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Pro tip: if you find yourself in need of a solid 200 yards, just go ahead and pull the 60 and imagine the pin about 20 yards away. Then skull the hell out of it and send it. Works for me every time.


☝️this guy lob wedges


Unless it’s on some fluffy grass and then it goes 10 feet high with a yard distance.


My best was trying to use my 58 is fluffy grass after it rained. Club went under the ball and the ball went about and inch in the air and back where it landed.


I saw a guy with a 68 last night. I can only assume it's in case of snakes


A man with a 68 is simply a man who takes themselves too seriously to own a 69 degree.


That would pair nicely with the single pro V1 numbered 69 that I found


My buddy has a 72. Got it at Academy Sports for like $20 the night before sectional tournament in high school. I’ve yet to see a wedge with more loft


Took me long enough to learn how to hit my 60. Fending off wild animal attacks would have been a more appropriate usage for my 60 for the first 8 months of its ownership. (I’m apparently a slow learner when it comes to chipping.)


How have you been using it? I have a 54 and 58 and to be honest I feel like I am practically never using the 58 unless I am down a steep uphill chipping onto a short green


I hit it the same way I hit the 54 when I dont want the ball to roll as much


I've a 64. It's the only club I can chip with around the green. Everything else balloons past it. I think it's from years of playing pitch and putt before I took up golf.


It’s great because my lob was doing the EXACT opposite today. I was popping shit *straight* up in the air and landing it 3 feet in front of me.


This is all my 60° does. Pops up 5ft, goes forward 2ft and I’m chipping again because I’m still off the green


You’re with your people. That’s my favorite move on a slight uphill lie and I’m worried that I’ll fly a less lofted wedge over the green. Then I’m tentative and it goes 3 feet forward.


Tried to go over a bunker last weekend and ended up in the bunker. I put the ball back to try again and my dad tells me to take a full swing. I end up flying the green into the pond on the other side lol


One of us


I give myself a 9 to 3 on the clock swing with barely any wrists with a strong forward shaft lean on my 60 degree and it consistently goes about 10 yards and stops pretty quick. Very easy to hit and is my go-to shot when I'm short sided greenside.


That’s what I’ve been trying to do, but I think I just need more practice doing it at the range. I’ve just been using a gap wedge to chip around the green lately but it runs too much for anything that’s closer than like 5 yards.


> That’s what I’ve been trying to do, but I think I just need more practice doing it at the range. For sure. I think the easiest part is getting the action down, but the hard part is keeping to the tempo you practice when you're actually facing down the shot on the green - lest you end up hitting it with no power and piddling it 2 feet forward like you say. You need to get it to the point where you can set up to it and not think about the action, just do it and let your practice kick in.


You literally just described a shot I took on 9 last year at my local muni. Drove it up to the pond in front of the green, all I needed to do was a nice pitch onto the green about 20-25 yards out. Instead I nuked the piss out of it with my 60 and sent it over the shed into the parking lot. Landed in a planter right next to a brand new Chevy pickup. Never have I been scared more shitless in my life.


I love my 60 04T it has changed the game for me from tight lies.


What benefits over 08.m?


Half as much bounce so you can get the leading edge under a ball farther before it digs in on a tight lie. The drawback is that once it does dig in it usually keeps digging and doesn't bounce a ball up like a sand wedge would. I have a shallower attack angle so I don't really have to much of a problem picking balls clean. People with a steeper aoa have to be more precise with the impact point on a wedge like that.


Agree use it a ton here in Texas.


Be careful with the 4 degrees of bounce on the 60 degree - that’s a specialty type wedge that I wouldn’t recommend for everyone


What is its specialty?


Very firm course conditions or a player who picks the ball and takes almost no divots, which a very small percentage of players.


I’ll only use that club when I’m flushing it


So basically never /s


Thanks for explaining. I am ignorant when it comes to bounce and grind


I couldnt make a divot if my life depended on it lol


This. I have a 60 with not quite that severe amount of bounce, but I use it for hard conditions. Also hard bunkers where I have to pick a non-embedded ball out. Otherwise I don’t game that club.


I have one of these. I only use it for picking out of a good lie in the bunker or when sitting on the hard dirt that our course has on about a quarter of the greens. Otherwise I prefer running the ball with my PW/GW for most greenside shots (really only use my 56 if I'm short sided).


Very different bounce angles on the 52 and 56 - is there a reason for that? They look great 🤩


Because OP doesn’t know about bounce or grind


Ain't nothing wrong with a little bounce and grind


I mean yeah I assumed, unless they are using the 56 for something incredibly specific only, but obviously that's unlikely.


Just look at that 60, four degree of bounce with the least forgiving grind


Yeah that 60 is gonna be a whore to hit lol 😂


I was fitted for a similar set of bounces/grinds. You want more bounce for your sand wedge so it doesn’t dig straight into the sand, the amount is relative to the typically conditions you play. [Here’s Jordan’s WITB](https://www.golfwrx.com/732487/jordan-spieth-witb-2024-february/) for reference. Obviously nobody here is JS, but the idea that this set up is bad is misguided.


Yeah totally, that's why I asked! I was fitted as well, but mine are 9, 9 and 11 respectively, so way less variation. BUT I play in Michigan mostly, and I tried taking those to play in Houston and yeah, not too useful lol. Cheers dude!


And I grew up in Houston and play a lot in TX, FL, and SC lol. Where did you play?


Wildcat, Clear Creek and wait for it... Tour 18 lol


Wildcat was such a trip the first time I played it. I played Clear Creek in a middle school golf tournament but never again, how was it?


No there’s a logic to it. The bounce on the 56 is really useful for bunker shots when the sand is soft, but for many the 52 is only really used with a square face on full swings and chip shots. So in that case, Titleist’s selector tool bases its recommendation mostly on what kind of divot you take with a full swing and course conditions. More bounce if you’re a digger or play in soft conditions, less if you’re a shallow swinger or play on firm ground. So like mine are 52/8 and 56/14 because I’m a digger and got them while living in Seattle, then my dad has a 52/4 and 56/12 as a shallow swinger in the Midwest. Edit: I did not notice OP’s 60 specs. That one’s gonna be a bitch to hit lol


It actually makes complete sense and is extremely common in pro bags to have a low bounce lob and a high bounce sand wedge, honestly even down to the exact grinds this guy got. This way you will be covered in both firm and soft ground and bunker conditions, even lies in the rough can vary where you would want low or high bounce depending on how the ball is sitting. I play a t grind lob and d grind sand for the same reasoning. You do need to be precise for hitting the T grind with full swings so that grind is not for everyone.


I got fitted for my 3rd set of Vokey’s last month and my wedges are very similar, I have the same specs on my lob but it’s 58 instead of 60.


Sheesh, what's your PW loft? Might be a mighty big yardage gap before you get to your GW


I play 50, 54, 58, but a lot of people play 52, 56, 60 combo.


I play 48, 52, 58. Works for me with my PW loft of 44.


44 is a9i wtf


Not in the T-150's. https://www.titleist.com/product/t150/555C%3ARH%3A3-GW.html


Same exact set up for me


do you use the 52 or the 58 in the sand


My pro says 90% of golfers that have 52, 56, 60 should be playing 50, 54, 58 that the 60 is just that unreliable.


Yeah, I don’t disagree with that, hence why I play 50, 54, 58. I was just making a point that a lot of people choose that setup for whatever reason.


Yeah i think because most pros do and people just think youre supposed to have a 60. Ive converted so many friends to 54, 58. Really changed the game if youre trash like me haha


I play 48/54/58 PW is 44


I play 46PW, 50 and 58. When it’s dry I never have issues but when it’s wet my 58 has too fine leading edge because it’s for hard ground.


I had to return my kirkland wedges for this reason


Not OP but my new Mizuno PW is 42.5. Had to add a 48 to my set.


Most are around 46 and 52/56/60 is a very common wedge gapping


I've noticed most modern, mid-high handicap sets have a PW closer to 43-45 deg, so I guess it really depends on what OP is playing. But wedges like these offer zero help, especially with such low bounce. So even if this loft progression is consistent, you're going to need to be a pretty decent ball striker to be getting the full offering of the 52/56/60.


I thought most sets came with an extra club after the PW nowadays (GW,AW, whatever the name). Mine goes PW44, GW 48, then my wedges are 52,56,60. That 48 degree GW matching my irons is my absolute favourite club. Love it for bump and runs and full shots alike.


but then you are carrying 5 wedges which is a bit excessive


If my PW is the same loft as a traditional 9 iron and my GW matches my irons and is the traditional loft of a PW then I only have 3 wedges. 4 if you count the GW (traditional PW) as a wedge even though it matches the irons. The only way I'd have 5 wedges is if you rely on their names. I'd never consider a 44 degree club a wedge no matter what is engraved on it.


I mean, I considered doing the same thing you did, but decided id rather have a second hybrid in my bag I have PW44, GW48, 54, 58


For sure, we all get 14 clubs to pick. My bag is D 4W 4H 5H 6 7 8 9 P G 52 56 60 Putter, but you probably have a more defined top end of bag.


just one more club up there lol D 3W 3h 4h 5i-9i


I did this when my bag stopped at 56, I had a 3h and 3W and just didn't reach for either often enough so just replaced them with a single 4W. I still don't reach for it much so might rotate 3h back in, undecided so far. Also not sure if I like my 5 hybrid. It hit it about the same as I do my 5 iron but I gotta fiddle with the headcover.


do you get fitted for the different type of bounces or do you just pick them randomly haha?


14 bounce on the 56-degree and 4 bounce on the 60-degree. I hope you were fitted for these. If you’re going to drop $600 on wedges, you should spend the extra $50 to make sure they are the right clubs for you.


Extra? Must places include a fitting in with purchase


Must be nice. My fittings cost me $50 a piece. PGA Tour Superstore. But, the fitter at my local store is excellent. Would gladly pay it again.


Assuming you buy it from the place you get fitted


Thin them well


Just got the same lofts in Cleveland ZIPCORE. Love the 60 for adding a few strokes around the green!


T grind has been a game changer for me. So easy to elevate it out of bad lies in the rough. Super easy to hit the low spinners out of tight lies.


T grind 60 eh, big move


I absolutely love the 60 T grind. Game changer from tight hard lies and green side.


Smart. You won’t regret it.


Genuinely jealous. I have a 50 SM9 and I absolutely love it. Thinking about buying SM10 for 56


Sexy how much a pop for where you are?


What are your distances on these clubs?


pretty sure you should hand those over.


I have the SM10 60* and it’s my favorite club in the bag, you’re gonna love em


Look amazing mate. I never had wedges new and thought I’d treat myself at the shop. I asked to try many different clubs without knowing price or brand and I picked these ones much to my wallet’s disappointment. Couldn’t be happier though as hit them so well.


i have the same spec 52 just sm9. its awesome. one of my most used clubs


Love mine


gods lofts




Nice. I’m a Vokey S grind fan myself. Play in both 54° and 60° it’s so versatile ime


I have basically the same wedge setup and I love it. That 60 only comes out once or twice a round, but it's so satisfying to be able to hit it well.


I have that lob wedge (same specs) except in a 58 and it’s the shit. You can open it completely and the face stays almost completely flat to the turf.


These look identical to my Kirkland.




Why 6 bounce on 52, 14 bounce on 56 and 4 bounce on a 60? That souds insane to me...also F grind with 14 bounce seems rather specific. Full face wedge shots from the sand? Please enlighten me




Fuck those are sexy


It was decent! Maybe a little dry but I absolutely started to understand the Texas wedge. Had a great time down there though.


Sweet 👍


Those are very interesting bounce choices


They’re beauts!


You need to add a 69 degree wedge. 15 yards and in I have been money since adding it.