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Slip him a fiver and call him “sport”


*I tip my humongous tour visor* “Thanks for the balls kid”


"I shouldn't serve to minors, but you raked this bunker for me. How bout you pop a cherry and grab a couple ginger ales from my bag eh?" Whilst waving a two dollar bill. \*it's from a stack of fakes that you give to cart girls, but you give it to him anyway\*


How do people come up with this shit, fking kek


Flip him a silver dollar 😂


How about a Fresca!?


First out loud chuckle today


"you tell ty Webb I'm gunning for him"


And ask him to get you another 10 balls.


I very rarely have an uncontrollable outburst, but your comment caught me so off-guard I didn’t see it coming. Fucking brilliant mind Mate.


That’s actually pretty funny. A simple “Hey those are for me” would suffice.


"Say, I'm having a little party at the yacht club Saturday. How'd you like to mow my lawn?"


And when you're finished why don't you drop by the Yacht Club? Eh? Huh?


How bout a fresca!


My shadow has a mind of its own and I’m not responsible for it. Sorry. Fuck my shadow he is a cock.


Playing with a buddy, first hole, a little tired do to super early tee time. Buddy is lining up his putt, "you mind", "nah man I'm already done", "fucking move dumbass" I was fully standing with my shadow covering his entire line since the sun was just coming up. Not the first time I've done it to him.


That's on him for dropping them that close to you.


Right, what an idiot


I played the wrong ball on the green during my first competitive round at current club.


That’s hilarious. 10/10 country club experience


You're good. What kind of animal practices with 20 balls when there's other people on the green?


If it's anything like the club I caddied at, this sounds like it would be a designated chipping green near the range, not the putting green. They had the same sort of rake contraption, and you practice with range balls, not your own. So you rake/roll some balls off the green to your spot and you can just keep chipping away. It's actually super nice for chipping practice.


Yeah exactly. I’ve been to a couple nicer courses where there are practice balls and you just hit and grab some when it’s safe. But my normal place I practice at I despise when I’m practicing on the small pitching area with my 6 balls and a guy with a shag bag of 50 balls rolls up and starts hitting too. I’m all for sharing and keeping track of where you’re hitting but it’s impossible with Mr. Shag Bag.


I practice at a chronically packed muni, so I bought some brightly colored used balls for the chipping green. Very easy to keep track of (for myself and others).


I had a shag bag of old Pro Vs that I was practicing and noticed I was slimming out. Going with the hi cus Pro Vs made sure mine didn’t walk away. Now everyone has copied and does the same thing lol


Does hitting a cart girl in the neck with a 300 yard drive count?


You mean she drove the cart 300 yards?


No my drive was roughly 300 yards. Hit her in the neck on the fly. It was brutal.


Well, the ball was presumably traveling much slower at that point? At least you didn’t nail her from 50 yards away with a drive, I guess


I was most grateful that I didn't hit her somewhere in the face. I should post the whole story here. It still makes me queasy but it's a good cautionary tale about golf etiquette I suppose.


She shouldn't have been standing there!




I hit some dudes girlfriend on the adjacent fairway once. The ball went through the cart and hit her dead on in the chest and the ball plopped in her top.


did you play it as it lied?


I thought about asking to play it jokingly, but the bf was upset already and I was outnumbered. I was walking solo


I accidentally hit into a group that was off by some trees on the side of the fairway because I thought one of them had waived me through.


Not the exact same, but one time at an expensive public course in my area I was warming up and decided to hit the chipping green. I go there and there must be at least 50 colored golf balls on it, so I think “hey that’s cool they provide some balls for chipping” so I go to pick some up, like 5-10 or whatever. Old lady looks at me weird and that’s when I realize they’re all hers. Apologized profusely but she was super nice about it.


He encroached on your territory. Should have told him you peed on them and thus they became yours.


My buddy had just bought a new car. The parking lot of the course is right beside the 1st tee box. We get to about hole 4 when we start hearing a car alarm going off. It's annoying but fairly distant. We get back to turn onto the back nine and realize it's his vehicle. Turns out the car alarm will go off when you leave the windows open as it detects interior movement from the wind flowing through, as a warning that a child or pet might still be in there. Had a very guilty laugh and disabled it. Buddy was shook and felt terrible.


That’s a pretty harmless gaffe. Maybe take note of the cart staff uniforms at the next club you go to lol.


I often step behind the hole when picking up my ball without realizing it. I didn’t even know that was bad etiquette until two weeks ago


Wait what?


You shouldn’t want to step directly next to the hole when retrieving your ball because you’re making the most important part of the putting surface rough. There’s nothing worse than a putt on a perfect line with just enough speed that veers away from the cup at the last second because Sasquatch was in the group ahead of you


This happened on an eagle putt during league this week. Ball stopped 1/2” from dropping mid cup right in a spike crater. Would have been a skin too. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I once hit a Kirkland 4 when playing a Kirkland 4 that wasn’t even my ball


I once put a ball through a guys windshield as he drove into the course. Teed off on the first hole, hit a large banana slice (per usual) this guy was driving down to the clubhouse and it hit the middle of his windshield on the fly. The crack was loud, the screech of his brakes was louder lol. He came down to the parking lot, threw his bag and started screaming at me that I owed him $500 for his deductible. I offered to pay half for safelite to come out and replace it, but he kept screaming at me. The clubhouse attendant came out and told me to go ahead and play the round and she would sort things out. When she came to find me on #3 she informed me that he called the cops on me and they told him its inherit risk to drive through a golf course. I kept my money that day...


I try to abide by rules of etiquette and respect the course. This one time I was yelled at by a female grounds supervisor or I guess she could have been the teaching pro? Anyway, this course is a city/public run and has a putting green and a short driving range. I had probably played this course 20 times but never used the putting green but I had observed others practicing putts and short chips over these previous visits. One evening I had some time but not enough time to play a round so I thought I would work on putting and those 3-5 yard chips off the green. I was probably 10 minutes into this chipping process and this female yelled at me! What the hell was wrong with me? And really shrilled with disgust! Hahaha! I waited for her to walk over and she continued to berate me. I said M’am calm down I was unaware that this was against the rules and had observed others doing it in the past. She proclaimed that there was a sign that disallowed chips. To my embarrassment there was a small sign that I had never even noticed,,hahaha!! So I had really no witty comment to say at that point and just apologized.


At least once per round somebody will literally jump and land on my line. They’re usually trying to avoid it but end up coming down on it like tower seven.


Something something … Jet fuel


I was playing in a tournament a few years back and we were on a par 5 with a massive flighted green as a threesome. Pin was middle left. Guy 1 was in the deep bunker far right and was playing at a Patrick Cantlay pace. Guy 2 was about 45 feet behind the pin and I was about 25 out pin high in the middle of the green putting for eagle. After I marked my ball, I walked over to my bag to grab my putter and toweling off since it was hot as shit and had my back turned. During that time guy 1 apparently hit and only got it like 15 feet out of the bunker and had like an 80 foot putt that he quickly marked and had for whatever reason walked to about 15 feet below the hole while guy 2 lined his putt (had no pertinence to his read because if he’s down there it’s going off the green) but I assumed that’s where he left it. Assuming I’m out after him, I start lining up my putt which is dead in guy one’s line and he absolutely blew up on me while still standing below the hole. I felt like a dumbass but I was also confused as to why he wasn’t lining up his putt and apparently he told guy 2 to go while he got a read but it was my own fault for not being aware of where other players are at.


I joined what I thought was a search party for my wife’s ball (she’s a beginner). Finding the ball just a few inches in the weeds, I say found it and grab it and toss it a yard into the rough that she’d be able to play from. The random 2 handicap who was playing with us then very kindly goes that’s ok, I’ll play it from there and puts it back. Still feel bad about that one…


I was playing mens league at my club last night, fucked up twice. First I miscounted my strokes when my opponent asked what my 3’ putt was for (he conceded the hole), second I was waiting for my teammate to chip on after some confusion to whose ball was who’s between him and another guy and stood directly in the way of the other dude not realizing it for what was only 12 seconds but felt like ten minutes once I had realized my mistake. Oops.


Who rakes balls at the range with a contraption they brought


You should have tipped him.


Was it upper by chance?