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Looks like you’re golfing 36 today my man.


Yep, then going for a few “coca colas” afterwards


My last girlfriend got the old me, playing another 18 in her head was like “well, I guess I’m eating alone tonight and should probably leave the front door unlocked so he doesn’t try to break in when he can’t figure out how keys work.” Quit drinking “coca colas” and don’t have a GF 🤷 I’ll figure this shit out one of these days.


Just curious, did the DMT have anything to do with your quitting drinking?


Would be a cooler story if I could attribute it but I just decided to quit one day and that was it. I didn’t drink everyday and didn’t drink too much every time I did, but if I got on a heater there was no kill switch.


Relatable, and congrats. I’m proud of ya.


I’m 16 months sober and same thing just woke up one day said I’m done and haven’t had a sip since. Was not drinking daily but had no kill switch once I started and it resulted in many embarrassing or dangerous stories. On the bright side I lost 20 pounds without any other changes to diet and also went from a 10 handicap to a 4 handicap in that same 16 month period lol


👍 Great job on quitting drinking!!


Sounds like more time and money for golf!


37th hole amirite


36 on the 4th would take 14 hours lol


I hate to be this guy but I golfed my fastest round ever today. Walked 18 on a very hilly course in 2:30. Tee time was at 7:00. It was bliss…..besides the sprinkler dodging


The 2nd 18 would have taken 6 hours lol


Indeed lol


My son and I got the unlucky pairing (3rd group out and the first to groups were moving at a good pace). One of the guys just moved slow, pre-shot routine took forever, and took a decent number of mulligans off of the tee. Took a little over the 4:30 to finish. But we never saw the group behind us (I feel bad for everyone behind them). I had a good laugh with my son on the drive home. The slow guy told his buddy that he shot -5 on the back for a 69 (par 72). Who knew that the best way to break par is to ignore all of the duck hooks you hit off of the tee.


Got done in 4 flat today


A God amongst men


Just finished 18 on the 4th. First 9 we flew through. Hour 45 Second 9, now behind a dad and two kids - who took multiple tee shots until the marshal told him to stop. Two hours and 50 fcking minutes.


Dad with two kids here. I tried playing scramble with my kids to save time last time I was out. Still took 3 hours to do 9 holes. That was a lot of letting people play through though.


😂😂 it’d be a nightmare, and likely hot as hell


36 on the 4th would take a heat stroke.


I played in a tournament in the am, five hour round. Then had lunch and went out for another 18, that one took 2:45. It was stupidly hot. 


mf this is the home of the brave


Land of the mother fu*king free baby!!!!


Freedom isn't free.


No there’s a hefty fuckin fee.


Back on the pile boys!!!!


If you don't chip in your buck-o-five who will?


Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose...


As if shooting an 80 as an amateur golfer would ever ruin someone's day. Jokes on her, really.


When you've never broken 80 it can be a little bitter and you definitely will spend some time going over multiple shots from that round in your head lmao. Once you do it once though, yea 80, fuck yea! Nice day at the course! Shot an 80.


I shot 80 4 times before i managed a 79. That final stroke is a killer


Sometimes it is. Take care of your cardiovascular health.


81 was my number. Shot very few 80s. Either 79 or 81. Double on the last is my game. 🤗


I was even thru 16 once, doubled the last 2 to tie my pb of 76 lol. Finally shot 72 this past weekend


Shot 80 yesterday. I am completely devastated. Could have easily been a 78 if I had kept my head on one hole. The journey to sub 80 continues…


Ngl as someone who has never shot 80… It would still make me mad. I’m still pretty new, started playing within the last year, and my last round was a 91, which was my record. I wasn’t happy that I got my record, I was sad that I was 2 strokes from breaking 90 and couldn’t 🥲


Damn dude I bet her other boyfriend is pumped you’re headed out on the links


As long as they take care of our child I’m okay with it


*their child


Oh harsh


Our child


Underrated shade. You have my upvote


Im a golfer. But sounds like she’s upset that you are golfing in a holiday instead of spending time with the fam.


Easy there Dr. Phil. The man’s tryna break 80. Fireworks can wait.


And OP revealed they have a kid 💀 I just went on a bike ride in morn but OP might need to rethink his priorities being gone for 5 hours on a major holiday lol.


Buy a new putter


![gif](giphy|3oEduKVQdG4c0JVPSo|downsized) Me finishing after 9 holes with a score of 50 - beat her at her own game - then go play another unrelated 9 holes.


Tell her I said I hope you shoot a ‘76 in honor of today


I wouldn’t dare golf on a holiday. 5 hr round. Mad wife. Beer and chill at home is great.


Does she have plans to hang out with other people today? If not going golfing and leaving your significant other home alone on a holiday is kinda shitty tbh.


Why are you playing the tips if you’ve never broken 80?


Asking the real questions!


If this is Fossil Trace in CO, everyone should play the tips. I am a complete amateur, and played there in a scramble/team event, but the combination of elevation and views warrants seeing and playing as much of it as you can. The ball can carry some serious distance with elevation yielding long drive, so may as well make the holes long.


Yikes some of you guys have shitty spouses


Context matters.  Only hearing one side of the story.


Some of you guys are shitty spouses. Fixed it


Ditching the wife and kids on a holiday, not hard to see why she’s bothered.


True degenerates are there at the ass crack of dawn, play 18 solo and are home before anyone is even awake.


Yeah that’s the right way to do it lol. My toddler also chooses the crack of dawn sometimes


Time to get a club in his hand and get him trained to love sunrise golf with dad. Your wife will absolutely LOVE waking up to an empty house once a week or more.


He’s more in the mastering how to walk stage of toddlerhood but I could surely strap him in the stroller and walk 9, or hit the driving range while he watches


Hell yeah


How the fuck are you guys booking morning tee times?


thankfully where I am a member is a 36 hole course and other than maybe 15 days out of the year getting on is never really a problem and getting on early or being the first one out is generally easy. A bunch of dudes go off but every one is single or twosome and *hauling ass*. I can literally hit my tee shot at 6:00 AM some mornings play 18 holes and be home in the shower by 8:30 AM. Also live 5 minutes away.


That’s what I was doing on vacation with the driving range and practice green. Baby woke up at 5:15 give him a bottle put him back to sleep by 5:45, range at 6, home at 7:30 and they’re both still sleeping


God damn this is the dumbest comment in the whole thread lol.


Some of you guys ARE shitty spouses. “As long as they take care of our child I’m okay with it” - OP Dude treats his wife like daycare.


You do realize this was a joke in response to a previous comment right?


This sub talks more about their disdain for their wives than golf.


The audacity! Get you a 79 for America.


I'm quite convinced every female spouse/partner has the same take on us going golfing. They absolutely hate that we're doing some hobby we love for some reason


There are a lot of people who golf because they are hiding from their spouses. When the relationship is good the spouse doesn’t care and hopefully has their own hobbies.


It’s definitely the 4 hours gone and showing back up hammered that my wife hates but hey who really knows


Sucker. I've got my wife convinced a round of golf takes 6 hours, not including travel and drinks. 


Should’ve upped my numbers up off the bat, silly me




It depends on the couple, but golf games are so long, I kinda get it. Between everything it means being gone for 5-6 hours.


That’s why I’m lucky I’m a first responder with a schedule that gives me off 4 days in a row after every shift lol. Plenty of time when the GF is at work to golf


Literally the only thing I miss about my last job. Shiftwork allowing me to golf mid week.






I'm in the same boat. Wife could not care less about what I'm doing when she's at work as long as I'm home around the time she gets off.


If you’re going 2-3 times a week I could get it but once a week or every other week I absolutely don’t get it. Everybody deserves time to do something they love for themselves and personally 5-6 hours shouldn’t be a big deal as some spouses make it out to be.


In my experience, women that have their own lives and hobbies dont care. Women who have nothing going on in their own individual lives get upset whether its from jealousy or needing some sort of entertainment. To each their own but I’ll never understand those couples that cant do a single thing alone. Like we invited my buddy to golf, booked a tee time then the guy shows up with his girlfriend unannounced thinking we booked a slot for her. Now, she’s never golfed before and was gna just wack the ball around for “fun” so thank god she didnt. Havent seen the guy alone ever since he started dating this chick


This is it. My wife doesn't care as she has her own shit to do including golfing with her friends, among other things. The only time she's not stoked on it is when it's on the weekend and she's in the trenches with the kids solo. But we compromise and I get out early in the AM and I'm usually back by lunch. Too many couples can't communicate effectively though so it basically turns into the husband saying he's going golfing, the wife stewing at home, cold silence the rest of the day, and a bunch of resentment that builds up over time. Or they do everything together like your friend and build some weird codependent thing which just makes that one solo outing even more of a conflict down the line.


My best friend back home had this problem with snowboarding, which eats up WAY more time than golf. When his first kid was baby through toddler, he had to dial his riding way way back, but as soon as kiddo was 5 years old, we put him on skis and focused our days on the mountain into sculpting the perfect little grom. His wife genuinely appreciated having an entire Saturday to herself while my buddy and his crew took the kid up the hill and wore him out lol. By the time that kid was 8 he was bombing Colorado blue runs and putting us old heads into traction lol


I get it though. A lot of people/couples only have free time on the weekends. That’s like 24 hours of available time to hang with your spouse, but also do errands, manage the household, take kids to things. Spending a 1/4 of that time on yourself is a lot. Fortunately my partner and I don’t have kids which is huge, and I’m able to play 9 at least once during the week while she works. I also get the vibe a lot of guys use golf to “get away” from their partner. Never understood that.


I got paired up with a dude that was allegedly allowed a max of 2 rounds per month. Zero golf while on holiday / vacation. Yes, he had a few school-aged kids. Baffling.


Allowed? Fuck that😂 I’d rather jerk off into a tissue


Well, you'd be incorrect about that assumption. My wife totally supports my hobbies and likes that I do things that make me happy




Same, my wife used to always just come along and hang in the cart just chillin', kids too. Eventually, she started playing, and the kids gained interest as well. Now she just complains when I'm invited to play without her lol.


Wouldn’t mind it if we didn’t have kids. But I am stuck alone for eight hours (yes the drinks after take that long) with two young kids several times a week. I’m a teacher. Summers are supposed to be my time off too.


If he’s not giving you the same ratio of 8 hours of uninterrupted time watching the kids I’d put my foot down. Dude is just absconding on his responsibility as a father full stop. 8 hours means he’s going out of his way to avoid the family


I don't have kids but just a thought - you should have a talk with your husband that for the hours he spends golfing and you care for the kids he gives back in child care so you can do something you enjoy. Make it a calendar or something. It would probably encourage him to watch the kids more so he could golf more even.


Every is quite the generalization. Mine is super supportive of it because she sees how much I love it. But she's also an introvert so she gets her alone time too so that definitely helps haha


Mine was a bit annoyed till I got her to go with me. Now we play together every week.


Those of us with supportive wives don't post because we're busy golfing


Some of us are out there with our husbands. Even before I got into golf myself, I convinced him to go out. House to myself for a few hours so I can do whatever the fuck I want? Awesome! I will NEVER get relationships where one partner doesn’t let the other do their hobbies (or resents them for it).


My wife only hates when I go solo because I’m supposed to be making friends in a newish town and apparently I can’t possibly find one through a hobby by chance, I have to go with the couple acquaintances I have that golf instead to build those relationships.


Mine encourages me to go. She just prefers when I play as early as I can in the morning so I’m home in the afternoon. Obviously the jokes on her. Early morning golf is the best golf.


Mine is “fine” with it But there’s still like a hint of an attitude every time. Like fucking why, I’m always doing shit with you, go do something yourself. And no I shouldn’t feel like I “owe” you something because I do something I enjoy. And it’s not like I’m neglecting any duties at home either. Work, clean the house, walk the dog, but god forbid I enjoy some fuckin free time. I’m not gonna go full incel or boomer “old ball and chain” but Jesus Christ there’s a lot of fucking truth in there


girls hate how easy it is for guys to have fun


The trick is for your spouse to ALSO have a hobby. The problem is many people’s spouses rely on them for entertainment.


No, the problem is that most of these guys aren't willing to stay home with the kids for 8 hours while the wife enjoys said hobby. 🤷‍♀️


This is what I’m thinking as I’m reading through the comments. If the kids are older and more self dependent I get it. But anyone saying they golf multiple 18 holes per week and are giving their spouse the same amount of free time must not have a full time job. If I golf 18 that’s 6 hours I try to give back to my wife which isn’t easy working a full time job. It works out to many 1-2 hour breaks which isn’t really the same.




When the kids were small it was hard. Once my son turned like 12 and I took him . No issues at all. Sometimes I play with my wive and kids. Today was with the boys. We always get 7 am tee time. Done by 11 latest. All good


Ah, my wive


My wiiiiiife


Fossil Trace, Colorado? Fantastic course. The tips are no joke. I have a par- hole in one. First shot in the water, second shot in the hole. #16


I thought the whole stereotype of the girlfriend/wife getting mad at you golfing is because a lot of folks just use it as an excuse to go day drinking and come back a mess. For folks that take their rounds seriously, going out golfing shouldn't be a big deal unless there are small children at home or you're skipping out on other plans.


Good luck out there! I don't know why they act like that it's not like we are doing blow and banging hookers.


I mean by that logic, if you aren't beating her, you must be a great spouse. Because leaving your wife and kids home alone on a holiday is clearly the move. 👌


Wait.. Isn't that what golf if? If not, Im doing it wrong...


Right. You should be doing bang and blowing hookers.


Guess it depends on the club.


I’ve done blow on the golf course. It’s only a problem because blow makes me and the boys new men, and the only thing a new man wants after a line of blow is another line of blow, so…


I shot an actual 96 today down from average of 107 2 months ago


People who don’t play just can’t understand the joy.


People who aren't women can't understand the burden of being the primary caregiver to young children with a shit spouse. I golf 4 days a week, but its still bullshit to leave your fam home alone on a holiday.


Every time I golf. Wife, what time will you be finished. Me, starting at 10 so I'll be finished by 2. Guaranteed that around 12 o'clock, I'll get a text . Are you finished ? Me. Not till 2 . Wife, fucks sake what's keeping you so long. Every single time


Wife: Oh, how soon are you getting home?? Me: Couple hours, just made the turn… W: I want to go out to eat tonight? M: Sure, sounds good! Where?? Meet you or pick you up? W: I dooooooon’t know………


Stop responding to this poor behavior, better yet put the phone away til you’re done 


Started leaving it in the car.


Text dump her from the course.


Does she have plans to hang out with other people today? If not going golfing and leaving your significant other home alone on a holiday is kinda shitty tbh.


lol that’s not an insult


She’s a keeper if she wants you to shoot 80. 80 is a good score on my level.


And here my soon to be wife requested to golf today. Headed out with her folks. Was the perfect holiday


It’ll come brother lol!! Just keep at it. I’ve been trying to break 70 for the last few years and I’m finally starting to fire the occasional 68-69. It’s a great feeling when you get to that next level.


That’s a good score but maybe save the tips until you’re able to break 80.


80!!! Thanks babe. Love you tooo!!!


83 on the course, 69 at home


You tell her that today, you are free. Happy 4th. Break par.


If she doesn't like you going golfing, she needs her own hobby to compare it to. Facilitate finding something she enjoys, like pickleball or volleyball that gets her outside. If she's just a homebody, equate it to her binging stupid TV shows or chatting with friends for hours. A lot of guys I play with are just terrible communicators and don't really explain why golf is so therapeutic for them to their partner.


Tell her you hope she becomes attractive.


What did you shoot?




yah she meant on 9 and probably hopes you smap your sw in half, happy birthday Americas!


“May you live in interesting times” is what she meant to say.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 she’s a savage


Played 18 this morning in 4 hours. It was a great day for golf in SLC. Course was in great shape too. I want to go out for another 18 but I don’t know if I have it in me today.


Playing 9 holes today, right?


I've been back in golf for 4 years now after taking 15 years off. I have shot an 81 3 times recently. I'd love to shoot an 80.


I hope you shoot a 70 for freedom brother


My wife played a par 3 course with me




From a 95 average shooter, can you have her wish I shoot 80 next time?


I’d go to the range afterwards out of spite


Isn’t she supposed to wait until you are married for that. Rookie mistake


I have a 6 and 2 year old and golf twice a week. My wife understands how passionate I am about it. 11 handicap


The ages old golf conundrum, I always revert to a simple thought; “if I wasn’t married, I’d quit that game!”


see ya gf


Update? What did you shoot???


Great course




Well, you're playing a gimmicky course like fossil trace. Do it at Arrowhead and then you're cooking. 


Is arrowhead more of a gimmicky course? I got in for under a 100 so I thought it was a steal


Thank you for reminding me why I’m still single


Fossil trace is so sick. 83 from the tips is solid there


I drove that par 4 green on I think hole 3 a couple weeks ago. Was one up from the tips whatever they call it there… stegosaurus or something. Shot a 91 but I drove that damn green!


Ok Janis. 😂🤣😂🤣


How did you like fossil trace? What did you think of their signature hole 12 with the big rock?


I wanted to play fossil trace when I flew to Colorado to see NIN at Redrocks a few years ago. Only a spot open for a single player when I was available and one of my friends wanted to golf too. We went to a different club, that kinda sucked.


Is your girlfriend a 9 year old girl?


If you come home and she's mad, say you're gonna leave her for a few hours to calm down, 5 or 6 with travel, a short warm-up and a beer should be enough


Fissile Trace is fantastic 🧐


Jokes on her, you still got to play golf 😎


The girlfriend should come ride or walk alongside.


Jokes on her. You would be over the moon with an 80 instead of 90


Lmfaoo I would laugh cuz my response would be "well that would not be a surprise cuz I would be fucked up anyway "


That means her other boyfriend is a scratch golfer


Sounds like you guys should talk about the root of what is causing the “malice”


What’d you shoot on the back 9?


Lmao, that's hilarious 😂


An 83 on fossil trace is great. Love me some hole 12. Giant rock out cropping in the middle of a Par 5 fairway. Was the wind under 10 mph? Always windy in Golden.


83 at Fossil Trace? Bravo. That course has torn me apart plenty of times


Love Fossil Trace, except those crazy rock formations in the fairways. WTF?


Played Fossil Trace about 15 years ago. It was Mother’s Day weekend and it snowed. Also, went to college right there and remember when it was a car dealership beforehand.


Any time I had a great day golfing or hunting, it seemed she countered it with something dramatic, smh.


I’d kill to shoot an 80! 😀


Why are you still with her?


Me too. Send that witchcraft my way please.


You should tell her you’d shoot a 69 just for her😄


On the front 9? Yeah she’s evil.


Love Fossil Trace. Went for the first time last year for a bachelor party


She encouraged you to shoot better than what you actually did, even though she was mad you? She’s a keeper.


Any day on the course is good. Bad rounds are a grind but still rather be on the course. Right there with ya, I got my avg down to 82.5 on GHIN. Finally broke through the other day with a 78 but still always happy when in the low 80s. Nice 83. Fairways and greens ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Bro don't worry about it. I'm sure she called up whoever she usually calls up to come knock her back walls down while you're out golfing and felt just fine afterwards. More importantly, you weren't worried about her cheating on you and you got to go out there and do what you love 🏌️‍♂️


Take that 80


I'd be stoked if I shot an 80.


Sounds like a nice lady tbh


Play the blue or whites until you're consistently breaking 80 or flirting with par, and then move back to the tips


Played Fossil Trace a few weeks ago. Awesome course!


At the club I run we had about 60-70 guys lined up at 8am; some had been there since 06:30. We don’t take tee times. Still, it’s an expected outcome and happens often enough that no one gets frosty about it. They just grab a bloody and a breakfast burrito and shoot the shit with their mates. Good day all in all.