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Height is not the determining factor in club length, but it would be extremely rare for someone 6' tall to need +1-1/2". What is your wrist to floor? You would only need longer clubs if you have short arms, or your posture dictates the need for them. What was his reasoning? You can easily cut the extensions down to any length, or even remove them. You should probably find a qualified fitter to look at them.


He may have known what he was doing, but it was also a bit of a conflict of interest. He got paid to make the changes. I've got a pretty normal body type, so I can't imagine there was a reason that I needed them to be extended that long.


No chance he knew what he was doing if he extended them 1.5” and you’re 6’ tall, unless you have t-Rex arms. I have a friend who is 6’6” that has 1.5” extension in his irons, and even he should have them that long. I’m 6’4” and was fit to standard length by several different fitters.


Choke down?


I never understand why this isn’t the top answer in every one of these threads lol. It’s so easy and I say it every time. Just grip further down.


Aren't most club grips slightly tapered and meant to be grabbed at a specific place?




Will, a quick Google search shows that the vast majority of clubs have a tapered grip.


They shouldn't be grabbed in a certain place obviously...


They quite obviously should because it corresponds to the size of your hands and what you get the best grip at.


There is literally 0 issues in grabbing a club half an inch or an inch short. Especially if you're starting out. If people start blaming their gear right from the start it's laughable really. Even if you look at professional players: some choke down on all their clubs and some grab it by the end of the stick. Whatever works.


Your statement is objectively wrong. There is absolutely an ideal spot for you to grab the club based on the size of your hands and the size of the grip. This is why when you get new grips they measure your fingers. Is it a huge impact on a brand new player? Probably not ginormous, but if you are paying to have your clubs custom fit it definitely matters.


Objectively you're full of it because good players know how to choke down to shave a couple of yards off and don't act like a pussy because their hand is not in the "ideal" position, which doesn't exist.


I always think when Brook Henderson played that like 48.5 inch driver but is always chocked down an inch and half anyway lol


It can add variance in your setup


Mark it.


Assuming he’s wrong, not very. You can just get the extensions pulled out or cut down to whatever they should be. Maybe so that they’re extended 0.5”? Obviously it’s a bummer if you have to spend money on grips but it’s not like your clubs and golf game are ruined forever.


To be clear, there is no industry standard.  Everyone on here saying they play 1” offer or a half inch short is only telling you half the story. Measure your wrist to floor and use this chart chart from Wishon as a guide.  Then properly measure your clubs.  If you don’t have access to a club ruler, look up your specs online and add 1 1/2” (assuming your clubs were stock spec to begin with). https://wishongolf.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Height-Wrist-to-Floor-Charts.pdf


Thank you. What's to say the overseas standard length 7 iron is 37". It used to be 36.5" Wrap the grip in self sticking athletic tape and go out and do athletic things.


I am 6’1”. I went to a pro to get fitted. For me it was 1/2” over.


My step dad just got fitted into some new Pings. He's 6'5". His new clubs are +1". His previous "fitted" set was +2.75". Getting away from the unnecessarily long clubs chopped his handicap by at least half instantly.


+2.75"!! Who the heck fitted him into that?!


Right?! It was a local "master" club builder that ran a small custom shop out of his garage. His quality of work was very good, but his formula for fitting clubs was obviously way off. This predated launch monitors by a lot, so it would've been all wrist to floor, height, and wingspan measurements. I feel really bad for my stepdad. Those were his clubs for the last 20 years until recently. He missed out on so much golf that didn't need to be so frustrating. He would've been so much better off using standard off the shelf clubs that whole time.


This is what I'm worried about. I'm still a bit of a beginner. And I'm thinking the longer clubs are going to be harder for me to make contact and build consistency


Grab them a bit shorters then, it shouldnt matter too much bro. Don't worry so much, you could have learned to play golf with a 50 dollar set with bende whippy shafts like I did. First year brought me down to hcp 20. Still wonder if it would really matter if I still players these clubs even now 7 years later.. it's the Archer not the arrow...


They definitely will be harder to hit.


I would be amazed if these clubs are correct for you. For context, I am 6'4" and my clubs are only +0.5". My previous clubs were +1" and I found them too long.


I'm 6'3 and have the same story, 1'' is usually too long unless one has very short arms.


All depends on your arm length and your setup, I'm 6'1 but have super long arms so I actually like less than standard


1.5” is crazy long to extend them. Having clubs that are too long is one of the more detrimental issues in my opinion. Get your specs checked again, height and wrist to floor, and get them cut down.


It's difficult when you're a rookie and get generelized advice. I had the same issue, but shortened clubs. What they didn't account for was my very short arms. So I ended up going back and forth on lengths.


How tall was the previous owner of those clubs?


Im 6’ and was at a titleist fitting event, the guy said normal length was fine for me.


1.5 inches is a lot. I'm 6' 1" and play std length.


Go to a fitter and if they're too long have them cut down to the right length.


i'm 5'10" and play +1/2" clubs. there's a lot of variables to determining this measurement, and for me he used some impact tape on the bottom of the clubs and we tweaked length and lie angle until i was interacting with the "turf" as level and even as possible. for me and my current swing was half inch long, 2° upright. if you want a quick way to double check this, Ping has their dot fitting tool on their website that takes a bunch of static measurements like your wrist to floor and gives you a rough idea of what you should be looking at. you could try that to verify that you're in the ballpark.


Lol he screwed you over good eh


I’m 6’2 and play a +2. Posture and comfort matter a lot. Give them a fair shake. Choke down a bit if you must.


Do you hit them better than before? If not, choke down. Not a big deal.


This is lazy advice


Nah this is good advice in my opinion. It shouldn't matter much if you choke it down a little to where you're comfy. Way too many beginners think it's about gear when it really isn't.


It's accurate. None of us know if the clubs are the right length for OP. And people way overestimate how much equipment matters.


Would you want to golf if you had to choke down on every shot?


Wouldn't make the slightest difference to me. If it did bother me, I'd get them shortened. Doesn't change my response to OP. You think OP doesn't know it's possible to get them shortened? Doesn't change the fact that none of us have any way of knowing if the clubs are the right length for them or not. All OP has to do to figure that out is hit them.


It’s worse to have clubs that are too long than too short. I’d take the grips off, and just cut off the extension plugs they’re quite easy to remove, then regrip. You would have to have tiny arms for that length.