• By -


that’s psychological warfare




I'm not understanding the context here? Why uninstall? Is it bad?


keeps crashing and has the minimum requirements of elden ring so a lot of people install it and then cant play it


Am I missing something since it's running smoothly at Advanced settings.


I'm running it at top settings and I have yet to get any issues at all, and my computers not even that good, my old computer that my sister uses now is way worse(integrated graphics card) and was worth 600 bucks max has had no issue aswell, I literally don't see how people are having troubles


Damn I love "integrated graphics card" it's my favourite. My guess its some software issue maybe drivers or something causing people issues.


It's usually drivers, yeah


the minimum requirements of what now?


I can put up with a lot of things but repeatedly crashing and stuttery gameplay is a huge turn off


Day one, too much hype, high server traffic, low end laptops, pc , mobile cannot run it , it's more like a slide show to be honest. And it's not anime enough similar to genshin. Though I still have hope as PGR also started with the same issues so around 10 days more till they add optimisation updates for smoother experience and the English voice cast is way too bland.


Is there any good reason to play at all? I'm interested but kept seeing negative stuff about it


If you like technical combat then yes, it's somewhere in between dark soul level combat and turn based RpG combat. You have mechanics like dodge and parry but you don't dodge while rolling over like elden ring. Characters are quite beautiful, but the story is a yap fest. After the first 6 minutes I was skipping all the lore cause it was so boring. There is a lot of end game and bosses to do but that's it, exploration is good but it's not vibrant like genshin and not dark enough like elden ring. I would suggest you to try the game out after like 10 days so the developers can fix some issues with optimisation and localisation.


Hit the nail on the head, but to add to it being a yap-fest. It's not just a yapfest. it's incomprehensible word vomit. Theres like full-on sentences that dont make a lick of sense. And then they explain what it is. Now repeat that like 7 more times. Now I have zero idea what's what anymore. I guess Hoyo took all the talented writers. At least the gameplay is pretty fun.


Yep, though I kinda expected it from wuwa, as PGR's first 8 acts were absolute bs back then after that the story becomes peak so I'm hoping for 1.1 to have a better story.


Having a game being peak after 8 arcs is insane. You lost everyone by then. How was the game even still alive? Were the mechanics that good?


Yeah, the combat was the part which hooked me.


I mean, it's working for Snowbreak. They had 10 arcs that were mid as fuck - written by the same guy whose work Kuro had to rush to rewrite, I might add - and then after they canned the writer C11 onward has been picking up players. They come for the fanservice, and stay for the story being actually pretty good now (and also the fanservice).


The combat is the best in any mobile game yet


If only there was a character that says the sentence in a simpler manner...


Paimon our little melon.


Bro I can understand genshin wothout Paimon because like someone said it looks like Hoyo has a lot of talented writers/took them. They're really good at localization. I've seen a complaint about it here so it must be true


>Hoyo took all the talented writers I almost choke themselves. Have you read The Seven Shu story from Part2 of Honkai3?


HI3 was them smoke crack look at genshin after Inazuma archon quest or HSR in general.


Part2 was released this February


Guess all of hoyo's talented writer is doing genshin & hsr main story now. And left HI3 with nothing lmao


And people said that Honkai is the golden child. apparently only the newest honkai is the golden child


The new UI is also dogshit and well the end of HI3 part 1 was also yapfest I just skimmed most of the story, if not it being HI3 I wouldn't even try to end the story just uninstall the game


You dont need part 2, just part 1 ending is enough or inazuma or lufou from hsr lol


Honestly I don't understand the luofu hate the story there was fine just fine but not as good as what came before and after


Part2 is indigestible for everyone who isn't into classical Chinese or Russian literature. It's not as bad as Arknights, but I'm still not sure if I was able to read and fully understand it without my brain being trained on reading Leo Tolstoy and Fyodor Dostoevsky during my childhood. I can't say that I wasn't being able to read and fully understand it, but I also can't say that I was able to do that as well. It isn't like I was unable to enjoy it to the fullest, but again, I have a pretty weird taste in literature, and even I felt confused during some parts of the story. 


So it's not even an interesting Yap fest like Genshin?, that's....disappointing.


So WuWa is Genshin narrative wise. Guess there won't be a Genshin killer in a while, and Genshin is already bad by itself.


What makes it bad?


I play HSR. Let's not pretend it's any different. In HSR you can spam spacebar or tap the screen at superhuman speed with the fastest possible text and still sit through 15 straight minutes of yapping. Then you do a fight that your team blasts through in less than a minute in auto. Then you do 10 more minutes of yapping. Also, you see the same 3 character animations (raises upturned hand to waist height, puts hand on hip, or rigid 90 degree body turn) over and over and over during those yapping sequences. The lore/story is good, but the dialog and execution outside of music and actual cutscenes is just pure garbage. I love the music, character designs, and combat system (combat is sublime) but the quality of everything else is in the dirt


Hoyo has talented writers? Genshin has been a yapfest since day one and was worse with sumeru update. Hsr? same thing. I'm at my breaking point with hsr. They lock limited time events behind story progression and coupled with long cutscenes and story lines, it makes the game very tiring to play even when i'm not paying attention to it.


Story behind the bad writing is basically, the story in CBT1 was written by a toxic guy who liked having his own self inserts dunk on the player character. He's been fired from multiple games for it. But they had deadlines to make, so after firing him and removing his hack-job, they had to rush the story out. Expect it to get better now that they can take time and be on a proper schedule.


Elden ring is quite vibrant in comparison to I don't know dark souls?


I don't know, man. I'm really liking it. Give it a go yourself, it's free after all.


Combat is addicting Commiting genocide is fun against echos Models are really high quality Other than that, for many its running perfectly fine even well optmized(3070ti here game foesnt even use more than 40% gpu and always less than 20% cpu, even my Relink goes upto 80% same for tsushima) The majority of the issues will get resolced with i m guessing a couple of patches before the week ends anyway, but the combat is hella fun and characters actually show expressions Heck they added unique animation cancels for character after each combat string and the lip syncing is really good in most languages too Game is mad fun when it works, its just some glitches here and there for the others


There is. People shit on every gacha release ever. If you're on the fence just give it some time


Give it not even a week So many people i know seem to be having no issues so far, its really weird to see it happen to other people for some reason Nikke got doomposted on release Ba too Both had issues as well Now both are successful. Just gonna give wuthering waves some time


Funny enough my 778G snapdragon runs better than my gtx 1060... while I can run genshin on medium on PC and get 60 fps but in mobile I.can barely reach 40 fps in my phone


Damn, I have 50-60 at max after initial loading with a gtx 1650 mobile. Drops on new regions though. Not sure what's causing your issue? What I have noticed though is that everytime I think my frames drop, I see my ping spike. I know the latest Nvidia driver had something for wuthering waves as well. Other than that, might be certain settings like FSR? Edit: I entirely agree that the game is unoptimised. I just find it wild that I'm somehow performing better here.


Mhm.... I liked PGR and played it for years, but I got bored of Genshin within a couple of months. Is this for me or should I move on?


Hold on a bit longer , I also left genshin in early patches to only return back in Inazuma then leave again in sumeru to return in fontain. There is nothing wrong in playing occasionally, I would suggest you to try the game again in future patches.


I think I just burned out on it. Went from start of game to Inazuma 100% all maps including the Hole and the snowy mountain. All the while having some miserable luck in the pulls. Only half decent character I could build a team around that I had was Yoimiya. That said I might return to it one day, just think I overdid it going full out on the maps. Got a pretty beefy PC tho, is Wuthering worth trying at least to grab whatever launch campaign I imagine they have going? And is it a rerolling sorta gacha?


Yes it is worth it, and more than that you'll get hooked to combat like me though artifact/ echo farming is gonna be a pain.


Thanks, I'll give it a go. ...And now I kinda want to reinstall PGR. PGR was such a good game.


For performance, Ive never had it run like a slideshow. Don't get me wrong, it is unoptimized but (for me at least) it's still playable and really enjoyable. I never expected it to run perfect day one, since that's how most games have been in recent years (look at literally any triple A game)


It feels like a genshin ripoff to me from every perspective.


I mean the intro of the game is basically a mishmash between Genshin and Star Rail, lol. A mysterious goddess whose appearance is a reference to the devs' previous game (Genshin's one is antagonistic tbf)? Check. A golden something being shoved into MC's chest? Check. The MC waking up to two future party members about to administer CPR on them? Also check.


Well it’s unabashedly definitely that. It’s trying to be Genshin with better combat and gacha rates, but the launch has gone poorly for a lot of people and the gear grind has preemptively turned off a lot of potential players (it’s worse than Genshins) Edit: combat not content, though probably that, too.


Crashes and the game often just doesnt load textures. Runs pretty badly, and its not even using all of my systems capabilities. Like 60% usage for both cpu and gpu. Wher yinlin? Also got verina who feels fcking awful to play. The game also feels too much like genshin and the difficulty i was looking for isnt here. Due to hsr the story and english voice acting also feels pretty bad, scar felt like he was voiced by ai, he didnt feel coherent at all. The echo system seems a bit annoying af, target farming what you need feels actually impossible apart from the big ones. Not that its required at all yet. Still playing, just listing some disappointments.


Another genshin wannabe, sure its a new game so people are hyped but I wouldnt be surprised if it has the same boring endgame/repetitive dailies also garbage optimization, constant stutters on my 4090/Ryzen 9, hell it even lags my entire pc when I alt tab out should have stayed in beta lol..




I like the game but honestly it feels like the mc lacks emotion


welcome to self insert city where shit protagonists are the rule


It doesnt make any sense. Wouldnt self inserting be better with more emotional MCs? I remember there was a meme of Caelus screaming at hoyoverse for taking Firefly away and that honestly felt more impactful than actual Caelus in the game lol But Caelus isnt bad at all


It's the "safe" and sanitized way


Trailblazer in starrail is how a good self insert look. Stelle speak more than lumine in genshin, she dont have paimon to speak for her, she can goof around with trashcans and say funny things in dialogue where the other characters actually react to what you say.  Stelle is one of the most popular characters in starrail in tearms of fanart. She is just that beautiful too.


Sensei wins again


"I don't know who I am. I don't know why I'm here. All I know is I must kill!" idk man i really like some of these dialogue options


Dialogues are cool but we have to understand that everyone has their own preference some prefer a talkative mc or comedic one while some don't. As long as it pleases you it doesn't matter if that game has bad reviews or good so if you like a game then play it don't look for others as there will always be someone who don't like it and it will leave a bad taste to you so enjoy it while it's available


Same with genshin too I guess games like this rarely have a mc with emotions


In genshin paimon helps with lack of emotion by being very talkative and probably that's why the game was able to grab their audience while in star rail they have a good mc with emotions


unfortunately, the longer you play the more fucking annoying paimon gets


I followed a users advice on here on just skipping Paimon dialogue whenever you can in the temporary events and it feels awsome. Im reluctant to do it in Archon quests tho


Nahhh. She's so cute


Based Paimon enjoyer


She was bad but is improving as off late.


I'd rather just not have paimon. It's just walls upon walls of text, at least wuthering waves is way more condensed with it compared to paimon.


And WuWa can actually have the MC voice some of the dialogue, since there is no Paimon. Though I gotta admit, I find it funny how the Traveler Voice actors can go into any Genshinstorypatch completely unspoiled.


the mc is supposed to be the player's self-insert, and the majority of people in the world don't have strong personalities and living a normal boring life (work, eat, sleep). if you give him too much sauces most players cant ralate to him


Thats how most people are in the putside but on the inside they do have sauce but just need an ignition


TFW Tower of Fantasy was a better game than this


I though they figure it out when making Trailblazer. Then again it could be a case of different writer in charge of different game.


WuWa is by Kuro Games. Genshin and Honkai is by Hoyoverse. Two different companies


After hearing EN Yangyang yap for a couple of hours, I was relieved she got kidnapped and liked Scar's lame ass character because of it.


Chixia and Yangyang actually made me switch to another language for a bit. Last game I did that for was Legend of Mana. I am usually very fine with all kinds of weird english voice acting.


Game unoptimized in mobile. Using my friend phone as a reference. Quite shocking his phone is lagging or stuttering. Can run genshin fine but Wuthering Waves nah. Forced him under low settings and 45 fps. Low setting still doesn't help


As someone who has the samsung galaxy ultra 24 and a wifi with 400 mb/s , the game works fine in high setting but some parts are still blurry; also my phone heats up pretty quickly in a room of 70 F° usually I can no longer hold my phone after 3 hours of gameplay.


Yeah, I had to uninstall it on my phone because I honestly can’t play on 200ms with low graphics and 30 fps (yes I am on America servers). I don’t even want to install it on my computer until they start fixing things.


Unoptimized on PC too


The blurriness reminds me of Zelda BOTW blurriness on the nintendo switch. I can still rock with it


disable fsr and anti-aliasing for sharper visuals




Try the devs previous game, punishing gray revan, just skip the first 7 chapters


I thought my pc was a potato, but seeing how it runs the game fine compared to what all those posts say, maybe it can accompany me a few more years.


I have similar experience with it. Expected it to run terrible since my potato laptop is bellow minimal requirements and falls down to single digit fps during rain in witcher 3 but so far, after 2-3 hours, I had to problems other than some npc taking a while to load better textures


Same with me. Idk what's with these posts. I just defeated two bosses, level 40'd 3 characters. No crashes yet.


Crazy to see so many people having issues... Is it from WuWa or Epic installer?? I got the WuWa installer. I went on it about an hour 30 min after it released and had no problem with lag or graphics issues. And on a gaming laptop, Rog Strix G15. It was warming up so I set graphics to medium and it still played fine. Saw people had graphics issues on mobile and PC even on low settings.. That sucks, but hope there's more patches soon. I saw there was a Day 1 patch? At least when I restarted the installer.


Same me and 2 friend had no issue nice 4, 7 & 12h sessions Two other had mild bug But the last one had like ridiculous lag for no reason.








https://preview.redd.it/w2jfflxzr92d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02837ffe7367663d6d0aa769b5938d83d8f3b10b I'm still crying here too my dude


It worked somewhat well for me. Just gotta wait for optimization updates for the unfortunate ones


my only issue is my 6th-gen i7 bottlenecking it. other than that, my memory and GPU are way more than powerful enough to run it at a constant 60 at max settings. *issue only happens between changing focuses too fast/much.*


I'm gonna give it a bit longer, but I am definitely seeing all the issues people are talking about. Was looking forward to a more action heavy game like this, if it doesn't pan out I guess just more hype for ZZZ


Same, downloaded but haven't played yet, also waiting for for my backbone controller to come.


Just did this few minutes ago


Same tactics as Genshin I see. I'm ashamed to admit, but this shit worked on me once. I was depressed and the sight of a crying Amber broke me, so I couldn't uninstall. Had to play that game for a few months longer, to gather a strength to uninstall it.


Same thing here dude. I am fully aware that it’s only a device the devs use to coerce people to not uninstall, and I’m fully aware that it’s psychological manipulation, but god if it’s not effective. I dunno if that means I’m weak or whatever, but I can’t deny it.


Really? I didn't even know Genshin does this, but i left genshin after the second content update so it's been a while.


Played a game for a about 2 hours, not that bad, didn't encounter any bugs or crashes. But I expected some problems to occur in the first day of launch, like every game ever so I'll give it a time to sort out stuff first week. In a mean awhile, back to D2 grind


999ms bruh


Personally gonna wait for a few updates and see if the fix the bugs and performance, although I can't really see this game keeping my attention for long anyways


Gaslighting a user with his waifu to keep him in the casino, genius


So much hopes for that games.... \*sigh\*


Played a bit today, the combat is interesting, but honestly having no elemental reactions and characters not looking that appealing to me makes me not wanna continue.


Personally, I'm waiting for Endfield. It's a very different style of game, but still, hopefully Hypergryph learn any second-hand lessons they need too from this.


This game should have been on pc or console with the requirements. It doesn't seem bad but it's a bit much.


It's not killing Genshin as initially thought by twitter. Good game though, just not up to par with Genshin's quality. Also, what's up with the EN voice acting? Actually terribad. What VA agency did hire?


I believe in Kuro. They can do it. I’m just not gonna play it on my phone.


Wasn't this tactic made illegal in some countries? I could swear that there was a news article on it, but my google-fu is weak.


the voice actors sound like ai in this game


Hold up, it made by kurogames? Nice, pgr is great but I don't think action RPG is my style so I can't really get into it most of the time


Corporations are becoming more and more manipulative.. I'll personally have a hard time uninstalling if I was greeted with this..


Name of the game?


Wuthering waves,do note the game has some technical issues and it's a gacha.


Is this end screen a common thing for all Gachas, or this something they actually just blatantly stole from Genshin?


I've seen it in a couple gacha game uninstallers too. Pretty sure Genshin isn't even the first one to do so.


Runs good on my iPhone 12 🤔


What is that?




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I was looking forward to it for the combat. Learning that there's no controller support for mobile just makes me want to give up on it, but I'll give it time to have it installed. Until then it stays in the attic.


Y'know what they should do? Instead of just clicking a confirm button to uninstall, they should make you do a little minigame where your mouse is a crosshair, and the 'confirm' is the crying mascot girl's head. Make sure it's all chibi so it's all cutesy and jokey (so no one can make a serious accusation of emotional blackmail against you), and when she falls over dead the ghost floating out of her is the uninstall progress bar. Now THAT'S peak manipulation.


I saw just because I had to reinstall to get rid of the 65% loading screen bug. I redownloaded instantly I’m sorry T_T


I tried making an kuro account yesterday but just didnt work. I never got the verification code. the wuwa site was completely unusable in trying to make an account, so i tried doing in ingame. I think im just gonna uninstall the game and move on. I only planned to grab freebies and and redeem codes anyway.


Aside from the lag the story is hilariously bad like the mc acts like a shitty Isekai anime


I'm playing on mobile and haven't got any issues from the game, well other than bugs ingame


Certified >!Clear All Cathy!< moment


I still can't believe many people don't really like it. I'm having a blast playing it. My pc is not that powerful as it's a Nvidia GTX 1650 and I play with max settings. The graphics are what's keeping me glued to the game as its just way more beautiful than Genshin, I love that you can run without consuming stamina and ESPECIALLY rup up walls as that's like the best feature ever. The combat is way more fun and fast paced, not as difficult as PGR but it's more than enough, can't complain about story since it just released and it's typical to feel empty in the beginning of the game as Genshin also felt boring in the beginning at least for me. So far I also like that small characters doesn't really feel like were controlling a baby like with Klee or Qiqi from Genshin, in fact for me I felt like I'm controlling a bit aged up kids which I like. I also play this on my phone Realme 10 Pro Plus and it's ok a bit and I didn't mind if I have to lower the graphics since I mainly use my pc anyway and only use my phone if I'm not at home. I'm hoping for the best for KURO and continue improving the game. Nothing can "kill" Genshin as it have huge fanbase(mostly hardcore toxic fans....yes I'm had my share experience in saying this), but Genshin truly need a competitor so they can actually improve their game and don't just squeeze money from players. I already loose hope in this year's anniversary rewards 😂 what will they give us? 14 Fates?


What is this?


I have no storage... And my phone is unable to play it.


Took a page from genshin and honkai with the pity party uninstall


https://i.redd.it/ypnn26yxm82d1.gif Unironically my happiest uninstall in my life God, wuwa made me reminded why i deeply hated genshin. The yappings is just so terrible


It might be another game play game rather than story + gameplay


tbh, i wouldn't even complaining the yapping if this is the case. however, they still opted of story + gameplay like genshin. here's a thing. unless you are isakusan or shaoji, just dont attempt making long ass dialogues if you are just gonna use it to lore dump...*like how wuwa did* i know it was rewritten cause cn player complain about *why everyone is hostile and suspicious to them..i mean i would be hostile to strangers if this era is about our world is at a major war* but i wish u get the point i do read gacha game stories when its interesting, that's how i manages to read the entire 5-7 hours of penacony or the dreaded 4 hours of the first half of sumeru or me being motivated to save my students at chapter F. wuwa doesnt really click and please, dont get me to the "its kuro. they gonna make the lore interesting after than dumpsterfire of an introduction of pure info dumping" no..let's not encourage game writers to do this. we need more shaoji and isakusan that being said. i do wish wuwa just gone to gameplay and just ditch the whole lore if they can't make it interesting. having long as dialogues which aren't skippable (at least on the main story) is more painful than grinding on genshin, hsr or even wuwa itself


To be fair Paimon yapa about half as much and you seem to like reading. I'm more of a visual learner so I'd rather see story than read it. Im already use to clicking fast on talkative people anyways. Besides i heard it gets good on part 5 and ik you said you don't want to hear that but i have to bring it up to feel you that this form is protesting isn't gonna work lol. Especially when Kuro apparently redid story beforewhich means they aren't gonna redo it again. I can still keep up a bit since I use to read some manhua though

