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i've been watching anime for 10 years now and I've watched nearly 600 series to completion.....I have no life.


No anime no life


and sadly no season 2


Season 2 got dismissed by life


mfw find that one good anime, finish it and then find out there is no signs of s2 ever happening (I still have hope)


We're about the same and I still got 2000 anime in my ptw. I only watch about 5 shows a month though


What are your top 5 tho


At least that's decent compared to my friend with 1400 shows completed ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1717)


With such a broad viewing knowledge i have to ask, which one was your favourite?


This was me until about 5 years ago. Now it's all manga, but I've been doing that even longer lol.


Ahh this reminds me off summer break and endless anime mayhem. Let's go (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)


I think you have no game and no life buddy


Take a break from anime ,phone , media for a while then you will start enjoying it


Yup now it feels more and more difficult and on top of it caching up to anime from previous seasons https://preview.redd.it/lhd8cs1foq2d1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=1af0dd50df5f6921cbb91d8d4c87ff05fd4d23ca


I wanna blame the current quality but it's prolly just me


People who watch seasonals and binge watch other shows https://i.redd.it/f1iu54kagq2d1.gif


I feel like i've watched every anime under the sun lmao.


Now watch it under the moon :3


Oh really? Name every anime cat girl


I have transitioned from watching a lot of Animes to reading lot of mangas/manhwas/manhuas. Hell I might be getting into Novels too in the future. Last properly anime I watched was.... 3 years ago


Ah, the same route I went down. Anime from junior high school to high school. Transitioning to manga at the end of high school to early University. Moved into webnovels during university.


silent, can pause any time, read anywhere... the less time you have, the more inclined you are to transition to reading format.


Plus, 90% of the time they have better pacing than the anine.


More like you can just read faster


No, they actually have better pacing. One Piece is the most clear-cut example. In the manga, there was an exchange that was 4 panels on one page. The anime made is over two minutes. I realize that's an extreme example, but seasonal anime aren't immune. My Hero Academia had the My Villain Academia arc absolutely butchered by the anime. They changed the order, so the whole arc us set up as a flash back. The events are still referenced in the arc that preceded it in the anime because it that arc was after in the manga. Big character moments that took time and are properly held on to are rushed in the anime. One of the character's story was outright cut. Do you wato know why all these changes were made? To promote a movie.


I have transitioned from reading a lot of manga to reading a lot of hentai




same bro, i rarely watch anime now, i think the only animes im watching this season are Mushoku Tensei, a bit of Konosuba and Frieren, but i read all the manga/novels of them for now. Just now got up to date with the Slime Tensei Light Novel and.... why i would want to watch the anime? Same with Jujutsu Kaisen and Demon Slayer, if im up to date with the manga, why spent time watching the anime?


This happens a lot to be fair, it just feels more relaxing and nice to read manga


Same here, brother. It's not that I don't want to watch anime anymore, it's just I don't have a whole lot of free time now. And I can spend it playing games with friends or watching anime. So I choose games, and read manga when I have a bit of downtime.


i agree, also a gamer, and i find that game times often collides with anime time, but i do love reading manga and the light novels... oh god do i bingeread the good light novels. Probably bingeread the whole of Mushoku Tensei in a week


After I started reading mangas instead of animes I just can't sit through most of them now. Even when they're good, it just feels like theres not enough subtitles to read lmao.


I feel like i m at the start of this journey,i got internet access and laptop in college (when i was 15) started watching anime in 2022, watched total of 35 shows in 2+ yrs,and can't read manga/novels cuz they look so boring ( i tried like 4 times,2 black white,2 colored,no animation, no va,no music,no soundeffects,a lot of text) i feel like i have adhd brain who knows?


RIP my attention span. I miss it so much.


It's ok buddy, I don't think your attention span is bad. ![gif](giphy|UTemva5AkBntdGyAPM|downsized)


I was in this situation. I bough a sofa and a TV screen, and now I'm happily watching anime again. Turns out it was the lack of comfort that was blocking me.


It's the lack of time. Ever since i finished schools an started working i have less time for free activities which makes me a lot morep picky about what i do during those.


I would eat that maids ass


This comment made me laugh ngl ,it sounded in my head: YEEEE ,I M GONNA EAT THAT BIG ASS MAIDS BIG ASS ,YEEEE *drops saliva*


I simply evolve to instead of watching anime, I now read like 50 chapters of manga a day


What show was this again?


If an anime cant catch my interest in episode or two,i dont watch it


That's pretty much my rule.


I used to watch a lot of random anime from grade school to the first two years of Highschool. Then I switched over to reading more manga. Tbh now I’m significantly more selective with what I watch, which in turn means I watch A LOT less anime. Now that I’m older I’m not wasting my time on stinkers.


I'm tired, boss.


People trying to force themselves to watch something they don't care about just so they can say they watch it is pretty weird. Like just watch the shows you care about.


i love to binge watch, but i learned what patience is and im enjoying anime way more, right now im watching a lot of animes, spice and wolf, tensei shitara slime, konosuba, dungeon meshi, and a couple more that are in emssion, i watch 1 or 2 episodes of each a day and by the time im done the week has passed and new chapters came out! so i always have something to watch while i eat and stuff and im not all anxious waiting.


Work or burnout? Bit of both for me Kind of burnt out on most anime just being something like isekai and just not that interesting and work has long shifts I have transitioned to picking up more manga from time to time but when I got dragon ball, I was kind of burnt out on deciding which manga to keep following, so I just dropped it all and focused on Dragon Ball I'm on volume 8 and I might start picking other stuff up again after that


Same here OP, I used to watch tons of anime curr my limits are around 10-18 animes a season and 99% of those are seasonal ones. The important part is that you are still watching them :D. Rather than saying that you are too old for it.


What anime is this?


Top: i want you to show me ur panties with a disgusted face.


You have no idea how good you have it, binging an entire show is a curse not a blessing, you'll be going through anime so fast you'll run out of shows to watch. Soon you'll have to dig deep within the anime archives hoping to find the next anime to satisfy you!


Either I watch the entire show in one sitting or I watch 1 episode at a time over the course of a year. Whether I love the show or not has no impact, either.


We're spoilt for choice. Now if an anime doesn't immediately hook me I'm going to get bored pretty quickly. I think it's also part of my perspective on anime in general, I think there's way too many shows, and again too many shows only get a single season when the manga is still ongoing and fantastic. I'd rather watch the first episode of 10 different shows searching for something that genuinely entertains me than sit down and watch something mediocre all the way through. When I do find that special show suddenly I find I'm still capable of binge watching, like I did with Kagyua-sama Love is War.


God how I've fall I can't even finish ten anime that is in my watchlist right(all of it are on hold)


To be honest after reading so many manga I kinda dont watch anime that much since I've already read the manga of the anime that is being released today. Seeing how many cut content is in the anime it kinda makes me not really wanna watch it anymore.....


I started this one anime a month ago and now I’m on episode 5


Same, it’s been replaced with either being able to read 100 chapters of manga in a day or 4 chapters.


When i was in college I could knock out a movie and multiple episodes until at least 2am. Now I only watch 2 episodes a piece of what's ever on my watchlist. Then there's all the new shows debuting each season Went from dead sprint watching whole seasons to marathoning a few episodes over the course of a week


Yeah, i feel this. Due to changes in my work, ive lost a good majority if my free time and it sucks. There are so many games I want to play/series i want to watch.


Life gets busy fren, it's ok


so real.


Yeah, I remember watching 2 cour seasons in a day like "it's less than 9 hours if I skip intros & outros, no big deal" which even on my off days now feels like an impossibility.


I think it's just as we get older, we find it harder to connect to shows/games/etc. with our entire being. In my high-school and college days, I'd watch a season of anime easy, or play a JRPG for 10 hours, stuff like that. I was having the time of my life! Now, if I'm watching a seasonal anime that I'm not super into, I might pause it halfway through an episode and finish it later; There's just no connection. On the other hand, I've been rewatching a couple anime I really enjoyed and it's still easy to get 6 episodes in a day (I intentionally slow down so I can enjoy it for an extra day or two). I just hope I can always find new anime I can connect with. This season is stacked, thankfully!


I don't get it. Why can't you finish 2 episodes?


This is becomming me right now, i now work 40 hours a week since recently and i dont really feel like i have the energy to watch as mich as i want to. I usually watch most of the seasonals and a couple olders shows at the same time but now i can only watch like half of the seasonals and barely any other show.


Same. Between work and kids, I don't get much chance to watch, aside from my lunch break.


Just watch dub and put on as background noise I manly do it to basic 12 ep anime


Same all sorts of new stuff coming out but I just can’t take the time to watch them


One time I started at 00:00am to watch one piece until the next day at 00:00am again. I watched 48 episodes of it in a single day. I was addicted to the Skypeia arc. I had that much time.


I would rather read an anime than watch it most of the time, I treat anime like getting to see my favorite parts animated, so I skim till I get to the parts I want to see.


Work, studying, and games take up most of my time. So I can only read manga on my breaks at work.


I have been watching anime since the 80s, I have finished series I didn't even like and have forgotten more protagonists and waifus than I care to admit. Sometimes, anime burnout isn't solved by a few weeks away from all media.


Hell yeah, 2 episodes per one fckin year


This is me but I slowly stopped watching anime as I feel like the quality went to shit


There's only one anime I can ever sit down and binge anymore, that's One Piece. Anything else I can only watch in 3-4 episode bursts due to everything being 12 episode seasons.


Yeah, feel like i am getting there. Back than i watch every new anime in the session but now just the really good one i like(⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)


so... while I don't even watch that much anime anymore I did binge watch all of Ishura in 1 night (first anime I have watched in over a year)


Funny. Yesterday I watched season one and two of konosuba and got caught up on season 3


I used to be able to do a season of 13 ep every 4 hours slept for 2 and do it again. Then I got old


I mean if you can't watch it, it's probably not worth watching


It is not your fault dude as this is the life cycle of every weeb


Guess I'm not a weeb.


Wrong. I have a full time job and still watch around 5-6 episodes per day, on a work day. I don't get how people say they don't have time. They just can't manage theirs.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it


With great Responsibilities comes Lesser time ![gif](giphy|iTnVKXAWDvRmw)


Reject anime, return to manga.