have a Cobra Pencil Bag, which I love to pieces. Weighs about 1.5kg without anything in, takes 14 clubs easily, usually put 11 in, 5 balls, some tees and a water bottle and I'm off. Love just dumping it on the ground before each shot, hitting it, hoisting it over 1 shoulder and being off again.


Check out Sun Mountain's selection of stand bags. I have the [4.5 LS](https://www.sunmountain.com/collections/mens-golf-bags/products/4-5ls-14w?variant=45188029645098) stand bag and walked with it many times with no issue (until my wife got me a push cart for my birthday). I've loved it and it's not even their [lightest one](https://www.sunmountain.com/collections/mens-golf-bags/products/2-5?_pos=1&_fid=2335bf70a&_ss=c).


Yep I have a titleist links legend bag great bag if you walk. Super light and honestly feels tiny even though it’s a normal sized bag


https://preview.redd.it/mm1hwwef575d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa6cedb969769f23b075031818ddf072f85b149 I use one of these. It’s pretty light and easy to carry .


Titleist links legend bag. Great stand bag for walking. Super light weight dosent feel big or bulky at all


Sunday Bags are great if you don’t need to bring every club


I use a push cart but if I was going to get a carry bag, I would get a sun mountain 2.5 or 3.5. They are great bags and light.


Off topic but I see this enough that I'm genuinely curious why it's so common, but why is Callaway spelled Calloway? I've never seen it spelled with an O on any of their products, but then again it may be a European spelling. Just curious.


I carry. I think in general if you live in a flat area, you push, if you’re in a hilly area, you pull.


Bought a pushcart, love it


I walk and carry my clubs most times. Titleist player 4 Carbon, gotta be the best golf purchase I made last year. 2.9 pound for a bag that fits all the 14 clubs. It also has plenty of space along with water bottle spot. Both the player 4 and the player 4 carbon are great if you ask me. Carbon’s definitely lighter but pricier.


I carry my bag every chance I get. I’m on my 3rd Ping bag in 30 years. Went with the Hoofer Lite this time. It’s lighter than the Hoofer and has plenty of storage.


after getting back into golf this year, I ditched my traditional stand bag and went for a cart bag and a sunday bag for range. If I ever walk, I'll use that and less than a full set. I suppose if I get to walking often enough, I will buy a cart. They hybrid type bags just don't do either well enough for me anymore.


rc 3 wheel gang here!


I've been loving the Mizuno BR-D2. It's somewhere between a regular stand bag and a sunday bag.


My day to day is a short legged callaway 3 way divider bag. Can be a bit cramped with 14 clubs but they get there and boy it is the best. Super light, forces me to only keep in there what I need. I also have a Jones Trouper R which I love and use when I travel mostly at this point. Either of those are easy to carry. I've had Sun Mountains before that I liked too and the Ping Hoofers are always good. I think carrying is easier than pushing if the course has any hills at all.


After carrying for over 25 years, I can wholeheartedly say that I'm only ever buy Ping Hoofers forever more. Additionally Titleist make the worst stand bags, they last 2 seasons max.


Ive found that it’s less about how heavy the bag is and more about how comfortable the straps are. I have an early 2010s Taylormade RBZ bag, I’d take it hiking the Appalachian trail if I could it’s so comfortable


I still carry. Maybe it’s an old habit that dies hard, but we separated the boys from the proverbial men back in high school by seeing who carried and who had a push cart. I’ve also got a weaker leg after multiple surgeries including a hip replacement, so I like to think that carrying helps build strength in my leg some more.


Once I went pushcart there was no looking back.


I have an older version of this bag and I love it. Lightweight and isn't a problem to carry. https://www.sunmountain.com/collections/stand-and-carry-bags/products/2-5?variant=45188028203306


Fwiw the course I walk the most is pretty flat, but I much prefer the push cart. You can find some two-wheel options for $30-$40 and mine was one of the best purchases I’ve made. Let me switch to using a cart bag that has way more storage as well


I have the Callaway Hyper Lite Zero stand bag and it’s crazy light. 👍🏻


Push cart with Taylor Made stand bag. I enjoy it.


I use a ping Hoofer and I could carry it for 9 for sure but if I'm playing 18, it's pushcart all day


Jones trouper r is what I carry, got my eye on a Sunday el Camino tho for when I want to take only irons and play the front tees


I had an old titleist stand bag that I was walking a lot with, I had planned to get a push cart after upgrading the bag (strap broke). Got a ping hoofer and love it, no need for a push cart anymore


I walk and carry this bag, it's the lightest I've had (used to have Ogio and was very heavy). Perfectly fine for a reasonably in-shape 31-yr-old. However, I bought it a few years ago on sale for $149.99, and seeing the price now I'm not sure I'd spend $265 on it. [https://www.pgatoursuperstore.com/titleist-hybrid-14-stand-bag-21/1124601005.html?country=US¤cy=USD&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw34qzBhBmEiwAOUQcFyh0HQlJtE5w-3M\_eqWGvnQNd1jTziIz06JhEFUHVVkEEqjsYgaIdxoCo3EQAvD\_BwE#utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=performance+max+nonbrand](https://www.pgatoursuperstore.com/titleist-hybrid-14-stand-bag-21/1124601005.html?country=US¤cy=USD&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw34qzBhBmEiwAOUQcFyh0HQlJtE5w-3M_eqWGvnQNd1jTziIz06JhEFUHVVkEEqjsYgaIdxoCo3EQAvD_BwE#utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=performance+max+nonbrand)


Carry is the way to go. I have the LinksMaster series Titleist stand bag and love it. Tried a Jones stand bag and ultimately ended up returning it cause the straps were too confusing. Really happy with my choice though. Unless you're older, a lady, or you don't have a carry/stand bag, you should be carrying if you're not riding imo.