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Bounce is more important than anything else, but for the 55-75 gap I think it's arguably easier to choke down on a 56 than using a 60.


You should practically never hit a full 58 or 60 wedge shot, if you are implying that. Learn your partial wedge distances. It’s worth the time required. A golf sim session is ideal for this.


Agreed, and I’m not


Get fitted for bounce on wedges. I had a free one and learned I needed 8 bounce instead of usual 10 that I buy


They are basically the same. As lofts were jacked on irons in order to maintain proper gapping a 54 became and acceptable substitute for a 56. Then in order to maintain 4 degrees of loft between clubs the 58 became an acceptable substitute for a 60. Most players prefer to have about 4 degrees of loft between wedges. So choose between a 58 and a 60 based on your 54/56 wedge


I have a 54* sand wedge


60 isnt much different, just open the 58 up bit. Or if you get a 60 get it a different bounce so you have options. Neither of theses should be clubs where you are really worrying about distance


I thought the same but I’m not getting enough loft and and hitting it about 10 yards too far consistently


Don’t hit a full swing? 10 yards less is what, 75% swing or so


You aren’t wrong. When I do that I seem to top it more. I’d like to keep everything semi consistent


What’s the distance you’re trying to cover?




Thought so. Toughest yardage in golf IMHO. I’ve been messing around with a 54 Vokey for that distance. My 60 is too unpredictable in terms of miss cone. For the 50-60 distance I’ve been practicing a tempo, tik, tok pitch, ball forward at about 2/3rds backswing or so and half follow through. Same club and swing for 75 but more takeaway and intentional follow through then just hoping for a release when the ball lands. Lie and workable green provided. I’ll do a 60 and a more traditional swing if it’s in deep rough/half buried though. Or if I’m short side and not a ton of green.


Couple thoughts here. I had Vokey, they were terribly unforgiving (to me). I have CBXs and it’s night and day difference. And yes, 20-75 yards is where I really have trouble with. If I could figure this out, my HDCP would be sub 10. Ugh.


Look up the Tiger YouTube video with Morikawa where they’re hanging out green side talking chips. Like, honestly the issue might be as simple as the shot you’re trying to hit at 75, 50, 25. That video is awkward distance gold.


20-35y, toe down choke up, can even palm the grip if it helps, club 45⁰- club parallel backswing. Push the toe down through impact also. 40-75y with your regular grip find your club parallel and arm parallel backswing yardages then choke up from there to hit slightly shorter. I also use 2 different downswings for different yardage. Lower yardage feels like letting the club drop and I just maintain the momentum accelerating through impact and higher is nearly full force through impact.


It sounds like you’re trying to hit a full swing with your 58, which should be a rare event. You need to work on chipping and pitching and worry about loft later.


So try moving the ball a little back, standing a little closer and going down the grip a tiny amount. Then hit your normal shot. Does it go about 10 shorter? You can do things to your setup to take distance off a bit without really feeling like you swing different. Maybe that’s the best way to go about it. When I want to hit wedges shorter I try to hit them lower.


2% harder


I think the 58 is noticeably easier to more consistently from rough. For me, the 60 would get under the ball more and I was often hitting shots too high on the face. The 58 was better overall


Unless you’re lobbing the ball over a green side bunker you’re better off keeping your chips low for better accuracy. Majority of the time, I’m not hitting my 60 more than 3 or 4 feet off the ground anyway. 58 vs 60 shouldn’t matter much.


They are interchangeable. Minimal difference.


In terms of distance and results or difficulty?


2° bro, 2°


Everything. Should only be about 5 yards difference. One thing to be aware of is that you might find that different brands may play drastically different, due to shape, bounce, and grind. But if you have the same brand, same bounce, same grind, the difference between a 58 and 60 is about 5 yards, and nothing else.


Hmmm ok. I play a Cleveland CBX wedge


According to a comparison video I saw on rtx and cbx, the cbx is just launching lower on short shots. I believe the creator was a mid-handicapper though.




Which one? lol


All of them. It’s 2° difference should be nominal


It's not too hard. I have a Vokey SM9 60° that throws me off every once in a while because it's L grind and I'll launch the ball forward instead of up if I'm not careful, but most of the time I can hit it pretty well.


I never understood this idea... My first set had a 60° and it was the easiest and my favorite club out of the entire set.




You don't need a new wedge you need to practice distance control at known yardages and then get the muscle memory down. Whether its a clock system, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, full swing etc...


I loved my 60° for its life, still use it for practice, but it had gotten very worn down about the same time I was looking to replace I came across a like-new 58° JAWS for $80 on Marketplace so it was a good time to swap


Try hitting a few balls with your heels close together. It will limit the amount of power you can use. It has helped me with hitting my wedges and not chunking them.


You know what’s nuts… I was nails with my 54* today. I only used my 58* once and I was trying to clear a bunker around the green. Ooof.


as you increase the loft of your clubs the working vertical strike area available to you shrinks. loft is your friend until it isn't. i don't think any amateur golfer should carry a 60. none. same goes for 3 woods. just because the pros have them and the companies sex them up doesn't mean it's for you. i'd say that 58 would be the highest loft any regular player should look at, and if you don't have low point control (most don't) a 56 is fine. be real, you're not pulling off those flop shots.


One can dream… lol. I am curious, what would an amateur bag construction look like w/o a 3W? I have: D, 3W, 5W, 7W, 5i-P, 48*, 54*, 58*, putter.


I'd ditch the 3 wood. Or if you insist on having more clubs. Go 4w 7w and a high lofted hybrid


Preach! The highest loft I carry is 54⁰. Once every 6 months I wish I had another couple of degrees. 


I have not gotten a 60 degree yet. Highest lofted is a 56. I do have a 3 wood and I just can't hit it well consistently. Feels amazing to stripe one off the tee. But after driver my safety club is the 3 hybrid (which I find very easy to hit). Will probably get a 5 wood or 3 hybrid before I try fooling around with a 60.


I seem to have an unpopular stance here lol. I use a 60 degree with 9 degrees of bounce almost religiously. I hit anything from bump and runs, flop shots, half and 3 quarter shots, to full swings, and bunker shots. It’s the clubs I have the most confidence and versatility with. I’m also an amateur golfer but I guess maybe I just have an affinity for it. I just know that if the green is 80 yards or closer, I’m using that 60 80% of the time.


What brand and model of 60* do you have?


I play a Cleveland RTX wedge, the ones PGA has on sale for $99 lol. I swapped from a worn out MG3 60 wedge I wanted less bounce. I think my MG3 had 12* and it was too much


I have cbx, like them a lot. Had Vokey’s and they were brutal


For sure lol. I have a Vokey SM9 48 degree though that I like. My 52 degree is a Tkoko Skyforger (I play Takomo 101s), and my 56/60 are the RTX full face. 🫡 Seems unconventional I know but I play well with the set up so if it ain’t broke don’t fix it right 😂