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It’s honestly not that bad having only played a month. I guess if I had to offer something constructive, I’d say it’ll help build power if you get some hip and shoulder turn in your back-swing. It’ll help take the workload off the arms for generating speed.


I see acc completely what you mean I’m all arms with a slight twist


Keep up the work. Lessons are great too and can really speed it up. Looking good for a month now


Lessons would be great but think I wanna see how much I can develop just off practice


I always thought lessons were like a weekly thing and I'd only practice in front of a coach. Its not like that, though. You work with a guy one time for an hour and learn what you need to dial in on your own. You can take one lesson and never go back. Just learn some fundamental ideas of how the golf swing works and then implement that into your practice. You can take one lesson a year as a birthday present, as a check in. They'll see what your swing looks like and give you something to think about to try and improve it. You could be like me and learn from professional golfers for free on youtube, practice in front of a camera and/or with a mirror, buy tons of practice gear that may or may not help, and struggle for weeks with a rudimentary fix that gets brought up casually on an instagram reel. But, you arent exactly like me. I was taught some basics in high school (15 years before picking it up again) and knew how to use my hips and legs to hit the ball from years of hockey and baseball. Hopefully you arent as stubborn as I am, either. Pay someone one time to teach you the basics. You clearly learned how to hit the ball, which takes a lot of coordination. Now learn how to generate power. Thats the hard part, because you're adding another plane of movement and more speed. Fortunately, people have made a living learning how to teach that to people like us.


I’m lucky to live in south florida, for golfing reasons. Palm Beach County has the John Prince Park learning center. Got 5 group lessons with a Latin American Tour Pro for $100.


be careful developing off of just figuring stuff out tho. You're freshly dug up clay and can be more easily molded into good fundamentals than if you have 3 years of bad habits before you talk to an instructor lol. If you must, go for a few decent youtube golf folks. Personally I like Saguto Golf and Danny Maude, since they tend to simplify the swing and frankly 99% of golfers can use fewer golf thoughts than more.


You will do well if that's your 1st month. Lots of practice and all basics will come together soon. Keep up the good work man


If I could go back to when I started playing 12 years ago I would get a lesson. There’s so much you can learn in just one session that will help you develop the swing


Your going to want lessons dude. Youtube and just hitting on your own at the range trying to figure it out yourself is a way to build bad habits, you need a properly built foundation and some drills tailored to what you need to work on from a pro. Trust me. It's worth it


Everyone who's telling you to get lessons is right. That said, if you're going to do the "figure out a much as I can" route, just be sure to scientific method. Change one variable at a time, gather data, figure out if it was effective, repeat. Anything else is just wasting money at the range.


You'll develop bad habits that become muscle memory and it's HARD to unlearn those. When you're having a bad day, you'll revert to those bad habits. Find a coach, may not be the first guy, I've went through a couple. My handicap has dropped 5 strokes in a year. He knows me well and is very strict with me. "Feel vs real" (you think you're doing something but you're not) is a thing, a pro can call you on that and give you swing thoughts and drills. You're off to a great start, and early on, with good coaching, you can progress really fast


Lesson or watch YouTube will help, I do a combination


It’s better to practice the right things rather than the wrong things. To to you local municipal course and get a single lesson to start


One issue with waiting for lessons is you’ll develop some bad habits on your own. Some of your lessons will be focused correctly on breaking those bad habits rather than building new good habits I’m going through it now, it’s taken about 5 or 6 lessons to correct my old habits and I still sometimes revert back to them. But, lessons can be expensive so I understand if you want to build based on YouTube videos, but if you’re doing that film your swing and practice sessions ALL THE TIME. You need to get feedback on what your swing looks like, if you can’t get a pro to do it, do it yourself with video


Work on a 100yds in a lot. A LOT. No shame in some swing instructions. Better to get the habits out of the way before they become bad habits.


I would suggest focusing on consistent accuracy with how you have started so far and the more consistently accurate u are then u can starting thinking about adding distance. Your swing looks under control like you have good patience so keep doing what u are doing and gradually will be able to hit the ball a little harder and farther the more comfortable you get. When I started 27 years ago I started out trying to knock the cover off the ball trying to keep up with my buddy. I always started my backswing way to fast. Took me a while to learn how to get consistently accurate! Good luck and always have fun.


Also work on pushing/opening up that back hip, you’ve got a lot of spinal twist going on and relying on your upper body speed. All your power should start in the lower body & hips and work up


Imagine the club head and the center of your chest are connected. When the club head starts to move away from the ball in the back swing, the center of your chest needs to move with it. There's a lot of club head movement here and no center of the chest movement with it


Agree. I try to face my chest away from the target on the backswing and towards it on the finish.


Bro your club head is pointed at the sky before the center of your chest moves at all. I'm talking if that club head moves an inch, the center of your chest moves that same inch.


Google one piece takeaway. Should be all body early, pretty much the opposite of what you’re doing


Best advice I had early on was to turn your belt buckle but keep your head locked on the ball. That generates power from your lower body. Good luck and have fun!


Not trying to beat a dead horse here, but soooo much arms, particularly the wrists. You really don’t want to bend them until further back on your backswing.


Yeah, you need to turn your shoulders down more. Do this drill…slowly at first. https://preview.redd.it/xhj064s7bb8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0341c525f723595ad9563fc6ac541304ce558163


I was going to mentions the hip turn before the upper body moves. But he will learn in time. He’s got 30 years to get great at the game


Hey man, plenty of great tips here but just wanted to say keep at it! As long as you're having fun with it it's a great time.


Thanks man I’m probably gonna do monthly updates I wanna be able to go to a course by month 3-4


I have seen so much worse on courses, you could go now and have fun.


Lmao there is much worse than that swing on courses everywhere daily


Don’t get too scared of just going out and playing. The range is great, but it’s not exactly golf. Gonna learn a ton about the game from finding yourself in some weird situations on the course. Awkward lies in the rough, on a slope, etc… being prepared to handle those situations will make you a better player and it can’t be practiced on the mat. If you’re making even somewhat decent ball contact most of the time you are probably ready to play 9 holes and not be the worst player on the course. Look for some weekday sunset/twilight tee times when it’s not super packed out there and have fun. Don’t even keep score the first couple rounds. As far as the swing, you obviously have work to do but you’ll gonna grow into it. Watch some pros and videos about the fundamentals stages to a swing and take that to the range. You’ll know when you hit one pure, and repeating that makes this game really hard (and fun).


IMO it’s great to get out on a course nearly right away, as long as it’s not a long and difficult place. Gotta get used to making actual golf shots, or attempts.


Go out there. Bring a bunch of balls. Hit more than one shot. If people are behind you; tell them to play through and that youre a beginner. You may end up playing with some people who can give you some tips and also meet some future golf bois. If not? Just keep hitting. Playing on the course will give you shots that you just cant replicate on a driving range/practice green.


Play 9 holes or par 3 18 holes. You can definitely do those now. Work on pitching, chipping and putting. Then you can definitely hit a big 18 hole within 1-2 months just play from the white or yellow tees and you'll have a great time.


New golfer here as well! You could absolutely go to a course with a couple good friends of the same skill level or a little better and have a great time! I do it weekly and it’s been tons of fun, keep it up! You’re looking great!


Practice 3 foot putts. It'll really help your touch and will be a common distance. You can even do it at home.


So much wrist!


I’m ngl idk wym too much wrist am I flicking it?


Watch Rory's swing and pay attention to his wrists https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/s/WdolJsXPyN


Correct me if I’m wrong or imma complete idiot but the way he’s driving his wrist down is the aim?


No. Not exactly. It's... complicated. The point is you're starting to hinge your wrists before your arms take the club back.


First of all, you’re looking great for just starting. But watch Rory’s “take away” meaning moving the club away from the ball at the start of the backswing. Your wrists and elbow break almost immediately, where as if you watch his, his wrists don’t even really break that much until he gets to about his chest area, then his elbow almost not even til he’s coming down on the forward swing. This is going to get you so much more rotation, when you start getting there you just have to work on keeping your body position good. Don’t over think it, just work on one little thing at a time, like for now work on just getting the take away at least to like your hips before breaking your wrists and elbows. You can look up online about a year or two ago a lot of the pros started practicing their takeaways as part of their pre shot routine and like bringing it straight back to hip level. Even that helps as a good start.


Ty for breaking down the terms I’m googling all the terms not really familiar with all of them yet 💀


Watch when Rory starts his swing, how his arms and wrists and hands pretty much do nothing, it’s just his body rotating at the core/shoulders. With yours right now, your first move is for the left wrist to break and hinge the club back. Find an old YouTube video called the “arm swing illusion”… it’ll make you realize the arms moving around in a golf swing isn’t what it seems.




Your wrist should not break until about a quarter of the way through your backswing. This part of the backswing is called the "takeaway" if you want to YouTube it. Another way to think about it is the club shaft should shoot straight out the bottom of your "V" during your takeaway. Pause your video when your shaft is parallel with the ground. Notice how your "V" is pointing at your back foot. Now look where Rory's "V" is pointing when his shaft is parallel.


I think it’s that on your back swing the first thing you’re doing is turning your wrists, then your elbow. The first 1/3rd of your back swing should be more stiff I believe. And your wrist should be fully cocked more so at the height of your swing rather than the very start. I’ve seen guys with much weirder swings make it work. Some places have really cheap lessons and just a couple lessons can be really helpful! Like a pro will sit there and work with you on stuff you can think about at the range a lot.


Main part to notice is the first part of his backswing. his wrists are pretty locked in, and only when he goes further back does he let them shift, and it's less of a "ok now I'm going to adjust my wrists" and more of a thing that happens naturally as you bring the club back further. You don't so much move your wrists as just allow them to move.


I've been playing about the same amount of time as you, this guy's videos really helped me figure out what my wrists are supposed to be doing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-nnZxDf_b8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXj-TC0ctwk


The more you get used to just holding the club while you throw your weight through your turn the club will just follow. Pretty sure you want to cock your wrist for the irons though




Somebody told me once to think about a handshake. extend your arms like you are shaking hands with someone on the way back, then when you get to that (roughly midway) spot, start using your wrists more. Same thing on the way through just with the other hand. In other words, since you're a lefty, you should be shaking hands with your right hand basically straight and rotated as if reaching out on the way back, and then the same on the way through with your left hand. It's a lot easier to be consistent that way and your wrist fatigue won't destroy your swing after 75 shots.


Think of the swing as being more arms/shoulders oriented rather than wrist oriented. That doesn't mean no wrist action but let your upper body guide the bulk of your swing. A lot of this stuff you'll just naturally get a feel for over time so don't stress too much if it's not making sense.


You hinge your wrists almost immediately. You want to maintain the angle between your arm and the club shaft during your backswing until your arms are parallel to the ground. That's when you hinge your wrists. Rory and Tiger both keep their wrists solid until late in the backswing


Your grip changes at the top of the swing, you're holding the club like a baseball bat. Interlock your fingers and watch some videos of YouTube about grip technique.  This will create a more solid foundation and the point of the swing where you connect the ball. The more movement there is in your wrist through the swing, the more likely you are you have the face of the club in the wrong direction at the point of impact. 


My dad always gave me the swing thought that as you turn back for your back swing try to think about keeping the club on the ground as long as possible. It’ll help keep your backswing starting out with a turn instead of your wrists


Keep at it, practice when you can and don’t get discouraged when you play poorly. Remember to have fun!


I've seen much worse lol keep at it brotha


Losen up a bit...i look at this short vid from time to time just to remind me... https://youtu.be/_AmPuzgBXEM?si=lU3k7-WFdAKzohD7


Wait this acc makes sense


This is the one to listen to my dude. Forget mechanics, build some nice slow momentum and get the body moving


Also, don't forget about your short game (putting and chipping). Arguably more important than anything else. You can get a 6 or 7 score on a hole and 3 of those strokes came from the putter!


Get lessons in front of a PGA pro ASAP to get the good habits started.


Width is your friend. A good cue is to feel like your hands are [as far away from your head as possible at the top of your swing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyeIzujXglM), so now you have all the room in the world to just sling the club down fast, square it up, and hit bombs. Hope that helps. The pause at the top and the slow takeaway aren't helping you.


Put the club behind your back, parallel to the ground. Hold the club there with your wrists and rotate your hips back (so your butt is facing down the driving range and then rotate the other way, like a downswing. Just do that a bunch to get a feel for rotating your hips.


Read the book 5 Lessons by Ben Hogan. He will tell you everything you need to know about the golf swing!


I understand you saying in another comment that you want to see how far you can get figuring it out yourself. I get it. I’m generally the same way. But right now you’re super malleable. You obviously have some inherent athletic ability (which a lot of guys would kill for). You don’t have years of bad habits (like me) that a pro is going to want to break down and get you out of before you see improvement. Let a pro work with you now so you can take feedback from someone who does this for a living, rather than than us idiots on Reddit, that is tailored to you, your swing, and your body. It helps to have one voice who is invested in your swing, and not the masses. A pro isn’t pumping out generic “fix your slice in these three steps” videos every 4 months. A good pro will look at what you have and teach to you individually. Good luck and welcome to the game.


Adopt "one piece takeaway" or you're going to spend forever getting out of bad habits.


What do you mean by one piece takeaway?


Here's a good video. It's slowly taking the club back with both arms (and to a degree - your shoulders) turning in one piece. You are cocking your wrists way to soon - that shouldn't start much til about hip/wasit height. This is a good video for those building their swings. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaC77J8SpFE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaC77J8SpFE) Now, elite level players tinker with this philiosophy but for beginners this is good. I used to cock my wrists like you, but you'll get into a real handsy swing and start hooking the ball badly. This takeaway is essential to building a reliable, repeatable swing. Good luck!!!!


Sorry - one more note - gettign that handsy early wrist cock removed - is harder to fix if you engrain it as a habit.


No more early wrist hinge got it 🫡 thanks for the video and advice


For only a month, you have a great foundation. Keeping that right arm straight looks fantastic. The best advice anyone can give you is get some one on one lessons with a pro. Everyone on here thinks they can offer some game changing advice in a comment but it's just not realistic. Find yourself a good coach and look to get a lesson once a month and just keep getting to the range and you'll improve 100%. Enjoy your journey, it's a bumpy one!


Remember that people are going to give you more tips than you can apply. Swings are unique, and when you’re working on something, throwing more adjustments into the mix can really confuse things. At the same time, you have to make adjustments to improve, so try to balance all that. The irony of giving technical advice after what I just said doesn’t escape me, but lots of wrist movement in there, my man. Good luck!


Take 1 maybe 2 lessons. That way you’re not just compounding bad habits. Your swing looks really good tho. Enjoy the game man it’s the most frustrating funnest thing you can do !


One thing I did when I started playing was set my phone up behind me and the in front of me and record my swing. Lessons can be expensive. Self scouting is free. Videos are even better with today's phones if you can take a slo mo video. It'll chew up space on the phone but it did help me a lot. Just know you'll hit a spot where you'll be playing fairly well, wanna start diving deeper into getting better and you'll get worse for a little before you get better again. It's a fun sport but does take patience, time and a lot of repetitions continously. Best of luck and enjoy.


Thanks man


I highly recommend downloading the GolfFix app. You basically import a video of your swing and it breaks it down into parts and shows what you’re doing wrong relative to pro golfers. It made an incredibly large impact on me in one day at the driving range. You can opt for a premium version in the app but I’d recommend just sticking with the free version; it offers plenty of value without paying a dime.


Turn, don't swing. Your wrists (mainly) and arms are leading the swing. Use your core to start the backswing.


During your backswing try to keep your arms straighter for a longer duration. In order to complete your back swing it will force you to rotate your core more.


Not bad at all. Get a lesson, group lessons are cheaper and still help. Stick w it, once you have it down it stays w you for life.


The good news is you can get way, way better. Just imagine how fun that will be.


It's all in the hips. Turn your hips dude.


It doesn’t really matter when you hinge your wrists you just want a little hinge (about 90 degrees to your arm at right arm parallel). Biggest thing you need is to start turning your shoulders at the start of your backswing and keep turning until your lead shoulder is behind the ball. Like everyone else said, get a lesson if you can before you get bad habits


Get a lesson! It’ll make a huge difference, you want to get some of these errors corrected before they start to become habit. Just off the top stance is too wide, hips, and shoulders to stiff, hard to tell from this angle, but your hands look too low as well, which could be too close to the ball. you don’t have a flow on your backswing to your front swing, don’t pause at the top of your backswing. Honestly, it’s not a bad swing for a month in, Depends on how you’re hitting it, But there is a ton of work on.


Best thing I can say to help ya, be more athletic. Don’t squat so much. You aren’t guarding the ball. Loosen up the hips. Kinda like you’re a DB who’s needing to flip his hips to turn and run. Get into this kinda flowy and loose feel. Let the natural arc of the swing guide you. Kinda just get a club and just kinda swing is back and forth to get a feel for it


Honestly you seem like you’re a decent athlete from the 5 second video. If that’s the case get a few lesson on the basics (grip, set up, feel, simple swing mechanics) and then practice. Asking help from a bunch of jabronies online might do more harm then good Have fun, trust the process


Let's fucking go lefty




Not bad at all for a beginner, you’re getting the ball off the tee! That’s better than most. The thing that jumps out at me is that you’re hinging your wrists very early (I did this myself as a beginner and still have a very wristy swing despite two years playing). You’re also not rotating your torso much, which may explain the early hinge— I suspect you’re trying to generate clubhead speed with your wrists. Try and start the early part of your backswing by just rotating your trunk. You should be able to get the shaft nearly parallel with the ground without moving your arms or wrists. Rotating first generates more power but also removes a load of variables which can lead to inconsistencies. Best of luck!


start your backswing by not moving wrists at all and rotating your shoulders. then when you get to 45degree turn you can start hinge. watch some pro golfers in slow motion to understand how a repeatable golf swing looks like pay attention to thier wrist and arm positions and try to mimic that first.


You already know you're all arms with virtually no body rotation. A lesson or two is a good place to start, you need to work on swing fundamentals, and because it looks like you're making decent contact you may think you're going backwards for a short period when you start getting the swing down because you are going to duff shots and be tempted to revert. Work through it and you'll be rewarded. If you wanted to work by yourself, it's not impossible to improve, but make your swing changes early because it is really hard to break bad habits. I'd be working with a mid to short iron like a 6 or 7 iron and work on the takeaway. Through contact and follow through your swing isn't too bad to be honest, and if you can get that takeaway sorted you should have a lot of fun. You don't look very relaxed either. :)


Thanks man I just been practicing my takeaway no ball while I’m at home past couple of days but I never heard of practicing with a short iron I’ll give it a shot thanks


It's just easier to hit a mid iron and if you have a sound swing and technique with your mid iron you can hit any club in your bag. 4i-9i and full wedges. If you learn to hit a driver first I think it's harder to go the other way. IMO Of course, getting off the tee, and around the greens is another learning experience. If you're watching videos for swing tips, pay close attention to wrist position, and elbow through the takeaway and transition into the hitting position. You don't have to copy, but every little thing gives you an idea to try to improve your own swing. Good luck dude, have fun, and relax. :)


Welcome bro. My suggestion is about your takeaway. Your wrists should be locked as you begin the movement. Your arms should be taking the club back - as if you're putting an imaginary ball backwards. Good job keeping your right elbow more or less locked out, keep doing that


Not terrible at all. It’s very evident that you can generate power. I’ll only say two things to avoid overload.  1. You’re gonna have such a great time when you start rotating your hips in the backswing. Right now, they don’t move on the backswing. When you start letting your right hip practically point at the ball at the top of your backswing, you’re gonna find it so much easier to bring the club aaaalllll the way back behind your head.  2. Right now, that L shape you achieve between your straight right arm and the club on the way back is a fundamentally important component of a good iron shot. But this club isn’t an iron, it’s a wood. When I see guys get constricted on the backswing with a wood, I tell them all the same thing. Swing the driver head back and try to keep it literally as far away from your body at all times as you possibly can. Draw a biggest circle you can. The biggest circle translates into the longest lever. And the longest lever translates into the most energy transfer into the ball with the least sources of variation.  Sorry if that’s a lot. I tried to avoid overload and ended up probably writing my longest comment in years. GLHF. 


Hey firstly I want to say thank you for taking the time out of your day to help me and write this it really helps me and I think I get what you’re saying for 1st part but for the 2nd part for when I’m using a driver do I not keep my right arm locked then or do I keep it locked and change the motion more into a circular shape?


Nice athletic move. Try not to break your wrist/bring the club so much on the inside on the take away. Looking good though honestly


assuming your leftie and this isnt mirrored, try not to break your wrists so early in the swing, use your right arm and bring the club back till you physically cannot go any further, then break your wrist, for a month you look great dont get me wrong but your swing seems to have allot of baseball in it, meaning its flat, your swing needs to resemble the line 5 to 11 makes on a clock, right now it looks more like 4 to 10...if that makes sense


Pretty ok starting point!


Keep going bro. Golf is a great game. You’ll never perfect it, but that’s what makes it great


U did well, im the worst with my swing! 😭


Honestly, outside of recommending lessons, just cause overall changes would likely help... it seems like your tempo is good, but it's like the backswing that is awkward.


I thought your swing would be way more fucked up based on your takeaway and no shoulder turn. But it’s not! Just keep playing and watching. You’ll be fine


You’re actually starting from a decent spot I think, obviously there is a lot of work to do but I feel like I see good instincts. I see you want to try and do this on your own so I have some pretty simple advice if you are going to go at it alone. You need to crawl before you can walk, and walk before you can run. You want to stop taking full swings and think of your training as milestones to hit before you move to the next step. First step 1/3rd swings with a 7 iron, the club should not get above your hips. Just get really good at hitting the ball straight, left and right on small little chip shots. Once you can do that, learn to hit the ball right and curve it back left, then learn to hit the ball left and curve it back right. Once you are comfortable doing that move on to 2/3rd swings, club would be about chest high. Same thing as before, once you get really good at that then you can move on to full shots. This will build a swing and give you control over how the ball starts, left/right/middle, and how the ball curves, left or right. After you can do that you just start adding skills to your game. Learn to hit it low, middle and high. Learn to hit your driver, chipping, putting, bunker play ect ect. Most important is to remember that golf is a skill and skills take time and hard work to develop so be patient and enjoy the grind.


Im just starting as well! Im 28 y/o out of Delaware. Best of luck to ya bro.


Hit balls with your feet together. Best drill there is.


That's crazy, is that the Bovaird and Mississauga Road driving range? I live like right down the road from there if so haha Have you done any lessons? I also just started and found taking a handful of lessons had jump started the ability to recognize and improve my game! Pretty decent foundation to work off though!


I’ve been trying to get better for years….just shot a 96 and feel like garbage. Good luck pal


Most important tip is to keep your practice fun! Have a structure to it but also play around! And don’t get frustrated with it! You’re gonna make bad shots a lot but that’s part of it! Kiss all of your spare money and free time goodbye!


Try to keep your wrists a little quite (not hinging ad much) it will promote a little more body rotation too


On backswing, think about it trying to point your butt to the target. Will get your hips involved in your swing, which you don't do right now. Good luck. Practice putting too.


To add to the comment “so much wrist” You’re breaking your wrists immediately at the start of your backswing. Arms straight, drag the club back away from your body, don’t break or hinge your wrists. Your backswing should “break” well past your shoulders. For a month in, it’s solid bro. Just hit the range often, keep learning and give it time. Golf is a game of patience


Take the club back with shoulder and hip turn and the cock your wrist.


Looks good man! Keep at it. Like many others have said, try to make your back swing wider without swaying. This will create a larger shoulder turn for more effortless power


That’s a television level follow through. Lookin like you just holed one


Honestly, best advise is to ignore the hack golfers on r:golf and go get lessons.


too much wrist use more hips and shoulders but keep it up


“Hit em with a huuuuuuggnnn” -Eric lottary


I’ve seen much worse. I won’t give any advice. Just keep playin brotha!


Damn. Your fucking killin it for only swinging for a month. Just keep hitting that range. And remember we all fucking suck, just have fun!


I'm a lefty too! I think our swings are just naturally different from righties btw.


I love what I see after a month. You're going to get this game quick.


Don't break the wrist so early. Take away with shoulders and hips, not wrist.


Get a lesson bruv. No internet comments aren't going to teach you anything unless you already understand the game and swing.


Swing 1 handed


Take lessons, u won’t regret it. That said I can unequivocally say that your wrist bend is way too early. You’re looking for what they call a “one-piece takeaway”. Any wrist bend should happen more naturally at the top of the swing. Unless you’re trying to hit a super soft flip shot.


Everyone started somewhere. There are thousands of pointers out there. Find what works for you and stick with it. Just remember that at the beginning a good golf swing should feel very uncomfortable. Keep good habits and it’ll get better in time.


https://preview.redd.it/5g25xdib398d1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=537989c1592c99f5ea03b42fb69cac26fb7e342f Try this. Your lead shoulder comes under your chin, but your actual back and shoulders have zero turn.


Take lessons, it will make your game so much better in the long run. Even though you’re just starting, that’s a horrible swing.


Enjoy the Sufferfest! We are all sick in our minds


Looks good for a month man! Get some more shoulder rotation and weight transfer going.


Look up grip videos. I don’t like your grip, I would prefer a stronger grip


I like the wide stance. Your arms need to be out more, maybe stand a little further away and keep that grip about belly button high. Stand back to Achieve that. Keep that front arm as straight as you can at adress. Try to keep it as straight as possible. When you feel like its going to bend, try releasing at that point and follow through. Make the golf pose. The way you are setup is not promoting a good follow through. You also are using your wrists. Try to keep that front arm locked and take-away like a pendulum instead of using your wrists. Youll definitely figure it out over time. Also, i suck. And wish i could take my own advice. I have to close my stance to help get my hips around, and all kinds of bullshit to hit a straight tee shot. If i dont follow my routine perfectly; im screwed


Keep playing no matter how the scorecard looks. It will gradually get better guaranteed


Mile 1 of 26.6. Keep grinding.


Youre hitting from the wrong side for starters :)


You’re taking the club back entirely with your arms. You should instead be taking the club back with shoulder and hip rotation. Your arms shouldn’t be moving at all.


Work on your grip: [https://mygolfhut.weebly.com/blog/the-correct-way-to-grip-a-golf-club](https://mygolfhut.weebly.com/blog/the-correct-way-to-grip-a-golf-club) Fundamentals are the most important part of your golf swing. Get those solid before building it up.


I'm trash and not all that concerned about improving, so I don't have much to say other than I love seeing diversity on the course, so please don't get discouraged. Gets boring when every golfer I meet is in the same demographic as my dad, and it's not good for the game either.


'Turn your back to the target' is a tip that helped my hip rotation


get lessons with a pga professional


Golf is REALLY difficult. I’ve been playing for 21 years now and it’s still really difficult. Don’t forget that when things aren’t going your way. You can learn something new every practice session or round.


Putting my back foot back a little for almost every shot helped my rotation


Do you meant slightly off my line with my back or a wider step to the side?


Slightly off your line. I’ve had issues with turning back enough without moving my head. Moving my back foot back off my line a few inches helped with that. Also helped me hit the ball square so it’s a straighter shot.




Not bad at all for the amount of time you've been playing.


I thought you put this video in slow motion at first


lmao nah I’m just trynna focus on keeping my arm straight mainly


My biggest tip is swing your swing. There is no one correct way to swing a golf club.


Your doing great! Keep up the good work! Practice, practice, practice


I never thought the golf community would be so welcoming and helpful thanks guys for the advice and tips


You got it bro keep grinding. The swing will start feeling more natural use your whole body. Don’t quit when it gets hard. Best lesson I could have ever learned was acknowledging GOLF IS HARD so don’t let it get you down. Keep hacking away and trying to learn. My gpa is 90 and just finished a lesson the other day. Pretty sure he ended up teaching the instructor some stuff but he still learned a little baby fade shot he’s been wanting to learn.


Some calf raises might do you good.


Not bad man!


You need Ben Hogan's book(Five Fundamentals). You're an athlete and have great tempo naturally. The best thing you could do is build good habits with grip and setup and ball position. The boring stuff will propel you forward! Your rhythm is money!!


Are you sure you aren’t a right handed golfer? May want to try and see how it feels since you aren’t far into your journey


Id like to see you hit an iron. Im assuming lots of fat shots. No weight shift, too much wrist hinge, overall for a beginner not terrible. Seen a lotttt worse


What clubs and distance you getting to?


Your on the road! A bit of tweaking to that baseball swing and you will be there.


Stand in one leg and do some swings to get an idea how the hips and body should be moving through the swing. Also consider that if you were going to throw the club as far as you could, what sort of motion would you use? All arms? You'd use your body, the arms don't swing the club, they just hold it. You look athletic, what sports do you play otherwise? I guarantee you there's something you've done in the past that will be a similar motion.


I play soccer pretty much everyday with practices and games


Don’t ask us we’re all idiots, go get a couple of lessons and watch Golf Sidekick videos for course management instead. 


Everybody said it already but the main thing is to start your backswing with your core and allow that momentum to turn your shoulders as far as they can without coming out of posture. If you start your backswing with your hands and/or arms it will always be wristy because of the weight of the clubhead.


I say just stop while you’re ahead - you tried it and now based on video evidence shared to us - you aren’t HIM. Golfed since I was a kid and was a 8 handicap in early 20s. It’s cost me thousands in stolen Scotty Cameron’s and green fees to get this good, I went out two days ago and shot a 95 like a bitch after I practiced golf every free hour I had the week prior. Golf is a cruel bitch and not for the faint of heart and if you go out in a course and hold up a group with that busted ass swing you are going to hear it. So, prep for that. But if you can take it, because everyone here has been embarrassed on a course in front of people at some point, and move along and play ready golf you might be a lifer. It’s that fun.


Just like all of us swing swing swing it takes time. Next get lessons then good luck and enjoy


How far of a distance you got using the driver in that swing?


I hit about 120 I slice really bad though


Don't start your backswing with your wrists.


I'm sure there's great tips here, but if you just started and can consistently make good contact like that then I wouldn't tweak it too much to "look like a pro". Some of the crap the pro's do in their backswing may look easy but if you're actually maintaining the angles they do you'd see how much strain it actually puts on the body. So basically what I'm saying is take a lesson to have a pro look at it, and if you're hitting irons like that as well I wouldn't worry about going to a local muni at this point because your swing looks better than like half the people I see at mine.


I’m guessing you played baseball


I did but not for long


One. Stance too wide. Two. Bend torso towards the ball…they call it bowing to the queen.


Breaking your wrist too early on your back swing. Need a longer arc


Your feeling about it is correct. But at the same time, it looks more athletic than most bad swings.


U need to rotate your shoulders around and stop setting your wrists early. I suck at golf still so take what I say with a grain of salt. I would recommend watching Athletic Motion golf on yt. For me it helps me see how things are supposed to move in a golf swing with their x-Ray cgi videos


It’s all in the hips


Just grab the shaft before you begin lowering your stance and knees , not after 😙


Seems like you are wayyy to focused on how your arms are and not your body I’m guessing someone told you to keep your arms like that and you have been but in reality you are too tight and trying to rip it with your arms while almost doing like a squat with your legs


Jesus... 0 body rotation... Try to rotate the whole body, will increase your distance by a mile. Probably take 1 or 2 lessons.


The more ppl comment and I see it my swings looks like complete garbage 😭😭


Ball location, Leg Distance is also wrong. I would start with legs together and work on balance and rotation.


Honestly I’d give him the HAWK TUAH


Not bad at all but try to fire the hips more.


When I first started golfing and realized it was something I wanted to keep doing I got a lesson and honestly it helped so much. They can teach you the basics like stance, grip, posture. It can really give you a solid foundation to build on. Try and keep it simple when you’re starting out with thoughts like “turn your hips” and “nice and smooth” and build up from there.


How many human legs you got?


My guy, for a month in you got something to work with here. I trained myself watching you tube videos for the first 3 years. I took lessons after so that I atleast knew what the coach was trying to tell me. I looked like a baby giraffe my first month, keep at it brotha cuz you got something to work with here.


Try to keep your back arm a bit more tucked into you side. Check out towel or clubhead cover drills.


*Disclaimer*. Im a +13, so please take as a grain of salt. After a ton of lessons and practice, one thing that I picked up that I feel helped me a lot is the realization that the golf swing is the body transferring energy from the ground THROUGH the golf ball. For me that’s coiling up tension between my lower body and upper body. Then, release that coil and pick up the golf ball at the right moment of unraveling. That’s a long winded way of saying you’re not trying to snap your hands at the ball, but they will naturally make it to the right spot and you just let them come through the golf ball. Create 3 triangles. 1. Your feet to legs. 2. waist to shoulders. 3. shoulders to hands. Backswing: Triangle 1 maintains stability with ground while triangle 2 twists of of it. Triangle 3 keeps its shape and the wrists cock to finish loading the swing Downswing: T1 shifts towards and slightly away from the target so that T2 can uncurl towards the target. T3 hangs on for the ride and lets gravity and the torsion of T2 towards impact. At impact let the hands square the face to the ball, and let your momentum carry T2 to the other side


Leave the woods (incl. driver) and work on the irons


Not bad fr a month man. Definitely listen to the guys saying to keep your arms straight and wide on the takeaway. I would make sure you get turn in your shoulders/chest. The slow backswing is great. That will only help in the future.


Thanks man


Keep going. We need more black men in golf. I’m white.