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I’d fail NNN at least five times today with you…. As for how you do multiple pics, I do tend to prefer swiping through a slideshow, but like this does make it that you only need one watermark.


🥰🥰🥰🥰 thank you double, for the compliment and also the feedback Sometimes I worry if I start the slides with my first pic (like this one with my undies up), it doesn't spark enough interest to scroll further. Watermarking multiple pics is a little inconvenient but not too bad, I'm more worried about engagement (which now that I've typed it out feels kinda silly)


You’re very welcome! I’d first off like to say, if someone isn’t engaged enough to swipe, they are crazy…. I personally do like to be able to see the full image one by one and will zoom in when curiosity strikes. That all said, you know how your audience engages better than anyone so do what feels right for your goals.


Why would I do nnn when your ass exists ?


That's the mindset I love 😌🥰💜


I think youd like the way I think when im in your bed x




Hopefully tonight!! Fingers crossed I came quite a bit yesterday tho




I'm not entirely sure honestly. So many. I got my Daddy ALL worked up. He carried me up the stairs and threw me on the bed and had his way with me for... a while 🥰🤤 I guess I could cum whenever, it's just better when my Daddy makes me cum rather than me doing it myself. And we're both working rn 😕




He did! He was planning on using some toys (which is why he carried me up to our room rather than using me in the kitchen) but he got too into it... and me... and decided I was the only toy we needed




I fucking agree




Sometimes but I don't love to do it bc i get too distracted to do my job well 😅


Separate slides tbh. And I would never even attempt NNN lmao, but yeah I'd love to "fail" at it with you. Or especially in you


I like the separate slides too but I don't always get as much engagement with them 😕 I'll have to do some more formal testing tho 😌🥰 But also same, I don't think I made it thru the first day. I'm much too horny to go an entire month 😅


Well also, you do realize that your posts make people have to masturbate... right? I'm not sure how you could ever support that lol


A very very good point. It would be entirely unfair of me, though I do love to be a tease


Do you also enjoy turning people on IRL, other than someone you're dating I mean? I've always felt like that would be one of the most fun things about being a woman tbh. I mean, I tend to word things explicitly in this context for obvious reasons, but I would never talk like that to someone I don't know IRL, or someone I work with or whatever. But some women make it so difficult not to have an erection just from being around them, I actually have to fucking try just to maintain my composure and act normal. And then I'll happen to think about them randomly while I'm literally doing nothing, and then physically have to masturbate. Just be honest, do you ever do that shit to guys on purpose? Because I swear it's been done to me intentionally, and I actually find that idea really hot for whatever reason. Again, like that's exactly what I would do if I were her


Oh definitely. When I do it irl it's usually done 100% just for the tease and I'm not hoping anything really develops from it. I just like knowing I can turn people on, especially without doing anything like obviously explicit


Is it more fun/hot/whatever the closer you are to them? Like, I'd imagine (again, largely just from having been on the receiving end of this lmao) that it would be more rewarding if it's some guy you're already at least somewhat close friends with, and you already know he's gonna remain 100% respectful no matter how turned on he gets. Again, am I right or am I imagining that?


Like yes and no? It depends on how close we are and where I know them from, how often I have to interact with them and so on. In theory, I'd love to tease my friends and my D's friends but in reality that would probably lead to some less than fun situations and conversations. So it's like people in the middle kinda? Idk. Maybe more on a person by person basis rather than an overarching sort of rule


That makes sense yeah. Just in general, you tend to attract guys who are attracted to intelligence, don't you?


I think mainly I attract guys who like tall, pale, redheads with glasses and piercings lol but I suppose there have been people attracted to me for my brain as well


That’s an early thanksgiving spread! 😍🦃


I am very thankful for all of yall for sure 😌🥰


You deserve the attention




That's the only way 😌🥰


even if I participated in NNN you would be worth the fail


Honestly one of the best compliments a girl could get 🥰🥰


up there with how wet and tight you are?


Umm. With you but in you? 😍


That's the only way 😌🥰


I couldn’t agree more 😉🥰


NNN in my house is need to but November and we focus on quality and outputs of nuts and not letting down the expectations of needy sluts who just want to be filled 🤗🫡


I love that so much more and I will be adopting it thank you


But I've been so good during NNN 😉 also, I kinda like them side by side!


I want to fail it inside of you


Failed NNN on the 1st. But I'm willing to fail again..


I don't participate in NNN but I'd fail it inside you as often as you want 😏🤤


I don't have nuts so I'm good to go 😆😆


We are so lucky arent we. I much prefer participating in nonstop nut November


Your posts never disappoint! 🥵 Do you actually think that by the 8th of November is still there someone who hasn't failed NNN yet? You're definitely very optimistic! :)


What makes you think these photos haven't already forced me to fail?


Every day of it!!


I kinda could see it both ways—slideshow is fun because it’s exciting to click on a post and see there are more pics. Like bonus presents haha. But I actually like having the side by side—a bit easier to enjoy one handed, plus it takes the hard decision of which pic to “finish” to off my plate, and that can be REALLY hard to decide when I’ve got three great options like this. Speaking of which, it’s about time I bust to your gorgeous cheeks 💦❤️ “failing” never felt so good haha


Oh, I'd be in heaven with you, failing over and over!


I can't think of a better option to fail NNN with - redheads are special and redheads with such lovely bodies are particularly special.


pussy, ass or both???


I'm fondly looking forward to filling you up every day this November, for the sake of my health as well as yours, pup 💜


Absolutely. Last night every night 😌


I’d fail NNN with you in my lap 🥵


U have to do more for that hehe


Who's in GW who's doing NNN? 🤣


Masochists 😌


🤔 ok, fair Side by side pics work when *all* of your long lithe body fits in the pics, slides work whwnnyour body takes up more space ^^*IMO*


That is a good point. I do try to do a mix of both but I do like to see what the people like best


It's GW: there's no damn consistency in what garners the most attention & love. Just do what you like and have the confidence to be as weird as you want, horny folks will respond accordingly


you think you will be able to make me fail ? 😏🤔


Oh I know I could 😏


are you sure about that ? 😈


can I give you a licking?